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Several theoretical, empirical and semi-empirical methods are available in the literature to predict settlement of drilled shafts in sandy soils. In the Arabian Gulf countries, specifically in the United Arab Emirates, equations and procedure from the rest of the world are being used in analysis and design of drilled shafts without proper validation. It is the aim of this study to assess the applicability and evaluate the accuracy of two well known, and commonly used methods for pile prediction in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), namely Vesic (1977) and Poulos (1979), via comparison with data from field pile load tests conducted on shafts drilled in the region. Some of these tests were conducted for the purpose of this study, while others were made available through the courtesy of International Piling Contractors who are active in the region (e.g. Bauer International and Swiss Borings). Pile load test data were analyzed to back-calculate the model parameters related to settlement under different loading stages. Geological data and soil properties were obtained from studies conducted at the relevant sites. An effort is made to correlate soil properties with the prediction models. Statistical analysis is conducted to assess the accuracy of the results obtained from the two methods at different stages of loading via those obtained from pile load tests. Moreover, a detailed parametric study is conducted to assess the effect of the related parameters on the predicted pile settlement and the estimated settlement at different stages of loading. The study concluded with a recommendation of the most appropriate models and procedures to be followed for predicting the settlement of drilled shafts in the UAE, together with useful charts and correlation relations. Results showed that settlement values predicted by Vesic (1977) and Poulos (1979) overestimates the true values. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
大地测量在研究青藏地壳运动及其机制中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对GPS和重力测量数据的分析,扼要地介绍了重力与内部构造关系,大地水准面的场源与其动力效应等方面的研究内容和方法。总结了利用重力与形变资料研究青藏地区的现代地壳运动及其动力机制的研究结果。  相似文献   
在系统分析总结国内外本领域的研究发展现状的基础上,以上海浦东新区城市生活垃圾卫生填埋处理为研究背景,首次提出LFGE效应系统分析方法的完整理论和应用体系,体系主要包括:LFGE效应的主控因素特征分析;在垃圾淋滤试验、有关土的工程性能试验和反映运移转化特征的土柱试验基础上的作用机制研究;具单元、组合、整体模拟及压实效应模拟功能的模拟计算研究;在不确定性条件存在下,随机模拟研究和以贝叶斯决策分析理论为基础的LFGE效应决策分析技术经济转换研究  相似文献   
秦岭地区砂金分布特征与成矿机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂怀奎 《黄金地质》1999,5(2):36-41
秦岭地区砂金矿床大部分分布在嘉陵江、汉水及其它们的支流流域。总结了砂金矿床分布特征,并将3种类型进行了对比。系统地对矿源、搬运、储存和富集的成矿模式、成因机理进行了研究。地貌与产构造运动在成矿中占有重要地位。  相似文献   
This excursion guide results form a field trip to the Glarus nappe complex organized by the Swiss Tectonic Studies Group in 2006. The aim of the excursion was to discuss old and recent concepts related to the evolution of the Glarus thrust. The major aspects were (i) the interplay between deformation, fluid flow and geochemical alteration, (ii) episodic versus continuous deformation and fluid flow, and (iii) the link between large-scale structures, microstructures, and geochemical aspects. Despite 150 years of research in the Glarus nappe complex and the new results discussed during the excursion, there exist controversies that still are unsolved.  相似文献   
Ground motion estimation during the Kashmir earthquake of 8th October 2005   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In this article, analytical methods have been used to estimate ground motion during the 8 October 2005, Kashmir earthquake. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) values at several stations in the epicentral region have been estimated by empirical analytical source mechanism models. As an alternate analysis, PGA estimates have also been obtained using the stochastic finite fault seismological model. The estimated PGAs are compared with that obtained from damage values. A PGA contour map in the near-source region is provided. It is found that very near to the epicenter, PGA would have reached more than 1 g. It is demonstrated that empirical analytical models can be effectively used to estimate ground motion due to rupture of active faults.  相似文献   
滇中富民县宝石洞岩溶地下河洞穴景观系统规模适中,洞内岩溶景观千姿百态,洞中有宝(玛瑙),洞外有优美的生态环境和多元民族宗教文化以及潜在的温泉资源,加上优越的交通区位,旅游要素集群度较高,具较高开发价值.文章根据宝石洞地区区域地质背景,分析了该地区区域地史演化特征,根据本次对宝石洞的实地探测成果,总结了宝石洞旅游地质特征...  相似文献   
泥石流学科的发展和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
泥石流研究首先要积极投身于国民经济建设主战场,并以泥石流综合防治为契机,促进山区生态经济系统的良性循环,使得根治泥石流灾害与社会、经济、生态环境协调发展。其次,要突破学科的前沿问题——泥石流起动理论和阻力规律。初步提出了实现目标的措施。  相似文献   
新型压力均布型锚索锚固机理的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过改变压力型锚索锚固段承载体结构形式和锚固段围岩强度,研究新型压力均布型锚索锚固段承载体和砂浆之间作用力传递机理,获得承载体压力分布及其大小,阐述注浆体抗剪性能的变化,从而可以确定压力均布型锚索合理的承载体结构形式。研究结果表明压力均布型锚索承载体轴力沿钢管径向均布,承载体表面肋状结构增加砂浆体的抗剪性能,大大提高压力均布型锚索的锚固能力,从而可以优化锚索锚固段的长度。  相似文献   
It is a worldwide challenge to explore the deeply buried deposits. Deep-penetrating geochemical exploration methods were developed to solve the problems of how to get the information of the buried deposits in the covered layer. The methods were successfully used to indicate some buried deposits, but not all kinds of deposits. What is more, a method cannot be used in all kinds of landscapes. In this paper, theories and case studies of deep-penetrating geochemical exploration methods, including mobile metal ions, enzyme leach, leaching of mobile forms of metals in overburden, electro-geochemical extraction method, biogeochemical exploration, nano-metal in geogas were reviewed. Elements migration, unloading mechanism and anomaly models are the most important parts for deep-penetrating geochemistry and need to be further investigated. From the perspective of economic efficiency and applicability, sampling and analyzing procedures should be simplified to improve the stability of all methods.  相似文献   
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