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以海洋平台定位系统作为研究对象,阐述了平台定位的主要组成和工作原理,设计了满足速度控制、同步控制和恒张力控制的不同运行模式下的系泊绞车液压系统,分析了液压系统各主要元件在系统中的作用。采用伪微分反馈控制算法对系泊绞车进行控制,并给出了同步控制的策略和恒张力的计算调定方法。Matlab仿真表明,伪微分控制算法具有很好的动态响应特性,完全满足海洋平台系泊定位的要求。  相似文献   
Mechanisms for the spatio-temporal development of the Tropical Pacific Meridional Mode(TPMM) are investigated using a coupled ocean-atmosphere model and observations.In both observations and the model,this meridional mode displays decadal variations and is most pronounced in spring and early summer.The model simulation suggests that once SST anomalies in the subtropical northeastern Pacific are initiated,say by northeasterly trade wind variability,perturbations evolve into a merdional dipole in 2-3 months.A...  相似文献   
讨论关于回转椭球静态场求解的一般方法,借助回转椭圆坐标系,静态场问题的一般解可以用实宗量和虚宗量勒让德函数以及余弦函数形式表出,使得结果更为简明和系统化。所得结果可以直接应用到椭球导体电场、尖端效应、介质椭球极化以至双极化雷达测量降水问题等,具有相当具体的实用价值。  相似文献   
由TIN生成规则格网DEM是基于TIN的离散点数据栅格化的重要一步,在基于一种数学原理的基础上运用逆向思维提出了TIN向规则格网DEM转换的新算法,不用传统的分块和建立索引,而是通过逐个遍历三角形来判断格网节点位于哪一个三角形中并实现格网节点的插值。通过编程实现、测试该算法,证明它具有非常高的插值效率。  相似文献   
Saliency detection is an effective approach to extract regions of interest (ROIs) for remote sensing images. However, existing saliency detection models mainly focus on ROI extraction from a single image and usually are not able to produce satisfactory results because of complex background interference in remote sensing images. The employment of mutual information in a set of remote sensing images can provide an effective solution to this issue. In this paper, we propose a novel saliency detection model for multiple remote sensing images to simultaneously extract ROIs and identify images without ROIs. First, common salient feature analysis based on synthesized feature clustering and global contrast is implemented to exploit global correspondence in the synthesis feature domain, thereby highlighting preliminary ROIs against background interference and assigning lower saliency values to images without ROIs. Then, we design an exclusion criterion based on saliency value judgment to remove images without ROIs, and the remaining saliency maps are refined by an enhancement strategy. Finally, the enhanced maps serve as a feedback to yield a homogenous synthesized feature space in which integral ROIs with subtle borders are extracted by the reused cluster-based saliency calculation. Experiments reveal that our model outperforms seven state-of-the-art models by achieving the best ROC curve (AUC = 0.945) and maximal F-measure at 0.729.  相似文献   
变形体变形系统是一个动态的非线性复合系统.变形运动的混沌行为验证主要通过计算系统的Lyapunov指数的正负得出.本文通过对变形系统的动力方程的混沌化研究,验证了当系统为单一连续时间系统时,构造合适的状态矩阵,保证其特征值大于某一参数就能确保变形系统的混沌化,而如果系统是反馈系统,合理选择反馈参数一样能使系统走向混沌.  相似文献   
Transitioning to more efficient and less carbon-intensive heating is a monumental policy challenge in the United Kingdom. However, very few households in the UK—and perhaps even elsewhere—have actual experience with state-of-the-art smart heating systems that may utilize enhanced control or feedback. Drawing from a unique sample of actual adopters of smart heating, this study closely examines the heating preferences, practices, and profiles of homes when they are given smarter heating systems. The study utilizes qualitative household data from the Energy System Catapult’s Living Laboratory of 100 smart homes in Birmingham (West Midlands), Bridgend (Wales), Manchester (Greater Manchester), and Newcastle (Northumberland). We examine the heating preferences and profiles of participants, with findings inductively organized around the themes of temperature, including tradeoffs between comfort, cost, and value; time, including the utility of heat scheduling; and space, including zonal heating controls. We also discuss