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电吸附找矿方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
电吸附找矿方法是找隐伏矿的新方法.它是指通过物理化学手段来发现后生地球化学异常的找矿方法.它是建立在异常元素地球化学理论和野外地电提取法的理论基础之上.利用电吸附找矿方法在一些已知矿床进行找矿效果试验,获得了很好的效果,说明了该方法找矿的有效性.  相似文献   
李艺 《矿产与地质》2004,18(1):42-45
新材料是发展高新技术产业的基础。根据广西的矿产资源优势和在矿物材料方面的研究基础和技术力量,提出了加强工艺矿物学研究,大力发展广西新型矿物材料的研究开发方向,特别提出了超细改性矿物粉体材料、环保矿物材料、节能保温矿物材料、高技术陶瓷材料和合成矿物晶体材料等材料体系中的重点开发方向。  相似文献   
本文对三峡库区云阳新城一些高边坡的勘察成果进行了总结,目的在于了解云阳新城区近水平岩层条件下边坡变形破坏的型式、主要控制因素及支护要点。结果表明,云阳新城高边坡普遍存在表层剥落现象,含膨胀性矿物(主要是伊利石和绿泥石)的泥质岩较快速风化作用是造成边坡表层剥落式渐进性破坏的主要原因;沿卸荷裂隙与泥化夹层的崩滑是边坡失稳的主要型式,但边坡之间崩滑失稳的程度存在较大差异,一些边坡存在相对较为强烈的卸荷及边坡失稳问题,主要归因于其存在与边坡近于平行的构造裂隙。认为及时进行护坡并在工程设计中考虑结构面的存在型式是边坡防护的重点。  相似文献   
The southern Andes plate boundary zone records a protracted history of bulk transpressional deformation during the Cenozoic, which has been causally related to either oblique subduction or ridge collision. However, few structural and chronological studies of regional deformation are available to support one hypothesis or the other. We address along- and across-strike variations in the nature and timing of plate boundary deformation to better understand the Cenozoic tectonics of the southern Andes.Two east–west structural transects were mapped at Puyuhuapi and Aysén, immediately north of the Nazca–South America–Antarctica triple junction. At Puyuhuapi (44°S), north–south striking, high-angle contractional and strike-slip ductile shear zones developed from plutons coexist with moderately dipping dextral-oblique shear zones in the wallrocks. In Aysén (45–46°), top to the southwest, oblique thrusting predominates to the west of the Cenozoic magmatic arc, whereas dextral strike-slip shear zones develop within it.New 40Ar–39Ar data from mylonites and undeformed rocks from the two transects suggest that dextral strike-slip, oblique-slip and contractional deformation occurred at nearly the same time but within different structural domains along and across the orogen. Similar ages were obtained on both high strain pelitic schists with dextral strike-slip kinematics (4.4±0.3 Ma, laser on muscovite–biotite aggregates, Aysén transect, 45°S) and on mylonitic plutonic rocks with contractional deformation (3.8±0.2 to 4.2±0.2 Ma, fine-grained, recrystallized biotite, Puyuhuapi transect). Oblique-slip, dextral reverse kinematics of uncertain age is documented at the Canal Costa shear zone (45°S) and at the Queulat shear zone at 44°S. Published dates for the undeformed protholiths suggest both shear zones are likely Late Miocene or Pliocene, coeval with contractional and strike-slip shear zones farther north. Coeval strike-slip, oblique-slip and contractional deformation on ductile shear zones of the southern Andes suggest different degrees of along- and across-strike deformation partitioning of bulk transpressional deformation.The long-term dextral