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以南京市“一主三副”住宅小区为研究单元,运用GIS中的渔网(Fishnet)分析和探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)对“一主三副”住宅租金的空间分布进行模拟和估计,并利用地理探测器模型从住宅小区的区位特征、建筑特征和邻里特征3个方面探究住宅租金空间分异的影响机制。结果表明:① 南京市住宅租金总体呈上升趋势,空间上表现出主城向副城递减的中心外围模式,住宅租金空间结构逐渐由单核向双核发展,且住宅租金存在显著的空间异质性;② 住宅租金呈现出明显的空间正相关性和区域集聚性,热点区自内城核心区至副城趋于弱化,冷热点空间格局呈圈层结构;③ 交通位势和中心位势是对一主三副住宅租金解释力最大的因素,商务配套、金融设施和住宅房龄的解释力次之,特征因素对主城副城租金的影响强度各异。  相似文献   
陈一祥  秦昆  张晔  袁媛 《测绘学报》2017,46(12):1959-1968
受人类视觉认知机制的启发,提出了一种利用视觉显著性与知觉组织相结合的高分辨率遥感影像居民地提取方法。首先利用认知物理学中的数据场构建居民地的视觉显著性模型,并通过自适应阈值法实现候选居民地的自动提取,然后利用多尺度小波变换的高频特征实现居民地的知觉组织,最后通过集合交运算提取同时满足这两种视觉机制的居民地。通过ZY-3和Quickbird两种高分传感器的影像数据集进行居民地提取试验,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
本文论述了有关草资源调查的草原分类原理在计算机上实施的可能性,及如何利用辅助数据和影象数据复合技术问题,并以藏北高寒牧区大面积、高精度的草资源调查计算机分类的实例予以验证。  相似文献   
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)/Operational Linescan System (OLS) nighttime imagery provides a valuable data source for mapping urban areas. However, the spatial extents of large cities are often overestimated because of the effect of over-glow from nighttime light if a fixed thresholding technique is used. In the work reported here, an inside buffer method was developed to solve this issue. The method is based on the fact that the area overestimated is proportional to the extent of the lit area if a fixed threshold is used to extract urban areas in a region/county. Using this method, the extents of urban areas in North China were extracted and validated by interpretations from Landsat Thematic Mapper images. The results showed that the lit areas had a significant linear relationship with the urban areas for 120 representative cities in North China in 2000, with an R2 value of over 0.95. This demonstrates that the inside buffer method can be used to extract urban areas. The validation results showed that the inside buffer model developed in 2000 can be directly used to extract the extent of urban areas using more recent nighttime light imagery. This is of great value for the timely updating of urban area databases in large regions or countries.  相似文献   
谈大数据时代的“云控制”摄影测量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张祖勋  陶鹏杰 《测绘学报》2017,46(10):1238-1248
在当今大数据时代,影像数据采集方式的多样化、高效化、便捷化产生的摄影测量影像大数据需要高效、自动与智能的处理。然而,作为传统摄影测量几何定位主要控制数据的外业控制点,其获取的复杂性与低效性仍然是制约摄影测量处理效率的关键因素。针对该问题,本文提出了"云控制"摄影测量的概念,以带有地理空间信息的数据作为几何控制替代外业控制点,通过自动匹配(或配准)获取大量密集的控制信息;并介绍了基于影像、矢量和LiDAR点云的3种"云控制"摄影测量技术;最后对"云控制"摄影测量的应用前景进行了展望并对其问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
The East Kolkata Wetlands is a unique resource recovery system. The Ramsar Convention recognized it as a ‘Wetland of International Importance’ in August 2002. However, the long-term resource exploitation and land use changes in the dynamic ecosystem have resulted in non-linear environmental responses. This is an attempt using open source remote sensing datasets to capture the spatio-temporal transformation of the wetland resulting from various anthropogenic activities. Landsat MSS and TM imageries of 1973, 1980, 1989, 2001 and 2010 were classified using Maximum Likelihood Classifier to monitor the wetland change; however, to study wetland dynamics, the post-classification wetland change detection maps have been generated for two temporal phases, i.e. 1973–1989 and 1989–2010. This study finds that the area under wetlands has reduced comprehensively in the past 40 years due to the conversion of wetlands into various other uses such as urban expansion of the Kolkata metropolitan city.  相似文献   
探空观测黑名单检查在变分同化系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对探空观测资料使用造成的某些区域GRAPES分析场存在虚假的高、低压系统问题,该文通过对比全球探空资料的位势高度观测与NCEP分析场,统计站点中观测质量较差的时次出现频数,确定探空位势高度观测黑名单。研究表明:500 hPa在印度地区、北大西洋和南极洲附近的探空位势高度观测与NCEP分析场的均方根误差在30 gpm以上的站点较多,且位势高度观测不可靠观测比率为20%以上的站点主要集中这些区域,以上观测站均列入黑名单。文中在GRAPES全球三维变分分析场的质量控制中加入探空位势高度观测黑名单检查,通过6 h分析预报循环试验表明:探空位势高度观测黑名单检查能有效提高分析场质量,GRAPES位势高度分析场在南极洲附近和印度地区有所改善。  相似文献   
This study explores the potential for directly assimilating polarimetric radar data (including reflectivity Z and differential reflectivity ZDR) using an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to improve analysis and forecast of Tropical Storm Ewiniar (2018). Ewiniar weakened but brought about heavy rainfall over Guangdong, China after its final landfall. Two experiments are performed, one assimilating only Z and the other assimilating both Z and ZDR. Assimilation of ZDR together with Z effectively modifies hydrometeor fields, and improves the intensity, shape and position of rainbands. Forecast of 24-hour extraordinary rainfall ≥250 mm is significantly improved. Improvement can also be seen in the wind fields because of cross-variable covariance. The current study shows the possibility of applying polarimetric radar data to improve forecasting of tropical cyclones, which deserves more researches in the future.  相似文献   
基于华南区域高分辨率数值模式,采用牛顿连续松弛逼近法(nudging)同化C波段多普勒雷达反射率资料,针对2018年4月2日贵州一次大范围冰雹天气过程进行了数值模拟试验.分析结果表明:在模式中进行雷达反射率因子信息nudging同化后,调整了分析场中的水凝物信息和热力场结构,对流层中层的雨水和冰相粒子含量均增加,水凝物...  相似文献   
近年来中国区域降水的极端化问题得到学术界的广泛关注,有关研究也获得了大量成果。但是,目前国内外常用的高分辨率降水资料序列多从1951年左右开始,普遍缺少20世纪早期中国的逐日降水资料,对于近一百多年中国极端降水变化特征及其机理,目前还不清楚。基于多来源的1901—1950年原始观测报表数字化逐日降水资料,补充先前未录入的“无降水”和缺测数据,研发质量控制方案并开展质量控制,补充录入检出的缺失和错误数据并再次质控,结合1951年以来的现代降水日值资料,建立中国60个城市站1901—2019年降水日值数据集。数据集评估结果显示,早期中国东部地区的台站较为密集,数据完整性和正确性较好,但中国西部的台站数量少且完整性和正确性偏低。本数据集构建的年总降水量累积值序列与已有的月降水量数据基本一致。基于该数据集,研究发现重庆站近百年来的降水未出现显著的趋势性变化。该数据集使后续分析研究中国极端降水的百年尺度长期变化特征成为可能。  相似文献   
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