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The Holocence paleolimnology of Lake Sämbosjön is described using geochemical and diatom analyses. The objective of this study is the reconstruction of major changes in trophic state and productivity, and to interpret the major causative processes. The accumulation of organic matter indicates a relatively high productivity in early Holocene, and the diatom analysis indicates a relatively high trophic state and pH. A succeeding decrease in productivity and trophic state and lowering in pH is recorded from about 8000 BP. If lake development had been primarily edaphically conditioned, viz. determined by nutrient supply from catchment soils, such a progressive oligotrophication would represent the common development of temperate lakes. Between about 6000 BP and 4000 BP Lake Sämbosjön was characterized by relatively stable productivity and pH. From about 4000 BP the analyses reveal an increase again in trophic state, productivity, and in pH. This eutrophication, which continued throughout the late Holocene, was caused by an exceptionally strong human influence on the catchment of Lake Sämbosjön. The increased supply of nutrients from cleared and deforested catchment soils changed the trophic state and provided the basis for increased lake productivity.  相似文献   
Diatoms were identified and enumerated from a surface sediment calibration set of 50 lakes in northwestern Québec. The relationship between species composition and environmental variables was examined using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Forward selection and Monte Carlo permutation tests in CCA indicated that diatom species distributions in the data set are most strongly correlated to lakewater pH. A strong (r 2 boot = 0.83) weighted averaging calibration model, that includes bootstrapped error estimates, was developed for inferring past lakewater pH. Using this model, temporal changes in pH were reconstructed for two kettle lakes, Lac de la Pépinière and Lac Perron. Based on limnological data, both the study lakes were expected to have recently acidified due to increased acidic precipitation and increases in anthropogenic metal loading. However, our long-term pH inference data indicate that these lakes were naturally acidic during pre-industrial times. Nonetheless, the rate of acidification, particularly in Lac de la Pépinière, has accelerated in the last ∼75 years. These long-term pH records developed for the dilute lakes in northwestern Québec suggest that the region has received increased atmospheric pollutants from the nearby Horne smelter in Rouyn-Noranda. The pH inference profiles are markedly different from many other paleolimnological studies in acid-sensitive regions of Canada that have become acidic primarily as a result of industrial activities. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
细菌源3-羟基脂肪酸(C10-C18)作为环境变化指示指标具有良好的应用前景,但相关研究还很不系统,在海洋环境中的应用刚刚起步.3-羟基脂肪酸主要用于环境中pH和温度的重建,通过其支链比(异构和反异构3-羟基脂肪酸之和/正构3-羟基脂肪酸之和)与pH的显著正相关关系反演环境中的pH,通过其C15和C17同系物的反异构/...  相似文献   
农用地土壤中7种重金属可提取态的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
