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The evolution of cloud droplet size spectra is calculated using an adiabatic condensational growth model. Broadness (e.g., standard deviation of diameter) of cloud droplet spectra in adiabatic cloud parcels was determined to be critically dependent on cloud supersaturation. Although droplet spectra become narrower as growth continues, the rate of narrowing is slower when cloud supersaturation is lower. This actually leads to broader droplet spectra for more continental clouds or for weaker updrafts because both of these conditions are associated with lower cloud supersaturations. More continental type clouds, which have higher concentrations of smaller droplets, were indeed found to have larger dispersions (standard deviation of diameter/mean diameter of cloud droplets). Some of these results were consistent with observations, but the larger dispersions that were much more commonly observed for continental compared to maritime clouds were due almost exclusively to smaller droplets rather than broader droplet distributions. Contrary to the model calculations, typical observations show that cleaner clouds usually have broader droplet spectra. The gaps in magnitude between theory and observations of broadness are significant in all clouds. When cloud parcels that had ascended under different updraft conditions were compared at a constant cloud altitude, parcels with lower updrafts were predicted to have broader droplet spectra with larger mean diameters. This trend of apparent spectral broadening was consistent with observations for some near-adiabatic cloud parcels.  相似文献   
WRF模式对2013年1月华北一次大雾的数值对比试验   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
王益柏  梅娜  范磊  胡晓华  刘家峻  倪文琪 《气象》2014,40(12):1522-1529
采用WRF模式系统模拟了2013年1月22—23日华北大雾天气过程,针对不同的边界层方案、微物理方案和陆面方案,设计了三组数值试验方案,并利用地面观测资料对其模拟效果进行了对比分析,找出了部分最适合于此次大雾过程模拟的参数化方案,它们分别是TEMF边界层方案、Goddard微物理方案和RUC陆面方案。此次数值试验结果还表明,WRF模式对大雾天气地面风速风向的模拟能力较好,其他气象要素存在一定的误差,用10 m液态水含量和10 m相对湿度指标共同诊断大雾天气能有效提高大雾判识准确率。  相似文献   
The shape parameter of the Gamma size distribution plays a key role in the evolution of the cloud droplet spectrum in the bulk parameterization schemes. However, due to the inaccurate specification of the shape parameter in the commonly used bulk double-moment schemes, the cloud droplet spectra cannot reasonably be described during the condensation process. Therefore, a newly-developed triple-parameter condensation scheme with the shape parameter diagnosed through the number concentration, cloud...  相似文献   
The improvement of the accuracy of simulated cloud-related variables, such as the cloud fraction, in global climate models (GCMs) is still a challenging problem in climate modeling. In this study, the influence of cloud microphysics schemes (one-moment versus two-moment schemes) and cloud overlap methods (observation-based versus a fixed vertical decorrelation length) on the simulated cloud fraction was assessed in the BCC_AGCM2.0_CUACE/Aero. Compared with the fixed decorrelation length method, the observation-based approach produced a significantly improved cloud fraction both globally and for four representative regions. The utilization of a two-moment cloud microphysics scheme, on the other hand, notably improved the simulated cloud fraction compared with the one-moment scheme; specifically, the relative bias in the global mean total cloud fraction decreased by 42.9%–84.8%. Furthermore, the total cloud fraction bias decreased by 6.6% in the boreal winter (DJF) and 1.64% in the boreal summer (JJA). Cloud radiative forcing globally and in the four regions improved by 0.3%?1.2% and 0.2%?2.0%, respectively. Thus, our results showed that the interaction between clouds and climate through microphysical and radiation processes is a key contributor to simulation uncertainty.  相似文献   
