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为研究型煤在单轴压缩破裂过程中产生的微震、电磁辐射信号与裂纹演化特征的对应关系,利用自主设计的低噪声静态加载试验系统,对0~0.25、0.25~0.5、0.5~1.0、1~2 mm共4种不同粒度的型煤进行了单轴压缩破坏试验,同步采集了煤样破坏过程中的微震、电磁辐射信号及破坏视频图像,提出了一种煤体裂纹快速提取方法并计算了型煤裂纹面积的变化规律。研究结果表明:型煤在单轴压缩过程中产生的微震、电磁辐射信号及裂纹面积在时域上具有良好的同步性。型煤破坏过程中裂纹面积随时间变化曲线可分为4个阶段。第1阶段为压实阶段,煤样所受应力值较小,其表面的裂纹面积以极为缓慢的速率增加。第2阶段为初始破裂阶段,随着应力的增加和内部弹性势能的积聚,型煤表面裂纹面积的增加速率较压实阶段有明显提高,伴随产生许多细小裂纹。第3阶段为加速破裂阶段,随着应力继续增加以及材料内部积聚弹性能的释放,试样变形过程加速,导致裂纹面积增速进一步增大。第4阶段为卸压阶段,试样的裂纹面积达到最大值,承载能力急剧降低,发生失稳破坏。  相似文献   
研究地下水埋深对淮北平原冬小麦耗水量的影响,对浅埋区农业水管理具有重要意义。基于2017—2020年五道沟水文水资源实验站大型称重式蒸渗仪群,模拟不同地下水埋深下冬小麦蒸散发变化过程,以蒸散量表征小麦耗水的变化,识别影响小麦耗水的关键环境因子,探索不同情景小麦耗水特征。全生育期内各地下水埋深0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0 m下小麦蒸散量依次为510.50,499.33,567.88,727.88 mm,各埋深下表层10 cm处土壤含水率与蒸散量相关系数依次为−0.42,−0.69,−0.53,−0.43;依据太阳辐射量划分3类典型日,典型日内蒸散强度为:强辐射日约0.30 mm/h、弱辐射日约0.07 mm/h、微弱辐射日约0.03 mm/h;蒸散峰历时依次为:5:00—20:00、7:00—17:00和9:00—17:00;太阳辐射强时,地下水埋深对蒸散强度峰值出现的时间影响较小,而太阳辐射过弱时,地下水埋深大会阻滞能量传输,蒸散强度峰值滞后;表层土壤水是蒸散发的主要来源,尤其在1.0,2.0 m埋深下表层土壤水对蒸散发贡献率更高;太阳辐射、净辐射和土壤热通量正向驱动小麦耗水,表层土壤水分、平均气温和空气湿度反向驱动。  相似文献   
陈钧  严良俊  周磊 《物探与化探》2021,45(6):1462-1468
大地电磁信号易受噪声干扰产生近场效应,严重影响采集的信号质量。现阶段使用较为广泛的远参考-robust方法在压制近场干扰方面还有所不足。本文在使用数值模拟验证希尔伯特-黄变换(HHT)对噪声的压制效果后,将其用于处理一个近场干扰较严重的大地电磁信号,得到了较为显著的效果;同时,使用极化方向的分布函数计算电场和磁场的极化分布,也发现分布函数的高斯性得到了修复,从另一个角度验证了HHT在压制近场干扰方面的有效性。  相似文献   
现有轨迹匹配方法具有一定局限性,其匹配精度无法满足车辆导航定位的需求。针对拓扑匹配方法对于起始匹配位置的依赖性,提出了顾及速度与航向信息的轨迹匹配方法。该方法综合利用速度、距离和航向约束改进起始匹配路段和起始位置的判定,并通过后续时刻车辆的正确匹配位置修正起始位置,避免了传统拓扑匹配方法中起始位置匹配错误导致的误差传递累积,提高匹配路段的准确性。同时以起始位置为基础,速度与时间信息为约束确定匹配点。为验证所提方法的有效性,选取多条复杂程度各异的路线进行实验,并与现有的几何匹配方法和拓扑匹配方法进行比较。实验结果表明,该方法在不同复杂程度的城市路网下具有良好的匹配效果,准确率可达93.53%。在匹配准确率方面优于现有的两种方法,在匹配效率方面能满足定位导航的需求。  相似文献   
网络实时动态测量(real-time kinematic, RTK)技术可为大范围区域用户提供实时高精度的定位服务,然而目前该技术对卫星导航定位(satellite navigation and positioning,SNAP)基准站网密度要求较高。为了满足稀疏大尺度SNAP基准站网区域的高精度定位服务需求,提出了一种基于虚拟大气约束(virtual atmosphere constrait, VAC)的网络RTK服务方法,首先构建非组合双差观测值模型,快速解算并固定SNAP基准站基线模糊度;然后提取基线大气延迟,分别建立斜路径电离层和天顶对流层误差模型;最后将内插的大气延迟及其精度信息作为虚拟观测值,提升终端RTK的定位性能。采用中国西北的SNAP基准站网数据(平均站间距为205.1 km)和网内外6个流动站数据进行RTK验证,结果表明,所提方法可以满足大尺度参考网下用户的高精度定位需求,相比传统的虚拟基准站技术,VAC服务模式下的终端定位精度、初始化速度平均分别提升61.64%和9.96%,该模式下测试终端固定解水平和高程方向的平均均方根分别为1.19 cm、2.73 cm;采用多次初始化进行验证,平均88.78%的时段在2个历元内即可完成初始化;VAC服务模式对大尺度SNAP基准站网内外用户均具有较好的适应性。  相似文献   
Numerical modeling has now become an indispensable tool for investigating the fundamental mechanisms of toxic nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) removal from contaminated groundwater systems. Because the domain of a contaminated groundwater system may involve irregular shapes in geometry, it is necessary to use general quadrilateral elements, in which two neighbor sides are no longer perpendicular to each other. This can cause numerical errors on the computational simulation results due to mesh discretization effect. After the dimensionless governing equations of NAPL dissolution problems are briefly described, the propagation theory of the mesh discretization error associated with a NAPL dissolution system is first presented for a rectangular domain and then extended to a trapezoidal domain. This leads to the establishment of the finger‐amplitude growing theory that is associated with both the corner effect that takes place just at the entrance of the flow in a trapezoidal domain and the mesh discretization effect that occurs in the whole NAPL dissolution system of the trapezoidal domain. This theory can be used to make the approximate error estimation of the corresponding computational simulation results. The related theoretical analysis and numerical results have demonstrated the following: (1) both the corner effect and the mesh discretization effect can be quantitatively viewed as a kind of small perturbation, which can grow in unstable NAPL dissolution systems, so that they can have some considerable effects on the computational results of such systems; (2) the proposed finger‐amplitude growing theory associated with the corner effect at the entrance of a trapezoidal domain is useful for correctly explaining why the finger at either the top or bottom boundary grows much faster than that within the interior of the trapezoidal domain; (3) the proposed finger‐amplitude growing theory associated with the mesh discretization error in the NAPL dissolution system of a trapezoidal domain can be used for quantitatively assessing the correctness of computational simulations of NAPL dissolution front instability problems in trapezoidal domains, so that we can ensure that the computational simulation results are controlled by the physics of the NAPL dissolution system, rather than by the numerical artifacts. