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三维城市模型的研究与实践(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The way we interact with spatial data has been changed from 2D map to 3D Virtual Geographic Environment (VGE). Three-dimensional representations of geographic information on a computer are known as VGE, and in particular 3D city models provide an efficient way to integrate massive, heterogenous geospatial information and georeferenced information in urban areas. 3D city modeling (3DCM) is an active research and practice topic in distinct application areas. This paper introduces different modeling paradigms employed in 3D GIS, virtual environment, and AEC/FM. Up-to-date 3DCM technologies are evolving into a data integration and collaborative approach to represent the full spatial coverage of a city, to model both aboveground and underground, outdoor and indoor environments including man-made objects and natural features with 3D geometry, appearance, topology and semantics. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 40871212, No. 40671158), the Leading Academic Discipline Project of Shanghai Educational Committee( No.J50104).  相似文献   
基于ERA-40再分析资料以及多尺度子空间变换和多尺度能量分析方法,探讨了大西洋阻塞高压平流层底部冷中心的形成机制,发现该冷中心形成的根本原因为16 d以下(高频尺度)和64 d以上过程(基本气流)向阻高尺度有效位能的正则传输,所获得有效位能在阻高尺度内被输运到西北和东南侧,并转换成动能,起到使阻高强度增加或者维持的作用。这种过程在西北侧表现得尤为明显,这可能是阻高形态不断向西北侧扩展的原因。在传统的认知中,大气有效位能从大尺度向小尺度传输,但本研究发现,阻高发生时,有效位能在平流层底部的传输方向表现为从高频尺度和基本气流尺度同时向阻高尺度传输。此外,前人的研究表明,阻高发展加强之后对流层中阻高动能向有效位能转化使得阻高消亡,而本文的分析表明两种能量的转换方向在平流层底部完全相反——由有效位能向动能转换,起到了使阻高加强或维持的作用。最近的研究表明对流层顶附近的动力学对于阻高的发展和维持非常重要,上述发现增进了对这些动力学深层的了解。  相似文献   
2015年6月1日21:30左右长江湖北监利段发生"东方之星"客轮翻沉特大事故。本文根据事发周边陆地区域现场天气调查结果,结合卫星和雷达观测资料分析认为,6月1日21:00-21:40左右事发江段和周边区域发生了下击暴流导致的强烈大风灾害,最强风力超过12级,并具有空间分布不连续、多尺度和强灾害时空尺度小等特征。事发周边区域北部受中气旋影响陆地区域(顺星村、老台深水码头、四台村养猪场附近、新沟子养鸡场附近等)灾情较南部阵风锋及其后侧下击暴流影响的陆地区域更为显著。综合雷达观测资料和现场调查资料分析判断多数调查点灾害为显著微下击暴流所致,其中老台深水码头有龙卷发生的可能。导致此次风灾的强对流风暴气流具有显著的多尺度性;事发周边区域北部的四台村养猪场附近树林中同时发生了多条相邻的微下击暴流条迹,呈现出辐散和辐合交替分布的特征,展示了此次强对流风暴中大气运动的复杂分布特点。虽然下击暴流会伴随中小尺度的涡旋特征,但此次现场调查发现的与下击暴流相联系的辐合特征水平尺度仅几十米,远小于弓形回波两端的书挡涡旋或者中涡旋等几千米级的水平尺度。  相似文献   
李欣  朱伟军 《气象科学》2019,39(2):143-152
基于1971—2016年NCEP/NCAR(美国环境预报中心和国家大气研究中心)的逐日再分析资料及NCPC(美国国家海洋和大气管理局气候预报中心)的海温、大气环流及海洋指数等资料通过多尺度能量分析(MS-EVA)等方法,把冬季北半球风暴轴看做一整体,分析了风暴轴区域多尺度的能量变化特征及其可能机制。主要结论概括如下:(1)多年气候平均状态下,风暴轴的动能来源主要表现为在风暴轴中上游先由低频尺度向天气尺度输送有效位能,随后在风暴轴主体区再由天气尺度有效位能转换为天气尺度动能,其中风暴轴西端可直接由低频尺度向天气尺度输送动能。(2)北半球三大风暴轴联合EOF结果表明:第一模态下,主要体现了北西伯利亚风暴轴与北太平洋风暴轴强度的减弱(增强),同时伴随着北大西洋风暴轴位置北抬(南压);第二模态下,主要体现了北西伯利亚风暴轴强度减弱(增强),同时北太平洋风暴轴位置北抬(南压)中东部强度增强(减弱),而北大西洋风暴轴位置南压(北抬)。(3)回归分析表明:北半球风暴轴异常在不同模态下与低频尺度环流联系密切。低频尺度波动可通过海温及西风急流等异常变化先影响风暴轴区域多尺度间的能量转换,进而影响风暴轴整体的异常变化。  相似文献   
晁勐  张俊  刘翔 《干旱区地理》2022,45(6):2004-2012
以2021年兰州市主城区678个居住小区房价数据为基础,引入地理场模型量化影响房价的外部因素,通过空间自相关分析、多尺度地理加权回归等模型对房价分异的空间格局及驱动因素的作用机理、带宽差异展开研究,以期为推动河谷型城市房产市场的公平发展提供参考。结果表明:(1)兰州市主城区平均房价为13739元·m-2,空间上呈现“一主三副”的带状多中心组团式分布格局,房价由多中心向四周递减,价格相似的小区在地理空间上邻近分布,具有“小集中、大分散”的局部空间特征。(2)房价分异是多种驱动因素共同作用的结果,区位特征中的主商圈对房价的影响居于首位,建筑特征中的房龄、容积率和邻里特征中的中学数量、绿化率等对房价的影响较大,城市地理特征对房价具有显著影响,愈靠近黄河的小区、房价越高。(3)各驱动因素的带宽差异明显,主商圈、医院等小尺度变量存在高度空间异质性,而容积率、黄河等全局变量基本不存在空间异质性。  相似文献   
针对高分辨率影像上日光温室的信息提取问题,该文提出了利用支持向量机、最近邻算法结合纹理特征在不同层上分别提取连片日光温室和独栋日光温室的方法。实验表明:纹理特征能提高分类精度,在大尺度的层上,分类精度提升幅度较大,但在小尺度的层上,分类精度提升幅度会比较小;并不是参与运算特征数越多,分类精度越高,多数情况下光谱+纹理组合的分类精度最高;提取连片日光温室的最优方案是支持向量机和光谱+形状+纹理(7像素×7像素),总精度为92.86%,Kappa系数为0.90,而提取独栋日光温室最优方案为SVM和光谱+纹理(11像素×11像素),总精度为88.39%,Kappa系数为0.86。  相似文献   
