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Vertical and temporal variations in the activities of234Th,210Po and210Pb have been measured, in both dissolved and paniculate phases, at several stations in the eastern Arabian Sea and north-central Bay of Bengal. A comparative study allows us to make inferences about the particle associated scavenging processes in these two seas having distinct biogeochemical properties. A common feature of the234Th profiles, in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, is that the dissolved as well as total (dissolved + particulate) activity of234Th is deficient in the surface 200 m with respect to its parent,238U. This gross deficiency is attributed to the preferential removal of234Th by adsorption onto settling particles which account for its net loss from the surface waters. The scavenging rates of dissolved234Th are comparable in these two basins. The temporal variations in the234Th-238U disequilibrium are significantly pronounced both in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal indicating that the scavenging rates are more influenced by the increased abundance of particles rather than their chemical make-up. In the mixed layer (0–50 m), the scavenging residence time of234Th ranges from 30 to 100 days. The surface and deep waters of both the seas show an enhanced deficiency of dissolved210Po relative to210Pb and that of210Pb relative to226Ra. The deficiencies of both210Po and210Pb in the dissolved phases are not balanced by their abundance in the particulate form indicating a net loss of both these nuclides from the water column. The scavenging rates of210Po and210Pb are significantly enhanced in the Bay of Bengal compared to those in the Arabian Sea. The mean dissolved210Po/210Pb and210Pb/226Ra activity ratios in deep waters of the Bay of Bengal are ∼ 0.7 and 0.1, respectively, representing some of the most pronounced disequilibria observed to date in the deep sea. The Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea appear to be the regions of most intense particle moderated scavenging processes in the world oceans. This is evidenced by the gross disequilibria exhibited by the three isotope pairs used in this study.  相似文献   
运用已建立的气溶胶核化清除的物理化学模式,研究了云的动力学因子(如:气块上升速度、夹卷作用)对云滴化学非均匀性的影响。计算结果表明:较强烈的云发展(较大的气块上升速度)可加强由于气溶胶核化和云滴凝结增长造成的云滴化学的非均匀程度。夹卷作用抑制了云的发展,因而减弱了这种非均匀程度。夹卷作用同时也造成总体液态水中S(VI)、H+等浓度的增加,在Smax附近可达1个量级。如果考虑气溶胶粒子的夹卷,则可使气块内云滴污染物浓度随云滴大小的变化更加复杂化,如:不仅云滴污染物浓度随云滴大小而变化,即使对于相同大小的云滴之间,其污染物浓度也可相差很大。  相似文献   
利用布设在秦皇岛市抚宁地区的OTT Parsivel激光雨滴谱仪和卢龙地区S波段天气雷达,对2017—2019年4—9月共23次降水过程进行了观测,并分析了基于雨滴谱参数(滴谱粒子数N(D)和粒子直径大小D0)计算的雷达反射率因子ZD和雷达探测的雷达反射率因子ZR的差异ZC。结果表明,N(D)主要集中在130~530个范围内,ZC标准差随着N(D)的增大而逐渐减少;D0主要集中在0.8~1.6 mm范围内,ZC标准值在D0<1.2 mm范围内随着D0的增大而逐渐减少,D0在1.2~1.6 mm范围内趋于稳定;ZD主要集中在15~40 dBZ范围内,ZC标准差在15~35 dBZ范围内随着ZD值增大而减小。  相似文献   
TheVerticalTransportofAirPollutantsbyConvectiveCloudsPartⅡ:TransportofSolubleGasesandSensitivityTestsKongFanyou(孔凡铀)(Departme...  相似文献   
In this paper, the evolution of the microphysical characteristics in different regions(eyewall, inner core, and outer rainbands) and different quadrants [downshear left(DL), downshear right(DR), upshear left(UL), and upshear right(UR)]during the final landfall of Typhoon Ewiniar(2018) is analyzed using two-dimensional video disdrometer and S-band polarimetric radar data collected in Guangdong, China. Due to the different types of underlying surfaces, the periods before landfall(mainly dominated ...  相似文献   

