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西藏南部聂拉木—樟木剖面出露的高喜马拉雅变质带主要由副变质片麻岩和花岗质片麻岩组成,其次为伟晶岩和淡色花岗侵入体,区域变质程度为角闪岩相。我们对其中的变质基性捕虏体进行详细的变质作用研究,内容包括变质矿物组合,矿物变质反应结构和变质作用的温度—压力条件分析。基性捕虏体中的石榴子石角闪片麻岩和斜长角闪片麻岩均保存了两期变质矿物组合。温度与压力计算结果表明,石榴子石角闪片麻岩早期变质阶段(M1)温度约为829 ℃,压力为7.3 kbar; 晚期(M2)变质温度为625 ℃,压力为4.3 kbar。斜长角闪片麻岩所经历的早期变质阶段(M1)温度约为776 ℃、压力约为10.6 kbar; 晚期(M2)变质温度超过692 ℃,压力为7.4 kbar。石榴子石角闪片麻岩和斜长角闪片麻岩捕虏体均记录了典型的顺时针P-T轨迹,表明高喜马拉雅变质带曾向北俯冲到下地壳深度,之后被抬升到地表剥蚀出露。变质基性捕虏体的研究说明高喜马拉雅结晶岩系经历过较高温度—压力的变质作用,支持了其沿着藏南拆离系和主中央逆冲断裂系向南挤出的大地构造模型。  相似文献   
贵州茂兰峰丛草地洼地小流域侵蚀产沙的137Cs法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在贵州茂兰峰丛洼地区的工程碑草地洼地典型小流域进行了洼地沉积泥沙^137Cs示踪分析研究。研究结果表明:(1)草地洼地土壤剖面属于堆积土壤剖面,土壤剖面中^137Cs浓度分布特征反映了泥沙堆积与表层土壤侵蚀的信息。受岩土分布、微地形的影响,^137Cs初始沉降后出现不均匀再分布,面积活度的空间变化较大,变异系数为1.35,不能表征土壤侵蚀状况。(2)根据草地洼地典型堆积农耕地土壤剖面A-1的^137Cs浓度分布特征,1963年以来的流域平均堆积泥沙数量是16.6t/km^2.a,流域平均土壤侵蚀速率为45.95t/km^2.a,约占侵蚀产沙数量63.88%的泥沙以地下流失的形式散失;(3)草地洼地小流域内地面土壤流失与地下土壤流失的相对贡献率分别是70.13%和29.87%;(4)以茂兰地区最大成土速率为依据推算出的允许土壤侵蚀量是13.51t/km^2.a,草地洼地的土壤侵蚀危险程度极高。  相似文献   
通过贵阳花溪夹泥质薄层的灰岩风化壳剖面的粒度分布特征的研究,结合矿物成分分析,揭示出岩性不均一的灰岩风化壳的发育特征: 灰岩作为剖面主体的成土母岩,风化早期,其以碳酸盐矿物的大量溶蚀及酸不溶物的残余积累为特征,同时方解石的溶解也延缓了酸不溶物的风化; 后期,随着易溶盐类消失殆尽,酸不溶物作为风化主体,开始了类似其它岩类的风化过程。而灰岩中的泥质薄层夹层,作为风化壳的次要组分,在灰岩风化过程中,由于存在巨大的体积缩小变化,泥质薄层被错断并被灰岩的风化产物所包裹,延缓了其风化发育进程。于是,各端元组分由于所处的微环境的差异,受风化溶液的影响程度不同,按照各自的风化方向和演化方式进行。随着风化程度不断增强,泥质薄片的包裹体分解,端元组分逐渐混合、趋同,风化壳趋于均质化,以统一的风化成土作用向表生稳定的矿物转变。   相似文献   
山西临汾盆地黄土剖面重金属分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
山西临汾盆地2条黄土剖面重金属分布特征及其影响因素研究表明,Pb、Cu和Zn的垂向变化特征非常相似,而As、Cd和Hg在剖面中的分布特征与前三者不同。各重金属元素在黄土剖面中的变化特征首先均受到黄土源区物质成分的控制,其次不同程度地受到古气候变化的影响。依据Pb、Cu、Zn与各古气候替代性指标(例如磁化率,w(SiO2)/w(Al2O3)等)均呈显著相关,As、Cd和Hg与古气候替代性指标的相关性较差,推断剖面中Cu、Pb、Zn的分布特征受古气候变化的影响,其原因可能主要是这3个金属元素易以类质同象形式赋存在磁性矿物中;而As、Cd和Hg在剖面中的分布特征与古气候无关。但各重金属元素与源区指示元素的相关性表明其在剖面中的分布特征均受黄土源区物质成分的影响和控制。  相似文献   
用综合物探方法对黎川大桥桥基隐伏异常地质体的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用地震反射波法、电阻率剖面法和电阻率测深法的综合勘察,对黎川大桥河西岩桥基的地质稳定性及隐伏异常地质体进行了研究。结果表明:河西岸桥台位置有长英岩脉存在,脉体SW侧比NE侧花岗岩风化更为严重。  相似文献   
研究了运用高密度电法观测系统作常规电法联合剖面的野外工作方法及数据整理过程,运用高密度电法观测系统,将高密度电法测量与常规联合剖面测量同时进行,有利于对异常体作分析解释。  相似文献   
吴超  尚新璐  陈军  王晓云 《地质科学》2004,39(4):571-579
苏盖特构造带位于新疆昆仑山弧形推覆体前缘.本文通过研究苏盖特构造带的构造特征,确定了地震反射层的地质属性,认为苏盖特构造带由表层推覆体及下部下第三系-二叠系之间的地层经过3次重复形成的叠瓦状推覆体构成.苏盖特构造带活动始于上新世阿图什组沉积期,定型于更新世.通过研究西昆仑逆冲推覆体及已钻探井的地表油源、储层特征及储盖组合,认为苏盖特构造带具有两套好的油源即石炭-二叠系及侏罗系油源,两套好的储集层即白垩系和下第三系储层,相应地,发育两套储盖组合,具有良好的圈闭及运聚条件,是有利的勘探目标区.  相似文献   
We investigate the thermo-mechanical properties beneath the young orogenic belt of Taiwan by constructing a shear strength profile from a vertical stratified rheological structure. The stratified rheological structure is estimated based on the recently developed thermal structure and its likely composition. Subduction–collision in the young orogenic belts and the thick accretionary wedge make a significant contribution to the growth of sialic crust in the hinterland. The sialic bulk crust not only results in a low seismic