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Nonlocal moment equations allow one to render deterministically optimum predictions of flow in randomly heterogeneous media and to assess predictive uncertainty conditional on measured values of medium properties. We present a geostatistical inverse algorithm for steady-state flow that makes it possible to further condition such predictions and assessments on measured values of hydraulic head (and/or flux). Our algorithm is based on recursive finite-element approximations of exact first and second conditional moment equations. Hydraulic conductivity is parameterized via universal kriging based on unknown values at pilot points and (optionally) measured values at other discrete locations. Optimum unbiased inverse estimates of natural log hydraulic conductivity, head and flux are obtained by minimizing a residual criterion using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. We illustrate the method for superimposed mean uniform and convergent flows in a bounded two-dimensional domain. Our examples illustrate how conductivity and head data act separately or jointly to reduce parameter estimation errors and model predictive uncertainty.This work is supported in part by NSF/ITR Grant EAR-0110289. The first author was additionally supported by scholarships from CONACYT and Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas of Mexico. Additional support was provided by the European Commission under Contract EVK1-CT-1999-00041 (W-SAHaRA-Stochastic Analysis of Well Head Protection and Risk Assessment).  相似文献   
裴荣富 《地球科学》2002,27(1):72-80
“后工业”(post-industry)是知识经济或曰“新经济”的发展时代。这个时代的自然资源和一般劳动力资源,包括矿产资源在国民经济和社会发展中的基础地位逐渐为知识产权、市场网络、信息、创新环境等后天获得性资源,以及为创新人才的新“认知”(recognized intellect,RI)所代替。然而,据矿产资源分布及其成矿既具有一定的全球统一性又有区域的特殊性,以及不同国家(地区)对矿产资源勘查程度的不均衡性,特别是矿业活动与其他产业性质的不同,如何能按不同国家(地区)的具体发展状况,做好21世纪矿业向“后工业”发展势态的倾斜,达到适者生存和矿业可持续发展的目标是当代探讨的重大问题。在概括阐述了21世纪矿业发展势态、矿业活动特点及其自然属性的基础上,提出了矿业可持续发展的地质勘查和矿业活动决策支持系统的模拟,以及对当前紧缺铜矿资源可持续发展的新“认知”。  相似文献   
Pristine river corridors were characterized by island and floodplain development driven by the inter‐play of flows, sediments and woody vegetation. Here we explore these relationships within topographically controlled settings within the upper, middle and lower reaches of a large, semi‐natural alpine to mediterranean river. These reaches have expanding or contracting valley floors within which we show that there are more or less predictable patterns of stream power and rates of vegetation growth, reflecting water availability during dry periods and also the availability of sand and finer sediment. We relate these to the pattern of island distribution that is repeated within the three reaches and is indicative of the engineering role of riparian trees. Islands are shown to develop within thresholds defined by stream power, rates of woody vegetation growth and rates of sedimentation, and to develop most quickly where riparian species include those capable of sprouting from driftwood. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThe mafic-ultramafic complexesinthe Hongqilingarea were emplacedintothe metamorphic rocksof the Hulan Group. Age determination of the intrusion and metamorphism of the Hulan Groupmetamorphic rocks is crucial for the study of petrogenesis and evolution, orogenesis and itsdevelopment of the region. However ,so far it has been difficult to determine the geochronology ofmafic-ultramafic rocks inthe area ,thusthe age obtainedfromprevious data hadto be used.Inrecentyears ,withthe …  相似文献   
Dolomitic concretions in diatomaceous hemipelagic sediments of the Miocene Pohang Basin in the southwestern East Sea (Sea of Japan) preserve distinct signals of two independent sedimentary processes, which controlled the extents of isotopic compositions. Variable δ18O (−9.1‰ to +0.7‰) and high δ13C (+3.1‰ to +17.9‰) values suggest that the concretions formed in the methanogenic zone with alteration of the residual mid-Miocene seawater by volcanogenic sediments. Remarkable δ18O and δ13C values show a strong linear relationship, indicating that distinctly independent depositional processes operated during the formation of the concretions. The degree of methanogenesis was enhanced during rapid hemipelagic sedimentation of organic-rich particles, resulting in higher δ13C values, and the effect of volcaniclastics was diluted, maintaining the original properties of ambient mid-Miocene seawater. In contrast, lower δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values characterize the effect of volcaniclastic sediments that were transported by intermittent gravity flows and interacted with mid-Miocene seawater. The input of volcaniclastic sediment probably degraded the role of methanogenesis by lowering the contents of organic matter and thereby decreased the δ13C values within the concretions. Isotopic signals recorded within the concretions highlight understanding of the depositional environment and evolution of the pore-water chemistry.  相似文献   
