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This study makes use of the concept of wave age in estimating ocean wave period from space borne altimeter measurements of backscattering coefficient and significant wave height. Introduction of wave age allowed better accounting of the difference between swells and wind waves. Using two years (1998 and 1999) data of TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter and ocean data buoy observations in the Indian Ocean, coefficients were generated for wave period, which were subsequently tested against data for the years 2000 and 2001. The results showed the wave period accuracy to be of the order of 0.6 sec (against 1.3 sec obtained with the semiempirical approach, reported earlier).  相似文献   
海洋中硼的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硼是海水中的常量元素,也是自然水体中重要的生物、地质、化学元素。海洋中的硼含量、B/Cl 比常用于指示水团,研究大洋环流。海洋粘土中的硼含量作为古盐度的指标。硼也对海洋浮游生物的生长起重要的作用。本文综述了海洋中硼的研究,讨论了海洋中硼的迁移。  相似文献   
中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)是广泛分布于西北太平洋大陆架水域的浮游桡足类,在海洋生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中具有重要作用。根据2006年7月至2007年10月4个季节使用网目孔径为0.505mm的浮游生物网采集的样品,分析了南海西北部陆架区中华哲水蚤的水平、季节和昼夜垂直分布以及与季风、海流和温度的关系。中华哲水蚤丰度季节变化显著,整个调查海域春季的平均达(22.30±77.78)个/m3,夏季的降低,平均为(13.74±45.10)个/m3,秋季消失,冬季调查期间仍未出现。中华哲水蚤的区域分布差异十分显著,将调查海域划分为粤西近海、琼东近海、粤西-琼东外海三个亚区,在粤西近海亚区春、夏季中华哲水蚤的平均丰度分别为(115.63±145.93),(68.12±84.00)个/m3,远高于另外两个亚区。夏季琼东沿岸上升流区的中华哲水蚤没有昼夜垂直移动行为,呈底层分布,以躲避表层高温的伤害。南海西北部陆架区是中华哲水蚤的季节分布区,冬春季东北季风期间由广东沿岸流从东海沿岸携带而来,出现的时间从北往南逐渐推迟;夏季西南季风期间雷州半岛东部近海的冷涡和琼东沿岸上升流区成为中华哲水蚤度夏的避难所;秋季季风转换时期上升流减弱或消失,中华哲水蚤因耐受不了高温(>27℃)死亡而消失。因此,中华哲水蚤对东北季风时期的沿岸流和西南季风时期的上升流均具有良好的指示作用。  相似文献   
大河影响下的边缘海是陆源输入物质的主要储库,也是有机碳埋藏和再矿化的主要场所,在全球碳的生物地球化学循环中有着重要作用。从有机碳的输运、埋藏和再矿化等方面综述了大河影响下的边缘海沉积有机碳生物地球化学研究的最新进展。研究表明,有机碳的来源、组成、粒径和密度分布等显著影响着有机碳的分布特征和归宿,大河影响下的边缘海中移动泥等特殊沉积环境在有机碳的输运、埋藏和再矿化分解等方面发挥了独特的作用;微生物分解作用则是边缘海沉积有机碳,特别是难降解陆源有机碳发生分解的重要因素。综合运用分子生物学、有机地球化学、生物地球化学等多学科研究手段,深入研究特定微生物、浮游生物功能类群等在大河影响下的边缘海沉积有机碳生物地球化学过程中的作用,将极大地丰富对河口和陆架边缘海生源要素生物地球化学循环的认识。  相似文献   
FY-3A/MERSI, ocean color algorithm, products and demonstrative applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A medium resolution spectral imager (MERSI) on-board the first spacecraft of the second generation of China’s polar-orbit meteorological satellites FY-3A, is a MODIS-like sensor with 20 bands covering visible to thermal infrared spectral region. FY-3A/MERSI is capable of making continuous global observations, and ocean color application is one of its main targets. The objective is to provide information about the ocean color products of FY-3A/MERSI, including sensor calibration, ocean color algorithms, ocean color products validation and applications. Although there is a visible on-board calibration device, it cannot realize the on-board absolute radiometric calibration in the reflective solar bands. A multisite vicarious calibration method is developed, and used for monitoring the in-flight response change and providing post-launch calibration coefficients updating. FY-3A/MERSI ocean color products consist of the water-leaving reflectance retrieved from an atmospheric correction algorithm, a chlorophyll a concentration (CHL1) and a pigment concentration (PIG1) from global empirical models, the chlorophyll a concentration (CHL2), a total suspended mater concentration (TSM) and the absorption coefficient of CDOM and NAP (YS443) from China’s regional empirical models. The atmospheric correction algorithm based on lookup tables and ocean color components concentration estimation models are described. By comparison with in situ data, the FY-3A/MERSI ocean color products have been validated and preliminary results are presented. Some successful ocean color applications such as algae bloom monitoring and coastal suspended sediment variation have demonstrated the usefulness of FY-3A/MERSI ocean color products.  相似文献   
