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An in-depth analysis of the urban road network structure plays an essential role in understanding the distribution of urban functional area. To concentrate topologically densely connected road segments, communities of urban roads provide a new perspective to study the structure of the network. In this study, based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) roads and points-of-interest (POI) data, we employ the Infomap community detection algorithm to identify the hierarchical community in city roads and explore the shaping role roads play in urban space and their relation with the distribution of urban functional areas. The results demonstrate that the distribution of communities at different levels in Guangzhou, China reflects the urban spatial relation between the suburbs and urban centers and within urban centers. Moreover, the study explored the functional area characteristics at the community scale and identified the distribution of various functional areas. Owing to the structure information contained in the identification process, the detected community can be used as a basic unit in other urban studies. In general, with the community-based network, this study proposes a novel method of combining city roads with urban space and functional zones, providing necessary data support and academic guidance for government and urban planners.  相似文献   
孙显彬  郑轶  于非 《海洋科学》2019,43(1):95-100
以多传感器信息融合理论为指导,结合现代信息处理技术与数据驱动建模及科学计算技术,研究浅海超低频声源目标激发共存地震波的复合声场中超低频声波传播特性和数据驱动建模的水下目标深度识别等关键技术,并论证了技术实现方案及路径。结果表明:以复合矢量水听器、地震波监测仪等多传感器信息融合理论为指导研究前海超低频声源目标可以克服传统声场建模存在的问题,有助于浅海超低频声源目标探测及改善海洋水下声学监测手段。在提高声呐探测设备的测量准确度、精度方面具有重要的理论意义,对周边海域为浅海的我国海防具有实战价值。  相似文献   
针对传统海水营养盐检测方法不能满足海水营养盐长期原位监测需求的问题,研制了一种基于分光光度法的多量程海水营养盐原位传感器检测系统,通过对系统的高度集成及对多量程检测、低功耗技术、漏液保护技术的应用,实现了对海水5项营养盐参数快速、宽范围、高精度的原位测量。经过实验室和青岛中苑码头现场测试,表明本营养盐传感器检测系统具有低功耗、高可靠性能,可满足对5项营养盐参数的快速精确测量要求,实现了对海水营养盐参数的原位监测,为相关部门及时了解海洋生态环境和水体富营养化程度提供了数据支持,具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   
刘冲  罗宇 《海洋测绘》2019,39(2):50-53
常规波束形成技术以其稳健性好、计算量低等特点得到广泛应用,但其空间分辨率受阵元个数限制,不能突破瑞利限。因此,常规波束形成技术应用于高精度浅水多波束测深仪时,存在空间分辨率不足和旁瓣干扰等问题。对比研究了最小方差无失真(MVDR)及多重信号分类(MUSIC)波束形成在浅水多波束测深仪中的应用,给出了浅水多波束测深仪的常规波束形成、MVDR和MUSIC处理方法,并结合能量法和相位法两种底检测测深算法,处理了iBeam8120浅水多波束测深仪外场数据,验证了本文方法的性能。  相似文献   
基于北斗短报文的震源船跟踪系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过在震源船上部署3套GPS接收机,并对3个点的位置信息进行汇总和压缩,利用北斗短报文将压缩后的位置信息推送到陆海联测指挥部,实现对震源船航速、航向的实时监控.根据3个点位信息计算的实时震源船航向,有助于准确把握震源船在进行固定点悬停激发时的航向,克服了以往使用前后两个时刻推算的平均航向代替实时航向等问题.使用我国自主知识产权的北斗短报文进行通讯,大大提高了系统的安全性、可靠性和稳定性;同时陆海联测指挥部可以实时查看震源船是否按事先设定的测线、事先设定的速度和航向进行作业,有效保障了监控平台对震源船的监控,进一步提升安全生产的风险控制能力.  相似文献   