The transfer processes within and above a simulated urban street canyon were investigated in a generic manner. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to aid understanding and to produce some simple operational parameterisations. In this study we addressed specifically the commonly met situation where buoyancy effects arising from elevated surface temperatures are not important, i.e. when mechanical forces outweigh buoyancy forces. In a geophysical context this requires that some suitably defined Richardson number is small. From an engineering perspective this is interpreted as the important case when heat transfer within and above urban street canyons is by forced convection. Surprisingly, this particular scenario (for which the heat transfer coefficient between buildings and the flow is largest), has been less well studied than the situation where buoyancy effects are important. The CFD technique was compared against wind-tunnel experiments to provide model evaluation. The height-to-width ratio of the canyon was varied through the range 0.5–5 and the flow was normal to the canyon axis. By setting the canyon’s facets to have the same or different temperatures or to have a partial temperature distribution, simulations were carried out to investigate: (a) the influence of geometry on the flow and mixing within the canyon and (b) the exchange processes within the canyon and across the canyon top interface. Results showed that the vortex-type circulation and turbulence developed within the canyon produced a temperature distribution that was, essentially, spatially uniform (apart from a relatively thin near-wall thermal boundary layer) This allowed the temperatures within the street canyon to be specified by just one value T can , the canyon temperature. The variation of T can with wind speed, surface temperatures and geometry was extensively studied. Finally, the exchange velocity u E across the interface between the canyon and the flow above was calculated based on a heat flux balance within the canyon and between the canyon and the flow above. Results showed that u E was approximately 1% of a characteristic wind velocity above the street canyon. The problem of radiative exchange is not addressed but it can, of course, be introduced analytically, or computationally, when necessary.  相似文献   
The fluvial geomorphology in tectonically active (particularly rapid uplift) regions often undergoes continuous change. The rapid uplift is coincident with high erosion rates; consequently, incised valleys are formed. Mass flows (for example, avalanches, landslides, and debris flows) in incised valleys can markedly influence fluvial processes and even reshape valley geomorphology. However, these processes and long-term evolution corresponding to mass flows require further clarification. Field campaigns were carried out in the region near the Yigong Tsangpo and Palong Tsangpo Rivers (hereafter the Yigong and Palong Rivers), the two largest tributaries of the lower Yarlung Tsangpo River, to examine the feedback between fluvial processes and mass flows. Remote sensing images from recent decades were used to compare the channel morphology before and after typical mass flows (particularly catastrophic ones). The morphology of the lower Yigong River has evidently been impacted by landslides, while that of the Palong River has mainly been shaped by glacial processes and debris flows. At present, the morphology of the latter consists of alternating sections of gorges and wide valleys, with a staircase-like longitudinal profile. The gorge sections exhibit single and deeply incised channels with a high-gradient channel bed and terraces. In contrast, the wide valley sections consist of lakes, braided or anabranching channels, gentle bed gradients, and thick alluvial deposits. Debris flows occur more frequently in gullies in the reaches of the gorge sections and rarely in gullies along the wide valley sections. The occurrence of mass flow events has resulted in an imbalance of the previous (quasi-)equilibrium in the river morphology; however, this has triggered negative feedback that is driving the transient river morphology to a new state of (quasi-)equilibrium.  相似文献   
The goal of the Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) is to improve the understanding of the interactions between the atmosphere and the continental surface in climate and weather forecast models. In PILPS Phase 4(b), selected schemes are coupled to the Limited Area Prediction System (LAPS) developed by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. To facilitate the comparison of PILPS schemes' behavior within LAPS, a single mode of coupling is selected: explicit coupling. This type of coupling is more flexible and avoids most of the problems raised when interchanging the surface schemes. Exploratory tests are conducted. Initially, experiments are run in which the land-surface schemes use the same parameters as in their original host models. Then, in other runs, the most important surface parameters are set constant in an attempt to reduce the scatter amongst the schemes' results. In order to understand the impact of initialisation of soil moisture on the schemes' results some extreme cases (wet and dry) are performed. The partitioning between surface fluxes is studied as well as the soil moisture budget. Both regional and local results are analysed. Sensitivity between LSS is found in the precipitation field with rainfall over the Australian continent altering by about 20%, but no significant change is found in the net radiation. The scatter in the surface energy fluxes amongst the schemes is large (up to 300 W m−2 locally, during the daytime peak) but is seldom affected by the choice of surface parameters. The dynamical range of flux partitioning between extremely dry and wet initialisation varies strongly amongst the schemes. Some major shortcoming with the BUCKET approach are seen in the re-evaporation of convective precipitation over dry land, in the very large evaporation from wet surfaces and the diurnal cycle of surface temperature.  相似文献   
塔克拉玛干沙漠石油公路沿线风沙活动的气候环境   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
塔克拉玛干沙漠石油公路沿线风沙活动是由塔木盆地内热能释放与冷空气入侵相互作用的结果。冷期,盆地内冷高压逆温作用较强,地面热能不足,使得风力和风沙活动强度弱;暖期,盆地内热源剧增,每当热能源饱和遇到冷空气入侵诱导,导致了强风及强风沙活动天气。可见,区内风沙活动及风成景观的塑造过程,主要是在暖干期进行的。  相似文献   
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