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在贵州重冰区3个气象站和海拔2500m的梅花山野外观测点开展了3a冬季的导线覆冰自动观测实验,利用观测实验获取的大量连续覆冰过程数据,对导线覆冰重量及其气象条件逐小时演变特征进行了深入分析.结果表明:一次完整的连续导线覆冰过程包括覆冰开始、增长、维持、减弱、消融到结束五个不同的阶段,持续时间较长的覆冰过程中间可能出现间断,而覆冰增长、维持、减弱几个阶段可能重复交替出现.覆冰过程开始一般以气温下降到0℃以下且相对湿度90%以上为标志,当出现浓雾或降水时覆冰出现增长,当既无降水也无雾时覆冰进入维持阶段;整个覆冰过程中温度均低于0℃且维持很高的湿度,中途若温度上升且无雾和降水则覆冰有明显减弱,当气温稳定上升到0℃以上同时湿度下降时覆冰过程结束.覆冰过程的开始和增长一般持续时间较长,而覆冰的消融和结束则十分迅速.在气象站观测到的覆冰以雨雾混合冻结为主,降水对覆冰过程的开始和增长有重要作用,而在梅花山野外观测到的多为雾凇覆冰,降水对覆冰的作用不如地势较低地区显著.  相似文献   
气候变暖对甘肃干旱气象灾害的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
应用甘肃80个地面气象站1960-2005年的降水量和气温序列资料,分析了降水量和气温的变化趋势以及降水量和气温的变化对干旱气象灾害的影响.结果表明:甘肃全省年平均气温总体呈明显升高趋势,年降水量总体呈明显减少趋势;甘肃气候变化总体呈暖干趋势.其中,河西呈微弱的暖湿趋势,河东呈显著的暖干旱趋势.3~10月全省年平均降水量与干旱受灾面积和粮食减产量呈显著负相关,全省平均气温与干旱受灾面积和粮食减产量均呈显著正相关.气候暖干化趋势对农业产生的负面影响,是导致干旱受灾面积扩大、粮食减产量增加的主要原因,同时也影响粮食安全.  相似文献   
Convection often produces severe weather which causes a great loss to human lives and properties. Precisely predicting the convection initiation process is crucial but challenging in operational convection nowcasting (0~2 h forecasting). Before the radar-defined CI occurring (e.g., the first occurrence of ≥35 dBZ echoes), observations at high spatial and temporal resolutions from weather radars and geostationary meteorological satellites can reveal precursor information such as the boundary-layer convergence lines and the rapid growth of newborn cumulus clouds. These radar- and satellite-observed precursor information are helpful for evaluating the pre-CI conditions and thus nowcasting the accurate CI timing and location. This paper reviewed the current status of radar- and satellite-based CI research and nowcasting techniques. The milestone works and the following studies in the last four decades were summarized to demonstrate how radar and satellite observations can be related to CI occurrence. The objectives and approaches of the CI research advance as the improvement in the capability of radars and were explained satellites. The research progress aids in the development of various CI nowcasting techniques. This paper introduced three well-established techniques that have been put into operational application, namely, ANC system, SATCAST algorithm, and UWCI algorithm. Some scientific issues with respect to radar- and satellite-based CI research and nowcasting were also presented.  相似文献   
罗鸿东  李瑞冬  张勃  曹博 《地学前缘》2019,26(6):289-297
地质灾害气象风险预警是目前地质灾害防治研究领域的难点和热点。陇南地区是中国地质灾害造成人员财产损失和受灾害威胁最严重的区域之一,为精细化和准确化预报陇南地区地质灾害风险,在ArcGIS平台将研究区划分为250 m×250 m的栅格单元,使用信息量法选取9个影响因素进行地质环境敏感性评价,结合有效降雨量构建地质灾害气象风险预警模型;该模型通过6次历史降雨事件引发的156起地质灾害验证,预报准确率为83.42%,提高了研究区内地质灾害风险预警精度。该研究基于信息量法的地质环境敏感性分区客观合理,综合考虑下垫面和气象要素的第二代预警模型在类似地区的应用,有较高的准确性和适用性。  相似文献   
The extent of desertification on Saudi Arabia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Desertification is the process that turns productive deserts into non-productive deserts as a result of poor land-management. Desertification reduces the ability of land to support life, affecting wild species, domestic animals, agricultural crops and humans. The reduction in plant cover that accompanies desertification leads to accelerated soil erosion by wind and water. South Africa is losing approximately 300–400 million tons of topsoil every year. As vegetation cover and soil layer are reduced, rain fall impact and run-off increases. This paper discusses the extent of desertification, its potential threat to sustained irrigated agriculture and possible measures adopted to control ongoing desertification processes to minimize the loss of agricultural productivity in an arid country such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   
Liisa Rohweder 《GeoJournal》2004,60(2):175-181
