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基于时间序列的InSAR相干性量级估计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一种适用于InSAR数据处理的自适应相干性量级估计方法,该方法能够满足复信号随机平稳的假设前提,并兼顾运算效率与估计精度.此方法生成的相干图具有很好的分布特征,避免了影像空间分辨率的损失.提出的算法分为两个步骤:(1)根据地物后向散射特性,对时间序列SAR影像进行聚类分析,选择具有同分布的样本,保证SAR影像质地平稳条件;(2)对干涉图进行条纹频率估计,采用极大似然(ML)条纹频率估计方法去除系统相位引起的复信号非平稳性,并根据Cramer-Rao边界条件改善条纹频率的估计精度.以美国南加州洛杉矶地区的ENVISAT ASAR数据集为例,本文将新方法与现有方法进行了量化分析.结果表明,较传统方法而言,基于时间序列的相干性估计方法能够得到更可靠、精度更高、空间特征更鲜明的干涉相干图.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a new method of integrated system calibration that uses the transmitting and receiving signals from the impulse ground penetrating radar itself. In order to eliminate the influence from each subsystem or part including antenna, transmitter, receiver, signal processing circuits and transmission cables, two new calibration parameters that are different from the conventional S-parameters are introduced. The characteristic and influence of all parts in the transmitting and receiving channels are incorporated into the calibration equation through the new parameters. The calibration results of the radar detection data show that the new integrated system calibration can improve the quality of the data greatly in many aspects. It removes direct coupled waves, suppresses wave distortion and tail oscillation, and improves the quality of waveform and signal-clutter-ratios. It also compresses the pulse width and enhances resolution.  相似文献   
Storm runoff from the Marikina River Basin frequently causes flood events in the Philippine capital region Metro Manila. This paper presents and evaluates a system to predict short-term runoff from the upper part of that basin (380 km2). It was designed as a possible component of an operational warning system yet to be installed. For the purpose of forecast verification, hindcasts of streamflow were generated for a period of 15 months with a time-continuous, conceptual hydrological model. The latter was fed with real-time observations of rainfall. Both ground observations and weather radar data were tested as rainfall forcings. The radar-based precipitation estimates clearly outperformed the raingauge-based estimates in the hydrological verification. Nevertheless, the quality of the deterministic short-term runoff forecasts was found to be limited. For the radar-based predictions, the reduction of variance for lead times of 1, 2 and 3 hours was 0.61, 0.62 and 0.54, respectively, with reference to a “no-forecast” scenario, i.e. persistence. The probability of detection for major increases in streamflow was typically less than 0.5. Given the significance of flood events in the Marikina Basin, more effort needs to be put into the reduction of forecast errors and the quantification of remaining uncertainties.  相似文献   
朱尉强  黄清华 《地球物理学报》2016,59(10):3909-3916
探地雷达信号在地下介质中传播时易受到电导率所产生的衰减影响,从而使得传统偏移成像结果在高衰减区域变得模糊.本文提出了衰减补偿的逆时偏移方法来消除电导率的影响.该方法基于麦克斯韦方程组实现电磁波的正演模拟和逆时传播.通过改变衰减项的正负号,保证了逆时传播的时间对称性,从而能够重构出原始波场,实现衰减补偿.数值实验比较了传统逆时偏移方法和衰减补偿逆时偏移方法在存在高导异常区域情况下的成像效果,结果证明了衰减补偿逆时偏移方法能够很好地恢复由电导率造成的信号衰减,从而提高探地雷达剖面的分辨率.  相似文献   
周海光 《地球物理学报》2018,61(9):3617-3639
2016年6月23日14—15时,江苏省阜宁县突遭"增强藤田"4级龙卷、强风、短时强降水和冰雹等强对流天气,致使99人罹难,800多人受伤,属极其罕见的极端天气事件.本文利用加密自动站数据、探空数据、单部雷达观测数据以及双多普勒雷达三维风场反演数据,研究了此次龙卷发生的天气背景、龙卷超级单体的三维结构及其演变特征.研究表明:(1)龙卷发生期间,阜宁处于地面暖湿舌内、地面有γ中尺度气旋和辐合线;环境大气抬升凝结高度很低、中低层有很强的水平风的垂直切变;这有利于龙卷的生成.(2)此次龙卷超级单体左移风暴的低层有钩状回波和入流缺口,有界弱回波区位于垂直剖面中低层、悬垂回波位于风暴前部高层.(3)龙卷发生前,风暴质心高度、最大反射率因子高度和风暴回波顶高度均持续增加,风暴垂直累积液态含水量激增;龙卷发生在上述参数的数值首次同时减小时.(4)双多普勒雷达反演的三维风场揭示,超级单体形成之前的对流风暴内部中低层已经有中尺度气旋形成,中尺度气旋伴随着超级单体的生成、发展和强化的各个阶段.中尺度气旋位于钩状回波顶端、其南端有反气旋,此涡旋偶对于中层动量下传、龙卷生成、发展、加强和触地具有重要作用.  相似文献   
With the launch of SARAL/AltiKa altimeter, efforts have been made to develop wind speed retrieval algorithms. Here we present two algorithms for estimating and validating wind speed from AltiKa. The first method is based on a theoretical Geophysical Model Function (GMF) using forward model simulations for Ka band specifications. The second is the model function developed using the matched database of input and output vectors of Normalized Radar Cross Section (NRCS) from AltiKa and wind speed measurements from concurrent Jason-2 altimeters. Since the NRCS depends on both the surface roughness due to surface wind speed and on mean square slope of the surfaces, the significant wave height is used along with wind speed for model development as an proxy variable. Both the theoretical and empirical GMFs are evaluated for retrieval of wind speed from AltiKa and validated with NDBC buoys data. The empirical model provide wind speed retrieval accuracy of 1.4 m/s. The accuracy of wind retrievals from theoretical model is also in the similar range (1.6 m/s), indicating the sound physical basis applicable for the future altimeters with various incidence angles. The retrieved wind speed is applied for various case studies, bringing out all the regional and global features quite well.  相似文献   
