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四川前兆钻孔应变观测数据质量影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钻孔应变观测的目的是为地震预测及地震科学研究提供高质量的观测数据,台站钻孔应变观测受到不同外界因素干扰时,观测数据的完整率和观测数据内精度也会不同程度地受到影响,对各种干扰因素的认识、分析、排除,是提高观测数据质量最好、也是最有效的途径。  相似文献   
总结了丰满台水管仪两个测项在4次≥8级大震前记录的前兆波,对其特征进行初步分析,认为可能是断层预滑或断裂预扩展产生的,可能是大地震孕育过程中的一种反应,对大震的预报有一定的参考意义。通过对前兆波特征的深入研究可以为地震预测提供有力的依据。  相似文献   
The ecosystem services provided by forests modulate runoff generation processes, nutrient cycling and water and energy exchange between soils, vegetation and atmosphere. Increasing atmospheric CO2 affects many linked aspects of forest and catchment function in ways we do not adequately understand. Global levels of atmospheric CO2 will be around 40% higher in 2050 than current levels, yet estimates of how water and solute fluxes in forested catchments will respond to increased CO2 are highly uncertain. The Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility of the University of Birmingham's Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR) is the only FACE in mature deciduous forest. The site specializes in fundamental studies of the response of whole ecosystem patches of mature, deciduous, temperate woodland to elevated CO2 (eCO2). Here, we describe a dataset of hydrological parameters – seven weather parameters at each of three heights and four locations, shallow soil moisture and temperature, stream hydrology and CO2 enrichment – retrieved at high frequency from the BIFoR FACE catchment.  相似文献   
The knowledge of soil moisture spatio-temporal variability is highly relevant for water resources management. This paper reports an analysis of the spatial–temporal variability of soil moisture data for a small to medium-scale soil-sensors network in a coastal wetland of southwestern Spain. Measurements were taken from five sites located in the Doñana National Park over the time-period of one hydrological year from September 2017 to September 2018. The total area of the soil-sensors network shows an extension about 25 × 3 km. Soil moisture data was separated into time invariant (the temporal mean of the whole period at each site) and time-variant terms (the deviations of soil moisture from the mean, or anomalies). The time-invariant component was generally the main contributor to the total spatial variance of soil moisture and it was mostly controlled by the groundwater levels in the area. Nevertheless, the time variant terms have a huge effect on soil moisture variability in very dry states. Characteristic convex time-dependent patterns for this field site were found between spatially averaged soil moisture and its variability. This information could be used for the up and downscaling of soil moisture from satellite data. Those patterns of relation between spatial mean and variability of soil moisture were only affected by heavy rainfalls giving rise to hysteretic behaviour. This study shows that even though groundwater level is a time-variant variable, it significantly affects soil moisture's time-variant but also time-invariant terms due to the different average groundwater level depths at the different sites.  相似文献   
Based on summer observations of stable isotope of precipitation at Muztagata, western China, during 2002―2003, this paper presents the relationship between δ18O in precipitation and air temperature, and discusses the effect of moisture transport on δ18O in precipitation. Results show that air temperature correlates positively with δ18O in precipitation, and the temperature effect controls the δ18O of precipitation in this area. The Muztagata region exhibits high δ18O values in summer precipitation, similar to those shown at stations in adjacent regions. According to the results of our model set up to trace the moisture trajectories, the westerlies and local moisture circulation contribute to variations of oxygen isotopes in precipitation. In addition, the impacts of the moisture transport distance, the moisture transport level, and the incursion of the polar air mass also influence the variations of δ18O in precipitation. The moisture origins and transport mechanisms also contribute to the variation of δ18O in precipitation at Muztagata.  相似文献   
