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We investigated the temporal dynamics of dust entrainment in the Bodélé Depression, Central Sahara, to better understand the intra-annual variability of aerosol emission in the world's largest dust source. The linkages between dust entrainment and large-scale meteorological factors were examined by correlating several meteorological variables in the Mediterranean and Africa north of the equator with the aerosol concentrations in the Bodélé Depression separately for winter and summer. The methodological tools applied are NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and the aerosol index of the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS-AI), available for 15 years from 1978 to 1993. We found that dust mobilisation during the Harmattan season is highly dependent on air pressure variability in the Mediterranean area. High pressure to the north of the Bodélé intensifies the NE trade winds, leading to an increased entrainment of dust in the Bodélé Depression. In summer, dust mobilization cannot be explained by the large scale meteorological conditions. This highlights the importance of local to regional wind systems linked to the northernmost position of the intertropical convection zone (ITCZ) during this time.  相似文献   
ERA5再分析数据适用性初步评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用山东省及周边地区10个站点的地面和高空观测资料对ERA5再分析资料的适用性进行了初步评估。结果表明:再分析的海平面气压和2 m温度与实况资料的相关性明显优于2 m相对湿度和10 m风场;高空温度和相对湿度在对流层中低层的适用性要好于高层,而位势高度和风场在中高层适用性较好;海平面气压再分析与实况的相关有着最明显的季节变化,2 m温度、2 m相对湿度和10 m风速则在部分站点有较明显的季节变化,而10 m风向的相关系数更多地表现出站点之间的差异,高空要素的适用性,季节和区域差异不明显。另外,对比发现,ERA5的适用性总体上要优于ERA-Interim再分析资料,地面和对流层低层的相对湿度、风场提高更为明显。  相似文献   
用NCEP/NCAR再分析辐射资料估算月平均地表反照率   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
张琼  钱永甫 《地理学报》1999,54(4):309-317
本文利用1979年 ̄1995年17年平均的NCEP/NCAR(National Center for Environmen-tal Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research,美国国家环境预报中心/美国国家大气研究中心)再分析辐射资料估算了全球月平均地表反照率.从所得结果的时空分布来看,用NCEP/NCAR辐射资料得到的全球地表反照率基本  相似文献   
波浪能的开发利用作为海洋可再生能源发展的重要组成部分,持续受到社会和学界的广泛关注。广东省波浪能资源的开发利用具有得天独厚的优势,但其发展水平还处于探索阶段,亟须进一步加强。本文利用长达40年(1979—2018年)的ERA-Interim再分析波浪资料,从总体分布特征上分析了广东沿海波浪能资源及其长期变化趋势。粤东-珠江口-粤西沿岸一线,波浪能资源呈现"低-高-低-高-低"的分布特征,具有显著的季节变化特征;长期变化趋势上呈现显著的逐年线性递增特征,递增速率为0.054 3 kW/(m·a),其中1979—1994年变化较为快速,2001—2018年变化较为平缓。  相似文献   
再分析风场数据至今已发展了约30年,目前人们使用区域乃至全球网格化再分析数据集愈加频繁,但风场再分析数据在强天气过程中的强度明显不足,将风场再分析数据同台风观测数据相融合是解决问题的重要途径,本文通过"构建经验台风圆形风场-叠加台风移行风场-流入角修正-叠加背景再分析风场"的基本思路,融合了西太平洋联合警报中心的所有台...  相似文献   
杨兵  侯一筠 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(5):978-990
基于高分辨率CFSR(climate forecast system reanalysis)风场资料、气候态海洋混合层厚度资料和卫星高度计海面高度异常资料,本文估计了大气风场向全球海洋混合层的近惯性能通量和近惯性能量输入功率,并探究了混合层厚度、风场时间分辨率、经验衰减系数和中尺度涡旋涡度对近惯性能通量和能量输入功率的影响。浮标实测风场和流速表明,本文所用的风场和阻尼平板模型可用于估计风场向全球海洋的近惯性能通量。本文计算得到的大气向全球海洋输入近惯性能量的功率为0.56TW(1TW=1012W),其中北半球贡献0.22TW,南半球贡献0.34TW。在时间上,风场的近惯性能通量呈现各个半球冬季最强、夏季最弱的特征,这和西风带风场的季节变化有关。在空间上,近惯性能通量的高值海域为南、北半球西风带海洋,尤其是南大洋。混合层厚度和风场空间不均匀性使得西风带近惯性能通量呈现纬向变化,即海盆西部强于海盆东部。风场时间分辨率对近惯性能通量的估计至关重要,低时间分辨率风场对近惯性能通量的低估达到13%—30%。阻尼平板模型中的经验衰减系数对近惯性能通量估计的影响不超过5%。中尺...  相似文献   