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Examination of well logs leads to the observation that they exhibit characteristic behavior over a wide range of scales, differing from a foot to hundreds of feet. This behavior is not accounted for in conventional segmentation methods. The segmentation method that is proposed here aims to solve this problem. It is based on a multiscale representation of the well log. This is a representation of the well log at different levels of smoothness. The behavior of edges, which are associated with extrema of the first derivative, across scales is of great importance in the segmentation. Analysis of this behavior leads to a multiscale segmentation of the well log, in which a fine-scale segment is a part of one coarse scale segment only. In this way the geologist is able to analyze the log at different scales simultaneously. An extension of this approach is not to preserve all fine-scale information but to zoom in only on parts of the log where it is considered to be of interest.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于多尺度小波融合和改进的非监督模糊聚类的多光谱遥感影像变化检测方法。该算法解决了目前很多算法造成虚警率较高,而且未能充分利用像元之间空间关系的问题。首先利用二维离散小波(DWT)多尺度分解的方式来构造差异图,通过对两种小波分解系数融合的方式来抑制噪声点和突出变化区域。考虑到像元之间的空间位置信息,在融合后的基础上采用改进的模糊局部信息聚类(IFLICM)的方法得到变化检测结果。对两个时相的多光谱遥感卫星影像进行变化检测试验,试验表明基于融合的变化检测结果精度更高,并且改进后的聚类算法效果比其他聚类算法效果更好。  相似文献   
The abrupt changes in the streamflow and sediment load at nine hydrological stations of the Pearl River basin were systematically analysed by using the simple two‐phase linear regression scheme and the coherency analysis technique. Possible underlying causes were also discussed. Our study results indicated that abrupt changes in the streamflow occurred mainly in the early 1990s. The change points were followed by significant decreasing streamflow. Multiscale abrupt behaviour of the sediment load classified the hydrological stations into two groups: (1) Xiaolongtan, Nanning and Liuzhou; and (2) Qianjiang, Dahuangjiangkou, Wuzhou, Gaoyao, Shijiao and Boluo. The grouped categories implied obvious influences of water reservoirs on the hydrological processes of the Pearl River. On the basis of analysis of the locations and the construction time of the water reservoirs, and also the time when the change points occurred, we figured out different ways the water reservoirs impacted the hydrological processes within the Pearl River basin. As for the hydrological variation along the mainstream of the Pearl River, the water reservoirs have considerable influences on both the streamflow and sediment load variations; however, more influences seemed to be exerted on the sediment load transport. In the North River, the hydrological processes seemed to be influenced mainly by climate changes. In the East River, the hydrological variations tended to be impacted by the water reservoirs. The study results also indicated no fixed modes when we address the influences of water reservoirs on hydrological processes. Drainage area and regulation behaviour of the water reservoirs should be taken into account. The results of this study will be of considerable importance for the effective water resources management of the Pearl River basin under the changing environment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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