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该文采用ESRI公司的ArcGIS Server配合ArcSDE,Oracle数据库软件,结合ASP.NET,JavaScript,VML,Ajax技术开发了基于ArcGIS Server和VML技术的气象信息发布系统。该系统将实时气象资料融入实际的地理信息环境,实现动态信息查询、统计及各种统计图表展示,并充分发挥GIS空间分析能力,实现等值面、面雨量、缓冲区和叠加分析,为气象预报工作提供及时、有效、科学的辅助决策支持,为社会提供优质气象服务。  相似文献   
对2013年河北省中南部的石家庄、保定、沧州、衡水、邢台和邯郸6个地市市区各站点逐小时PM10和PM2.5监测资料及相应气象资料分析结果表明:6个地市中邢台年污染日数最多,对应其年平均风速最小;沧州的最少,年平均风速最大。各地市各个级别污染日数不同,五、六级重污染天气均集中在10月—次年3月。首要污染物主要是PM10和PM2.5,但比例不尽相同。特殊的地理位置、污染源差异和气象条件的差异造成各地市污染日数、级别的差异。6个地市污染天气过程时段大都相同,区域性污染明显。各地市PM10和PM2.5浓度平均最大值均出现在冬季,PM10浓度平均最小值均出现在夏季,各市PM2.5浓度平均最小值出现的季节不同。6个地市PM10和PM2.5浓度值的月变化趋势相似。不同季节各地市PM10和PM2.5浓度日变化趋势不同,极值出现的时间也各不相同,极值出现的时间与气象条件和人类活动关系密切。秋、冬季各地市PM10和PM2.5浓度日较差多大于春、夏季的。各地市PM10和PM2.5浓度日均值与当地的日均气温、风速、能见度呈负相关关系,与相对湿度呈正相关关系且相关性比较显著。  相似文献   
乌兰察布市气象资料应用处理与共享系统,以该市已经建成的自动气象站实时监测数据为信息资源,充分利用信息网络通讯技术和数据库存储与查询、分析、统计技术,实现全市气象部门自动气象站资料的整合与管理。通过气象资料应用处理与共享平台的建设,实现了气象资料在全市气象部门内的高效共享,并提高了气象资料在业务领域和服务领域的使用率和共享率。  相似文献   
深入研究大气边界层气象现象的发生、发展、消散机制,需要获取三维同步气象要素数据,而现有探测技术与手段难以提供.因此,提出利用多旋翼无人机群进行自主探测大气边界层气象要素的探测模式,并就探测模式的背景与意义、特点与优势、流程与可行性,以及需要进一步研究的相关科学问题进行了分析,认为多旋翼无人机群自主探测大气边界层气象要素的探测模式针对性、灵活性、机动性、可操作性强,并具有自主动态同步探测、自主智能追踪探测等功能.  相似文献   
The large‐scale forest fires that occurred during the major El Niño event in 1997 can be counted among the worst environmental disasters in Southeast Asia. This study investigates atmospheric mesoscale features over Sumatra and the Klang Valley in Peninsular Malaysia during the resultant haze episode of September 1997 utilizing a limited area mesoscale three‐dimensional meteorological and dispersion model, The Air Pollution Model (TAPM). Mesoscale features that would not be highlighted by global numerical prediction models, such as the daily land and sea breeze conditions at the selected air pollution stations located near the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, were predicted with an Index of Agreement of 0.3, which implied a moderate conformity between the predicted and observed values. Tracer analysis of air particles at a selected location in the Straits of Malacca verified the existence of the landward and shoreward movement of the air during the simulation of the low‐level wind field. Air pollutants from the burning areas of neighbouring Sumatra just across the straits were transported towards the Klang valley during the daytime and seawards during the nighttime, highlighting the recirculation features of aged and newer air particles over the seven days (13–18 September) of the model simulation. The presence of the central Main Range east of the Klang valley to a certain extent limited further eastward movement of the air particles. Near calm conditions at low levels were simulated from midnight to midday on 14 September, where the movement of the polluted air particles from the uncontrolled burning in Sumatra was confined within the Straits of Malacca. Turbulence within the planetary boundary layer in terms of the total kinetic energy was found to be weak from 14 to 15 September, congruent with the weak strength of low level winds that reduced the ability of the air to transport the pollutants during the period of severe smoke haze. Statistical evaluation showed that parameters such as the systematic RMSE (root mean square error) and unsystematic RMSE for the zonal wind component were slightly higher than for the meridional one, indicating higher errors between the observed and simulated zonal values. Otherwise, the equatorial meteorological parameters such as wind speed and temperature were successfully simulated by the model with comparatively high correlation coefficients, lower RMSEs and moderately high indices of agreement with observed values.  相似文献   
