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MM5中新边界层方案的引入和对比试验   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
江勇  赵鸣 《气象科学》2002,22(3):253-263
本文介绍了一种新的边界层方案,即E-ε-1方案,并用五种层结下的通量廓线关系计算地面通量,将其引入到中尺度数值天气预报模式MM5中,并用新的边界层方案对江淮流域存季暴雨进行了短期模拟,与此同时,对新的方案和模式原有的各种边界层方案作了比较,对此得到了一些有价值的结果。  相似文献   
The sensitivity of the simulated tropical intraseasonal oscillation or MJO (Madden and Julian oscilla tion)to different cumulus parameterizations is studied by using an atmospheric general circulation model (GCM)-SAMIL(Spectral Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG).Results show that performance of the model in simulating the MJO alters widely when using two different cumulus parameterization schemes-the moist convective adjustment scheme(MCA)and the Zhang-McFarlane(ZM)scheme.MJO simulated by the MCA scheme was found to be more realistic than that simulated by the ZM scheme.MJO produced by the ZM scheme is too weak and shows little propagation characteristics.Weak moisture convergence at low levels simulated by the ZM scheme is not enough to maintain the structure and the eastward propagation of the oscillation.These two cumulus schemes produced different vertical structures of the heating profile.The heating profile produced by the ZM scheme is nearly uniform with height and the heating is too weak compared to that produced by the MCA,which maybe contributes greatly to the failure of simulating a reasonable MJO.Comparing the simulated MJO by these two schemes indicate that the MJO simulated by the GCM is highly sensitive to cumulus parameterizations implanted in.The diabatic heating profile plays an important role in the performance of the GCM.Three sensitivity experiments with different heating profiles are designed in which modified heating profiles peak respectively in the upper troposphere(UH), middle troposphere(MH),and lower troposphere(LH).Both the LH run and the MH run produce eastward propagating signals on the intraseasonal timescale,while it is interesting that the intraseasonal timescale signals produced by the UH run propagate westward.It indicates that a realistic intraseasonal oscillation is more prone to be excited when the maximum heating concentrates in the middle-low levels,especially in the middle levels,while westward propagating disturbances axe more prone to be produced when the maximum heating appears very high.  相似文献   
Models under location uncertainty are derived assuming that a component of the velocity is uncorrelated in time. The material derivative is accordingly modified to include an advection correction, inhomogeneous and anisotropic diffusion terms and a multiplicative noise contribution. In this paper, simplified geophysical dynamics are derived from a Boussinesq model under location uncertainty. Invoking usual scaling approximations and a moderate influence of the subgrid terms, stochastic formulations are obtained for the stratified Quasi-Geostrophy and the Surface Quasi-Geostrophy models. Based on numerical simulations, benefits of the proposed stochastic formalism are demonstrated. A single realization of models under location uncertainty can restore small-scale structures. An ensemble of realizations further helps to assess model error prediction and outperforms perturbed deterministic models by one order of magnitude. Such a high uncertainty quantification skill is of primary interests for assimilation ensemble methods. MATLAB® code examples are available online.  相似文献   
王建捷  周斌  郭肖容 《气象学报》2005,63(4):405-417
