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南海的形成演化受控于印-澳、欧亚以及太平洋板块的相互运动,为研究汇聚背景下板块碰撞及其远程效应提供重要窗口。为了揭示该汇聚背景下的多幕裂陷过程,本文选取地质信息丰富的整个珠江口盆地为典型区,利用三条高精度地震剖面,对盆地各地质单元进行断层活动速率和构造沉降速率的定量计算及综合分析。结果表明盆地裂陷期东部、中部和西部主要控凹断层的平均活动速率分别为96 m/Ma、223 m/Ma和124 m/Ma,且其平均沉降速率依次为8.5 m/Ma、34 m/Ma和12.7 m/Ma,盆地整体呈现中部裂陷作用最强,其后向西部和东部逐渐减弱的特征。本文认为这与先存断裂以及初始地壳厚度有关:盆地东部和中部存在NE向先存断裂,并且东部先存断裂更加活跃,因此在新生代拉伸应力下东部更易表现为裂陷作用最强的区域,其次为中部和西部;而受前新生代时期俯冲作用的影响,岩浆的底垫作用引起盆地东部地壳增厚,东部裂陷作用强度急剧降低,造成裂陷作用强度的东西差异。此外,盆地南段凹陷裂陷期的断层活动和沉降速率发生激增,裂陷作用存在向南迁移的现象。本文推测在深度相关的伸展模式的影响下,南段凹陷地壳温度升高,强度减弱,因而在伸展应力下发生快速的拉伸减薄,导致裂陷中心向南迁移及岩浆物质上涌。同时,侵入的岩浆物质导致高角度正断层转换成低角度正断层,进一步促进裂陷中心向南迁移。 相似文献
饱和黄土孔压增长模式与液化机理试验研究 总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12
通过室内饱和原状黄土液化试验研究,探讨了孔压增长规律,并从微观结构角度研究了黄土液化机理。研究结果表明:未湿陷饱和黄土结构是一种介稳结构,在地震作用下,介稳结构遭到破坏,塌发和剪缩共同作用造成黄土较大的收缩体积应变并引起孔隙水压力迅速上升。提出的修正A型曲线方程可以用来拟合孔压曲线,拟合参数β隐含了动应力的大小对孔压增长的贡献,而体应变v则反映了湿陷分量对孔压的影响,两者不同组合决定曲线形态丰满程度。液体机理较为合理地解释了塔吉克和海原黄土在近乎平坦的缓坡上形成的泥流。 相似文献
Andreas Skriver Hansen 《Geografisk tidskrift / udgivet af Bestyrelsen for Det Kongelige danske geografiske selskab》2016,116(2):110-122
This paper involves a collection and communication of important knowledge about and experiences with outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas. This is a topic that so far has received little attention, especially among researchers and practitioners working with outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas, who are in need of knowledge on the topic in order to advance monitoring activities and procedures. To remedy this situation, the purpose of this paper is to provide a knowledge base by listing and describing central literature contributions with important insight into outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas. More specifically, this includes information about: (a) where important knowledge about outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas can be found, (b) who the main contributors are and (c) what monitoring knowledge that has been reported so far. The paper also examines what tasks lie ahead for researchers and area managers in order to improve knowledge about outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas. The paper is a central contribution and addition to manuals on outdoor recreation monitoring that are currently available in the Nordic countries. 相似文献
通过对我国建筑结构用钢在拉伸和压缩两种方式下的恒载升温试验,进行了5次受拉试件和2次受压试件的对比研究,根据试验中材料的各自变形规律,对其破坏机理进行了理论分析;从材料屈服的定义出发,给出了恒载升温拉伸试验中的参数(对应温度下的临界荷载水平),并与恒载升温压缩试验中的参数项进行了对比,指出受压构件和受拉构件的高温屈服强度是不同的,因此在钢结构建筑的耐火设计中应分别取不同的安全系数。 相似文献
江苏岸外辐射沙脊群东沙稳定性研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
