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为获取东构造结关键构造部位地应力特征、分析其构造稳定性,采用水压致裂法开展了墨脱断裂带西让段1个地应力孔、11个测试段的原位地应力测量工作。结果表明:61.43~121.34 m测试段最大、最小水平主应力值(SH、Sh)分别为3.05~14.50 MPa和2.16~9.87 MPa,垂向主应力值(Sv)为1.63~3.31 MPa,即SH>Sh>Sv;测点处应力场以水平挤压作用为主,均处于逆断层应力状态,且其主应力值随深度增加而逐渐增大,测点的最大水平主应力优势方位为北东东向;在整个地应力测量深度范围内,侧压系数值(Kav)为1.39~4.38,最大水平应力系数值(KHv)均大于1,且比值随深度的增加而增大,该关键部位区域应力场以水平应力为主导,方向性较强,所有测试段水平应力系数值(KHh)为1.23~1.66,与林芝−通麦段地应力特征参数计算结果基本相似;测点位置98 m以浅地层水平构造应力作用程度较小,应力积累水平较低,保持断层稳定所需的摩擦系数值小于实际断层的临界摩擦系数值,构造环境相对稳定,超过98 m深度地层由于水平构造应力起主要作用,保持断层稳定所需的摩擦系数值接近于实际断层的临界摩擦系数值,存在小概率发生断层失稳滑动的风险;区域强震在墨脱断裂带断层面上造成的左旋走滑方向上及逆冲方向上的库仑应力变化值的叠加量均为负值,抑制了断层的滑动,未能增加墨脱关键区域断层活动的危险性。  相似文献   
水文是沼泽形成、发育和演化的决定性因素.目前,沼泽水位的监测仍然以实地观测为主,需要花费大量的人力和物力.以洪河国家级自然保护区为研究区,利用2007年6?10月星载相控阵L波段合成孔径雷达(phase array type L-band synthetic aperture radar,L-band PALSAR)数...  相似文献   
To dates,most ship detection approaches for single-pol synthetic aperture radar(SAR) imagery try to ensure a constant false-alarm rate(CFAR).A high performance ship detector relies on two key components:an accurate estimation to a sea surface distribution and a fine designed CFAR algorithm.First,a novel nonparametric sea surface distribution estimation method is developed based on n-order Bézier curve.To estimate the sea surface distribution using n-order Bézier curve,an explicit analytical solution is derived based on a least square optimization,and the optimal selection also is presented to two essential parameters,the order n of Bézier curve and the number m of sample points.Next,to validate the ship detection performance of the estimated sea surface distribution,the estimated sea surface distribution by n-order Bézier curve is combined with a cell averaging CFAR(CA-CFAR).To eliminate the possible interfering ship targets in background window,an improved automatic censoring method is applied.Comprehensive experiments prove that in terms of sea surface estimation performance,the proposed method is as good as a traditional nonparametric Parzen window kernel method,and in most cases,outperforms two widely used parametric methods,K and G0 models.In terms of computation speed,a major advantage of the proposed estimation method is the time consuming only depended on the number m of sample points while independent of imagery size,which makes it can achieve a significant speed improvement to the Parzen window kernel method,and in some cases,it is even faster than two parametric methods.In terms of ship detection performance,the experiments show that the ship detector which constructed by the proposed sea surface distribution model and the given CA-CFAR algorithm has wide adaptability to different SAR sensors,resolutions and sea surface homogeneities and obtains a leading performance on the test dataset.  相似文献   
单点高频地波雷达资料估算潮能耗散的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用嵊泗站所布设的地波雷达观测获取的径向流数据,以及嵊泗、芦潮港、岱山3个潮汐观测站水位资料,采用两点近似投影方法反演流场全矢量流速,并用T-Tide程序计算调和常数,分别计算O1、K1、M2、S2各分潮流速场及迟角场,并计算各点上的潮能通量及潮能耗散,得到嵊泗岛以西杭州湾口区域潮能耗散同地形存在良好对应关系,充分证明了采用地波雷达观测数据进行潮能耗散计算这一方法的可行性,供相关工作者作进一步研究和讨论.  相似文献   
利用加密自动站、卫星云图及雷达图像等资料,对2010年6月7日白天到夜间宁夏中北部地区出现的短时暴雨天气成因及中尺度系统演变进行分析。结果表明,此次短时暴雨是在“东高西低”稳定的环流形势和锋面过境背景下,500 hPa西风槽,700 hPa切变线、低涡、低空急流,850 hPa切变线,地面冷锋等主要影响系统相互配合、共同作用下发生的;大降水落区位于低空急流左侧与切变线尾部的辐合区,这可作为宁夏中尺度暴雨天气系统的一种典型特征;逆风区的出现和S型风场、锋面过境雷达图像特征是此次强降水典型的雷达回波特征,逆风区分布与中尺度系统走向基本一致。  相似文献   
利用两步变分反演方法,研究2006年第4号台风“碧利斯”,对照单部雷达资料和两部雷达资料的反演结果。结果表明:利用单部雷达资料不能很好的反演出台风的风场结构特征,而两部雷达资料在第一步反演背景场时,可以看出台风的涡旋特征。通过检验发现,此次台风过程的水平切向风在最大风速半径内部与Rankine模型相近,外部与Chen 3模型接近。为了更有效地利用单部雷达的观测信息准确定位台风的移动路径,故在单部雷达资料第一步反演背景场时加入模型弱约束。反演结果表明,加入模型弱约束后,反演的背景风场就能看出台风的涡旋特征,通过第二步反演后与两部雷达资料结果相近;加模型弱约束的单部雷达反演结果与两部雷达反演结果间u、v分量的相关系数均在0.8或以上,2-7 km高度层u、v分量的均方根误差明显减小。  相似文献   