使用20 km分辨率的MM5模式,分别选用KUO,GRELL,KAIN-FRITSCH和BETTS-MILLER(以下简称KU,GR,KF和BM)等4种不同对流参数化方案,对1996年8月3~4日石家庄特大暴雨过程作数值模拟试验,分析比较了4个不同试验中网格尺度(显式方案)和次网格尺度(对流参数化方案)凝结加热的水平、垂直分布和时变特征;研究探讨了凝结加热分布及差异对暴雨中尺度模拟结果的可能影响。分析显示,暴雨过程中,4个不同对流参数化方案试验所得到的次网格尺度凝结加热基本都呈单峰特征、加热峰值在对流层中层,但加热层厚度和强度在不同试验间存在差别;4个试验的网格尺度凝结加热的垂直范围表现出较好的一致性,加热重心位于对流层低层,但加热强度仍有所不同;GR和KF及BM试验的总凝结加热率的垂直分布特征主要受其网格尺度凝结加热率特征的影响、加热重心在对流层低层,而KU试验的总凝结加热率的垂直分布特征由其次网格尺度凝结加热率特征所决定、加热重心在对流层中层。研究表明,尽管4个试验在暴雨期间总凝结加热的垂直分布差异并不显著,但对暴雨中尺度模拟的影响却不能忽视。凝结加热的分布特征及演变直接影响与暴雨发生发展密切关联的物理量场的中尺度结构和演变;凝结加热对暴雨中尺度的影响具有连锁性,由加热差异波及局部环流细致结构和强度及其变化的差异,进而影响暴雨发生发展的细致特征。在20 km或更高一些分辨率的条件下,对于描述温带/中纬度暴雨的发展和结构,选用KF方案得到的模拟结果可能更具物理合理性;而KU方案模拟结果容易出现格点气柱的水汽和温度被过量调整的不合理情况。要得到一个可信的中尺度模拟结果,对降水模拟结果进行细化特征的验证、特别是随时间演变特征的验证分析是非常重要的,因为降水的细致演变特征与凝结加热及与之相联系的物理量场的中尺度演变特征密切关联。  相似文献   
An empirical formula to compute snow cover fraction in GCMs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
There exists great uncertainty in parameterizing snow cover fraction in most general circulation models (GCMs) using various empirical formulae, which has great influence on the performance of GCMs. This work reviews the commonly used relationships between region-averaged snow depth (or snow water equivalent) and snow cover extent (or fraction) and suggests a new empirical formula to compute snow cover fraction, which only depends on the domain-averaged snow depth, for GCMs with different horizontal resolution. The new empirical formula is deduced based on the 10-yr (1978-1987) 0.5°× 0.5° weekly snow depth data of the scanning multichannel microwave radiometer (SMMR) driven from the Nimbus-7 Satellite. Its validation to estimate snow cover for various GCM resolutions was tested using the climatology of NOAA satellite-observed snow cover.  相似文献   
A lumped empirical model, the Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) rainfall-runoff model, is developed for the Can Le catchment in the upstream region of the Sai Gon river Basin (Vietnam). This model can serve to simulate catchment runoff into the Dau Tieng Reservoir and can be used as a flood forecasting tool for the ungauged Can Le catchment. The GIUH couples geomorphology and hydrology quantitatively. The obtained Unit Hydrograph is based on Horton's morphometric parameters; bifurcation, length and area ratios. A new functionality within the ILWIS GIS-RS package, namely ‘DEM-hydro processing’, is applied to effectively process a Digital Elevation Model to extract these ratios from the drainage network. To supplement the limited field data available, various satellites images have been used such as ASTER, SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) and METEOSAT 5. A short field campaign to collect missing ground data was executed between September and October 2005. The data collected included discharge (and stage – discharge curve), meteorological data, soil, land use information that are used for paramerisation, calibration and validation of the GIUH. The model was successfully applied for the Can Le catchment. Using the Horton's morphometric parameters derived from the DEM with estimated overland and stream flow velocities, the model is easy-to-use.  相似文献   
Ensemble prediction experiments of the tracks of eight tropical cyclones occurring between 2004 -2006 over the western Pacific have been performed by using MM5 with five cumulus parameterizations chemes. The results show that the predictions of the tracks of the tropical cyclones are sensitive to the selection of cumulus parameterization schemes. Each scheme has its own advantage and disadvantage, and the predications without cumulus parameterization schemes are not the worst, sometimes even better than the others. And all of the three ensemble methods improve the predictions of the tracks significantly, among which the ensemble method without parameterization schemes, the Grell, Betts-Miller and Kain-Fritsch schemes are the best.  相似文献   
