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基于多尺度的老采空区上方建筑物变形分析及预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张安兵  高井祥  张兆江 《岩土力学》2011,32(8):2423-2428
老采空区上方地表变形是一个具有复杂性、突然性和长期性等显著特点的非线性过程。在老采空区上方建设生活或服务设施时,必须对老采空区上方地基稳定性和残余变形情况进行评价和预测。基于多尺度经验模态分解(EMD),提出了老采空区上方地表建筑物稳定性分析及预测新方法。通过实例研究,证实采用多尺度经验模态分解可获得老采空区上方地表建筑物的动态变形细部信号。对各分解尺度进行分析能更准确有效地评价原始数据所反映的建筑物变形特征和进行变形机制研究。同时,实例计算也证实,采用考虑多尺度特征的预测模型可获得比传统方法更优的变形预报精度,为更科学地评价老采空区建筑物稳定性提供理论依据。  相似文献   
南海是一个准封闭海盆,其本征值问题是理解南海动力学的重要内容。本文利用一种新的泛函工具—多尺度子空间变换,从卫星观测资料中分离得到一个南海本征模态,即罗斯贝标准模态的近似场。发现该模态的周期为6个月左右、波长近250 km,在深水海盆向西传播,这与寿命为3个月左右的南海中尺度涡群体活动特征相一致。在此基础上,本文通过Liang-Kleeman信息流这一严格建立在第一性原理上的定量因果分析工具,探究南海两个最重要外部强迫,即黑潮入侵与南海季风对该罗斯贝标准模态的影响。结果表明二者与该模态均有较强因果关系,但分别影响模态的不同阶段:黑潮入侵主要影响其1/2π和3/2π位相,季风的作用则体现在3/4π位相。二者共同作用,调制该模态在近一个周期内的变化。进一步研究发现,黑潮入侵的过渡态是影响该模态的关键,这时黑潮在南海的分支与流套强度相当,有利于吕宋海峡西部形成不同极性涡旋的排列,从而影响南海内部罗斯贝标准模态。对南海季风而言,冬季风与夏季风的成熟阶段是影响该模态的重要时期,但并非整个南海的季风都发挥作用,泰国湾是季风改变南海罗斯贝标准模态的关键区域,这表明局地的强迫对激发全局模态起作用。  相似文献   
目前对岩溶湿地的重视程度远低于其他湿地类型,缺乏利用遥感技术进行岩溶湿地植被高精度识别的研究,但岩溶湿地同其他湿地类型一样,湿地面积退化严重,亟待需要解决。因此,本文选取受人类活动影响较大、湿地退化较为严重的广西桂林会仙喀斯特国家湿地公园的部分核心区域作为研究区,以DJI大疆御Mavic Pro无人机航摄影像为数据源,利用泛化能力强、分类精度高的面向对象随机森林算法实现了会仙岩溶湿地植被的高精度分类,探究无人机可见光影像和面向对象随机森林算法在岩溶湿地植被识别中的适用性,为无人机遥感技术应用于岩溶湿地的研究和保护提供技术参考。首先,在eCognition Developer9.0中利用多尺度迭代分割算法对影像图层进行分割;然后,基于以往在进行面向对象分类研究的经验来指导我们进行特征选择,充分考虑了影像的光谱和纹理特征、植被指数、无人机遥感数据派生的研究区数字地表模型(DSM)和几何特征;最后,在RStudio中实现了随机森林算法参数的调优、模型的构建以及分类。结果显示,面向对象随机森林算法对会仙湿地植被具有较高的识别能力,在95%置信区间内总体精度为86.75%,Kappa系数为0.83。在单一典型岩溶湿地植被识别精度中,狗牙根-白茅-水龙植被群丛的用户精度在90%以上,生产者精度高于80%,竹子-马甲子-桂花生产者精度高于80%,但是用户精度较低,仅为70.59%。  相似文献   
相较于传统删减顶点的线要素综合方法,基于傅里叶变换的线要素综合更能保留曲线的全局特征,但现有的傅里叶综合方法无法自动减少和控制点数,更多适用于曲线的平滑及多尺度表达。因此本文提出一种利用离散傅里叶变换进行线要素综合的方法。对曲线进行离散傅里叶变换,获得有限项傅里叶描述子;根据期望的压缩比对傅里叶描述子进行截断;根据截断后的描述子项进行离散傅里叶逆变换获得化简曲线。本文提出的这种傅里叶方法能够减少化简后曲线顶点数,适用于地图综合领域。本文通过四组实验验证了算法的可行性,展示其如下优点:① 能够在相应尺度上对线性地物进行平滑、渐进的化简和表达② 在现有傅里叶变换法的基础上能够保留曲线原顶点;③ 以顶点数作为综合过程参数,能够自动减少曲线顶点数;④ 相较于传统节点压缩方法,更注重整体形态的化简,在综合过程中能更好地保留曲线的整体特征;⑤ 在转换尺度较大的综合过程中,相较于传统节点压缩方法所保留的几何精度更高。  相似文献   
张波 《地质与勘探》2016,52(2):283-291
本文介绍了一种新的地质体边界识别方法-位场多尺度导数分析法。在基本原理介绍及理论模型试验的基础上,对该方法在地质体边界识别中的有效性进行了论证。然后,利用该方法对新疆卡拉塔格地区1:5万重力数据进行了多尺度导数处理,识别出了不同尺度和走向的断裂构造,进一步证明多尺度导数分析方法能够对位场数据进行有效的分离和信息增强,进而识别出不同尺度场源体的边界。  相似文献   
Terminal ballistics of concrete is of extreme importance to the military and civil communities. Over the past few decades, ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) has been developed for various applications in the design of protective structures because UHPC has an enhanced ballistic resistance over conventional strength concrete. Developing predictive numerical models of UHPC subjected to penetration is critical in understanding the material's enhanced performance. This study employs the advanced fundamental concrete (AFC) model, and it will run inside the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM)-based code known as the nonlinear meshfree analysis program (NMAP). NMAP is advantageous for modeling impact and penetration problems that exhibit extreme deformation and material fragmentation. A comprehensive experimental study was conducted to characterize the UHPC. The investigation consisted of fracture toughness testing, the utilization of nondestructive microcomputed tomography analysis, and lastly projectile penetration shots on the UHPC targets. To improve the accuracy of the model, a new scaled damage evolution law (SDEL) is employed within the microcrack informed damage model. During the homogenized macroscopic calculation, the corresponding microscopic cell needs to be dimensionally equivalent to the mesh dimension when the partial differential equation becomes ill posed and strain softening ensues. To ensure arbitrary mesh geometry for which the homogenized stress-strain curves are derived, a size scaling law is incorporated into the homogenized tensile damage evolution law. This ensures energy-bridging equivalence of the microscopic cell to the homogenized medium irrespective of arbitrary mesh geometry. Results of numerical investigations will be compared with results of penetration experiments.  相似文献   
