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通过小波分析和频谱分析,发现Z分量低点时间的小波变换结果曲线(α=6)明显地随节气而变化;对地磁Z分量低点时间季节性变化进行了初步的比较分析.  相似文献   
东营凹陷2001年之前探明的低渗透油藏主要分布在洼陷带、中央背斜带及北部陡坡带,以沙三段深水浊积扇及沙四段滨浅湖相砂岩滩坝、扇三角洲前缘等沉积体系为主。油藏类型主要是岩性油藏,其次为构造—岩性复合型油藏。低渗透油藏以中深层、常压-超高压、低产、中产为特征,多为特小型、小型油藏,储量丰度为低丰度~特低丰度。低渗透油藏的探井试油过程中,经历了从酸化逐步到压裂的技术发展过程。统计探井的试油效果表明,沙四段碳酸盐含量较高的砂岩低渗透油藏,酸化效果较好;黏土含量较高的沙三段低渗透油藏,压裂效果较好。  相似文献   
利用NCEP再分析资料和国家气象信息中心提供的753站逐日气温和降水资料,对比分析了我国南方西南和中东部区域两次持续10 d以上的低温雨雪过程,结果表明:(1)两次过程中欧亚大陆中高纬东亚大槽均加深,但环流形势有差异。西南过程呈现"北高南低"形势,关键脊区在贝加尔湖,而中东部区域过程"北高南低"和"西高东低"形势共存,关键脊区从乌拉尔山延伸至贝加尔湖。两次过程异常的环流与北大西洋向东传播的波列有关。(2)西南过程关键脊区提前过程3 d发展并东移至贝加尔湖,形成稳定形势;而中东部区域过程关键脊区提前过程一周发展,在开始日达最强。两次过程均伴随蒙古高压东移南压使地面降温,500 hPa关键脊区超前蒙古高压2 d变化。西南过程降温主要受到冷平流和绝热冷却影响,而中东部区域过程主要受到冷平流的影响。(3)西南过程水汽来自孟加拉湾,只受南支槽支配。中东部区域过程水汽来自孟加拉湾、南海和西太平洋,由南支槽和西太平副热带高压的共同影响。两次过程水汽正收支主要来自南边界。  相似文献   
The adequate documentation and interpretation of regional‐scale stratigraphic surfaces is paramount to establish correlations between continental and shallow marine strata. However, this is often challenged by the amalgamated nature of low‐accommodation settings and control of backwater hydraulics on fluvio‐deltaic stratigraphy. Exhumed examples of full‐transect depositional profiles across river‐to‐delta systems are key to improve our understanding about interacting controlling factors and resultant stratigraphy. This study utilizes the ~400 km transect of the Cenomanian Mesa Rica Sandstone (Dakota Group, USA), which allows mapping of down‐dip changes in facies, thickness distribution, fluvial architecture and spatial extent of stratigraphic surfaces. The two sandstone units of the Mesa Rica Sandstone represent contemporaneous fluvio‐deltaic deposition in the Tucumcari sub‐basin (Western Interior Basin) during two regressive phases. Multivalley deposits pass down‐dip into single‐story channel sandstones and eventually into contemporaneous distributary channels and delta‐front strata. Down‐dip changes reflect accommodation decrease towards the paleoshoreline at the Tucumcari basin rim, and subsequent expansion into the basin. Additionally, multi‐storey channel deposits bound by erosional composite scours incise into underlying deltaic deposits. These represent incised‐valley fill deposits, based on their regional occurrence, estimated channel tops below the surrounding topographic surface and coeval downstepping delta‐front geometries. This opposes criteria offered to differentiate incised valleys from flood‐induced backwater scours. As the incised valleys evidence relative sea‐level fall and flood‐induced backwater scours do not, the interpretation of incised valleys impacts sequence stratigraphic interpretations. The erosional composite surface below fluvial strata in the continental realm represents a sequence boundary/regional composite scour (RCS). The RCS’ diachronous nature demonstrates that its down‐dip equivalent disperses into several surfaces in the marine part of the depositional system, which challenges the idea of a single, correlatable surface. Formation of a regional composite scour in the