Aircraft and ground-based measurements made during the1995 Australian OASIS field campaign are compared. The aircraft data were recorded during low-level flightsat 6 m above ground level and grid flights at altitudes of between 15 and 65 m, allin unstable atmospheric conditions. The low-level flights revealed an inadequate temperaturesensor response time, a correction for which was determined from subsequent work ina wind tunnel. Aircraft and ground-based measurements of mean wind speed, wind directionand air temperature agree to within 0.2 m s-1, 4° and 0.9 °C respectively.Comparisons between aircraft and ground-based observations of the standarddeviations of vertical velocity, horizontal wind speed, air temperature and specifichumidity have slopes of 0.96, 0.97, 0.92 and 0.99 respectively but the observed scatter isroughly twice the random error expected due to the averaging length of the aircraft data andthe averaging period of the ground-based data. For the low-level flights, the ground-basedand aircraft measurements of sensible and latent heat flux show mean differences of 27 and-25 W m-2 respectively, which reduce to 11 and -4 W m-2 respectivelywhen analysis of aircraft data is limited to areas immediately adjacent to the fluxtowers. For the flights at 15 to 65 m above ground level, the mean differences between theground-based and aircraft measurements of sensible and latent heat flux are -22 and-1 W m-2 respectively and these change to -1 and -7 W m-2 respectively oncethe effect of surface heterogeneity is included. Aircraft and ground-based measurementsof net radiation agree to within 6% at one ground-based site but differ by 20% at a second.Aircraft measurements of friction velocity at 6 m above the ground agree well withground-based data, but those from flights between 15 and 65 m above ground level do not.This is because at these heights the aircraft measurements provide the local shear stress,not the surface shear stress. Overall, the level of agreement allows confidence in the aircraftdata provided due care is taken of instrument response times and differences in thesurfaces sampled by aircraft and ground-based systems.  相似文献   
北京地区一次罕见的雷暴大风过程特征分析   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:19  
分析了2006年6月24日北京地区一次罕见的瞬时极大风速超过32 m.s-1的雷暴大风事件。多普勒天气雷达观测表明,此次强雷暴大风与镶嵌在飑线回波带中的弓形回波相关。后侧入流急流促使飑线回波带南段快速移动并与其前面的新生单体合并加强形成弓形回波。深厚的中气旋、低层径向速度辐合和高层辐散等在构成弓形回波的强对流单体形成过程中起了重要的作用。根据雷达回波特征演变推断,这次雷暴大风直接由构成弓形回波的一个强对流单体内的下击暴流导致。使用微波辐射计和风廓线仪的观测资料揭示了上述强风暴发生的环境条件,即高的对流有效位能值、中等强度的风垂直切变,以及风切变的分布特征为飑线等的产生提供了有利条件。下沉对流有效位能和对流层低层环境大气温度直减率明显增加并接近干绝热,这对即将到来的下击暴流具有指示意义。  相似文献   
利用双多普勒雷达分析对流云垂直运动结构试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对流云是我国南方地区主要的降水云系, 含有丰富的云水资源, 是南方人工增雨作业的主要对象。为了研究江淮地区对流云发生发展规律, 利用双多普勒雷达反演技术分析了发生在2004年7月31日的一块对流云不同发展阶段的垂直运动结构。对流云在发展阶段以上升气流为主, 底层辐合明显, 结构紧密; 成熟阶段的上升与下沉气流势力相当, 且比发展阶段强盛, 强回波位置下移, 结构较发展阶段松散; 减弱阶段上升和下沉速度均减小, 水平辐散增强。结果表明:反演的不同阶段对流云垂直运动结构合理, 可以利用双多普勒雷达反演技术进行对流云三维运动结构研究。  相似文献   
The European remote sensing satellite (ERS-2) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data was used for temporal monitoring of soil moisture at Sukhothai, Thailand. Higher correlations were found between the observed soil moisture and the radar backscattering coefficient. The soil moisture distribution shows great variation in space and time due to its stochastic nature. In order to obtain a better understanding of the nature and causes of spatial variation of soil moisture, the extensive soil moisture measurements observed in Thailand and also remotely sensed ERS-2 SAR data were used for geostatistical analysis. The observed soil moisture shows seasonal variations with mean varying from 3.33 %v/v (dry season) to 33.44 %v/v (wet season). The spatial geostatistical structure also shows clear seasonal variations in the geostatistical characteristics such as range and sill. The sills vary from 1.00 (%v/v)2 for the driest day to 107.57 (%v/v)2 for one of the wet days. The range or the correlation lengths varies between 46.5 and 149.8 m for the wettest and driest periods. The nugget effect does not show strong seasonal pattern or trend but the dry periods usually have a smaller nugget effect than the wet periods. The spherical variogram model fits the sample variograms very well in the case of soil moisture observations while the exponential model fits those of the remotely sensed data. The ranges observed from the observed soil moisture data and remotely sensed data at the same resolution are very similar. Resolution degradation affects the geostatistical structure of the data by reducing the sills, and increasing the ranges.  相似文献   
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