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在该海域潮流计算的基础上,利用有限元法建立了二维的拉格朗日余流模型,得出了威海及烟台南部海域的拉格朗日余流分布。跟踪了文登、乳山、海阳、莱阳近岸主要排污口的污水输运轨迹,为沿岸县市污水排放的选址提供理论依据。  相似文献   
沂沭断裂带早白垩世晚期伸展的低温年代学证据   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
沂沭断裂带(郯庐断裂带山东段)由4条断裂组成,其西部的两条分别称鄌郚—葛沟断裂和沂水—汤头断裂。横跨这两条断裂及夹持的中生代盆地,分别获得6个磷灰石裂变径迹数据,年龄分布在102~82Ma,封闭径迹长度集中在13.0~14.0μm。数据反演结果显示:隆起区在距今105~100Ma及约距今85Ma时有过两次快速冷却事件;这两条断裂所夹持的断陷区经历过快速沉降,达到最大古地温后,在距今85~60Ma快速抬升。结合区域地质背景资料,以及在沂沭断裂带附近南北向玄武岩脉及北西向断层的断层泥K-Ar年龄数据综合分析,认为沂沭断裂带在早白垩世晚期经历以伸展为主的左行张剪活动。  相似文献   
本文以数字高程(DEM)地貌特征分析为基础,采用磷灰石裂变径迹测试和温度-时间反演模拟研究,分析江西相山铀矿田铀成矿后剥蚀程度的差异性,结合已知矿床的成矿特征,探讨地貌剥蚀程度与矿体保存之间的关系,为区域找矿提供指导.通过DEM合成图像和水系分布特征,表明相山铀矿田是一个遭受中等侵蚀的地貌区,相山主峰南北和东西侧地貌侵蚀差异特征明显.统计分析表明,已经发现的铀矿床、点的分布与次级火山机构关系密切,相山南部的次火山机构剥蚀较深,西部次火山机构剥蚀相对弱,而北部和西北部则处于中等剥蚀程度.磷灰石裂变径迹测试结果表明,相山铀矿田的南部和东部开始剥蚀的时间早于西部,但晚于相山主峰的剥蚀.利用磷灰石的裂变径迹长度和温度参数,进一步开展了温度-时间的反演模拟研究,结果显示相山西部快速隆升发生于40~60 Ma之间,相山南部和东部的快速隆升发生于60~75 Ma之间,相山主峰的快速隆升发生于75~100 Ma之间,表明相山主峰、相山东部及南部较西部经历了较长时间的剥蚀.结合现今区域地质体出露特征及铀矿化蚀变类型的空间展布规律、成矿深度的估算等,推测相山铀矿田东部和南部剥蚀程度较深,早期可能形成的中低温铀矿体被剥蚀殆尽;北部剥蚀程度中等,地表出露了形成深度稍深的碱交代蚀变矿床;而西部剥蚀程度较低,地表发育浅部低温成矿的酸交代蚀变铀矿床.据此推断,相山铀矿田的西部深部具有很好的找矿潜力.  相似文献   
利用60年台风资料,对西北太平洋台风的频数、路径和强度变化做统计分析。结果表明:西北太平洋的台风活动在20世纪60年代是高峰期,70年代则是低谷期,从20世纪90年代后期开始,台风活动总体处于低谷期;台风路径主要以转向为主,在20世纪60、70年代平均路径比较偏南,而进入21世纪后平均路径比较偏北;强度在20世纪50、60年代总体较强,后25年总体较弱;西北太平洋台风异常偏多时,西北太平洋副高弱且位置偏东,太平洋海温分布呈"拉尼娜"特征;台风异常偏少时,副高强且位置偏西,太平洋海温分布呈"厄尔尼诺"特征。  相似文献   
大民屯凹陷古今地温场特征及其成藏意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用系统测温资料和试油资料研究了大民屯凹陷现今地温特征,利用磷灰石裂变径迹、流体包裹体均一温度恢复了古地温,利用EasyRo模型反演热史变化,并与东西部凹陷热史进行了对比。研究认为:(1)大民屯凹陷现今地温梯度较低,平均为2.9℃/100m。(2)磷灰石裂变径迹恢复古地温揭示大民屯凹陷古地温梯度较高,其中安福屯洼陷和荣胜堡洼陷分别4.07和3.6℃/100m,皆高于东部凹陷(平均为3.3℃/100m)。从而解释了其较低的生烃门限。(3)流体包裹体均一温度研究结果认为地质历史时期研究区热流体活动较强烈。以高凝油为主的安福屯洼陷油气充注为幕式快速运聚成藏,而以正常稀油为主的荣胜堡洼陷油气运聚为在异常高压下的快速运移和浮力作用下的缓慢运移相结合。(4)大民屯凹陷的热史演化特征明显不同于东部凹陷,与西部凹陷也有差异,整个热史演化程度较低,有利于高凝油油藏的保存。  相似文献   
The growth of central Tibet remains elusory, albeit important in evaluating different topographic growth models accounting for the Tibetan Plateau development. Thermochronological records in the northern Qiangtang terrane (QT) provide valuable information for investigating the cooling and exhumation history in central Tibet. New apatite fission track data, assisted by inverse thermal modelling, reveal two stages of accelerated cooling. The Early Cretaceous cooling is related with refrigeration of the QT and exhumation probably induced by crustal shortening. The Eocene‐Oligocene renewed cooling reflects the far‐field contraction after the onset of the India‐Asia collision and Cenozoic crustal shortening deformation in the QT, coupled with thermal relaxation and transient lithospheric removal. Our data support models indicating that Cretaceous crustal shortening produced a thickened crust in the QT, whereas the present‐day elevation was established during Eocene‐Oligocene due to crustal shortening, continental subduction and lithospheric delamination.  相似文献   
We present the first fission‐track results from the Grenvillian Oaxacan Complex, southern Mexico. Time–temperature modelling of the data indicates that two significant Mesozoic cooling episodes are recorded in the Oaxacan Complex and these are interpreted as resulting from exhumation. The older cooling event took place from the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic and is possible linked to the break‐up of Pangea (including the initial opening of the Gulf of Mexico during the Jurassic). The younger exhumation period in the Early Cretaceous is contemporaneous with the final stages of rifting of the Gulf of Mexico. Key stratigraphic records also provide independent evidence for these exhumation episodes. In our view, both Mesozoic rapid exhumation events were controlled by the activity of the Caltepec Fault Zone and the Oaxaca Fault. Our data suggest that both these large fault systems have remained active since, at least, the Late Triassic.  相似文献   
