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张家口地震台和兴隆地震台地脉动信号初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取河北省张家口和兴隆2个台站的数字化地震仪连续1年,每日02~03时的地脉动记录,计算功率谱和自相关函数。结果发现兴隆台脉动谱中有4个比较突出的峰值,分别为0.3Hz、3Hz、8Hz、15Hz,张家口台只有3个峰值0.3Hz、3Hz、15Hz。兴隆台UD向的自相关函数呈现出一种比较典型的“红噪声”形态,EW向则呈现出负相关特征,认为可能是只作用于水平向的倾斜脉动的影响。小幅度的仪器干扰信号无论从脉冲标定还是地震波形中都很难发现的,而对脉动进行谱分析则很容易分辨。兴隆台和张家口台地脉动卓越周期时间曲线,基本集中在0.3秒,比较稳定。  相似文献   
A new model is presented for multiblock columns subjected to earthquakes, which contains an impact and an opening model. Both in the impact and in the opening model, all the possible opening configurations are investigated because it was found that in many practical cases, unexpected patterns may occur. The model is purely mechanical: assuming rigid blocks and classical (inelastic) impact. The effect of energy dissipation during impact was investigated. Using our model in accordance with the literature, it was found that monolithic blocks are more vulnerable to overturning than multiblock systems.  相似文献   
当强震台站场地资料不完整时,所收集到的强震数据因缺乏准确的场地类别信息而难以有效利用。为解决这一问题,本文提出一种基于离散Fréchet距离的强震台站场地分类方法。将获取到的664个KiK-net台站场地按照《建筑抗震设计规范(GB 50011—2010)》进行分类,并构建2个数据集。利用数据集1得到Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类场地标准谱比曲线,并结合离散Fréchet距离对数据集2中的台站进行场地分类,统计分类成功率与误判率。统计结果表明,本文方法能较准确地对场地进行分类,且误判率在可接受范围内。将本文方法分类统计结果与斯皮尔曼秩相关系数法分类的成功率与误判率进行对比,结合本文方法分类后得到的平均谱比曲线,均可表明应用本文方法进行强震台站场地分类具有合理性。  相似文献   
从PEER强震数据库中选取4类场地的320条地震动记录作为输入,采用BISPEC程序对非线性单自由度(SDOF)体系(周期T=0.05—5s)进行非线性时程分析,得到相应的残余位移反应谱(Dres),进而研究地震动特性和恢复力模型动力参数对Dres的影响,得到如下结论:①Dres谱值随震级和PGA的增加而增大;其他设防烈度的Dres可由PGA其他与PGA基准之比调整基准烈度的Dres得到。②场地土较硬时,场地类型对Dres的影响较小;场地土较软时,Dres谱值随土质的变软而增大。③当位移延性比μ较小时,屈服后刚度比η对Dres的影响可忽略;但当μ较大时,Dres谱值随η的增加而减小。另外,Dres谱值还随阻尼比ξ的增加而减小。④随着T或μ的增大,Dres谱值均呈递增趋势;但当μ>3后,μ对Dres谱值的影响有所下降。  相似文献   
夏季新安江水库(千岛湖)颗粒物吸收光谱特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对2013年夏季新安江水库(千岛湖)53个站点悬浮颗粒物的吸收光谱进行研究,系统分析了总颗粒物吸收系数ap(λ)、非藻类颗粒物吸收系数ad(λ)和浮游藻类光谱吸收系数aph(λ)的变化规律以及影响因素.结果表明:总颗粒物吸收除西北河流区上游段外,其他各站点均呈现出明显的浮游藻类吸收特性,反映新安江水库总颗粒物中浮游藻类贡献较高.全库ap(440)在0.068 ~0.629 m-1之间变化,西北河流区总颗粒物吸收系数显著大于其他水域,而湖泊区与西南河流区则显著小于其他水域.非藻类颗粒物吸收光谱随着波长增加大致呈现出指数函数衰减的规律,其光谱斜率Sd均值为8.52±1.62μm-1,存在显著的空间差异,但整体偏低,与新安江水库无机颗粒物含量低有关.ad (440)与浮游藻类色素浓度存在显著的线性相关,表明夏季新安江水库非藻类颗粒物可能主要来源于浮游藻类降解.浮游藻类的光谱吸收在440和675 nm附近有明显的吸收峰.aph(440)和aph(675)存在显著的空间差异,其与浮游藻类色素浓度存在极显著的正线性关系,而与总悬浮颗粒物浓度相关性较弱.  相似文献   
基于我国台湾地区SMART-1密集台阵强震记录资料和Kameda的时变功率谱模型,利用多重滤波技术和非线性最小二乘法拟合得到每条记录的Kameda模型参数值;通过分析模型参数随频率变化的散点图分布规律,建立了时变功率谱模型参数随频率变化的随机模型。采用随机振动理论和多元统计分析方法,分析了沿波传播方向距离、垂直于波传播方向距离及测点所在位置土层厚度等局部空间位置变化对时变功率谱模型参数的影响规律,探讨了时变功率谱模型参数的空间分布形式,建立了各模型参数随空间坐标变化的随机预测模型,从而为重大工程多点输入地震动参数的确定和多点输入加速度时程的合成提供实用模型。  相似文献   
The Vrancea seismic region contains an isolated cluster of events beneath the Carpathian Arc Bend in Romania, dipping to about 200 km depth. Seismic activity mainly occurs at intermediate depths (h > 60 km). The main goal of the paper is to perform an in-depth, complex analysis of the occurrence times of these intermediate-depth events. We also try to show the versatility of the methods used to characterize different aspects of the seismicity evolution and to offer a user-friendly software toolbox to do most of the related computations. The earthquake catalog used in this study spans from 1974 to 2002 and includes only the intermediate-depth events. In the first part of the paper, we analyze the multifractal characteristics of the temporal distribution of earthquakes. The study reveals two distinct scaling regimes. At small scales we found a clear nonhomogeneous, multifractal pattern, while at large scales the temporal distribution of events shows a monofractal, and close to Poissonian (random), behavior. The multifractal