塘沽海区海底地形的SAR影像仿真与反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用袁业立、金梅兵(1997)提出的海底地形SAR影像仿真与反演模型,对渤海塘沽海区的一张Radarsat SAR影像进行了仿真和水深反演研究。研究结果表明:仿真影像与真实SAR影像基本吻合,反演水深与实际水深也有较好的一致性;进一步证实了袁业立(1997)SAR成像机理的正确性和在中国近海利用SAR影像进行浅海水深探测的可行性。  相似文献   
基于雷达海冰图像互相关的冰漂流场测量   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
我国的渤海和黄海北部在每年冬季都出现不同程度的冰情,它直接影响结冰海区的石油平台、船舶以及港口等设施的正常作业,对海冰的观测与预报随着上述海区的开发利用越发显得重要,利用航海雷达连续准确地跟踪海冰漂移运动轨迹,是当今观测、调查、研究冰漂流移动规律的有效方法之一,我国的科研人员利用雷达成像技术对渤海的冰情进行了长期的雷达海冰观测、研究,在由雷达海冰图像对海冰的物理特征的识别、分类以及冰漂流场测量方面取得了一些进展[1-4]。  相似文献   
Weather in the North Gulf of Alaska is characterized by a high frequency of deep synoptic-scale low-pressure systems, especially during the cold season. The strong pressure gradients of these storms interact with the extremely rugged terrain of the coastal mountains to produce a variety of channeled flows. These surface wind regimes are not well documented in the scientific community, due to the paucity of observations. Modeling of these phenomena in regions of complex terrain is of great interest to those working with hydrodynamic, wave, and pollutant transport models in coastal and shelf areas. Such models, when coupled with ocean and coastal-ecology counterparts, give a broad view of the role surface winds play in shaping local coastal marine ecosystem in this region. This paper presents a climatology of simulated low-level wind jets over the domain of Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait along Alaska's south-central coast. Daily simulations using the RAMS model were conducted in a 36-h forecast mode for the cold-season period 10/1/03 to 3/31/04. Systematic analysis of the resulting simulated low-level wind field makes it possible to characterize these jets and gap flows in spatial and temporal detail. The comparison between the RAMS winds and the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-derived winds when available verifies the existence of these wind jets and the capability of the model to simulate these cases. Clearly, the results of a study in this region depend on the fidelity of the model at these scales (O[5 km]). The SAR comparisons attempt to help establish this. From the 6 months of simulations over Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, the low-level wind jets are classified into 10 different regimes by location and orientation. These regimes are categorized into four more general groups: cross-channel westerly, easterly, and up and down Inlet flows. The nature of a particular regime is largely a function of pressure gradient orientation and local topography. Jets in the same group have a similar occurrence distribution with time. Some form of jet occurred in the study region almost daily each month of the period, with December 2003 having the highest frequency of wind jets.  相似文献   
Soil pipes are common and important features of many catchments, particularly in semi‐arid and humid areas, and can contribute a large proportion of runoff to river systems. They may also signi?cantly in?uence catchment sediment and solute yield. However, there are often problems in ?nding and de?ning soil pipe networks which are located deep below the surface. Ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) has been used for non‐destructive identi?cation and mapping of soil pipes in blanket peat catchments. While GPR can identify subsurface cavities, it cannot alone determine hydrological connectivity between one cavity and another. This paper presents results from an experiment to test the ability of GPR to establish hydrological connectivity between pipes through use of a tracer solution. Sodium chloride was injected into pipe cavities previously detected by the radar. The GPR was placed downslope of the injection points and positioned on the ground directly above detected soil pipes. The resultant radargrams showed signi?cant changes in re?ectance from some cavities and no change from others. Pipe waters were sampled in order to check the radar results. Changes in electrical conductivity of the pipe water could be detected by the GPR, without data post‐processing, when background levels were increased by more than approximately twofold. It was thus possible to rapidly determine hydrological connectivity of soil pipes within dense pipe networks across hillslopes without ground disturbance. It was also possible to remotely measure travel times through pipe systems; the passing of the salt wave below the GPR produced an easily detectable signal on the radargram which required no post‐processing. The technique should allow remote sensing of water sources and sinks for soil pipes below the surface. The improved understanding of ?owpath connectivity will be important for understanding water delivery, solutional and particulate denudation, and hydrological and geomorphological model development. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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