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Shrink–swell soils can cause distresses in buildings, and every year, the economic loss associated with this problem is huge. This paper presents a comprehensive system for simulating the soil–foundation–building system and its response to daily weather conditions. Weather data include rainfall, solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed, all of which are readily available from a local weather station or the Internet. These data are used to determine simulation flux boundary conditions. Different methods are proposed to simulate different boundary conditions: bare soil, trees, and vegetation. A coupled hydro‐mechanical stress analysis is used to simulate the volume change of shrink–swell soils due to both mechanical stress and water content variations. Coupled hydro‐mechanical stress‐jointed elements are used to simulate the interaction between the soil and the slab, and general shell elements are used to simulate structural behavior. All the models are combined into one finite element program to predict the entire system's behavior. This paper first described the theory for the simulations. A site in Arlington, Texas, is then selected to demonstrate the application of the proposed system. Simulation results are shown, and a comparison between measured and predicted movements for four footings in Arlington, Texas, over a 2‐year period is presented. Finally, a three‐dimensional simulation is made for a virtual residential building on shrink–swell soils to identify the influence of various factors. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Diagnosing the source of errors in snow models requires intensive observations, a flexible model framework to test competing hypotheses, and a methodology to systematically test the dominant snow processes. We present a novel process‐based approach to diagnose model errors through an example that focuses on snow accumulation processes (precipitation partitioning, new snow density, and snow compaction). Twelve years of meteorological and snow board measurements were used to identify the main source of model error on each snow accumulation day. Results show that modeled values of new snow density were outside observational uncertainties in 52% of days available for evaluation, while precipitation partitioning and compaction were in error 45% and 16% of the time, respectively. Precipitation partitioning errors mattered more for total winter accumulation during the anomalously warm winter of 2014–2015, when a higher fraction of precipitation fell within the temperature range where partition methods had the largest error. These results demonstrate how isolating individual model processes can identify the primary source(s) of model error, which helps prioritize future research.  相似文献   
在利用三维激光扫描仪进行测量工作前,我们首先应了解其实际测量精度是否符合标称精度,而可靠的评价方式对得到精确的数据结果至关重要。本文利用北京卓立汉光TSA50-C型电动位移台作为评价标准,通过其精确的位移功能,准确地评价了RIGEL VZ-400三维激光扫描仪在测量单点位移时的误差,从而得到了其最佳工作距离。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the possible sources of errors associated with tropical cyclone (TC) tracks forecasted using the Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System (GRAPES). The GRAPES forecasts were made for 16 landfalling TCs in the western North Pacific basin during the 2008 and 2009 seasons, with a forecast length of 72 hours, and using the default initial conditions (“initials”, hereafter), which are from the NCEP-FNL dataset, as well as ECMWF initials. The forecasts are compared with ECMWF forecasts. The results show that in most TCs, the GRAPES forecasts are improved when using the ECMWF initials compared with the default initials. Compared with the ECMWF initials, the default initials produce lower intensity TCs and a lower intensity subtropical high, but a higher intensity South Asia high and monsoon trough, as well as a higher temperature but lower specific humidity at the TC center. Replacement of the geopotential height and wind fields with the ECMWF initials in and around the TC center at the initial time was found to be the most efficient way to improve the forecasts. In addition, TCs that showed the greatest improvement in forecast accuracy usually had the largest initial uncertainties in TC intensity and were usually in the intensifying phase. The results demonstrate the importance of the initial intensity for TC track forecasts made using GRAPES, and indicate the model is better in describing the intensifying phase than the decaying phase of TCs. Finally, the limit of the improvement indicates that the model error associated with GRAPES forecasts may be the main cause of poor forecasts of landfalling TCs. Thus, further examinations of the model errors are required.  相似文献   
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