该文以氯化钙溶液进行提取,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法和原子荧光光谱法,测定农用地土壤中Cd,As,Pb,Cr,Cu,Zn,Ni等7种重金属可提取态,检出限在0.003~0.06 mg/kg之间。该方法用于4个可提取态质控样品的测定,测定值与推荐值基本相符,测定的相对标准偏差(n=8)在3.3%~9.1%之间。基于800余件农用地土壤样品的测定数据,对7种重金属可提取态与土壤pH值及重金属总量之间的关系进行了初步考察。结果表明,7个重金属可提取态和总量关系无明显相关性,仅在土壤酸性条件下可提取态Cd与总量Cd呈正相关性。7种重金属提取率大小顺序为Cd>Zn>Ni>Cu,As>Pb>Cr,其中Cd,Zn,Ni,Cu,Pb的提取率随土壤pH值的增大而迅速下降,而As,Cr在土壤碱性条件下的提取率略高于中酸性条件下的提取率。  相似文献   
pH值对单环刺螠呼吸排泄的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究pH值对单环刺螠(Urechis unicinctus)呼吸排泄的影响,采用静水密封法,研究了不同pH值(5、6、7、8、9)对体质量5.65±1.06g单环刺螠耗氧率、排氨率、能量代谢率、O/N值的影响.结果表明,pH值对单环刺螠耗氧率、排氨率、能量代谢率、O/N值均有显著影响(p0.05).单环刺螠耗氧率随pH值的升高而增大,pH值为8时达到最大值,之后随pH值的升高而减小.单环刺螠耗氧率与pH值之间的拟合方程为:OR=-2.977X2+55.188X-176.380,R2=0.937.单环刺螠排氨率的变化与耗氧率相似,在pH值为7时排氨率达到最大值;pH值为9时排氨率最小,与pH值为8的组差异不显著(p0.05).排氨率与pH值之间的拟合方程为:NR=-0.350X2+4.442X-6.822,R2=0.724.单环刺螠能量代谢率、O/N值均随pH值的升高呈先增大后减小的趋势,拟合方程分别为:M=-0.040X2+0.424X-0.044,R2=0.937;A=0.053X2+1.879X-7.470,R2=0.901.pH值为8的环境中,单环刺螠体内蛋白质代谢水平最低,有利于蛋白质的积累.研究表明,单环刺螠在一定pH值范围内可以通过调整生理代谢水平适应水体pH值,其适宜生活在弱碱性水中,生存最适pH值为8.  相似文献   
文章采用动态模拟实验研究了卤水NaCl-H2O体系不同盐度、酸碱度对砂岩中铜元素的活化迁移作用。结果表明,在常压室温环境下,卤水盐度越高,越有利于含铜砂岩中铜的活化迁移,不同盐度卤水对铜的活化强度表现为w(NaCl)为25%的溶液w(NaCl)为20%的溶液w(NaCl)为10%的溶液w(NaCl)为5%的溶液。酸碱度条件模拟实验,揭示了强酸(pH=0.71)或者强碱(pH=10.28)环境有利于铜的活化迁移,尤其是在强酸(pH=0.71)条件下,可极大增强铜的溶解性,这对于解释蒸发岩盆地含铜卤水的成矿过程具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   
林彩  孙秀武  林辉  暨卫东 《台湾海峡》2009,28(4):492-495
选用厦门海域中常见的赤潮藻中肋骨条藻,进行不同水温、pH条件下一氧化氮(NO)对该藻生长影响的实验,初步研究了水温、pH和一氧化氮含量与中肋骨条藻生长之间的关系.结果表明:水温为25~30℃和pH为8.20~8.30时,一氧化氮对中肋骨条藻生长的促进作用最为明显.因此,一氧化氮的这种促进作用将可能增加赤潮发生的机率,增加对该因子的监测将可能提高对赤潮预警预测的准确性.  相似文献   
酸性环境干湿循环对泥质砂岩力学特性影响的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘新荣  张梁  傅晏 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):45-52
由于库水位升降及降雨等原因,岩体经常处于干湿交替状态,对岩体工程的长期稳定性不利。以三峡库区泥质砂岩为研究对象,进行了酸性环境干湿循环交替作用后的常规单轴与三轴压缩试验研究,获得了泥质砂岩在酸性溶液浸泡干湿循环后的相关力学参数。相对于没有经过干湿循环作用的干燥试件,经过不同次数的干湿循环作用后,泥质砂岩的弹性模量、单轴抗压强度、黏聚力与内摩擦角都有不同程度的降低。各个力学指标的总体变化趋势是在第一次饱水之后有大幅度的降低,此后随着干湿循环次数的增加其降低的幅度逐渐减小。同时,酸性溶液的pH值对力学指标的影响很大,存在对泥质砂岩力学性能影响较大的一个临界pH值,低于此值酸性溶液对泥质砂岩力学性能影响显著增大,高于此值酸性溶液对其力学性能影响较小。  相似文献   
A diatom-based paleolimnological investigation was conducted on late Holocene sediments from a poorly buffered lake, informally named “Rock Basin Lake”, on Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada. The fossil diatom record is unlike any other obtained thus far from high arctic regions, exhibiting dynamic assemblage shifts over the entire 3300 yr sedimentary record. Multiple proxies (i.e., diatoms, pH reconstructions, biogenic silica, C/N ratios, total organic carbon) appear to sensitively track rapid limnological changes, which are associated with distinct climate intervals as inferred from other regional proxy records. The highly responsive nature of the diatom assemblages in Rock Basin Lake, relative to those recorded from nearby alkaline sites, appears to be related to this lake's limited ability to buffer changes in pH. The dynamic species responses suggest that the diatoms in Rock Basin Lake are faithfully tracking climatic changes, and that low-alkalinity lakes may provide the most sensitive diatom-based paleolimnological records from high arctic regions.  相似文献   
利用中国气象局酸雨观测网西南地区四川、重庆、贵州、昆明、西藏五省、市、自治区17个酸雨观测站1993—2004年的观测资料.研究了西南地区降水pH值、酸雨频率及降水电导率时空分布特征。分析结果表明,红原、拉萨、甘孜极少出现酸雨;重庆酸雨频率最高,遵义降水pH均值最小,降水酸性较强;酸雨年际变化有降低趋势;酸雨强度及频率存在明显的月际变化,变化接近U型分布,并且与降水量成正相关。西南地区的酸雨污染仍很严重。  相似文献   
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