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“暖池”表层对大气局地强迫的响应特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
刘秦玉  王启 《海洋与湖沼》1995,26(6):658-664
利用湍流动能垂直混合模式和TOGA-COARE加强观测期的观测资料,对“暖池”上混合层的垂直混合过程进行数值试验和数值模拟,分析表层温度、盐度的变化特征。结果表明:TKE模式可以较好地模拟混层,尤其是表层温度、盐度对大气局地强迫的响应;太阳辐射是热源,感热、潜热通量等会造成“暖池”上混合层的温度降低,“暖池”对大气释放热量;降水有利于“淡水盖”形成和维持,从则使层结稳定,SST升高。但在气温低于海  相似文献   
线性最小二乘估计在对非线性函数进行线性近似的过程中会产生模型误差,而一些非线性参数估计方法可能因为函数复杂而难以求导,法方程系数矩阵秩亏或呈病态矩阵时难以求解,非线性迭代解法有时对初始值的选择存在依赖性,不恰当的初始值会导致迭代无法收敛。针对这些问题,引入了模拟退火算法,介绍了该算法的基本原理、计算步骤和收敛性,并以3个控制网平差应用为例,说明该算法具有无需求导求逆,简洁实用,易于编程等优势,并能实现全局优化,获得高精度的平差结果。  相似文献   
江西省永平铜矿西部排土场极限堆载高度确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内外对排土场极限堆载高度的理论计算缺乏研究,目前尚无成熟的统一理论计算方法。文章结合永平铜矿西部排土场的工程实例,在进行边坡工程地质条件勘察与排土场岩土物理力学性质试验研究的基础上,采用数值计算方法对排土场进行了分层堆载数值模拟计算。通过对计算结果的分析,得到位移、塑性区与安全系数随堆载高度的变化规律,并确定了该排土场的极限堆载高度。  相似文献   
含煤层地质环境下地震波场的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文对含低速煤层地质环境下弹性波场多波多分量地震资料进行了二维数值模拟研究,对人工边界反射进行了有效处理,频散效应得到了有效的压制,对几种不同激发与观测排列方式下的弹性波资料进行了模型计算与分析。  相似文献   
The atmospheric concentration of peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) was measured during a cruise of the R.S. Polarstern from Bremerhaven (Germany) to Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in September/ October 1988. The measurements were made in-situ by a combination of electron capture gaschromatography with a cryogenic preconcentration step. The theoretical lower limit of detection (3) was 0.4 ppt. The mixing ratios of PAN varied by more than three orders of magnitude from 2000 ppt in the English Channel to less than 0.4 ppt south of the Azores (38° N). South of 35° N, PAN levels were below the detection limit, except at 30–31° S off the eastern coast of South America. Here, PAN mixing ratios of 10 to 100 ppt were detected in continentally influenced air masses. Detectable levels of PAN were mostly observed in air masses of continental or high northern origin. Changes in the wind directions were usually associated with substantial changes in the PAN mixing ratios.  相似文献   
地震泼由多种频率成份组成,在其传播过程中。由于地球介质的滤波作用,随着传播距离的增大。高频成份逐渐被衰减。周期越大的成份传播越远。因此,在地震观测上,不同频带的地震仪用于观测不同震中距范围的地震,使仪器较好地响应,就我国台网而言,短周期仪用于地方震、近震的监测,中长周期仪和长周期仪用于远震,极远震的监测,其中长周期仪偏重于记录极远震。但作者在实际分析工作中注意到,短周期仪的记录应用于远震,极远震的分析,显示出独特的作用,充分挖掘和利用短仪资料,将会更加丰富远震、极远震的震相资料。本文以高台地震台的资料为依据,从震中距和震级角度,与中长仪和长仪作比较,对短仪记录远震、极远震的震相及特征作了统计分析与初步探讨,并对新疆地区“影区”地震S波的记录、日本地区地震_PPcP等震相的出现提出了现象的存在,给出了相应的观测结果,以待步一步研究。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional ultrasonic modelling was used to study the Rayleigh waves reflected from a thin low velocity vertical layer and those transmitted through the same zone. The reflection and transmission coefficients of the Rayleigh waves have been calculated by an approximate method based on the Green function technique. Nonrigid contact boundary conditions were used for the low velocity layer modelling. A rather good correspondence between the theoretical and experimental absolute values of the reflection and the transmission coefficients was obtained. Some discrepancies between experimental and theoretical results, in particular with regard to phase shifts, may be explained by a certain inadequacy of the theoretical model to the low velocity layer investigated by the ultrasonic modelling.  相似文献   
A new method to determine semi-analytical solutions of one-dimensional contaminant transport problem with nonlinear sorption is described. This method is based on operator splitting approach where the convective transport is solved exactly and the diffusive transport by finite volume method. The exact solutions for all sorption isotherms of Freundlich and Langmuir type are presented for the case of piecewise constant initial profile and zero diffusion. Very precise numerical results for transport with small diffusion can be obtained even for larger time steps (e.g., when the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition failed).  相似文献   
通过龙永煤田现有煤矿状况调查分析发现:许多矿井已步入“花甲之年”,接近矿井服务年限。为了保障我省能源安全,应当采用有效勘探方法,方能使它们“返老还童”。研究发现危机矿山延长服务年限的几种勘探模式是:其一为扩大(延伸)勘探模式;其二为小型井田(块段)勘探模式;其三为资料分析研究模式。经探采对比发现,采用这三种勘探模式后,产生了巨大的经济效益,使一大批老矿井青春再度焕发。  相似文献   
绿片岩三轴流变力学特性的研究(II):模型分析   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:29  
首先,基于在岩石全自动流变伺服仪上得到的绿片岩三轴流变试验曲线,采用五元件线性粘弹性模型对表现为粘弹性流变特性的曲线进行了辨识,获得了绿片岩的粘弹性流变参数;然后,提出了一个新的非线性粘性元件,并将其与塑性体并联起来,得到一个新的非线性粘塑性体(NVPB),该体能充分反映岩石的加速流变特性:同时,将NVPB模型与五元件粘弹性模型串联起来,建立了一个新的岩石七元件非线性粘弹塑性流变模型。采用绿片岩加速流变全过程曲线,对提出的岩石七元件非线性粘弹塑性流变模型进行了辨识,得到了岩石七元件非线性粘弹塑性流变模型的材料参数。流变模型与试验结果的比较,显示了所建模型的正确性与合理性。  相似文献   
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