transpressional regime appears to be driven by oblique subduction. The short-term deformation is in turn controlled by ridge collision from 6 Ma to present day. This is indicated by most deformation ages and by a southward increase in the contractional component of deformation. Oblique-slip to contractional shear zones at both western and eastern margins of the Miocene belt of the Patagonian batholith define a large-scale pop-up structure by which deeper levels of the crust have been differentially exhumed since the Pliocene at a rate in excess of 1.7 mm/year.  相似文献   
袁复礼石是一种Mg、Fe ̄(3+)、Al和Ti的硼酸盐新矿物,发现于辽宁省宽甸县砖庙硼矿区。该矿物黑色,近不透明,金刚光泽一半金属光泽。反射色亮灰,内反射深红褐色。非均质性弱,偏光色红褐。晶体呈细柱状,0.1×0.2×1mm。晶体化学式为:空间群:H=5-6,VHN_(50)=843kg/mm ̄2。{100}解理完全。红外光谱吸收谱带为:1387,1210,1024,951,733,600,510和408cm ̄(-1)。穆斯堡尔谱证明,以三价铁为主,二价铁较少。Fe ̄(3+)占据M(1)晶位,Fe ̄(2+)占据M(1)和M(2)晶位。袁复礼石为硼钛镁石的富Fe ̄(3+)类似物。  相似文献   
We have theoretically considered the problem of interpretation of nutrient profiles in the upper ocean (100–2000m). We compare the experimental depth profiles of nonconservative tracers, both stable and radioactive, with solutions of one-dimensional steady state transport equations of increasing complexity including situations not encountered in the real oceans. Apart from gaining insight into the nutrient transport processes, this analysis is useful in offering a way to obtain operational estimates of depth dependent/independent eddy diffusivity and dissolution fluxes in the ocean. These parameters are essential for estimating new production, total production and burial of carbon in the sediments.  相似文献   
彭志忠石产于湖南安化白钨矿区,是一种富含镁、锡、铝的复杂氧化物。矿物为浅黄褐色、浅黄色,少量无色,晶体呈六方板状。晶体化学式为:(Mg,Zn,Fe,Al)_4(Sn,Fe)_2(Al,□)_(10)O_(22)(OH)_2,空间群P_3ml,a=5.692(5)A,c=13.78(2)A,V=386.7A~3,Z=1。D=4.22(3)g/cm~3,H≥8,一轴正晶,ω=1.802(2),ε=1.814(2)。  相似文献   
Tyap.  KF 《地学前缘》2000,7(1):69-78
讨论了一些有关地壳均衡概念的模型。业已证明 ,这些模型既不能用以正确评估地球的平衡状态 ,也不能用以解释构造成因。介绍一种新的地壳均衡模型 ,它与地球的某一种旋转方式相适应。地球体与球的偏差 ,被用来作为地球平衡的判据。地球被认为是在偏差趋近于零的那些点上得到平衡的。地球体与球体之间标志的差异 ,是由地球外壳中地质作用的方向所确定的。所提出的是大地地壳均衡模型 ,是地壳中构造形成新旋转假说的基础。  相似文献   
富锡硼镁铁矿是硼镁铁矿的含锡亚种。它产于湖南常宁县七里坪镁质矽卡岩硼矿床中。矿物中SnO_2变化范围为4.6—12.0%,其分子式为(Mg_1.64Fe~(2+_(0.35))Mn~(2+_(0.01))(Fe~(3+_(0.55))Sn_(0.16)Mg(0.23))BO_5,这是迄今未见详细报导过的。笔者从矿物的光学物理性质、化学成分、X射线晶体学以及晶体化学等方面进行了研究。同时,与它的类似矿物在晶体学方面作了对比讨论。从以上研究中得出结论:Sn~(4+)在结构中占据Fe~(3+)的位置,并以伴随着的Mg~(2+)作电荷补偿。还提出了Sn元素在硼镁铁矿中不仅作为微量元素存在,而且可以作为造种元素存在的新见解。  相似文献   
於祖相 《地质学报》1997,71(4):336-339
长城矿产在铬铁矿体及临近矿体的铂砂矿中。呈块状聚集体或细脉状,分布在硫铱矿的边缘并交代它。不透明,金属光泽,钢灰色,条痕黑色。莫氏硬度H_M=3.7,显微硬度VHN_(20)=165kg/mm~2。均质性,无解理。计算密度D_(calc.)=11.96g/cm~3。7个电子探针分析的平均化学成分(%):S 7.2,Cu 0.3,Te 0.4,Ir 41.2,Pt 2.8,Bi 47.2,总量99.1。简化的化学式为IrBiS。5条最强X射线粉晶衍射线(hkl,d,I)为:210,2.75(70);211,2.51(60);311,1.860(100);440,1.090(50);600,1.027(50)。X射线粉晶衍射图谱与马营矿相似。进行对比后,长城矿可以指标化为等轴晶系、空间群P2_13。由X射线粉晶衍射线求得α=0.6164(4)nm,V=0.2342nm~3,Z=4。  相似文献   
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