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为探明气候变化下干旱半干旱地区湿草甸参考作物蒸散发(ET0)影响因子,使用FAO 56 P-M模型对科尔沁湿草甸ET0进行模拟,利用涡度相关系统对模型的适用性进行评价,并通过通径分析及指标敏感性分析对ET0的影响因子进行辨识。结果表明:(1)小时尺度模拟精度最高,日尺度次之,月尺度较差,小时尺度上晴、阴、雨3种天气条件下模拟效果不同,晴天最优,阴雨天较差。(2)ET0年内变化呈单峰曲线状,生长季明显高于非生长季,集中在3—10月,占全年89.79%。生长季典型晴天ET0逐小时分布特征遵循倒“U”单峰型变化规律。(3)通径分析结果显示,对ET0的通径系数以及对回归方程估测可靠程度E的总贡献均表现为VPD(饱和水汽压差) > Tmin(最低气温) > Rn(冠层表面净辐射)>u2(2 m高度风速),即VPD为影响ET0最重要的因子;指标敏感性分析中,在去除VPD后引起的E变化最大,说明ET0VPD的变化最为敏感,其次为u2TminRn。  相似文献   
本科院校办高职学院是我国 2 0世纪末出现的一个新生事物 ,如何设置专业课程 ,提高教学质量 ,使学生一出校门就能容纳到直接为经济服务当中去 ,结合商务日语专业的具体情况对这个问题进行了思考。  相似文献   
采用2018年敦煌莫高窟第16窟窟内与窟区PM10浓度及气象数据,分析PM10时空分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)两处监测点PM10浓度主要分布在50 μg·m-3以下,受重污染天气影响较小;春、冬、秋、夏季依次降低,窟区PM10浓度在春、冬季高于窟内,夏、秋季反之。(2)PM10浓度3月最高,9月最低,5—9月窟内月均值高于窟区。PM10污染日数窟内5月最多,而窟区3、5月较多。(3)PM10浓度日变化曲线在春季和秋季呈“双峰”型,夏季和冬季呈“单峰”型。(4)在半封闭环境的洞窟内,沙尘暴发生前后,PM10浓度达到极值及恢复至原来水平的时间均滞后于窟区。(5)在不同季节PM10浓度与气温、风速和降水呈负相关。除秋季外,PM10浓度与相对湿度、气压呈正相关。(6)窟区全年主风向为ESE,在冬春两季,此风向PM10浓度最高,PM10主要来自三危山前的戈壁滩、干涸的大泉河河道以及窟前裸露的地表积尘。  相似文献   
Chinese meteorological satellite FY-1D can obtain global data from four spectral channels which include visible channel(0.58-0.68 μm) and infrared channels(0.84-0.89 μm,10.3-11.3 μm,11.5-12.5 μm).2366 snow and ice samples,2024 cloud samples,1602 land samples and 1648 water samples were selected randomly from Arctic imageries.Land and water can be detected by spectral features.Snow-ice and cloud can be classified by textural features.The classifier is Bayes classifier.By synthesizing five d ays classifying result of Arctic snow and ice cover area,complete Arctic snow and ice cover area can be obtained.The result agrees with NOAA/NESDIS IMS products up to 70%.  相似文献   
青海省气象灾害的若干气候特征分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
罗生洲  汪青春  戴升 《冰川冻土》2012,34(6):1380-1387
利用1984-2007年气象灾害资料, 分析了青海省各类气象灾害的发生机率及时空分布特征.冰雹、 暴雨洪涝、 雪灾、 干旱和雷电及霜冻是青海省主要气象灾害, 连阴雨、 大风、 沙尘暴、 冻害、 渍涝、 高温、 龙卷风、 大雾为青海次要气象灾害.在地域分布上, 海南州和海东地区是青海气象灾害多发和危害严重地区; 玉树州和果洛州属于气象灾害发生较少和危害较轻地区.就行政县域而言, 西宁市湟中县、 海南州兴海县、 贵德县为青海气象灾害多发县, 果洛州班玛县、 久治县、 玉树州治多县则是青海省气象灾害较少和危害较轻县份.年内5-6月出现的气象灾害种类最多, 4-9月份是气象灾害高发期.在1984-2007年间, 暴雨洪涝、 冰雹、 雷电灾害发生次数呈增多趋势, 其他灾害发生次数增多趋势不甚明显.  相似文献   
石岚  徐丽娜  冯震  李琦 《干旱区地理》2012,35(5):717-723
应用SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型,研制了黄河万家寨水库流域分布式降雨径流模拟系统,并对万家寨水库流域进行了10年(2000-2009年)径流模拟。其中,以2000-2006年为系统参数的敏感性分析期和模型率定期,以2007-2009年为模型的验证期,模拟结果显示,万家寨站点上模拟径流与实测径流过程线的相关系数达到0.97以上。在此基础上还将数值预报模式与模拟系统相耦合,对万家寨水库入库径流进行了预报和检验分析,结果较好。因此,该模拟系统能够较好地反映万家寨水库入库径流量的变化过程,具有一定的适用性,为进一步进行降雨径流预测提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
The Antarctic and Arctic are sensitive to global climate change; therefore, they are key regions of global climate change research. This paper, the progress in scientific investigations and research regarding the atmosphere in the polar regions over the last 30 years by Chinese scientists is summarized. Primary understanding of the relationship between the polar regions and global change, especially, the variations in time and space in the Antarctic and Arctic regions with respect to climate change is indicated. Operational weather forecasts for investigation of the polar regions have