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新疆塔里木河下游植物群落逆向演替分析   总被引:29,自引:10,他引:29  
通过对塔里木河中下游沿河植物群落的调查分析及地下水位下降对地表植被生态过程影响的研究,探讨塔里木河下游近几十年来植被的逆向演替过程,并划分出不同的演替阶段。根据草、灌、乔植被对地下水位具有不同的适应能力,塔里木河下游植物群落退化顺序也不相同,首先是草本退化,其次是灌木退化,再者是乔木退化。经调查分析表明,塔里木河下游植物群落的逆向演替顺序为:矫灌草群落阶段→乔灌群落阶段→乔木或灌木少阶段,在逆向演替过程中,各阶段有规律地进行,群落结构特征、种类组成也都发生了明显的变化。  相似文献   
黄河中下游地区降水变化的周期分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据利用清代雨雪档案重建的黄河中下游及其4 个子区域1736~2000 年的逐年降水序列, 采用小波变换方法, 分析了该区降水变化的周期特征, 探讨了影响降水周期变化的可能 驱动因子。结果表明: 黄河中下游地区的降水, 具有2~4 年、准22 年及70~80 年等年际与年代际的振荡周期。其中, 2~4 年周期与El Nino 事件关联, 在El Nino事件发生的当年或第二年, 黄河中下游地区的降水比常年偏少; 而准22 年及70~80 年的周期, 与wolf 太阳黑子相对数的周期变化及太平洋年代际振荡(PDO) 信号有关。但在70~80 年的周期尺度上, 太阳活动与降水变化的对应关系在1830 年以前表现为太阳活动偏强(弱) 时, 降水偏少(多); 1830 年以后, 太阳活动的周期演变为80~100 年的更长周期, 因这一阶段可能受到由于人类活动加 强而致的温室气体浓度升高等因素的干扰, 太阳活动与降水之间的关系明显减弱; 而PDO 与降水的对应关系则表现在全时域上, 且在近100 多年, PDO 与降水之间的相关关系逐渐加强, 特别是在1940s 以后达到最大。  相似文献   
任美锷 《地理科学》2002,22(5):543-545
我国古籍所载黄河下游最早河道有禹贡河和山经河,它们在今郑州以北均沿太行山东麓北流。其原因可能与公元前4280年太行山大地震有关。  相似文献   
Observations of the vertical profile of hydrogen fluoride (HF) vapor in the stratosphere and of the vertical column amounts of HF above certain altitudes were made using a variety of spectroscopic instruments in the 1982 and 1983 Balloon Intercomparison Campaigns. Both emission instruments working in the far infrared spectral region and absorption instruments using solar occultation in the 2.5m region were employed. No systematic differences were seen in results from the two spectral regions. A mean profile from 20–45 km is presented, with uncertainties ranging from 20% to 50%. Total columns measured from ground and from 12 km are consistent with the profile if the mixing ratio for HF is small in the tropophere and low stratosphere.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide profiles obtained from three flights of chemiluminescent instruments during the Globus '85 campaign held in France in the autumn of 1985 are reported. When the profile obtained in the early morning of 20 September is compared with the flight made the previous afternoon, an average morning to midday NO ratio of 0.7 for the region between 26 and 33 km is obtained. This value is in good agreement with theoretical studies involving the photolysis of N2O5 and the establishment of the NO2–NO equilibrium.  相似文献   
太阳活动,大气臭氧和平流层温度相关分析研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
言穆弘  华贵义 《高原气象》1993,12(3):302-311
On 1 February 1989, -83.5°C was recorded in 27.8 hPa over Hohenpeißenberg, the lowest temperature in the 22-year series. This was measured together with a very low total ozone amount of 266 DU. This may be compared with nearly twice this amount on 27 February 1989. The situation was very unusual: following an extremely cold winter in the Arctic stratosphere, the stratospheric cold pole was located over southern Scandinavia on 1 February in a very southerly position. The analyzed temperatures of -92 °C in 30 hPa were also unusual. Even though the low ozone amounts over Hohenpeißenberg were probably dynamically caused, an additional very small ozone decrease due to heterogeneous reactions in altitudes from 23–28 km, where the temperatures lie below -80 °C, cannot be ruled out. Extinction measurements by the orbitting SAGE II instrument indeed show polar stratospheric clouds over Europe near 50° N during the period 31 January–2 February. Also, polar stratospheric clouds were previously observed over Kiruna at similarly low temperatures and signs of a corresponding small ozone decrease were noted there.  相似文献   
When all balloon-borne measurements of NO2 in the stratosphere are reviewed, the profiles show a wide spread. Measurements of the total amount in a vertical column suggest that variability should be low when only profiles measured at mid-latitudes close to equinox are selected. With this selection, the standard deviation of the profiles measured by each technique is often less than ±20%, but the mean profiles measured by each technique differ by up to a factor 2. Despite the profiles not being measured simultaneously, these differences are identical to those revealed by the simultaneous measurements of the Balloon Intercomparison Campaigns of 1982 and 1983-a comparison can be made from the historic data alone. This suggests that measurements of other gases should be similarly reviewed and appropriate selection criteria be found that reduces the standard deviations of the measurements by any one technique. The techniques can then be intercompared without new simultaneous flights.  相似文献   
Surface ozone data from 25 Europeanlow-altitude sites and mountain sites located between79°N and 28°N were studied. The analysiscovered the time period March 1989–February 1993.Average summer and winter O3 concentrations inthe boundary layer over the continent gave rise togradients that were strongest in the north-west tosouth-east direction and west-east direction, respectively. WintertimeO3 ranged from 19 to 27 ppbover the continent, compared to about 32 ppb at thewestern border, while for summer the continentalO3 values ranged between 39 and 56 ppb and theoceanic mixing ratios were around 37 ppb. In the lowerfree troposphere average wintertime O3 mixingratios were around 38 ppb, with only an 8 ppbdifference between 28°N and 79°N. For summerthe average O3 levels decreased from about 55 ppbover Central Europe to 32 ppb at 79°N. Inaddition, O3 and Ox(= O3 + NO2)in polluted and clean air were compared. Theamplitudes of the seasonal ozone variations increasedin the north-west to south-east direction, while thetime of the annual maximum was shifted from spring (atthe northerly sites) to late summer (at sites inAustria and Hungary), which reflected the contributionof photochemical ozone production in the lower partsof the troposphere.  相似文献   
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