The role of Arctic clouds in the recent rapid Arctic warming has attracted much attention. However, Arctic cloud water paths(CWPs) from reanalysis datasets have not been well evaluated. This study evaluated the CWPs as well as LWPs(cloud liquid water paths) and IWPs(cloud ice water paths) from five reanalysis datasets(MERRA-2,MERRA, ERA-Interim, JRA-55, and ERA5) against the COSP(Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project Observations Simulator Package) output for MODIS from the MERRA-2 CSP(COSP satellite simulator) collection(defined as M2 Modis in short). Averaged over 1980–2015 and over the Arctic region(north of 60°N), the mean CWPs of these five datasets range from 49.5 g/m~2(MERRA) to 82.7 g/m~2(ERA-Interim), much smaller than that from M2 Modis(140.0 g/m~2). However, the spatial distributions of CWPs, show similar patterns among these reanalyses, with relatively small values over Greenland and large values over the North Atlantic. Consistent with M2 Modis, these reanalyses show larger LWPs than IWPs, except for ERA-Interim. However, MERRA-2 and MERRA underestimate the ratio of IWPs to CWPs over the entire Arctic, while ERA-Interim and JRA-55 overestimate this ratio. ERA5 shows the best performance in terms of the ratio of IWPs to CWPs. All datasets exhibit larger CWPs and LWPs in summer than in winter. For M2 Modis, IWPs hold seasonal variation similar with LWPs over the land but opposite over the ocean. Following the Arctic warming, the trends in LWPs and IWPs during 1980~2015 show that LWPs increase and IWPs decrease across all datasets, although not statistically significant. Correlation analysis suggests that all datasets have similar interannual variability. The study further found that the inclusion of re-evaporation processes increases the humidity in the atmosphere over the land and that a more realistic liquid/ice phase can be obtained by independently treating the liquid and ice water contents.  相似文献   
利用不同资料研究我国大陆上空柱水汽含量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1971—2001年探空资料以及ERA-40和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料分别得到地面到300 hPa我国大陆上空大气柱水汽含量,对3种不同资料所得的柱水汽含量的空间分布特征以及线性趋势进行对比分析。结果表明:3种资料得到的柱水汽含量年平均和季节平均的空间分布特征一致;3种资料年平均的线性变化趋势在东北地区、内蒙古东部地区,西南地区北部、华南沿海和新疆北部地区均呈增加趋势;在华北和华东的部分地区,ERA-40和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料为降低趋势,而探空资料得到的柱水汽含量变化相对较小,但未通过信度检验;探空资料得到的柱水汽含量的相对变化显示我国东北地区、内蒙古东部地区、新疆地区的增加更显著。  相似文献   
In this study, 16 combinations of the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) reanalyzed daily rainfall and the pentad CMAP in China for the period 1980- 1993( 1May - 31 Dec. ) were calculated. Correlation analysis was used to roughly evaluate daily rainfall for the whole of China and a combination of RPC (rotated principal component) and wavelet analyses was applied to data on observed and combined daily rainfall to obtain a detailed evaluation of the quality of these combined datasets in 6 selected major rainfall regions of eastern China. The results showed that except for intraweekly fluctuation, the best combination was roughly similar to or accorded well with observation in the aspects of space variation patterns and long period rainfall fluctuations related to monsoon onset and serious meteorologic disasters, indicating that this combination yielded better values of long term daily mean and standard deviation through the pentad CMAP ( CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation), and can also represent rainfall fluctuations through the reanalyzed daily rainfall.  相似文献   
山区降水较集中,但降水测站多位于山谷或人口密集区,代表性差。遥感和再分析降水产品能提供时空分布连续的数据,不受地形条件限制。柴达木盆地中心属干旱荒漠区,水是制约该区开发的首要条件,其四周属高寒山区,降水相对较多,但降水监测十分薄弱。为获取该区相对精确的降水时空分布信息,本文评估了4套高分辨率降水产品(CMADS、TRMM、GPM和MSWEP)的适用性。首先基于地面站点数据评估它们在不同时空尺度上的精度,并分析它们在柴达木盆地的空间分布和年内分配特征。然后,以盆地东南隅的无测站山区香日德河流域为研究区,利用降水产品驱动SWAT模型来评估它们的分布式水文模拟适用性。结果表明:(1) MSWEP在年、月尺度上与站点降水的吻合程度最高(R≥0.79,PBIAS=0.5%),其次是GPM和TRMM,CMADS精度最低(R≥0.64,PBIAS=5.8%);(2)从降水精度与站点高程的关系来看,降水产品在相对低海拔区容易高估站点降水,而在相对高海拔区常低估实际降水;(3)在香日德河流域,MSWEP(NSE=0.64)在基准期(2009—2012年)的径流模拟表现明显好于其它降水产品(NSE=0.3...  相似文献   
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