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统筹城乡用地、优化城乡用地结构和布局,既是节约和集约用地的重要途径,又是统筹城乡发展的客观需要。通过分析禹城市城乡用地结构和布局,提出优化城乡用地结构和布局的建议和对策,从而为制定合理的土地利用总体规划提供基本的依据。  相似文献   
系统研究了西藏冈底斯带石炭纪—二叠纪火山岩的时空分布、岩相学、元素及Sr、Nd、Pb 同位素地球化学和构造环境、源区性质,并与喜马拉雅带二叠纪火山岩进行了对比研究。冈底斯带石炭纪—二叠纪火山岩近东西向集中分布在冈底斯构造带中北部地带,空间上从东至西火山活动的强度和规模渐次减小,时间上从早至晚火山活动的强度和规模总体由弱到强。冈底斯带石炭纪—二叠纪火山岩形成于活动大陆边缘的岛弧构造环境,从早到晚岛弧造山作用经历了初始岛弧→早期岛弧→成熟岛弧的发展演变过程,火山岩浆来源于富集型地幔部分熔融作用,原始岩浆在形成和演化的过程中有俯冲洋壳及随带的深海沉积物和再循环进人地慢的地壳物质组分的强烈混染,明显不同于受地壳物质组分强烈混染的喜马拉雅带二叠纪陆缘裂陷型火山岩。综合研究冈底斯带及其邻区近年来的最新调查与研究成果,从北向南拟建了石炭纪—二叠纪冈底斯岛弧→雅鲁藏布江弧后裂谷盆地→喜马拉雅陆缘裂陷盆地的弧盆系时空结构演化模式,探讨了冈瓦纳大陆北缘石炭纪—二叠纪活动大陆边缘的岛弧造山作用与青藏高原古特提斯演化的耦合关系及其动力学机制,讨论了冈底斯带松多乡榴辉岩的形成过程。  相似文献   
Patterns of crystallographic preferred orientation are referred to as texture. The specific subject of texture analysis is the experimental determination and interpretation of the statistical distribution of orientations of crystals within a specimen of polycrystalline material, which could be metals or rocks. The objective is to relate an observed pattern of preferred orientation to its generating processes and vice versa. In geosciences, texture of minerals in rocks is used to infer constraints on their tectono-metamorphic history. Since most physical properties of crystals, such as elastic moduli, the coefficients of thermal expansion, or chemical resistance to etching depends on crystal symmetry and orientation, the presence of texture imparts directional properties to the polycrystalline material. A major issue of mathematical texture analysis is the resolution of the inverse problem to determine a reasonable orientation density function on SO(3) from measured pole intensities on , which relates to the inverse of the totally geodesic Radon transform. This communication introduces a wavelet approach into mathematical texture analysis. Wavelets on the two-dimensional sphere and on the rotational group SO(3) are discussed, and an algorithms for a wavelet decomposition on both domains following the ideas of Ta-Hsin Li is given. The relationship of these wavelets on both domains with respect to the totally geodesic Radon transform is investigated. In particular, it is shown that the Radon transform of these wavelets on SO(3) are again wavelets on . A novel algorithm for the inversion of experimental pole intensities to an orientation density function based on this relationship is developed.  相似文献   
黄幼才 《测绘学报》1993,22(4):289-293
本分析了杠杆点的几何含义和统计特征,从杠杆点的保差性,矩阵的摄动和参数估值可靠性的观点出发讨论了杠杆点的不利和有利的两个方面,提出了一个全面的设计空间抗差方案。  相似文献   
太行山南段沟谷杂木林的群落学特征及起源初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘鸿雁 《地理科学》1995,15(2):188-195
大理州2005年初夏出现了严重干旱气象事件.从500pHa高空环流特征、500pHa距平场特征、西太平洋副高特征量及北太平洋中低纬海温距平场、OLR距平场对这次干旱的成因进行了分析,分析结果表明:2005年初夏(4月1日~6月10日)降水异常偏少气温明显偏高是发生干旱的主要原因,高空大气环流异常、西太平洋副高持续偏强偏西、冷空气活动偏北是导致干旱的直接原因;孟加拉湾南部4月OLR场呈明显正距平,抑制低值系统的发展和东北移影响云南,是影响2005年大理初夏干旱重要原因;北太平洋中低纬海温特征与大理州初夏干旱有一定的遥相关性.  相似文献   
近50 a渭河流域洪水成因分析及防治对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
张琼华  赵景波 《中国沙漠》2006,26(1):117-121
 通过对近50 a渭河流域洪水的年际变化、月际变化和潼关高程变化的综合分析得出,造成该流域洪水灾害的原因有降水量年内分配不均和年际变化大,滩面淤积加重,支流河口淤塞以及河势、流态的恶化等。针对这些原因,根据渭河流域洪水灾害的特点,提出了相应的防治措施,即降低下游高程,减少河道的淤积,增大河道泄洪能力;利用水库进行调水调沙,引进客水冲刷渭河下游;防洪工程要除险加固,提高防洪标准与抗洪能力;恢复林草植被,遏止水土流失,从源头上控制泥沙入河等。  相似文献   