针对目前MHSS ARAIM (multiple hypothesis solution separation advanced receiver autonomous integrity monitoring)算法存在的抗差能力弱、计算子集过多、计算量过大等不足,提出一种组合粗差探测的MHSS ARAIM算法。该算法先用粗差探测方法对原始数据进行粗差识别与剔除,而后用MHSS ARAIM算法处理经粗差探测后的数据,可弥补MHSS ARAIM算法的不足。对若干IGS和全球连续监测评估系统iGMAS(international GNSS monitoring and assessment system)监测站观测数据进行计算和分析。结果表明:在航行LPV-200阶段,该算法应用于GPS和BDS导航的性能优于MHSS ARAIM;在假设单故障情况下,该算法对GPS和BDS观测数据的有效监视门限EMT(effective monitor threshold)的精度分别提高了22.47%和9.63%,对VPL(vertical protection level)的精度分别提高了32.28%和12.98%;在假设双故障情况下,对EMT的精度分别提高了80.85%和29.88%,对VPL的精度分别提高了49.66%和18.24%。  相似文献   
张涛  王源  陈富龙  周伟  胡祺 《测绘通报》2019,(11):74-78,84
基于非局部滤波的SAR强度RC合成变化检测法对小图斑、线型地物等动态监测灵敏,且对数据获取无时空基线要求,在多云多雨城市地表要素变化检测中具备潜力。本文研究以多时相SAR强度RC合成图为数据源,提出一种基于色彩空间变换的变化图斑半自动提取方法,即通过色彩空间转换、训练样本选取、监督分类影像分割、变化区域提取4步骤,可实现基于SAR强度图的城市建设用地动态监测与图斑高效更新。选取南京河西新城与江北新区为示范,以最优参数配置(3特征向量与10样本类别)进行试验,实现了优于88%的建设用地查准率指标。  相似文献   
李军  高涛 《测绘通报》2019,(12):159-162
铁运营阶段对隧道结构的变形监测保证了地铁运行的安全,而椭圆度检测是地铁隧道结构检测的重要工作。本文简单介绍了传统椭圆度检测的基本方法,分析了新型移动三维激光扫描检测系统基本原理及隧道椭圆度检测的方法和处理流程。通过工程案例实际应用以及对检测结果的综合分析,证明了移动三维激光扫描技术在盾构管片椭圆度检测中的优势。  相似文献   
周亦  吕从  王慧敏 《测绘通报》2019,(1):97-100
“资源一号”02C卫星自成功发射以来,被广泛应用于土地资源、矿产资源、地质环境调查,以及国土资源、地质灾害应急监测等应用领域。“资源一号”02C卫星是一颗填补我国高分辨率遥感数据空白的卫星,是根据国土资源主体业务需求定制的第一颗国产高分辨率业务卫星。本文以吉林省和浙江省某试验区“资源一号”02C卫星数据为例,对“资源一号”02C卫星数据融合影像进行了土地利用遥感监测变化信息检测能力的方法试验。根据试验区数据变化信息提取试验结果,对“资源一号”02C卫星影像在土地利用动态遥感监测中的变化检测能力和适用性开展了试验、分析和评价工作。  相似文献   
With rapid developments in platforms and sensors technology in terms of digital cameras and video recordings, crowd monitoring has taken a considerable attentions in many disciplines such as psychology, sociology, engineering, and computer vision. This is due to the fact that, monitoring of the crowd is necessary to enhance safety and controllable movements to minimize the risk particularly in highly crowded incidents (e.g. sports). One of the platforms that have been extensively employed in crowd monitoring is unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), because UAVs have the capability to acquiring fast, low costs, high-resolution and real-time images over crowd areas. In addition, geo-referenced images can also be provided through integration of on-board positioning sensors (e.g. GPS/IMU) with vision sensors (digital cameras and laser scanner). In this paper, a new testing procedure based on feature from accelerated segment test (FAST) algorithms is introduced to detect the crowd features from UAV images taken from different camera orientations and positions. The proposed test started with converting a circle of 16 pixels surrounding the center pixel into a vector and sorting it in ascending/descending order. A single pixel which takes the ranking number 9 (for FAST-9) or 12 (for FAST-12) was then compared with the center pixel. Accuracy assessment in terms of completeness and correctness was used to assess the performance of the new testing procedure before and after filtering the crowd features. The results show that the proposed algorithms are able to extract crowd features from different UAV images. Overall, the values of Completeness range from 55 to 70 % whereas the range of correctness values was 91 to 94 %.  相似文献   
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