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The polarimetric radar network in Jiangsu Province has just been operationalized since 2020. The first intense precipitation event observed by this polarimetric radar network and disdrometer occurred during August 28-29, 2020 and caused severe flooding and serious damage in eastern Jiangsu Province. The microphysics and kinetics for this heavy precipitation convective storm is diagnosed in this study, in order to promote the application of this polarimetric radar network. Drop size distribution(...  相似文献   
本文使用中尺度数值模式WRFV3.4中的8种不同云微物理过程参数化方案,模拟2010年5月6~7日华南一次暴雨事件,探讨不同云微物理方案对华南暴雨模拟的影响。结果表明:不同云微物理方案对不同量级降水模拟效果总体较好。WSM3方案对小到大雨和大暴雨的模拟效果最好,对暴雨的模拟最差;WDM5方案对暴雨模拟效果最好。结合TS评分和误差分析结果,整体效果最好的是WSM5方案,最差的是Lin方案。对于同一云微物理参数化方案,不同分辨率的降水模拟结果差异不大,但同一分辨率的不同云微物理参数化方案的降水结果差异较大,这说明云微物理过程比模式分辨率对暴雨模拟的影响更大。  相似文献   
Cloud microphysical processes occur at the smallest end of scales among cloud-related processes and thus must be parameterized not only in large-scale global circulation models(GCMs) but also in various higher-resolution limited-area models such as cloud-resolving models(CRMs) and large-eddy simulation(LES) models. Instead of giving a comprehensive review of existing microphysical parameterizations that have been developed over the years, this study concentrates purposely on several topics that ...  相似文献   
A thunderstorm that produced severe wind, heavy rain and hail on 23 August 2001 in Beijing was studied by a three-dimensional cloud model including hail-bin microphysics. This model can provide important information for hail size at the surface, which is not available in hail parameterization cloud models. The results shows that the cloud model, using hail-bin microphysics, could reasonably reflect the storm's characteristics such as life cycle, rainfall distribution and the diameter of the hailstones and also can reproduce developing processes of downbursts, where they can then be compared with the observed features of the storm. The downburst formation mechanism was investigated based on the cloud microphysics of the simulated storm and it was found that the downburst was primarily produced by hail-loading and enhanced by cooling processes that were due to hail melting and rain evaporation. The loading and melting of hail played crucial roles in the formation of downbursts within the storm.  相似文献   
2014年夏季青藏高原云和降水微物理特征的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐洁  郭学良  常祎 《气象学报》2018,76(6):1053-1068
为了加强对青藏高原(高原)云和降水微物理特征的深入认识,采用高分辨率中尺度数值预报模式(WRF),对第三次青藏高原大气科学试验2014年7月3-25日发生的6次不同强度云和降水过程进行了数值模拟分析。研究结果表明:(1)青藏高原夏季云和降水过程具有独特性。高原夏季对流的促发机制主要是午后高原加热造成的,云和降水具有明显的日变化。午夜后,对流性降水一般转化为层状云降水,具有明显的0℃层回波亮带,并且会产生强降水。大部分对流云云顶高度超过15 km(海拔高度),最大上升气流速度为10-40 m/s。(2)6次云过程中均具有高过冷云水含量,主要分布在0—-20℃层,冰晶含量主要分布在-20℃层以上的区域,强盛的对流云中,可出现在-40℃层以上区域;雨水集中分布在融化层之下,说明其主要依赖降水性冰粒子的融化过程;雪和霰粒子含量高,分布范围广,说明云中冰相过程非常活跃。(3)高原夏季云中水凝物的转化过程和降水的形成机理具有明显特点。霰粒子的融化过程是地面雨水的主要来源,暖雨过程对降水的直接贡献很小,但通过暖雨过程形成的过冷雨滴的异质冻结过程对云中霰胚的形成十分重要。霰粒子的增长主要依靠凇附过程以及聚并雪晶的增长过程。   相似文献   
