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王尤培  王晓闽 《地震地质》1997,19(3):90-287
根据多孔介质渗流理论和弹性理论,在井孔变径条件下,得出水井含水层系统对潮汐信号响应的偏微分方程,认为井径变化相当于改变了井水柱的有效高度,从而影响了水井含水层系统的固有振动周期。分析了井孔变径对潮汐信号响应的周期特征,认为当含水层水体很大(含水层水平面积比井孔面积大得多),且含水层的渗透系数也很大的条件下,井径变化对井水位固体潮响应幅度影响很小  相似文献   
运用福建台网“九五”“十五”两套观测系统的资料,对两套系统测定的震级及“十五”系统测定的速度震级和仿真震级进行对比分析,得出,两套系统的震级偏差基本在观测规范允许范围之内;“十五”系统的速度震级与仿真震级偏差分布不集中,一致性较差;为“九五”与“十五”系统过渡提供参考依据。  相似文献   
对临汾中心地震台“十五”前兆观测系统运行情况进行了统计分析,结果表明:该观测系统工作状态稳定、运转情况良好,产出数据的连续率、完整率等指标达到了规范中≥95%的要求;3套形变观测数据“内精度”达到了国家“Ⅰ”类形变台的标准,对于全球7级以上地震和全国6级左右地震,石英摆倾斜仪能清晰记录到50%以上地震的前驱波现象;在同一地震前垂直摆出现的异常变化与石英摆存在截然不同的异常图像形态,这可能与两仪器自身之间的摆系、工作周期、频率等指标的差异性有关;大地电场有较好的远场异常效应,在青海海西等地震前记录到了明显的短临异常。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION China is rich in mountains. The mountainous area occupies 69% of the total land of the country. Thus, landslides frequently occur in the mountain areas of China. Landslides originating in subsurface soils are typical, and constitute approxi…  相似文献   
地磁偏角实时自动修正技术在油田定向钻井中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在油田定向钻井的磁导向定位系统中,地磁偏角校正是一个不可缺少的基本要素,同时在磁偏角校正值精度直接影响定向井的导向定位精度。因此,作者提出了提高地磁偏角校正值精度的方法,并试图将地磁偏角实时自动修正技术引入我国油田定向钻井领域。  相似文献   
泉眼沟硅灰石矿床是近年来发现的特大型矿床,区域上与吉林省大顶子、北崴子等矿床同处于吉黑褶皱系构造隆起带的南缘,是我国硅灰石矿最重要的成矿带和主要产区之一.该区矿体多呈层状、似层状赋存于古生界富拉堡子岩组硅质大理岩中.硅灰石矿体主要有4种矿石类型,即方解石-硅灰石型、硅灰石型、石英-硅灰石型和方解石-石英-硅灰石型.矿物组分有硅灰石、方解石、透辉石、钙铝榴石、石英,少数样品含黄铁矿、金、钼等.经研究和分析认为,区内硅灰石矿床是多期次和多阶段岩浆热液活动的产物,成矿作用与三叠世中、酸性侵入岩关系密切,矿床类型属层控接触热变质型.  相似文献   
区域污染物排放总量分配是水污染总量控制的重要内容,分配合理与否将直接影响总量控制工作成效。以陆域排污-水体水质响应空间单元为基础,构建了综合考虑水环境质量、排污及污染治理水平、区域经济实力等因素的总量分配指标体系,提出一套单元的水污染物总量分配综合权重系数计算方法。并将该方法应用于北京市,结果表明本方法较好地解决了目前分配方法中总量目标与水质改善需求衔接不足、分配指标体系过于单一的问题。  相似文献   
在构建"含煤系统"及子系统的基础上,分析了"含煤系统"的主要地质要素以及"含煤系统"中各地质作用类型。研究表明:"含煤系统"的构建关键是系统边界的确定,由于"含煤系统"具有特定的地区、地层与时代范围,因此可以通过研究煤系形成时代、展布范围等基本地质要素进行分类和描述。  相似文献   
在分析研究区地质及水文地质条件的基础上,根据对各类水样资料的研究,发现在洛河下游,对于相对惰性的组分,河水的化学成分由河水与地下水混合形成,并且从水化学的角度验证了在该区段补给河水的那部分地下水主要来自洛河以南的地下水;但对于易发生化学反应的组分,河水在向下游运动的过程中,其化学成分明显受到了化学反应的影响。论文使用Cl^-质量平衡方法,计算出洛河上游河水中地下水的补给比例在20~30%左右,下游地下水补给比例约占70%左右;并且根据研究区的具体条件及矿物饱和指数的计算结果,确定了石膏、方解石的溶解和白云石的沉淀以及碳酸平衡是河水化学成分形成的主要化学作用,通过对化学反应量的计算,恢复了河水与地下水仅发生了简单混合作用的混合水的成分。  相似文献   
The main sediment depocenter along the Oman margin is the Al Batha turbidite system that develops in the Gulf of Oman basin. It is directly connected to the wadi Al Batha, and forms a typical sand and mud rich point source system that acts as regional sediment conduit and feeds a ~ 1000 km2 sandy lobe.The Al Batha lobe depositional architecture has been investigated in detail using very high-resolution seismic, multibeam echosounder data and sediment cores. Several scales of depositional architecture can be observed. The Al Batha lobe is composed of several depositional units, made of stacked elementary sediment bodies (thinner than 5 m) that are each related to a single flow event. The lobe is connected to the feeder system through a channel-lobe transition zone (CLTZ) that extends on more than 25 km. The lobe can be divided into proximal, middle and distal lobe areas. The proximal lobe is an area of erosion and by-pass with small axial feeder channels that rapidly splay into several small distributaries. They disappear in the mid-lobe area where deposits consist of vertically stacked tabular to lens-shaped sediment bodies, with a lateral continuity that can exceed 10 km. The distal lobe fringe shows a classical facies transition towards thin-bedded basin plain deposits.Sub-surface deposits consist of sandy turbidites and hyperpycnites, interbedded with fine-grained deposits (thin turbidites, hyperpycnites, or hemipelagites). Although these distal deposits are mainly related to flow transformations and concentration evolution, they highlight the importance of flooding of the wadi Al Batha on the sediment transfer to the deep basin. The thick sandy hyperpycnites recovered in such a distal area are also possibly related to the initial properties of gravity flows, in relation to the flooding characteristics of mountainous desert streams.Finally, the Al Batha lobe depositional architecture is typical of sand-rich lobes found within “small”, sand and mud rich turbidite systems fed by mountainous “dirty” rivers. Turbidite sedimentation in the Al Batha system appears to be primarily controlled by the strong climatic and geomorphic forcing parameters (i.e. semi-arid environment with ephemeral, mountainous rivers subjected to flash-flooding).  相似文献   
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