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The authors examine the distribution and varia- tion of carbon monoxide (CO) in the tropics from the sur- face to the lower stratosphere. By analyzing space-borne microwave limb sounder (MLS) measurements, measure- ments of pollution in the troposphere (MOPITT) and mod- em-era retrospective analysis for research and applications (MERRA) meteorological products, and atmospheric chemistry and climate model intercomparison project (ACCMIP) surface emission inventories, the influences of atmospheric dynamics and surface emissions are investi- gated. The results show that there are four centers of highly concentrated CO mixing ratio over tropical areas in differ- ent seasons: two in the Northern Hemisphere and another two in the Southern Hemisphere. All of these centers cor- respond to local deep convective systems and mon- soons/anticyclones. The authors suggest that both deep convections and anticyclones affect CO in the tropical tro- posphere and lower stratosphere--the former helping to transport CO from the lower to the middle troposphere (or even higher), and the dynamical uplift and isolation effects of the latter helping to build up highly concentrated CO in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). Similarly, there are two annual surface emission peaks in- duced by biomass burning emissions: one from the North- ern Hemisphere and the other from the Southern Hemi- sphere. Both contribute to the highly concentrated CO mixing ratio and control the seasonal variabilities of CO in the UTLS, combining the effects of deep convections and monsoons. Results also show a relatively steady emission rate from anthropogenic sources, with a small increase mainly coming from Southeast Asia and lndia. These emis- sions can be transported to the UTLS over Tibet by the joint effort of surface horizontal winds, deep convections, and the Asian summer monsoon system.  相似文献   
本文通过对2001年1月的一次强冷空气过程分析,总结出在500hPa南槽北脊高低纬反位相配置形势下,不利于冷空气南下越时南岭,低层冷空气只能在南岭北侧堆积,但当冷空气堆积到南岭两侧温差超过10℃以上,南岭以北的冷空气积聚已达临界值,一次不太强的冷空气补充也会使冷空气冲破南岭屏障,这时影响广东的冷空气已经是前几次叠加,强度明显加强。  相似文献   
利用常规观测、T213、雷达和MM5中尺度模式输出资料对2004年6月23—24日湘西北地区的暴雨和大暴雨进行了天气动力学和中尺度分析。结果表明:这场暴雨是在有利的天气背景条件下产生的,造成强降水的雨团在时空尺度上具有中尺度系统的特征,中尺度辐合线和低空急流为降水发生提供了有利的触发条件。  相似文献   
CI指数及SPEI指数在长江中下游地区的适用性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据综合气象干旱指数(CI)在长江中下游地区应用中存在的不足,首先对CI中SPI指数等权累积降水进行合理的非等权处理及MI指数的优化,得到改进的综合气象干旱指数。然后利用1962—2013年长江中下游地区164个气象站的观测资料,对比分析了改进的综合气象干旱指数和标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)在长江中下游地区的适用性效果。结果表明:改进的综合气象干旱指数物理意义明确,解决了原CI指数对干旱开始时间、旱情发展中不连续加重现象和旱情解除时间滞后等不足,特别是对长江中下游地区的旱涝急转现象反映及时准确;设计的多时间尺度综合气象干旱指数与SPEI指数相关系数平均达0.8以上,说明得到的多时间尺度综合气象干旱指数对旱情的分析评估能力较强。经过适用性对比分析证明,月尺度综合气象干旱指数在江苏和安徽省应用效果要优于SPEI指数,湖南、江西和湖北省月尺度综合气象干旱指数在10—4月间的评估效果更好,SPEI指数在5—9月更优。因此,改进的综合气象干旱指数对长江中下游地区干旱分析与监测、预报预警等具有良好的推广应用价值。   相似文献   
巢纪平  林永辉  王斌 《气象学报》1996,54(3):257-271
在前文[1]的基础上,进一步研究当海表温度存在经圈方向不均匀分布或偏离气候状态(距平)时,改变水分收支平衡及边界层的湿度辐合这一物理过程对Madden-Julian振荡的可能影响。结果表明,它对修正的Kelvin波和Rossby波的传播性质影响不大。但当海表温度为正距平时,修正后东传Kelvin波振幅不稳定增长到e倍的时间约减小了14.5%,其不稳定增长率随着热源特征宽度的增加而增加,当特征宽度为2倍Rossby变形半径时,不稳定增长率达极大,但当特征宽度继续增大时,其不稳定增长率又将减小。当海表温度为负距平时,修正后东传Kelvin波振幅不稳定增长到e倍的时间约增加20%,其不稳定增长率随着冷源特征宽度的增加而减小,当特征宽度为2倍Rossby变形半径时,其不稳定增长率达极小,此后;随着特征宽度的增加其不稳定增长率随之增加,但始终小于无海表温度异常的情形。经圈尺度较小的那支修正的Rossby波除波长极长的波段外,波仍是阻尼的;而经圈尺度较大的那支修正的Rossby波,在短的波段内仍是不稳定增长的。  相似文献   