In this paper, the data of Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs), ERA5 reanalysis, sounding, wind profile radar, and dual-polarization radar are used to study an extreme rainfall event in the south China Coast on 11 to 12 May 2022 from the aspects of thermodynamics and microphysical characteristics under the influence of low-level jets (LLJs). Results show that: (1) The extreme rainfall event can be divided into two stages: the first stage (S1) from 0000 to 0600 LST on May 12 and the second stage (S2) from 0700 to 1700 LST on the same day. During S1, the rainfall is mainly caused by the upper-level shortwave trough and the boundary layer jet (BLJ), characterized by strong upward motion on the windward side of mountains. In S2, the combined influence of the BLJ and synoptic-system-related low-level jet (SLLJ) increases the vertical wind shear and vertical vorticity, strengthening the rainstorm. In combination with the effect of topography, a warm and humid southwest flow continuously transports water vapor to farther north, resulting in a significant increase in rainfall over the study area (on the terrain’s windward slope). From S1 to S2, the altitude of a divergence center in the upper air decreases obviously. (2) The rainfalls in the two stages are both associated with the mesoscale convergence line (MCL) on the surface, and the wind field from the mesoscale outflow boundary (MOB) in S1 is in the same direction as the environmental winds. Due to a small area of convergence that is left behind the MOB, convection moves eastward quickly and causes a short duration of heavy rainfall. In S2, the convergence along the MOB is enhanced, which strengthens the rainfall and leads to strong outflows, further enhancing the surface convergence near the MOB and forming a positive feedback mechanism. It results in a slow motion of convection and a long duration of heavy rainfall. (3) In terms of microphysics, the center of a strong echo in S1 is higher than in S2. The warm-rain process of the oceanic type characterizes both stages, but the convective intensity in S2 is significantly stronger than that in S1, featuring bigger drop sizes and lower concentrations. It is mainly due to the strengthening of LLJs, which makes small cloud droplets lift to melting levels, enhancing the ice phase process (riming process), producing large amounts of graupel particles and enhancing the melting and collision processes as they fall, resulting in the increase of liquid water content (LWC) and the formation of large raindrops near the surface.  相似文献   
祁连山云系云微物理结构和人工增雨催化个例模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
陈小敏  刘奇俊  章建成 《气象》2007,33(7):33-43
改进了胡志晋、刘奇俊的云物理方案,并实现了与GRAPES模式的耦合;利用包括了新云物理方案的GRAPES模式对祁连山地区一次山区云降水过程进行了数值模拟,研究了祁连山地区云系的微物理结构,并开展了人工催化的数值试验研究。结果表明:(1)耦合的双参数方案能够较好的模拟此次降水范围、强度及云场分布的特点和规律;(2)新方案给出了祁连山云系的合理微观结构和它的特征;(3)播撒冰晶可以增加降雨,在云初始阶段播撒增雨范围较广,在云发展阶段播撒增雨范围较集中;(4)播撒冰晶后,云的动力结构发生了改变。  相似文献   
通过分析W波段和Ka波段云雷达同时探测回波的差异,验证了W波段云雷达初样机的探测性能。结果表明:1)W波段云雷达初样机工作稳定,两个波段雷达都可以探测云层、云的边界、云厚等宏观参数,也可以反映出云的精细结构及云内微物理参数的变化,回波强、速度小、谱宽大的冰晶云含有上升气流及较多过冷水。2)增强模式的W波段云雷达在近地面探测雾、霾的能力比Ka波段云雷达强;两部云雷达对云层较薄的云探测能力基本相当,对多层云、云层较厚、含水量较多的云及降水的探测,由于强衰减的作用,W波段雷达所测云厚度小、云顶低、回波强度小,并且非瑞利散射也会造成W波段雷达的回波强度降低。  相似文献   
基于WRF模式,采用4层嵌套方案,选取3种积云参数化方案和7种微物理方案组成21种组合,对清江流域2016—2018年6—10月6次典型降雨事件进行数值预报,结合CMORPH卫星-地面自动站-雷达三源融合降水产品,采用TS评分和FSS评分,分析不同分辨率和云微物理方案的降雨预报效果;基于较优组合方案的WRF模式与WRF-Hydro水文模式耦合进行径流模拟,分析WRF模式在水文模拟中的应用效果。结果表明:3 km和1 km分辨率对降雨中心位置及强度预报的差别不大,对降雨落区都有较好的预报能力;在积云参数化方案中,KF方案和BMJ方案的降雨预报效果优于GF方案;在微物理方案中,WSM3、WSM5、WSM6、Thompson方案的预报结果与融合数据有较好的一致性;基于较优组合方案BMJ_WSM3,将WRF模式与WRF-Hydro模式耦合,耦合模式能较好地模拟洪水过程,径流模拟相关系数都在0.67以上,且NSE最高可达0.79。   相似文献   
云微物理过程是影响台风降水数值模拟的关键过程。利用华东中尺度模式系统,选取Thompson与CLR两种微物理参数化方案对台风“利奇马”进行数值模拟,对比观测、卫星资料,评估两个微物理参数化方案对台风模拟的影响,结果表明:相比于Thompson方案,CLR方案对台风“利奇马”的模拟在登陆后的路径、强度、降水明显更接近观测;Thompson方案在距离台风中心约100 km形成较强的螺旋雨带,而CLR方案在距离台风中心150 km左右的位置形成了较弱的螺旋雨带。进一步的分析表明,CLR方案模拟出的外围雨带距离台风中心的距离更远,是由于CLR方案中冰、霰等冰相态水凝物下落速度更小,更有可能被推送到距离台风中心更远的位置,从而形成不同的雨带分布。  相似文献   
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