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本文提出了利用遥感影像与常规数据建立垂直气候特征数据库的方法,给出了气候遥感模拟方程及小地形订正方法。初步讨论了NOAA-AVHRR热红外数据与气候特征值是否存在相关。  相似文献   
地下水补给量反映了含水层的可更新能力,是地下水资源管理与合理开发利用的关键参数之一。为定量研究黄土高原丘陵沟壑区小流域地下水的补给特征,基于岔巴沟流域上游、中游、下游3个水文站1959-1969年降水与日径流观测资料,通过退水分析法估算了流域地下水补给量,并分析了与降水量和基流量的关系及其在年内的补给变化过程。结果表明:岔巴沟流域年平均基流量为13.09 mm·a-1,更新时间为124 d,补给量为11.46 mm·a-1,降水入渗补给率为0.025,基流补给率为0.89。从上游到下游地下水补给量与入渗补给率逐渐增大,且上游与下游之间有显著差异(P<0.05);基流补给率逐渐减小,各集水区之间差异均显著。地下水补给量与降水量呈线性正相关(R2>0.40),在下游集水区内随降水量变化的增幅较大。基流量与降水量也呈正相关关系(R2>0.77),干流基流80%以上源于降水补给转化。以5月份为节点可将地下水补给过程分为"一次补给"和"二次补给"2个主要阶段,其分别占全年总补给量约30%和70%,并且"二次补给"是造成岔巴沟流域不同集水区地下水补给量差异的主要阶段,并且为无资料地区小流域地下水资源的评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The isolation systems are usually made of rubber bearings that are sometimes coupled in hybrid combination with frictional devices; this is the case of an in-site experimental campaign, performed on a base isolated apartment building in Rapolla (south of Italy). Several dropout tests at initial displacements up to 17cm allowed to obtain in-site information on the true dynamic response of the isolation system (building and isolators). The tests carried out allow a comparison between the free vibration responses of a building, isolated by using a 28 HDRB isolation system only, or an HDRB-Friction Sliders Hybrid one. The paper highlights the main differences of the response in the superstructure (the structure over the isolation system) obtained by using only HDRB isolation system, or the Hybrid one (HDRB and Friction Sliders in parallel system). Analysis and comparisons of experimental data, show the influence of nonlinearities on structural higher modes amplification, especially observed by using the higher nonlinear Hybrid isolation system. Tests results confirm that, in the case of a regular superstructure, like the Rapolla building, the isolation system nonlinearities influence the structural response.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古生界层序地层特征与储层发育规律   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
通过地震和测井层序地层分析,可在鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古生界识别出4个地震层序,层序界面均以区域性侵蚀面或河道冲刷面为边界。层序的发育特征反映了鄂尔多斯盆地在晚古生代经历了陆表海盆地的形成、发展、衰退和逐渐消亡的过程。储集层主要是石炭系的滨岸砂体、二叠系的河道砂体以及冲积扇砂体。在层序地层体制中,储层的纵向发育受基准面升降变化旋回的控制,而平面展布受古地貌的制约。通过地震与钻井的综合分析,具体预测出有利的储集砂体分布。  相似文献   
《山西地震综合数据处理系统》是遵循《国家地震局数据库技术规范》,以PDP-11/23~+小型机与IBM/PC联机为硬件支撑,以网状型数据库为核心,含前期处理、库管理、数据检索、科学计算、分析会商5个子系统的较大型应用软件系统。具有对数据进行收集、录入、预处理、存储、管理、加工及应用等功能。整个系统通过总控菜单程序实现了异种机间上百个模块的调度,使查询-处理一体化。该系统把地震数据库、日常监测数据处理、专家地震预报系统有机地衔接于一体,可直接服务于地震科研和震情会商。该系统的建设是山西省重大科技攻关项目,也是国家地震局的合同制项目。  相似文献   
安徽滁县琅琊山一带燕山期岩浆岩成因及区域找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滁县琅琊山铜矿床是长江中下游成矿带北东段滁县-庐江铜金成矿带的一部分,为安徽东部目前发现规模最大的铜及伴生金矿床。与成矿关系密切的滁县岩体,长期以来前人鲜有系统的地球化学研究,本文在野外地质调查的基础上,系统采集了一套滁县岩体样品,发现其地球化学特征与典型的埃达克岩基本一致:具有SiO2>56%,Al2O3≥15%,富Sr、Ba和Cr、Ni,具有高的Sr/Y和(La/Yb)N值,但Y和Yb含量低,无明显Eu异常,另外岩石具有较高的MgO、Mg#及Sr/La值,显示海水蚀变MORB相似的地球化学特征。分析认为,该区燕山期岩浆岩为洋壳俯冲产物,属比较典型的和成矿有关的埃达克岩,伴随着该期侵入岩的上侵,富含Cu、Au的成矿物质随着温度、压力或者氧逸度的降低,在合适的部位富集成矿。对比分析了上腰铺岩体的地球化学特征,认为它和滁县岩体特征基本一致,应该有着相似的成岩成矿背景。同时在滁县岩体西南段发现一条含微细粒黄铁矿碎裂状白云岩质硅化带,在上腰铺岩体周边发现一条多金属矿化硅质脉,并对琅琊山含铜矿化矽卡岩及上述白云岩质硅化带和多金属矿化硅质脉进行了地质分析和痕量元素测试,认为它们与燕山期侵入岩有着密切的关系,上腰铺岩体周边可以作为下步铜及伴生金矿床勘查的新的远景地区,同时指出该区找矿不能只盯着矽卡岩型铜金矿而忽视多金属矿化硅质脉新类型矿的寻找。  相似文献   
