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新研制的GPS探空仪是在我国高空站网上普遍使用的L波段雷达-数字探空仪系统中增加GPS定位模块,高空风数据不但可以通过GPS定位数据计算获得,同时还可以通过L波段雷达单测风方式进行计算,这样使其自身获得了多方面的动态比对试验。通过对23份对比施放记录分析发现:在一般情况下,经过同等的适当滑动平滑后,从L波段雷达和GPS定位两个独立系统得出的高空风廓线基本一致,说明L波段雷达的测风精度基本可以达到GPS测风水平。但在探空仪上升到高空小风速区且远离测站时,雷达测风精度明显较GPS测风精度低,需要对原始数据进行更大范围的平滑。对照分析表明:目前高空站的L波段雷达观测业务还有较大发展潜力。  相似文献   
陈中钰  徐晓莉 《气象科技》2018,46(3):462-467
基于L波段探空综合观测的逐秒数据制定了秒数据质量控制方法,对每次探空综合观测结束后的秒级数据文件进行大段数据缺失检查、瞬时值检查、施放点订正检查、放球时间订正检查、高度差检查、气温变率检查、气压变率检查、相对湿度变率检查、仰角变率检查、方位角变率检查、斜距变率检查、升速检查、终止点检查和僵值检查。通过该方法对四川2016年探空秒级数据文件进行质量控制,发现该质量控制方法可以很好地检查出L波段探空综合观测秒数据的错误。质控结果表明:通过高度差检查的放球次数仅有1105次,通过斜距变率检查的放球次数有2221次,方位角变率检查、气温变率检查、仰角变率检查有六至七成的通过率,施放点订正检查、放球时间订正检查、湿度变率检查有近九成的通过率,剩余检查通过率在九成以上。综合总的可疑信息数量和全年平均至1次放球提出的疑误数量,探空秒数据中不正常斜距出现频率较高,雷达计算高度与压高公式计算高度超阈值情况较多,其它检查发现的疑误相对较少。  相似文献   
基于云南探空仪换型平行观测期间各标准等压面上的温度和位势高度观测数据以及对应的ECMWF模式预报场数据,利用偏差、标准差、均方根误差和相关系数等对新、旧探空仪观测数据进行对比分析和评估。结果表明:新、旧探空仪观测数据一致性较好,在100 hPa以下两者温度绝对偏差小于1.0℃,位势高度绝对偏差小于30 gpm,100 hPa以上温度和位势高度最大绝对偏差分别为3.9℃和151.0 gpm。除高层个别等压面外,新、旧探空仪观测数据离散性基本一致或新探空仪离散性相对较小。新探空仪观测数据与模式数据更为一致,在中高层表现更为明显;相对于模式数据,新、旧探空仪温度偏差分别集中在±0.7℃、±0.9℃左右,最大均方根误差分别为3.0℃、4.5℃,平均相关系数分别约为0.78、0.73;新、旧探空仪位势高度最大偏差分别为28.5 gpm、130.9 gpm,最大均方根误差分别为87.6 gpm、136.9 gpm,平均相关系数分别约为0.86、0.78。  相似文献   
Reconciling upper-air temperature trends derived from radiosonde and satellite observations is a necessary step to confidently determine the global warming rate. This study examines the raw and homogenized radiosonde observations over China and compares them with layer-mean atmospheric temperatures derived from satellite microwave observations for the lower-troposphere(TLT), mid-troposphere(TMT), upper-troposphere(TUT), and lower-stratosphere(TLS) by three research groups. Comparisons are for averages over China, excluding the Tibetan Plateau, and at individual stations where metadata contain information on radiosonde instrument changes. It is found that major differences between the satellite and radiosonde observations are related to artificial systematic changes. The radiosonde system updates in the early 2000 s over China caused significant discontinuities and led the radiosonde temperature trends to exhibit less warming in the middle and upper troposphere and more cooling in the lower stratosphere than satellite temperatures. Homogenized radiosonde data have been further adjusted by using the shift-point adjustment approaches to match with satellite products for China averages. The obtained trends during 1979–2015 from the re-adjusted radiosonde observation are respectively 0.203 ± 0.066, 0.128 ± 0.044, 0.034 ± 0.039, and –0.329 ± 0.135 K decade–1 for TLT, TMT, TUT, and TLS equivalents. Compared to satellite trends, the re-adjusted radiosonde trends are within 0.01 K decade–1 for TMT and TUT, 0.054 K decade–1 warmer for TLT, and 0.051 K decade–1 cooler for TLS. The results suggest that the use of satellite data as a reference is helpful in identifying and removing inhomogeneities of radiosonde temperatures over China and reconciling their trends to satellite microwave observations. Future efforts are to homogenize radiosonde temperatures at individual stations over China by using similar approaches.  相似文献   
Nimbus 7 LIMS geopotential height data are utilized to infer the rotational wind distribution in the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere and lower mesosphere during a period of substantial wave-mean flow interaction in January, 1979. Rotational winds are derived from the application of a successive relaxation numerical procedure which incorporates the spherical polar coordinate iterative algorithm ofPaegle andTomlinson (1975) for the nondivergent nonlinear balance equation. Optimum convergence of the numerical solutions is found to occur when under-relaxation is utilized. The LIMS height analyses were also latitudinally smoothed and constrained to obey the ellipticity criterion for spherical coordinates. The balanced winds are compared with geostrophically derived values and within situ radiosonde reports for 100 mb to 10 mb over Berlin.From a localized perspective, the Berlin-LIMS comparison indicates