fluvial realm throughout a relative sea‐level cycle highlights that erosion and deposition occur virtually contemporaneously at any point along the depositional profile. This contradicts stratigraphic models that interpret low‐accommodation settings to dominantly promote bypass, especially during forced regressions. Source‐to‐sink analyses should account for this in order to adequately resolve timing and volume of sediment storage in the system throughout a complete relative sea‐level cycle.  相似文献   
陈娜  任安之  马伯  黎璟玉  向辉 《地理学报》2021,76(1):153-166
发达国家的经验表明,基于低影响开发的雨洪管理措施可以有效缓解城市雨洪灾害.聚焦中国海绵城市建设过程中新旧城区的关联性问题,提出"现状评估-低影响开发指标分解-建设效果模拟验证"的雨洪管控路径.以湖南省凤凰县为例,基于城市内涝模型,对新旧城区进行雨洪风险性评估与改造可行性评估,在现状评估基础上,构建低影响开发控制指标分解...  相似文献   
方兆宝  林珲  吴立新  江吉喜 《地理科学进展》2004,23(3):27-33,i002,i003
长江流域出现致洪大暴雨与青藏高原上中尺度对流系统(MCSs)的东移密切相关。为了寻找MCSs移动和传播的规律,我们将MCSs的移动路径与其中心附近一定范围内的环境物理量场之间建立联系,构造出MCSs东移空间数据挖掘数据库。在这个数据库中,包含由9个环境物理量生成的18个属性项,除此,还包括由MCSs本身的空间特征量构成的5个属性项,即TBB强度、面积、地理位置、形状等,共计23个属性项。利用1998年6月至8月日本地球静止气象卫星(GMS)的青藏高原逐时红外遥感云图计算出的云顶黑体辐射温度(TBB)及青藏高原高分辨率有限区域数值分析预报值系统(HLAFS)环境场物理量数据,构造出上述空间数据挖掘数据库,运用空间相关分析技术对其进行约简,结果表明:在高度(H)、温度(T)、涡度(VOR)、散度(DIV)、水汽通量散度(IFVQ)、垂直速度(W)、假相当位温(θse)、K指数(K)、相对湿度(RH)等9个因素中,高度、涡度、散度、水汽通量散度、垂直速度及k指数6个因素相对独立;而温度(T)、假相当位温(θse)、相对湿度(RH)之间相关性较强,而且与高度等其它6个因素密切相关。根据数据库约简原则,可将温度(T)、假相当位温(θse)、相对湿度(RH)3个因素生成的6个属性项从数据库中删除,以便提高数据挖掘效率。  相似文献   
The time-dependence of earthquake occurrence is mostly ignored in standard seismic hazard assessment even though earthquake clustering is well known. In this work, we attempt to quantify the impact of more realistic dynamics on the seismic hazard estimations. We include the time and space dependences between earthquakes into the hazard analysis via Monte Carlo simulations. Our target region is the Lower Rhine Embayment, a low seismicity area in Germany. Including aftershock sequences by using the epidemic type aftershock-sequence (ETAS) model, we find that on average the hypothesis of uncorrelated random earthquake activity underestimates the hazard by 5–10 per cent. Furthermore, we show that aftershock activity of past large earthquakes can locally increase the hazard even centuries later. We also analyse the impact of the so-called long-term behaviour, assuming a quasi-periodic occurrence of main events on a major fault in that region. We found that a significant impact on hazard is only expected for the special case of a very regular recurrence of the main shocks.  相似文献   
南极绕极流区中尺度涡动动能年际变化和转换机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用多种资料研究南大洋南极绕极流(Antarctic Circumpolar Current,ACC)区中尺度涡的年际变化规律及机制.通过分析网格化融合卫星海洋资料AVISO(Archiving,Validation and Interpretation of Satellites Oceanographic DATA...  相似文献   
方慈安  吴宝俊  常国刚  许晨海 《气象》1995,21(11):33-37
利用尺度分离动能方法对1994年6月11日09UTC-12日10UTC影响湖南省的一次MCS进行了研究,结果表明:1.大尺度运动中非地转风以及两种尺度间风场与气压的相互作用产生的动能,是这次MCS的主要能源;2.中尺度动能以及两种尺度风场相互作物 动勇,随MCS发展而增加;3.在MCS的整个发展阶段,高层的总体动能锐减。  相似文献   
付遵涛  刘式适 《大气科学》2003,27(6):983-991
在低纬地区,风速的垂直切变也是很明显的,作者解释了这些纬向气流的垂直切变对低纬长波性质以及对不同模态的相互作用的影响,并且发现切变对低纬波动的影响具有明显的选择性.  相似文献   
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