also been established. Moreover, changes in sea ice and their impact on the atmosphere of polar regions have been diagnosed and simulated. Parameterization of the atmospheric boundary layer of different underlying layers and changes in the atmospheric ozone in the polar region has also been experimented. Overall, there has been great progress in studies of the possible impact of changes in the atmospheric environment of polar regions on circulation in East Asia and the climate of China.  相似文献   
以四川盆地东部再生稻高温伏旱区为研究区,基于气象条件对腋芽萌发期再生稻生长发育的影响机理,采用结构方程模型探明了腋芽萌发的影响因素、影响路径及影响强度。进一步结合隶属函数和层次分析法,构建了再生稻腋芽萌发气象适宜度模型,并分析了1981—2021年研究区腋芽萌发期气象影响因素及气象适宜度的变化特征。结果表明:气温、空气湿度、降水是四川盆地东部再生稻高温伏旱区腋芽萌发的关键影响因素,基于以上因素的气象适宜度模型能较好地评价再生稻腋芽萌发期的气象影响。1981—2021年研究区气温适宜度、空气湿度适宜度及综合气象适宜度均呈下降趋势,降水适宜度没有表现出明显的变化趋势。气温适宜度、空气湿度适宜度及综合气象适宜度总体呈“西高东低”的空间分布特征,降水适宜度则表现为“东西高、中部低”。1981—2021年研究区气温上升趋势与空气湿度下降趋势显著,导致致害高温(日平均气温≥32℃)积温和致害低湿(日平均相对湿度≤65%)日数明显增加,这是再生稻腋芽萌发期气象适宜度总体呈下降趋势的诱因。  相似文献   
代潭龙  洪洁莉  李莹  刘远  王国复  翟建青 《气象》2024,50(3):370-376
2023年,全球平均气温比工业化前高出约1.45℃(±0.12℃),是有观测记录以来最热的一年。全球海平面继续上升,且全球平均海平面达到了有卫星记录(1993年至今)以来的最高水平,反映了持续的海洋变暖以及冰川和冰盖的融化。北极海冰面积仍远低于常年值,南极海冰面积创下历史新低。巴基斯坦、中国京津冀地区、意大利、巴西圣保罗州北部沿海地区、新西兰北岛等地遭受暴雨洪涝灾害,非洲西北部、中国云南、中美洲和南美洲北部发生严重干旱,南欧、北美、南美、东亚和南亚等地遭遇创纪录高温热浪,欧洲和北美等地遭遇寒流和暴风雪侵袭,强对流天气频繁袭击世界各处,全球热带气旋活动频繁。  相似文献   
An investigation of the optical response of the atmosphere before, during, and afterthe total solar eclipse of 26 February 1998 at the Caribbean Peninsula of Paraguaná (Falcón State) in Venezuela, was made by measuring photometrically the intensity of the sky brightness in three strategic directions: zenith, horizon anti-parallel or opposite the umbra path, and horizon perpendicular to this path. From these measurements, and by applying in an inverse way an empirical photometric model, very rough estimations of theextinction coefficient, and also of the average optical depth, were obtained in one of these particular directions. However based on meteorological measurements such as those of relative humidity and temperature, and applying a different model, a better estimation in the visual of the total global extinction coefficient of the sky (except the horizon), were made considering the contribution of each component: atmospheric aerosol, water vapour, ozone and Rayleigh scattering. It is shown that this global coefficient is mostly dependent upon aerosol extinction. In spite of the strong reduction of sky brightness photometrically observed during the totality, the results show that the sky was not dark. This is confirmed by the results obtained for the total global extinction coefficient. Additionally it is estimated that the total solar eclipse that took place also in Falcón State, Venezuela, at the beginning of the last century on 3 February 1916, was 30% darker that the 1998 eclipse, and that atmospheric aerosol played a relevant and similar role in the scattering of sunlight during the totality as it was for 1998's. Visual observations made during each event, which show that at length only one or two bright stars could be seen in the sky, support the results obtained for both eclipses.  相似文献   
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