behavior at small scales (minutes-hours) is shown to be clearly an effect of the short aftershock sequences that occurred after some major Vrancea earthquakes. In the second part of the paper we analyze whether our temporal series shows a persistent (or anti-persistent) long-term behavior, by using the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) method. The results suggest that the analyzed temporal series of Vrancea earthquakes is a non-correlated process. In part three of the paper we seek to determine whether the dynamics of our earthquake system (described by the occurrence time of Vrancea earthquakes) is deterministically chaotic, deriving from a rather simple evolution law, or whether it is stochastic and is generated by a system that possesses many degrees of freedom. The results suggest that our signal is stochastic (probably does not possess an attractor). The limited time-span of the catalog and the analysis performed in this paper cannot rule out the emergence of an interesting, quasi-deterministic and low-dimensional structure in the case of major Vrancea earthquakes.Acknowledgement One of the authors (BE) is grateful to the Japanese Ministry of Education for providing him a Monbusho scholarship for studying in DPRI, Kyoto University. We thank Z.R. Struzik, M Holschneider, J. Mori and D. Kaplan for their useful comments, and acknowledge the support of the staff of DPRI, Kyoto University and the National Inst. for Earth Physics, Bucharest. We thank the two reviewers, M.B. Geilikman and M. Anghel, for their useful suggestions which improved the quality of this work.  相似文献   
Underground coal and copper ore exploitation in two Polish mining regions causes mining tremors and a series of other negative phenomena in the environment. Although these tremors are strictly connected with human activity, they differ considerably from other paraseismic vibrations. The moment of their occurrence is not to be foreseen likewise for earthquakes. The main problem discussed in the paper was formulated as the neural network evaluation of a relation between mining tremor energies, epicentral distances and acceleration response spectra. Back-propagation neural networks with Resilient back-propagation learning method were used. Each input vector included information about the mining tremor energy and the epicentral distance. Values of acceleration response spectrum were expected as the outputs of neural networks. Neurally evaluated spectra were compared with spectra computed on the basis of experimental data. After the network is trained and tested, it can be used for mapping of new data of mining tremor energies and epicentral distances into the spectra. Then, what is the substantial advantage of neural approach, the prediction of acceleration response spectra can be performed without recording of surface vibrations. In the light of the results, it is visible that the presented way of computation of acceleration response spectra can be peculiarly applied to prognosis of mining tremors influences on structures.  相似文献   

深地实验室的低噪声特性为高精度连续重力观测提供了理想的外部条件.为了揭示深地观测环境对重力观测精度的提升效果,本研究利用CG-5型和CG-6型各两台重力仪,在淮南煤矿的地下和地表同时开展重力观测.为减小仪器性能差异对结果的影响,先在淮北重力站进行同址观测.研究结果表明,相比于地表观测,地下观测可以减少1/3至1/2的线性漂移和1/3左右的非线性漂移,提取的潮汐因子精度也更高.地下非线性漂移的功率谱密度比地表低,二者差异在半日波频段最大可达15 dB.相比于地表和山洞,深地观测在次地震频段有明显的低噪声优势.地震位错理论计算结果表明,冲绳海沟7级左右的地震可在淮南深地试验场产生大约0.003 μGal的重力变化,超过0.001 μGal的超导重力静态观测精度.因此有望利用淮南深地实验室,在次地震频段的低噪声优势环境下开展超导连续重力观测,捕捉冲绳海沟可能存在的7级以上慢地震事件.

将欧洲数百条地震动记录按震级、震中距、场地类别及震源机制等条件分类,通过对地震动记录加速度峰值比、加速度峰值衰减规律及反应谱比等内容的统计分析,研究了震源机制、场地类别等因素对竖向地震动的影响。结果表明,震源机制和场地类别这两种因素在近场区对竖向地震动特性有显著的影响。  相似文献   
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