In the East China Sea (ECS), there are some mud areas, including the south coastal mud area, the north coastal mud area, and the mud area to the southwest of Cheju Island. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques and Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) were used to study the high-resolution sedimentary record of Pb concentrations and Pb stable isotopic compositions in the past one hundred and fifty years in the coastal mud of the ECS. Pb concentrations of a ^210Pb dating S5 core in the study area have increased rapidly since 1980, and reached the maximal value with 65.08 μg/g in 2000, corresponding to the fast economic development of China since the implementation of the "Reform and Open Policy" in 1978; ^206Pb/^207Pb ratios generally had stabilized at 1.195 from 1860 to 1966, and decreased gradually from 1966 to 2000, indicating that the anthropogenic source Pb contribution to the ECS has increased gradually since 1966, especially since 1980. Pb concentrations decreased distinctly from 2000 to 2003 and ^206Pb/^207Pb ratios increased from 2001 to 2003, corresponding closely to the ban of lead gasoline from 2000 in China. From 1950 to 2003, there occurred four distinct decrease events of ^206Pb/^207Pb, possibly responding to the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) catastrophic floods in 1998, 1991, 1981 and 1954; from 1860 to 1966, there were two decrease periods of ^206Pb/^207Pb, which may respond to the catastrophic floods of Changjiang River in 1931 and 1935, and 1870. As a result of the erosion and drowning by the catastrophic floods, the anthropogenic lead accumulated in soil and water environments over a long period of time was brought into the Changjiang River, then part of them was finally transported into the ECS, which leads to changes in Pb stable isotopic composition.  相似文献   
Deformation-induced garnet zoning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hyeong Soo Kim   《Gondwana Research》2006,10(3-4):379-388
Compositional zoning patterns in garnet porphyroblasts from kyanite-bearing samples of the Devonian Littleton Formation, north-central Massachusetts, reveal complex patterns of growth that are related to multiple deformation and metamorphic events. Garnet porphyroblasts exhibit asymmetrical and irregular zoning patterns in XMn, XCa and Fe/(Fe + Mg). Zoning reversals in Mn and Fe/(Fe + Mg) and patch distribution in Ca appear to occur around the boundaries of the textural zones. Also, the compositions of the garnet at the textural boundaries are variable for all traverses. These observations suggest that the garnet zoning was not only modified from diffusion processes, but was also influenced by pre-existing microfabrics through the effects of preferential dissolution and resorption in partial disequilibrium. Relationships between chemical and textural truncations indicate that the zoning patterns of garnet were strongly modified from preferential dissolution and precipitation during the development of successive foliations that occurred in zones of high strain/stress (cleavage seams) and zones of low strain/stress, respectively.  相似文献   
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