1950-2008年黄河入海水沙变化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on hydrological data observed at Lijin gauging station from 1950 to 2008, the temporal changes of water discharge and sediment load of the Yellow River into the sea were analyzed by the wavelet analysis, and their impacts on the estuary were investigated in different periods based on the measured coastline and bathymetry data. The results show that: (1) there were three significant periodicities, i.e. annual (0.5-1.0-year), internnual (3.0-6.5-year) and decadal (10.1-14.2-year), in the variations of w...  相似文献   
An inverse problem is posed in terms of log-conductivities which are decomposed into macroscale deterministic and microscale stochastic components. The macroscale and microscale conductivities conceptualize hierarchical, scale-dependent aquifer parameters. A deterministic parameter estimation scheme divides a flow domain into a limited number of macroscale constant conductivity zones. A stochastic microscale parameter estimation scheme is used to obtain fluctuations about the macroscale averages in terms of geostatistical models. Both the macroscale and the microscale conductivities are estimated via maximum likelihood, adjoint-state methodologies. Monte Carlo-type approaches are used to examine the distribution of macroscale and microscale conductivity estimates.  相似文献   
东海某油气田研究区分布有火山岩。鉴于火山岩具有磁性这一特征,基于总磁异常△T成果,采用总磁异常△T变倾角化极技术、小波多尺度分解技术,研究了火山岩在该区的展布与厚度。研究结果表明,具备必需的物性、磁性体分布规模等条件,在油气田开发中采用磁测成果研究磁性体展布是可行的。  相似文献   
Abstract. Availability of food in the sediment can play an important role in determining the dynamics of deposit feeders. Generally the abundance of deposit feeders during winter and spring is related to an increase in the nutritive value of the sediment due to the concurrent microalgal peaks. This work investigated, in 1998, the seasonal variability patterns in the nutritive value of the sediment and in the abundance of two polychaetes, Desdemona ornata (Sabellidae: Fabriicinae) and Perinereis cultrifera (Nereididae), that probably feed on benthic microalgae. Previously, in 1997, these two species were abundant in winter and spring. During that winter, the amount of chlorophyll a in the sediment was quite variable due to grazing activities. Three manipulative field experiments were carried out in winter and spring (January, March and April 1998) to test the hypothesis that increasing the amount of chlorophyll a increases the nutritional value of the sediment and the abundance of Perinereis cultrifera and Desdemona ornata . The results indicated that the patterns of variability for these species and for chlorophyll a were similar to those observed in 1997. In plots where microalgal growth was stimulated experimentally, Perinereis cultrifera increased in January and Desdemona ornata increased in January and March. The role of food in regulating the abundances of Perinereis cultrifera and Desdemona ornata is discussed.  相似文献   
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