In this paper, the radar cross section of flat plates on ocean surfaces is statistically investigated. A combining method of physical optics and geometric optics is applied to establish an effective backscattering analysis procedure. This method is a high-frequency analysis method originally derived from a simplified Stratton-Chu integral equation, assuming that the radar is far away from the target so that Kirchhoff approximation is valid. A Monte-Carlo simulation method is adopted to statistically analyze the effects of undulated ocean surfaces. The ocean surfaces are randomly generated by Pierson-Moskowitz ocean wave spectrum and a directional distribution function. Numerical investigations are carried out for flat plates, with the same height and width but with different inclined angles, on ocean surfaces of various significant wave heights.  相似文献   
A new real-time, event-triggered storm surge prediction system has been developed for the State of North Carolina to assist emergency managers, policy-makers and other government officials with evacuation planning, decision-making and resource deployment during tropical storm landfall and flood inundation events. The North Carolina Forecast System (NCFS) was designed and built to provide a rapid response assessment of hurricane threat, accomplished by driving a high-resolution, two-dimensional, depth-integrated version of the ADCIRC (Advanced Circulation) coastal ocean model with winds from a synthetic asymmetric gradient wind vortex. These parametric winds, calculated at exact finite-element mesh node locations and directly coupled to the ocean model at every time step, are generated from National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecast advisories the moment they are inserted into the real-time weather data stream, maximizing the number of hours of forecast utility. Tidal harmonic constituents are prescribed at the open water boundaries and applied as tidal potentials in the interior of the ocean model domain. A directional surface roughness parameterization that modulates the wind speed at a given location based on the types of land cover encountered upwind, a forest canopy sheltering effect, and a spatially varying distribution of Manning’s–n friction coefficient used for computing the bottom/channel bed friction are also included in the storm surge model. Comparisons of the simulated wind speeds and phases against their real meteorological counterparts, of model elevations against actual sea surface elevations measured by NOAA tide gauges along the NC coast, and of simulated depth-averaged current velocities against Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data, indicate that this new system produces remarkably realistic predictions of winds and storm surge.  相似文献   
海洋光学考察时需要同步测量大气中的下行太阳辐照度,其测量采样频率比常规大气辐射观测高300倍,可记录到达海面太阳辐射的高频变化。利用2007年在白令海考察的数据,详细研究了辐照度高频变化的特征与原因,得出影响辐照度记录的主要因素有云层、海雾和海浪。结果表明,这3种因素的影响有明显的差别,使作者有可能在不确切知道现场情况的条件下,由数据本身判断辐照度变化的原因,并获取有关的参数。云层引起的辐照度变化具有低频率、大振幅的特征。海雾引起的辐照度变化最为复杂,变化幅度大,变化周期复杂,从几秒到上百秒,与云层效应相区别。晴空条件下,海浪调制的反射信号通过空气中的水汽散射影响辐照度计测量数值,形成周期短、振幅小的稳定振动信号,与云和雾的效应有明显区别。文中提供了云、雾和浪对辐照度影响的定性特征和定量分析结果,对理解海面辐照度记录,并正确处理数据有指导意义。  相似文献   
对X渡段雷达记录的连续雷达图像进行分析,能够获取海浪和表层流信息.不存在海洋表层流情况下,雷达图像的谱能量分布在静水频散关系确定的平面上,而雷达相时海浪场的运动(比如表层流)使雷达图像的谱能量分布产生多普勒频移,对此频移进行最小二秉拟合.可以确定表层流的大小和方向.  相似文献   
1 引言 石油,作为现代社会的主要能源,在全球经济迅速发展和人口激增的情况下,世界范围内的供求在不断增长,海洋石油勘探开发规模也在不断扩大.海洋油气开发已成为我国油气战略资源的主要来源之一.  相似文献   
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