A method for simulation of differential (spatially varying) track settlement in a ballasted railway track is presented. It employs a cycle domain constitutive model to determine accumulated plastic (permanent) deformation of the granular layers supporting the track. The constitutive model is adopted for both the ballast and the sub‐ballast but with different parameter sets. The proposed framework can be used to predict differential track settlement accounting for heterogeneous (space‐variant) track characteristics and loading conditions. Here, it is demonstrated for three‐dimensional continuum modelling of a railway crossing panel subjected to a large number of axle passages. Because of the design of the crossing panel and the transient character of the impact loads on the crossing, the load transferred into the track bed is not uniform along the track, and the resulting differential settlement leads to vertical irregularities in track geometry. The spatial variation of track settlement is calculated both along the sleepers and along the rails. The influences of the number of adjacent sleepers accounted for in the model and the stiffness of the subgrade on the predicted settlement at the crossing are studied. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Twenty obsidian samples from Central and North Anatolia were dated by the fission track method. Split samples analyzed in two different laboratories give consistent results. Data presented refer to three volcanic fields and are summarized as follows: Orta-Sakaeli (Northern Anatolia) obsidians with ages from 21–23 Ma; Göllü Dagi dome complex near Çiftlik (Central anatolia) has given ages between 1.33–0.98 Ma; Acigöl caldera (Central Anatolia) shows three age groups: (1) Eruptions of precaldera (Bogazköy) obsidians with ages 0.18–0.15 Ma; (2) Formation of the large intracaldera dome Kocadag-Taskesiktepe at about 0.08 Ma (uncorrected apparent age of 0.075 Ma); and (3) Acigöl peripheral obsidian domes with plateau ages of 0.020 and 0.019 Ma, and an additional uncorrected age of 0.018 Ma form a distinct age group. This fission track parameters discriminate between the various obsidian sources of prehistoric obsidian artifacts.  相似文献   
Synthetical research has been done on the geological thermal history of the Turpan-Hami Basin by using vitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion geothermometry and fission track. The geotcmperature of the Turpan-Hami Basin has the character that suggests higher temperature in the past, in the east and south of the basin, and in the areas of large-fracture, and lower temperature in the present day and in the west and north of the basin. This feature is controlled by the difference of burial depth of basement and heat flow values, which made Permian source rock mature in the late Triassic and Jurassic source rock mature at the end of Jurassic and the early Tertiary. Project supported by the Chinese Tnrpan-Hami Oil Field cooperation project.  相似文献   
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