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A flare of OH maser emission was discovered in W75N in 2000. Its location was determined with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) to be within 110 au from one of the ultracompact H  ii regions, Very Large Array 2 (VLA2). The flare consisted of several maser spots. Four of the spots were found to form Zeeman pairs, all of them with a magnetic field strength of about 40 mG. This is the highest ever magnetic field strength found in OH masers, an order of magnitude higher than in typical OH masers. Three possible sources for the enhanced magnetic field are discussed: (i) the magnetic field of the exciting star dragged out by the stellar wind; (ii) the general interstellar field in the gas compressed by the magnetohydrodynamic shock; and (iii) the magnetic field of planets which orbit the exciting star and produce maser emission in gaseous envelopes.  相似文献   
We present the results of multifrequency (15 + 8 + 5 GHz) polarization Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the three BL Lacertae objects 0745+241, 1418+546 and 1652+398 together with 5-GHz VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP) observations of 1418+546 and 1.6- and 5-GHz VSOP observations of the blazar 1055+018. The jets of all these sources have polarization structure transverse to the jet axis, with the polarization E vectors aligned with the jet along the jet spine and 'sheaths' of orthogonal E vectors at one or both edges of the jet. The presence of polarization aligned with the jet near the 'spine' may indicate that the jets are associated with helical B fields that propogate outward with the jet flow; the presence of orthogonal polarization near the edges of the jet may likewise be a consequence of a helical jet B field, or may be owing to an interaction with the ambient medium on parsec scales. We have tentatively detected interknot polarization in 1055+018 with E aligned with the local jet direction, consistent with the possibility that the jet of this source is associated with a helical B field.  相似文献   
Using a set of compilations of measurements for extragalactic radio sources, we construct all-sky maps of the Faraday rotation produced by the Galactic magnetic field. In order to generate the maps, we treat the radio source positions as a kind of 'mask' and construct combinations of spherical harmonic modes that are orthogonal on the masked sky. As long as relatively small multipoles are used, the resulting maps are quite stable to changes in the selection criteria for the sources, and show clearly the structure of the local Galactic magnetic field. We also suggest the use of these maps as templates for cosmic microwave background (CMB) foreground analysis, illustrating the idea with a cross-correlation analysis between the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) data and our maps. We find a significant cross-correlation, indicating the presence of a significant residual contamination.  相似文献   
H. B  kiiz  H. M. Ng 《Marine Geodesy》2005,28(3):209-217
Tide gauges distributed all over the world provide valuable information for monitoring mean sea level changes. The statistical models used in estimating sea level change from the tide gauge data assume implicitly that the random model components are stationary in variance. We show that for a large number of global tide gauge data this is not the case for the seasonal part using a variate-differencing algorithm. This finding is important for assessing the reliability of the present estimates of mean sea level changes because nonstationarity of the data may have marked impact on the sea level rate estimates, especially, for the data from short records.  相似文献   
本文根据1960~1994年千里岩和青岛月平均气温资料,分析了千里岩与青岛35年来气温的年、季变化特征及差别,发现35年来,千里岩和青岛的年、季平均气温均呈变暖趋势,但千里岩增温幅度较青岛小。从分析中发现,与气温变暖趋势相对应,西北太平洋副热带高压(以下简称副高)面积、强度指数的年、季变化也呈明显的增强、增大趋势。且年平均气温与冬季副高面积指数相关最显著。最后依此关系建立回归方程,并预测了1996年千里岩年平均气温的变化趋势。  相似文献   
地基GPS气象学的关键技术是在于通过垂直方向上GPS信号的湿分量延迟值来确定大气可降水量-PWV,而这两个物理量间进行转换时需要用到一个关键性的参数——大气加权平均温度。本文首先讨论了估算加权平均温度的几种方法,然后利用成都地区2005年全年的大气探空数据,采用回归分析方法,建立了适合成都地区的大气加权平均温度模型,精度为±2.21K。最后将该公式应用到成都地区PWV的计算中,得到了非常理想的效果。  相似文献   
Consider the problem of generating a realization y1 of a Gaussian random field on a dense grid of points 1 conditioned on field observations y2 collected on a sparse grid of points 2. An approach to this is to generate first an unconditional realization y over the grid =1 2, and then to produce y1 by conditioning y on the data y2. As standard methods for generating y, such as the turning bands, spectral or Cholesky approaches can have various limitations, it has been proposed by M. W. Davis to generate realizations from a matrix polynomial approximations to the square root of the covariance matrix. In this paper we describe how to generate a direct approximation to the conditional realization y1, on 1 using a variant of Davis' approach based on approximation by Chebyshev polynomials. The resulting algorithm is simple to implement, numerically stable, and bounds on the approximation error are readily available. Furthermore we show that the conditional realization y1 can be generated directly with a lower order polynomial than the unconditional realization y, and that further reductions can be achieved by exploiting a nugget effect if one is present. A pseudocode version of the algorithm is provided that can be implemented using the fast Fourier transform if the field is stationary and the grid 1 is rectangular. Finally, numerical illustrations are given of the algorithm's performance in generating various 2-D realizations of conditional processes on large sampling grids.  相似文献   
冷暖事件对大气能量循环和纬向平均环流影响的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张韬  吴国雄  郭裕福 《气象学报》2002,60(5):513-526
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学与地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室新发展的GOALS 5全球海 陆 气耦合模式研究了暖事件 (ElNi no)和冷事件 (LaNina)对大气能量循环和纬向平均环流的影响 ,并用观测资料进行了对比分析。结果表明 :对于纬向平均资料来说 ,冷、暖事件在热带和副热带地区的大气环流相关量的反相变化特征非常清晰 ,中高纬度地区并不明显。此外 ,还发现 ,暖事件时定常涡动的经向热通量的变化是北半球对流层热带外地区温度异常的主要原因 ,而瞬变波的影响则起抵消作用。冷事件时定常波和瞬变波相互抵消的局地特征也依然存在 ,但瞬变波的影响有所增强。  相似文献   
分海洋和陆地两种情况来讨论IAP/LASG全球海-陆-气耦合系统模式(GOAL)四个版本的结果,并与观测资料进行对比分析。一些重要的大气变量包括表面空气温度,海平面气压和降水率用来评估GOALS模式模拟当代气候和气候变率的能力。总的来说,GOALS模式的四个版本都能够合理地再现观测到的平均气候态和季节变化的主要特征。同时评估也揭示了模式的一些缺陷。可以清楚地看到模拟的全球平均海平面气压的主要误差是在陆地上。陆地上表面空气温度模拟偏高主要是由于陆面过程的影响。值得注意的是降水率模拟偏低主要是在海洋上,而中高纬的陆地降水在北半球冬天却比观测偏高。 通过模式不同版本之间的相互比较研究,可以发现模式中太阳辐射日变化物理过程的引入明显地改善了表面空气温度的模拟,尤其是在中低纬度的陆地上。太阳辐射日变化的引入对热带陆地的降水和中高纬度的冬季降水也有较大改进。而且,由于使用了逐日通量距平交换方案(DFA),GOALS模式新版本模拟的海洋上的温度变率在中低纬度有了改善。 比较观测和模拟的年平均表面空气温度的标准差,可以发现GOALS模式四个版本都低估了海洋和陆地上的温度变率,文中还对影响观测和模拟温度变率差异的可能原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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