The Penn State/ NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5) is used to simulate the precipitation event that oc-curred during 1-2 May 1994 to the south of the Yangtze River. In five experiments the Kain-Fritsch scheme is made use of for the subgrid-scale convective precipitation, but five different resolvable-scale microphysical parameterization schemes are employed. They are the simple super-saturation removal scheme, the warm rain scheme of Hsie et al. (1984), the simple ice scheme of Dudhia (1989), the complex mixed-phase scheme developed by Reisner et al. (1993). and the GSFC microphysical scheme with graupel. Our interest is how the various resolvable-scale schemes affect the domain-averaged precipitation, the pre-cipitation distribution, the sea level pressure, the cloud water and the cloud ice.Through a series of experiments about a warm sector rainfall case, results show that although the dif-ferent resolvable-scale scheme is used, the differences of the precipitation characteristics among all five runs are not very obvious. However, the precipitation is over-predicted and the strong mesoscale low is produced by the simple super-saturation removal scheme. The warm rain scheme with the inclusion of condensation and evaporation under-predicts the precipitation and allows the cloud water to reach the 300 hPa level The scheme of the addition of graupel increases the resolvable-scale precipitation by about 20%–30%. The inclusion of supercooled liquid water in the grid-scale scheme does not affect significantly the results.  相似文献   
Las Vegas Valley has had a long history of groundwater development and subsequent surface deformation. InSAR interferograms have revealed detailed and complex spatial patterns of subsidence in the Las Vegas Valley area that do not coincide with major pumping regions. This research represents the first effort to use high spatial and temporal resolution subsidence observations from InSAR and hydraulic head data to inversely calibrate transmissivities (T), elastic and inelastic skeletal storage coefficients (Ske and Skv) of the developed‐zone aquifer and conductance (CR) of the basin‐fill faults for the entire Las Vegas basin. The results indicate that the subsidence observations from InSAR are extremely beneficial for accurately quantifying hydraulic parameters, and the model calibration results are far more accurate than when using only groundwater levels as observations, and just a limited number of subsidence observations. The discrepancy between distributions of pumping and greatest levels of subsidence is found to be attributed to spatial variations in clay thickness. The Eglington fault separates thicker interbeds to the northwest from thinner interbeds to the southeast and the fault may act as a groundwater‐flow barrier and/or subsidence boundary, although the influence of the groundwater barrier to this area is found to be insignificant. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
边界层参数化方案在“灰色区域”尺度下的适用性评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着数值预报模式分辨率的提高,当模式网格距与含能湍涡的长度尺度相当时,模式动力过程可解析一部分湍流运动,而剩余的湍流运动仍需参数化,此时便产生了湍流参数化的“灰色区域”问题。对传统的PBL(Planetary Boundary Layer)方案在“灰色区域”下的适用性评估,是改进PBL方案以使其能够适应分辨率变化的前提和基础。本研究基于干对流边界层的大涡模拟试验,比较了WRF(Weather Research and Forecast Model)模式中四种常用的边界层参数化方案[YSU(Yonsei University)、MYJ(Mellor-Yamada-Janjic)、MYNN2.5(Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino Level 2.5)、MYNN3)]在“灰色区域”尺度下的表现。研究表明,混合层内总热通量对所使用的参数化方案和水平分辨率均不敏感。不同参数化方案中次网格与网格通量的比例表现出对水平网格距不同的依赖性。局地PBL方案(MYJ、MYNN2.5)在混合层内的平均位温随网格距减小而增大,次网格通量随网格距减小而减小,较参考湍流场对次网格通量有所低估。YSU方案的非局地项几乎不随水平格距改变而变化,对次网格通量的表征并未表现出较强的分辨率依赖性,且过强的非局地次网格输送使混合层内温度层结呈弱稳定,抑制了可分辨湍流输送,不易于激发次级环流。MYNN3方案的非局地次网格通量(负梯度输送项)随网格距减小而减小,使其对次网格通量的表征具有较好的分辨率依赖性。PBL方案在“灰色区域”尺度下的适用性与具体分辨率有关。以分辨率500 m为例,四种PBL方案中不存在一种最佳方案,能对边界层的热力结构和湍流统计特征均有准确的描述。  相似文献   
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