长度检定场是电磁波测距仪量值传递的主要标准,主要用于各等级电磁波测距仪的常数测定,本文根据相关的测量规范,就建场设计及其控制测量中一些技术问题作了一些分析和探讨.  相似文献   
In many finite element platforms, a classical global damping matrix based on the elastic stiffness of the system (including isolators) is usually developed as part of the solution to the equations of motion of base-isolated buildings. The conducted analytical and numerical investigations illustrate that this approach can lead to the introduction of unintended damping to the first and higher vibration modes and the spurious suppression of the respective structural responses. A similar shortcoming might be observed even when a nonclassical damping model (ie, an assembly of the superstructure and isolation system damping sub-matrices) is used. For example, the use of Rayleigh damping approach to develop the superstructure damping sub-matrix can lead to the undesired addition of damping to the isolated mode arising from the mass-proportional component of the superstructure damping. On the other hand, the improper use of nonclassical stiffness-proportional damping (eg, determining the proportional damping coefficient, βk , based on the first mode) can result in assigning significant damping to the higher-modes and the unintended mitigation of the higher-mode responses. Results show that a nonclassical stiffness-proportional model in which βk is determined based on the second modal period of a base-isolated building can reasonably specify the intended damping to the higher modes without imparting undesirable damping to the first mode. The nonclassical stiffness-proportional damping can be introduced to the numerical model through explicit viscous damper elements attached between adjacent floors. In structural analysis software such as SAP2000®, the desired nonclassical damping can be also modeled through specifying damping solely to the superstructure material.  相似文献   
胡兴树  杨宏山 《测绘科学》2007,32(Z1):85-87
地籍调查、村集体土地所有权调查和土地利用调查对调查底图的要求不同,在土地利用数据库建设的过程中应综合考虑;GPS、GIS和RS技术的应用,改变了土地利用调查的技术流程,提高了调查效率;土地利用数据库质量控制包括质量检查方法、质量标准和质量责任体系。  相似文献   
The larval stages of the acorn barnacles Chamaesipho columna, Chamaesipho brunnea, Elminius plicatus, Elminius modestus, Balanus trigonus, and Tetraclita purpurascens are described from larvae reared in the laboratory. A key and a table are included for separating larval stages and species.

Skeletonema costatum appears to have a wide application as a food in the rearing of larvae of the Balanidae.

The two Chamaesipho species show typical chthamalid characters of hispid antennal setae and unilobed labrum. The similarity between the larvae of Elminius plicatus and Tetraclita purpurascens supports the classification of E. plicatus as a tetraclitid.  相似文献   
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