大兴安岭多年冻土泥炭地是对全球变暖响应敏感的地区之一。在全球变暖、多年冻土退化背景下,为了探明秋季冻融对多年冻土泥炭地无机氮时空变化的影响,本研究于2019年9—11月以大兴安岭三种多年冻土泥炭地为研究对象进行野外原位实验,分析了秋季冻融前、中和后期多年冻土泥炭地浅层和深层土壤无机氮的时空变化特征以及浅层和深层土壤含水量和温度的变化规律,建立了土壤无机氮含量与土壤温度和含水量间的多元线性回归模型。研究表明:多年冻土小叶章泥炭地(XY)、兴安落叶松-泥炭藓泥炭地(XA)和白毛羊胡子苔草泥炭地(BM)的土壤铵态氮(NH_(4)^(+)-N)含量变化范围:(1.00±0.00)~(20.60±0.20)mg·kg^(-1),硝态氮(NO_(3)^(-)-N)含量的变化范围:(0.02±0.01)~(14.64±1.11)mg·kg^(-1),且无机氮以土壤NH_(4)^(+)-N为主;秋季冻融后期无机氮含量明显高于前期。尽管水热交互作用对该时期无机氮没有显著影响,但是在不同冻融阶段,无机氮对环境因子的响应程度存在差异:在秋季冻融前、中和后期浅层无机氮动态分别与浅层温度和含水量的变化相关,但在整个秋季冻融期间BM浅层无机氮含量仅对10~20 cm含水量存在响应(R^(2)=0.344,P<0.01)。研究表明,秋季冻融期内,多年冻土泥炭地无机氮发生初步累积,且浅层环境因子对无机氮响应程度最大。本研究可补充大兴安岭多年冻土泥炭地秋季冻融对土壤无机氮影响研究的相关数据,并为多年冻土泥炭地响应全球变暖的温室气体释放的研究提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   
Stochastic modeling of soil moisture dynamics is crucial to the quantitative understanding of plant responses to water stresses,hydrological control of nutrient cycling processes,water competition among plants,and some other ecological dynamics,and thus has become a hotspot in ecohydrology at present.In this paper,we based on the continuously monitored data of soil moisture during 2002―2005 and daily precipitation date of 1992―2006,and tried to make a probabilistic analysis of soil moisture dynamics at point scale in a grassland of Qilian Mountain by integrating the stochastic model improved by Laio and the Monte Carlo method.The results show that the inter-annual variations for the soil moisture patterns at different depths are very significant,and that the coefficient of variance(CV) of surface soil moisture(20 cm) is almost continually kept at about 0.23 whether in the rich or poor rainy years.Interestingly,it has been found that the maximal CV of soil moisture has not always appeared at the surface layer.Comparison of the analytically derived soil moisture probability density function(PDF) with the statistical distribution of the observed soil moisture data suggests that the stochastic model can reasonably describe and predict the soil moisture dynamics of the grassland in Qilian Mountain at point scale.By extracting the statistical information of the historical precipitation data in 1994―2006,and inputting them into the stochastic model,we analytically derived the long-term soil moisture PDF without considering the inter-annual climate fluctuations,and then numerically derived the one when considering the inter-annual fluctuation effects in combination with a Monte-Carlo procedure.It was found that,though the peak position of the probability density distribution significantly moved towards drought when considering the disturbance forces,and its width was narrowed,accordingly its peak value was increased,no significant bimodality was observed in the soil moisture dynamics under the given intensity of random fluctuation disturbance.  相似文献   
甘肃黄土高原农业水分条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算分析了甘肃黄土高原的降水变化,农田蒸散和农作物水分亏缺的特征及其对农业生产的影响,表明区域主要降水特征均不利于农业生产;农田蒸散强烈,土壤水分亏缺严重;农作物水分供南非差额大,其水分适宜度低,降水产量指数小。  相似文献   
半荒漠风沙区土地沙漠化生物整治技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙德祥  魏玉梅 《中国沙漠》1997,17(2):194-198
试验证明,土地沙漠化生物整治技术能在半荒漠风沙区取得显著的作用和效果。在柠条、毛条、花棒、杨柴、沙木蓼等灌木树种的适生立地上营造防风固沙林,林后3~4年,灌木就可郁闭成林,流动沙丘完全被控制变为固定沙丘;林下植被结构得以改善,优良品种增多,如能合理开发其饲料等用途,还具有十分可观的经济效益。  相似文献   
沙漠腹地乔木状沙拐枣对灌水量的生理生态响应   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对不同灌水量条件下塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地乔木状沙拐枣(Calligonum arborescens Litv)的水分生理、生长和土壤水分进行了动态测定与分析。结果表明:①在35、24.5 kg·株-1·次-1和14 kg·株-1·次-1的灌水量下,土壤水分活跃层分别为:0~200、0~160 cm和0~100 cm。根系区土壤水分为3%~4%条件下,沙拐枣能正常生长,低于2.5%就会受到水分胁迫。②早晨和午后,沙拐枣的水势随着灌溉后时间的增加而降低,前期降幅较大。随着灌水量的减小,其水势降低较快,在14 kg·株-1·次-1处理下,灌溉3 d后早晨水势和午后水势分别达到-1.3 MPa和-2.19 MPa。③随着灌水量的减少沙拐枣的日耗水量急剧减小,液流速率也快速降低,灌溉后第15天,在24.5 kg·株-1·次-1和14 kg·株-1·次-1的灌水量下沙拐枣液流速率都为双峰型曲线,第25天3个处理都呈双峰型曲线。④不同灌水量下,沙拐枣的基径、新枝长度以及新枝直径的年增长量都随着灌水量的减少而减小,方差分析表明灌水量对新枝长度的影响非常显著(P=0.05)。  相似文献   
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