Environmental education in business school context has a significant effect on the way companies view environmental problems. Business schools train the future decision makers who can, with their own attitudes and practical actions, influence the contribution of business to the process of ecologically sustainable development. However, several studies show that no systematic thinking has been undertaken within business education as to what the educational prerequisites of the process of ecologically sustainable development are. In this article, I will firstly analyze by means of environmental education how business polytechnics in Finland have taken into consideration ecologically sustainable development. Secondly, I will raise the starting points for the development of the implementation of environmental education as part of the business schools▪ educational plans. Integrating environmental education into the vocational courses is identified as being one of the most effective ways of increasing the effectiveness of environmental education. Thirdly, the emphasis is on identification of barriers of integrating environmental education into the educational plans of business polytechnics. Theoretically, the article is attached to the objectives and learning concepts of environmental education and to educational planning theory in general. The empirical data are based on interviews I conducted 1999–2000 in all Finnish polytechnics offering business education. My article increases theoretical and practical understanding of how environmental education should be implemented in business education and how the current situation could be developed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Natural disasters like floods, tornadoes, tropicalcyclones, heat and cold wavewreak havoc and cause tremendous loss ofproperty all over the world. Most ofthe natural disasters are either dueto weather or are triggered due toweather related processes.Extreme weather events claimed thousands oflives and caused damage on vastscale. Recent super cyclone which affectedOrissa in 1999, Bangladesh cyclone of1970 and Hurricane Andrew in 1992 areexamples of some of the more damagingtropical cyclones which affected developingas well as the developed world. Heatand cold waves are also extreme events,which cause enormous losses in terms oflives lost and human discomfort and ailmentsarising out of them. The heat waveof 1995 and 1998 are still fresh in the mindof the Indian public. The estimated lossof human lives due to heat wave in 1998 was morethan 15,000. Economic losses asa result of these disasters and in particular inassociation with tropical cyclones haveincreased enormously over the last three decades.During 1961–1991, total loss oflives from drought alone was 1,333,728 overthe whole world. In terms of economiclosses, there is 8–10 fold increase from thebase figure of 1960. The socio-economicimpact of natural disaster is complex dependingupon the vulnerability of the placeand mitigation strategies that are put in place.Meteorology plays a crucial role in forewarningpeople about the severe/extremeweather systems and a constant endeavour by themeteorological services worldover has gone a long way towards minimizing thelosses caused by natural disasters.The paper summarises the natural disasterstatistics over south Asia and the possibleprediction strategies for combating theirsocio-economic impacts.  相似文献   
1823年(清道光三年)我国发生大范围、多流域的严重雨涝,这是在小冰期寒冷气候背景下的重大气象灾害和极端气候事件.文章依据历史文献记载复原了1823年的气候实况并绘图显示,指出该年我国华北夏季雨期长、多大雨,北京6~8月雨日53天、降水量663mm超过现代(1971~2000年)平均值5成;长江中下游全年多雨,梅雨期长...  相似文献   
贵州省矿业开发引起的环境问题及其成因探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
矿业开发给贵州省造成严重的生态环境问题,主要包括环境污染,矿业荒漠化和环境地质灾害。虽然贵州省矿产开发的历史比较悠久,但解放前的生态破坏和矿业污染仅局限在个别地区,解放后出现的三次大规模资源环境破坏,给贵州省矿业可持续发展带来严重影响,特别是改革开放以来矿山资源的无序开发对环境的危害最重。导致贵州省矿业环境问题的主要因素包括:矿产资源价值的严重扭曲,乡镇企业的超常规发展,部分政府官员的权力寻租,以及资源导向型的脱贫模式等。  相似文献   
地勘经济改革的战略思想是建设适应社会主义市场经济的新体制,将现有的地勘队伍组建为"地质找矿的野战军"和"实行企业化的地方军".分别按事业机制和企业机制运行。如何实现地勘单位(地方军)的企业化,笔者认为首先必须用现代企业制度改造和重塑现有的多种经营企业,并分析了困难和有利条件,提出了相应的对策和措施,使多种经营企业真正成为符合现代企业制度要求的经济实体。加快发展部门产业经济,才能逐步推进地勘单位的企业化。  相似文献   
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