大气环流对中国稻飞虱危害的影响及其预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱拴  霍治国 《气象学报》2007,65(6):994-1002
稻飞虱是中国和许多亚洲国家水稻生产上最重要的害虫。文中通过对上一年1月至当年8月74项大气环流特征量构建所有不同时段的组合,全面分析了大气环流特征量与中国稻飞虱发生面积率的相关关系。筛选出了影响中国稻飞虱发生面积率的关键环流特征因子52项,其对中国稻飞虱发生影响的重要次序为副热带高压类→极涡类→槽类→其他类;影响的时段主要为当年7—8月,其次为上年6月至当年6月。其中,副热带高压类、极涡类关键环流因子分别有35项和12项,占全部关键环流特征因子的67%和23%,在很大程度上决定着中国稻飞虱发生的面积。确定的直接影响中国稻飞虱发生的关键环流特征因子有11项,其中6项较好地表征了中国稻飞虱发生面积率轻、偏轻、偏重、重4个级别的气候特征。用直接影响中国气候的关键环流特征因子建立了当年3—9月的中国稻飞虱发生面积率月预测模式,每月初可以制作预报。该模式历史拟合效果较好,对2003年中国稻飞虱发生面积率的外延预报准确率分别达85.6%、90.5%、90.5%、90.4%、90.9%、93.2%、96.3%。同时,本研究还利用1—11月稻区月降水量、平均气温、日照时数所构建的所有不同时段的组合,分析了关键环流特征因子与稻区生态气象条件、中国稻飞虱发生面积率之间的关系。结果表明:三者之间相关密切,这种关系表现为大气环流通过影响稻区日照、气温和降水的变化导致稻飞虱发生条件的灾变,进而影响稻飞虱发生面积率。  相似文献   
於琍  徐影  张永香 《暴雨灾害》2018,36(1):67-72

采用全国气象部门收集的县(区)域行政单元灾情普查资料,结合全国气象站点降水观测资料,分析了1984—2008年中国暴雨及其引发的洪涝灾害的时空演变特点及灾害损失情况,揭示了气候变化及人类活动双重作用下中国暴雨洪涝灾害变化趋势和演变特点,以及暴雨洪涝灾害影响的时空差异性。结果表明:近25 a来中国暴雨日数总体上稍有增加,暴雨强度和暴雨天数的空间分布均表现为南方高于北方,东部高于西部的特点,20世纪90年代中后期为中国暴雨高发期。研究时段内,中国暴雨洪涝灾害造成的直接经济损失呈增加趋势,但直接经济损失占当年GDP的比例则呈下降趋势,平均每年经济损失约为573亿元人民币,损失较高的地区主要集中在中国南方地区,县域年平均损失超过2 000万元的县约占15%,其中有34个县超过亿元。受灾人口呈增加趋势,但因灾死亡人口呈下降趋势;暴雨洪涝灾害对农作物受灾面积和绝收面积的影响均呈微弱上升趋势,年平均作物受灾面积近9.00×106 hm2,作物绝收面积为1.27×106 hm2

An understanding of temporal evolution of snow on sea ice at different spatial scales is essential for improvement of snow parameterization in sea ice models. One of the problems we face, however, is that long‐term climate data are routinely available for land and not for sea ice. In this paper, we examine the temporal evolution of snow over smooth land‐fast first‐year sea ice using observational and modelled data. Changes in probability density functions indicate that depositional and drifting events control the evolution of snow distribution. Geostatistical analysis suggests that snowdrifts increased over the study period, and the orientation was related to the meteorological conditions. At the microscale, the temporal evolution of the snowdrifts was a product of infilling in the valleys between drifts. Results using two shore‐based climate reporting stations (Paulatuk and Tuktoyuktuk, NWT) suggest that on‐ice air temperature and relative humidity can be estimated using air temperature recorded at either station. Wind speed, direction and precipitation on ice cannot be accurately estimated using meteorological data from either station. The temporal evolution of snow distribution over smooth land‐fast sea ice was modelled using SnowModel and four different forcing regimes. The results from these model runs indicate a lack of agreement between observed distribution and model outputs. The reasons for these results are lack of meteorological measurements prior to the end of January, lack of spatially adequate surface topography and discrepancies between meteorological variables on land and ice. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
桂林柑桔主要病虫害发生的气象条件分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过桂林地区柑桔主要病虫害发生发展的气象条件分析,找出了病虫害的发生发展与气象条件的关系很密切。  相似文献   
白银市农业气候资源特征及开发应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白银市农业气候资源具有日照充足,降水少而变率大,气象灾害种类多、危害重的特点。提出了气候资源开发与应用的途径。  相似文献   
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