The basic structure and cloud features of Typhoon Nida (2016) are simulated using a new microphysics scheme (Liuma) within the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Typhoon characteristics simulated with the Liuma microphysics scheme are compared with observations and those simulated with a commonly- used microphysics scheme (WSM6). Results show that using different microphysics schemes does not significantly alter the track of the typhoon but does significantly affect the intensity and the cloud structure of the typhoon. Results also show that the vertical distribution of cloud hydrometeors and the horizontal distribution of peripheral rainband are affected by the microphysics scheme. The mixing ratios of rain water and graupel correlate highly with the vertical velocity component and equivalent potential temperature at the typhoon eye-wall region. According to the simulation with WSM 6 scheme, it is likely that the very low typhoon central pressure results from the positive feedback between hydrometeors and typhoon intensity. As the ice-phase hydrometeors are mostly graupel in the Liuma microphysics scheme, further improvement in this aspect is required.  相似文献   
Representation of cloud microphysical processes is one of the key aspects of numerical models. An improved doublemoment bulk cloud microphysics scheme(named IMY) was created based on the standard Milbrandt-Yau(MY) scheme in the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model for the East Asian monsoon region(EAMR). In the IMY scheme, the shape parameters of raindrops, snow particles, and cloud droplet size distributions are variables instead of fixed constants.Specifically, the shape parameters of r...  相似文献   
利用WRF模式6种适合高分辨率且包含多种固态水成物粒子的云微物理参数化方案,分别对2012年5月16日江苏北部一次飑线过程进行数值试验,结果表明:LIN方案模拟的飑线回波反射率、强降水TS评分、结构和强度等均要优于其余5种微物理参数化方案。分析不同参数化试验结果中不同水成物粒子占比随时间的变化特征,并针对LIN方案采取敏感性试验和水成物转化微物理过程分析指出,在此次飑线过程中的各水成物粒子中,霰/雹粒子占比最大,是降水过程中最重要的粒子;地面降水直接来源是雨水,雨水主要来源于中层霰/雹粒子的融化,小部分来源于云水的自动转化;中层霰/雹粒子最主要来源是通过雨霰转化过程中的雨水撞冻冰雹微物理过程,其次是霰撞冻云水的微物理过程,而冰相物质雪晶和云冰的碰并、撞冻和自动转化过程微乎其微。  相似文献   
This study examines the effects of cumulus parameterizations and microphysics schemes on the track forecast of typhoon Nabi using the Weather Research Forecast model. The study found that the effects of cumulus parameterizations on typhoon track forecast were comparatively strong and the typhoon track forecast of Kain-Fritsch (KF) was superior to that of Betts-Miller (BM). When KF was selected, the simulated results would be improved if microphysics schemes were selected than otherwise. The results from Ferrier, WSM6, and Lin were very close to those in the best track. KF performed well with the simulations of the western extension and eastern contraction changes of a North Pacific high as well as the distribution and strength of the typhoon wind field.  相似文献   
将中国气象科学研究院(CAMS)混合双参数云微物理方案用于中尺度天气模式WRF,开展了对2013年超强台风天兔(1319)的模拟,通过与台风最佳路径、强度及热带降雨测量卫星(TRMM)资料对比,分析CAMS云微物理方案在模拟台风中的适用性及云微物理过程对模拟台风天兔的影响机制。设计了3组敏感性试验:修改雪粒子质量和落速系数(EXP1),采用海洋性云滴参数(EXP2),同时修改雪粒子质量和落速系数并采用海洋性云滴参数(EXP3)。结果表明:EXP1和EXP3由于霰碰并雪速率的增加及减小的雪下落通量,导致雪含量显著降低,同时也减少了整体冰相物的含量;EXP2和EXP3模拟的台风眼区对流有效位能快速减小,再现了前期台风的快速增强过程,路径偏差也最小;各试验模拟的小时降水率总体偏强,EXP3的降水空间分布与实况更接近,明显降低雪粒子含量,并一定程度上改善模拟的台风路径、强度及降水分布等。该结果不但可为改进适用于台风的云微物理参数化方案提供思路,也可加深云微物理过程对台风影响的认识。  相似文献   
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