The modelling of soil loss and investigation of urban hydrology and wet weather pollution in Malaysia requires the definition of rainfall parameters for the region. In this study, an inexpensive method was applied to establish the influence of raindrop diameter on kinetics and rain intensity in Skudai, Peninsular Malaysia, as a prelude to wider regional research. Raindrop sizes vary from less than 1.2 mm to as big as 7.0 mm, with median raindrop diameters of 2.51 mm and a mean diameter of 2.56 mm. The median raindrop diameter–intensity relationship correlates strongly using power and exponential equations, with coefficients of determination of 0.75 and 0.73, respectively. The kinetic energy–intensity relationship fits an exponential function and also a linear equation with R2 values of 0.49 and 0.34, respectively. An average rain kinetic energy of 30 J m-2 mm-1 was recorded. This research leads to an objective reclassification of rainfall intensities in the region.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   
利用2015-2017年河南省层状云降水过程的Parsivel(Partical Size and Velocity)激光雨滴谱观测资料,对层状云降水的雨滴数浓度、含水量、雨滴直径等微物理参量特征及不同尺度的降水粒子对雨强的贡献进行了统计分析,并采用2种拟合方法对层状云降水雨滴谱进行了拟合。结果表明:河南省层状云降水的空间结构不均匀,各微物理参量的变化存在着起伏,雨滴数浓度为102个/m3量级,个别达到103个/m3,含水量在10-2~10-1 g/m3,粒子平均直径<0.5 mm左右,统计的不同台站平均最大粒子直径为1~2 mm,雨强平均值不超过1 mm/h。直径为<2 mm的雨滴对雨强的贡献占96.23%,直径小于1 mm的雨滴对数浓度的贡献最大。雨强是由雨滴最大直径、平均直径和数浓度3者共同决定。层状云降水雨滴的谱分布较窄,滴谱曲线比较平滑。降水开始时,谱型为单峰结构;降水处于稳定阶段时,谱型为双峰和单峰相结合的结构。层状云拟合M-P分布和Г分布偏差均出现在直径<1 mm的小雨滴端,对于微小粒子随直径增大而增多导致的曲线弯曲没能表现出来,相对而言Г分布拟合效果明显略优于M-P分布的拟合效果。河南省层状云降水的2种分布形式分别为N(D)=7373.9exp(-3.67D)和N(D)=10492.05D1.62exp(-5.11D)。  相似文献   
利用2020—2021年昭苏地区夏季的雨滴谱数据,研究层状云和对流云降水的微物理参量及雨滴谱特征。结果表明:对流云降水的粒子数浓度和粒子直径明显偏大,较大的粒子直径和粒子数浓度使得其降水强度和液态含水量远大于层状云降水。两类降水云的雨滴谱均为单峰结构,峰值直径主要分布在0.5~0.625 mm,对流云降水的雨滴谱谱宽明显大于层状云降水。两类降水云的雨滴直径和粒子数浓度与青藏高原中部的观测值相近,且昭苏地区的对流云滴谱更倾向于大陆性对流簇。研究结果有助于加深对昭苏地区降水的微物理特征及其演变规律的理解。  相似文献   
The Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer (Q-AMS) was coupled with a counterflow virtual impactor (CVI) for the first time to measure cloud droplet residuals of warm tropospheric clouds on Mt. Åreskutan in central Sweden in July 2003. Operating the CVI in different operational modes generated mass concentration and species-resolved mass distribution data for non-refractory species of the ambient, interstitial, and residual aerosol. The ambient aerosol measurements revealed that the aerosol at the site was mainly influenced by long-range transport and regional photochemical generation of nitrate and organic aerosol components. Four different major air masses were identified for the time interval of the experiment. While two air masses that approached the site from northeastern Europe via Finland showed very similar aerosol composition, the other two air masses from polar regions and the British Islands had a significantly different composition. During cloud events the larger aerosol particles were found to be activated into cloud droplets. On a mass basis the activation cut-off diameter was approximately 150 nm for nitrate and organics dominated particles and 200 nm for sulfate dominated particles. Generally nitrate and organics were found to be activated into cloud droplets with higher efficiency than sulfate. While a significant fraction of the nitrate in ambient particles was organic nitrates or nitrogen-containing organic species, the nitrate found in the cloud droplet residuals was mainly ammonium nitrate. After passage of clouds the ambient aerosol size distribution had shifted to smaller particle sizes due to the predominantly activation of larger aerosol particles without a significant change in the relative composition of the ambient aerosol.  相似文献   
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