东沙是江苏岸外辐射沙脊群中的第二大沙洲,具有独特的地形地貌和水动力条件,对它进行稳定性研究为揭示整个辐射沙洲及其邻近岸滩的动态演变都非常有益。通过利用多年遥感卫片资料、1998年取得的现场水文泥沙观测资料和东沙滩面表层沉积物资料等,对东沙的地形地貌特征、沉积特征和东沙两侧潮汐通道的水流泥沙特征等进行了详细分析。研究结果表明,东沙的沙脊偏于西侧,西侧滩面较窄、高程较高且岸线较为顺直,东侧滩面较宽、高程较低且岸线较为破碎;西洋和陈家坞槽均处于冲刷状态,净输沙的主要方向为输向槽外或输向条子泥;东沙近三十年来面积有所缩小且有外围向中央收缩的趋势,尤其以向东、向南方向的迁移最为明显。 相似文献
糜棱岩韧性变形发生的应变局部化过程,尤其是多相糜棱岩第二相对基质相变形的影响一直是显微构造研究难点.研究表明糜棱岩借助颗粒边界滑移实现多相混合,形成多矿物相集合体.在多相糜棱岩内,第二相在基质相颗粒边界施加齐纳阻力,牵制基质相颗粒边界的迁移速率,破坏基质相颗粒的动态平衡过程,使基质相颗粒位于古应力计对应的颗粒粒度以下,... 相似文献
湘西金矿床构造成矿分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对湘西金矿的大地构造、中、小构造、显微构造成矿进行了探索,在此基础上作了构造成矿机理分析。 相似文献
Tong Chunhan 《中国地质大学学报(英文版)》1999,10(4):329-332
INTRODUCTIoNThemineralresourcescanbehardlyfoundontheexpo-sureornearthesurfacerecent1y.Itbecomesmoreandmoredifficulttosearchfordeep-seatedresourcesoflargeorsuper-largedeposits,orthedeeppartoftheoldmines.Traditionalmethodsinsomecasesarelesssuccessfulinthesearchformetalmineralresourceshundredsmetersbelow.ExplorationactiQnsmoreandmoredependoncomprehensivemethodsandtechniques-Geogasprospectinghasbeendevelopingasanewandnontraditionalmethodforthisquiteurgenttask.Studyofthegeogasprospectingbased… 相似文献
On May 28, 1998, a moderate size earthquake of mb 5.5 occurred offshore the northwestern part of Egypt (latitude 31.45°N and
longitude 27.64°E). It was widely felt in the northern part of Egypt. Being the largest well-recorded event in the area for
which seismic data from the global digital network are available, it provides an excellent opportunity to study the tectonic
process and present day stress field occurring along the offshore Egyptian coast. The source parameters of this event are
determined using three different techniques: modeling of surface wave spectral amplitudes, regional waveform inversion, and
teleseismic body waveform inversion. The results show a high-angle reverse fault mechanism generally trending NNW–SSE. The
P-axis trends ENE–WSW consistently with the prevailed compression stress along the southeastern Hellenic arc and southwestern
part of the Cyprean arc. This unexpected mechanism is most probably related to a positive inversion of the NW trending offshore
normal faults and confirms an extension of the back thrusting effects towards the African margin. The estimated focal depth
ranges from 22 to 25 km, indicating a lower crustal origin earthquake owing to deep-seated tectonics. The source time function
indicates a single source with rise time and total rupture duration of 2 and 5 s, respectively. The seismic moment (M
o) and the moment magnitude (M
w) determined by the three techniques are 1.03 × 1017 Nm, 5.28; 1.24 × 1017 Nm, 5.33; and 1.68 × 1017 Nm, 5.42; respectively. The calculated fault radius, stress drop, and the average dislocation assuming a circular fault model
are 7.2 km, 0.63 Mpa, and 0.11 m, respectively. 相似文献