patterns of learning, the emergence of environmental values, and issues of discomfort. We conclude by commenting on important distinctions between radiant and ambient heat, as well as between scheduled and on-demand heat. The main findings are 1) tradeoffs between comfort, value and cost occur when it comes to smart heating; 2) people want different numbers of warm hours in their homes at very different times; 3) households chose to heat different numbers of rooms; and 4) there are other non-monetary and non-functional aspects of smart heating that households value.  相似文献   
张琼  陈婕 《第四纪研究》2020,40(6):1499-1512

黄土和石笋等古气候代用资料表明在末次间冰期间,东亚夏季风增强、降水增多。本研究利用地球系统模式EC-Earth模拟了末次间冰期127 ka时期的气候,通过和工业革命前的气候模拟控制试验做比对,分析了127 ka时期由于地球轨道参数变化导致的东亚夏季风的空间变化特征。我们利用了两种EC-Earth的模式配置,即"大气-陆面-海洋-海冰"耦合模式和"大气-陆面-海洋-海冰-动态植被"耦合模式,分别估算轨道强迫和植被反馈对东亚夏季风降水变化的贡献。数值模拟结果表明,地球轨道强迫导致的海陆热力差异使得东亚夏季风系统显著增强并北移西伸,中国中部及华北地区降水增多而东部沿海地区降水减少。耦合了动态植被模式的试验结果表明,127 ka时期温暖湿润的气候致使东亚地区植被增多,植被的蒸腾作用使得地表的感热和潜热通量显著增大,从而增强了局地水循环,使降水进一步增多。植被的反馈作用在原本温暖湿润的华南地区对降水的影响并不显著,但是对相对干旱的我国中部和华北地区降水有显著影响。数值试验结果表明轨道强迫和植被反馈的共同作用能使内陆的四川盆地到华北一带夏季降水增加约40%,其中30%的增加是由于轨道强迫作用,约10%是由于植被反馈。这个研究也提醒我们,要得到更加合理的对过去或未来气候变化的模拟结果,有必要使用耦合动态植被的气候系统模式。

The interaction between the land surface and the atmosphere is a crucial driver of atmospheric processes. Soil moisture and precipitation are key components in this feedback. Both variables are intertwined in a cycle, that is, the soil moisture – precipitation feedback for which involved processes and interactions are still discussed. In this study the soil moisture – precipitation feedback is compared for the sempiternal humid Ammer catchment in Southern Germany and for the semiarid to subhumid Sissili catchment in West Africa during the warm season, using precipitation datasets from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS), from the German Weather Service (REGNIE) and simulation datasets from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and the hydrologically enhanced WRF-Hydro model. WRF and WRF-Hydro differ by their representation of terrestrial water flow. With this setup we want to investigate the strength, sign and variables involved in the soil moisture – precipitation feedback for these two regions. The normalized model spread between the two simulation results shows linkages between precipitation variability and diagnostic variables surface fluxes, moisture flux convergence above the surface and convective available potential energy in both study regions. The soil moisture – precipitation feedback is evaluated with a classification of soil moisture spatial heterogeneity based on the strength of the soil moisture gradients. This allows us to assess the impact of soil moisture anomalies on surface fluxes, moisture flux convergence, convective available potential energy and precipitation. In both regions the amount of precipitation generally increases with soil moisture spatial heterogeneity. For the Ammer region the soil moisture – precipitation feedback has a weak negative sign with more rain near drier patches while it has a positive signal for the Sissili region with more rain over wetter patches. At least for the observed moderate soil moisture values and the spatial scale of the Ammer region, the spatial variability of soil moisture is more important for surface-atmosphere interactions than the actual soil moisture content. Overall, we found that soil moisture heterogeneity can greatly affect the soil moisture – precipitation feedback.  相似文献   
朱德明  李洁 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):182-187
根据江苏省太湖流域水环境与社会经济特征,建立主要污染物排污权交易优化目标模型;以重点工业污染企业为样本,对排污权交易初始方案实施的预期效果进行定量分析,提出开展排污权交易制度的政策建议.  相似文献   
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