velocity but also produces weak crust in the hinterland. The earthquake depth–frequency distribution in the foreland and hinterland correlates very well with the regimes of the brittle/ductile transition revealed in the strength profile. Our results show that the observed two-layer seismicity in the foreland is due to a moderate geotherm and an intermediate mafic bulk composition; while single-layer seismicity in the hinterland is due to its felsic bulk composition. In the foreland, the mechanically strong crust (MSC) and the mechanically strong lithosphere (MSL) coincide with frequent seismicity. The shallow MSC in the hinterland is consistent with the 20- to 25-km seismicity occurring there. The total lithospheric integrated strength (LIS) in the hinterland is only about half of that in the foreland, suggesting a weak lower crust and lithosphere mantle in the hinterland. The results confirm that the earthquake cutoff depth is a proxy for temperature. The calculated decrease of effective elastic thickness (EET) from the orogenic margin (foreland) to the center (hinterland) is consistent with the results of flexure modeling in most orogenic belts. Due to the weak LIS in the hinterland, crustal thinning and rifting may occur in the future. Our results, thus, suggest that the mechanical structure is also closely related to the composition and is not directly reflected in the thermal structure.  相似文献   
Multi-scale variability of beach profiles at Duck: A wavelet analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Beach profiles have been observed to change over a range of spatial and temporal scales; however techniques for quantifying this variability have not been fully established. In this paper, a wavelet technique is introduced as a method to study the multi-scale variability of beach profiles. The beach profile data comprising a 22-year time series surveyed at the US Army Corps of Civil Engineers Field Research Facility (FRF) at Duck are analysed using the adapted maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (AMODWT). The analysis successfully identifies strong local features in the variability of beach profiles in time and space separately that cannot be isolated by traditional statistical methods. The analysis of spatial wavelet variances provides a new means of investigating the depth of closure. Analysis of variances by temporal scales shows that the combined effects of several temporal scales with one or two dominant scales can be seen at particular points across profiles whilst the dominant temporal scales are different at different portions of the profiles. The method allows for the extremely nonstationary behaviour of beach profile to be analysed into separate frequency bands that can facilitate the interpretation of morphological changes in terms of physical processes.  相似文献   
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