that radiosonde and balanced wind vectors exhibit somewhat closer agreement in direction than is associated with the geostrophic estimates. However, substantial quantitative differences between radiosonde, balanced, and geostrophic wind speeds are also evident, suggesting that caution should be exercised in the local application of derived winds, as for example in the quantitative interpretation of trajectories derived from satellite height analyses during periods of enhanced stratospheric wave activity.On a longitudinally averaged basis, balanced zonal-mean wind speeds are typically 20% weaker than geostrophic values in polar latitudes, and as much as 50% weaker in tropical and midlatitude regions. Meridional balanced wind velocities, at a given longitude, are generally within ±10% of geostrophic values. Although these alterations in horizontal wind components result in only modest differences between balanced and geostrophic meridional eddy heat fluxes, a more substantial change appears in the meridional eddy momentum flux analysis. The corresponding patterns of Eliassen-Palm flux divergence are found to be somewhat more (less) intense for the balanced wind case in the stratosphere (lower mesosphere) in polar latitudes.  相似文献   
在已有的全球导航卫星系统水汽反演技术中,能够利用的观测值是完整穿过整个层析区域的卫星射线。由于卫星、接收机几何位置分布以及层析区域选择的特定性,许多卫星射线是从层析区域侧面穿出,这些射线通常当作无效信息被剔除,降低了层析结果的精度。针对该缺点,提出并实现了一种附加辅助层析区域提高射线利用率的水汽反演方法,使从研究区域侧面穿出的信号信息也可以被利用。基于美国得克萨斯州(Texas)地区的连续运行参考站(Continuously Operation Reference Stations,CORS)网的实测数据,结合层析区域内的无线电探空仪数据进行实验,结果表明,该方法能够提高水汽反演结果的精度,其均方根误差的改善率为14.6%。  相似文献   
分析了由无线电探空数据计算可降水份中逼近误差和观测误差的影响,利用香港的无线电探空资料计算出逼近误差和观测误差的影响分别为 0.5mm和 1.2mm,两者的综合影响为 1.3mm。  相似文献   
基于探空数据的南海表面波导统计特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the global position system(GPS) radiosonde data near the sea surface, the surface duct characteristics over the South China Sea(SCS) were statistically analyzed. The annual surface duct occurrence over the SCS was about 64%. Of the observed surface ducts, duct heights mainly distributed between 18 and 42 m, with M slopes in the range of –0.3 to –0.2 M units/m. Those ducts accounted for about 80% of the ducting cases. For the total profiles, the duct occurrences in a day changed slowly and were more than 60% in all times. The surface ducts formed more easily in the daytime than in the nighttime and most of the duct height were at bellow about 32 m.Additionally, The seasonal variation of the SCS ducts appeared to be evident, except that the mean duct thickness was almost constant, about 33 m for all seasons. The highest occurrence was about 71% in the autumn, followed by in the summer, spring and winter. In spring, their top-height existed more often at a height of more than 48 m.Their mean duct strength became stronger trend from spring to winter, with the M-slope in the range between–0.26 and –0.18 M units/m. Those results agreed well with other studies, provided considering the data resolution.The statistical analysis was reliable and gave the duct estimation for the SCS. Such duct climatology not only has important implications for communication systems and the reliability of the radar observation, but also can provide useful information to improve the accuracy of the meteorological radar measurements.  相似文献   

利用青藏高原地区COSMIC掩星资料反演的大气湿廓线WetPrf数据和8个站点的探空数据,分析了COSMIC反演大气廓线和可降水量与探空观测的偏差,并考查了偏差随高度的变化特征。结果显示:(1) COSMIC反演的温度、压强和水汽压廓线与探空观测具有很好的正相关;与探空观测相比,COSMIC的温度、压强和水汽压的偏差为-0.2 ℃、1.7 hPa和0 hPa,均方差为1.8 ℃、1.6 hPa和0.4 hPa;COSMIC反演大气廓线与探空观测的偏差基本上在大气低层较大,然后随高度增加而减小。(2) COSMIC反演的可降水量与探空观测正相关较好;COSMIC反演的可降水量低于探空观测,两者的偏差为-5.0 mm,均方差为5.7 mm;两者的负偏差在大气低层最明显。(3)探空观测在近地层的不稳定性和COSMIC反演方法中背景模式在青藏高原地区描述大气状态的能力有限,是造成COSMIC反演大气廓线和探空观测的偏差在近地层较大的主要原因;COSMIC观测的折射率偏小导致其反演的可降水量偏低。

GPS/MET水汽资料因其建设维护成本低、时间分辨率高、可全天候、无人、自动观测等优点,已经成为获取大气水汽资料新的重要手段。以阳江第八届国际探空比对试验资料为基础,对比分析了GPS/MET与4种探空仪和微波辐射计获取的水汽资料。探空与GPS/MET测量的水汽值有较强的相关性,相关系数在0.57~0.74之间,但探空水汽值比GPS/MET偏高0.71~1.47mm,方差在3.48~3.96之间。其中RS92探空仪测量的水汽变幅与GPS/MET基本相当,但国内探空仪水汽测量值的变幅明显高于GPS/MET,偏高近1.6~1.8倍。微波辐射计在天气较好时,测量精度较高,基本上以3个国产探空仪数据相当;但微波辐射计在雨天受罩子上的雨水影响,误差较大,与GPS/MET的测量值不相关。  相似文献   
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