河南“7·19”豫北罕见特大暴雨降水特征及极端性分析   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
栗晗  王新敏  张霞  吕林宜  徐文明 《气象》2018,44(9):1136-1147
2016年7月18-20日受低涡气旋影响,河南省出现了一次全省大范围的强降水过程("7·19"),其中豫北部分地区出现特大暴雨,最大过程雨量达732 mm。本文基于自动气象站降水、地面风场观测资料、雷达组合反射率资料、常规气象探空资料和1°×1°ECMWF再分析资料,对"7·19"过程的降水特征、大尺度环流特征和中尺度系统进行了分析,同时也对比分析了"7·19"过程和1980-2016年以来发生在豫北太行山东麓的71个强降水过程(所选区域至少有一个站点的日降水量大于100 mm)的物理量场特征。结果表明:太行山地形和低涡气旋背景下有利的大尺度环流为"7·19"特大暴雨提供了充沛的水汽和辐合抬升条件;中尺度地形辐合线的生成、发展和维持、多个地面中尺度气旋移动造成的列车效应是导致局地特大暴雨的主要原因,对比不同强降水过程的物理量场显示"7·19"的动力因子具有明显的极端性特征。  相似文献   
利用NCEP再分析资料、地面和高空观测资料、卫星和雷达资料等,对风暴系统在华北中部加强发展为飑线并产生地面大风的原因进行了分析。结果表明:①2017年8月5日,在冷涡影响下,华北中高层有干空气渗透,具有条件不稳定层结,11:00天津订正探空CAPE高达3184J·kg-1,且低层水汽充沛,有利于雷暴大风和湿对流的产生。②风暴出流边界与华北中部地面辐合线合并,且东南部地面露点更高,是飑线系统在华北中南部强烈发展的重要原因。③高温高湿环境使得风暴向南传播,在西偏北的引导气流作用下,最终风暴向南偏东方向移动。④北京探空0~6km垂直风切变达到3.3m·s-1·km-1,气流在前侧上升后侧下沉,强垂直运动与强垂直风切变作用产生了强旋转,使飑线系统初期具有中气旋特征。⑤中层强辐合和风暴顶辐散产生强下沉气流,地面最大风出现在中气旋发展阶段和冷池合并阶段。  相似文献   
High-quality and continuous radiosonde, aerosol and surface meteorology datasets are used to investigate the statistical characteristics of meteorological parameters and their effects on aerosols. The data were collected at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains climate research facility during 2000–15. The parameters and vertical distribution of temperature inversion layers were found to have strong diurnal and seasonal changes. For surface-based temperature inversion (SBI), the mean frequency and depth of temperature inversion layers were 39.4% and 198 m, respectively. The temperature difference between the top and bottom of SBI was 4.8℃, and so the temperature gradient was 2.4℃ (100 m)?1. The detailed vertical distributions of temperature inversion had been determined, and only the temperature inversion layers below 1000 m showed diurnal and seasonal variations. Mean surface aerosol number concentrations increased by 43.0%, 21.9% and 49.2% when SBIs were present at 0530, 1730 and 2330 LST, respectively. The effect of SBI on surface aerosol concentration was weakest in summer (18.1%) and strongest in winter (58.4%). During elevated temperature inversion events, there was no noticeable difference in surface aerosol number concentrations. Temperature differences and temperature gradients across SBIs correlated fairly well with aerosol number concentrations, especially for temperature gradients. The vertical distribution of aerosol optical properties with and without temperature inversions was different. Surface aerosol measurements were representative of the air within (below), but not above, SBIs and EIs. These results provide a basis for developing a boundary layer aerosol accumulation model and for improving radiative transfer models in the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   
A precipitation system developed continuously along the western coastline of the Korean Peninsula and created considerable precipitation both along the coast and inland on 26 July 2011. In this study, the causes for this nearshore convective system are investigated from observations and the results of model experiments. Three-dimensional radar fields clearly show that a change of wind at the surface border played an important role in the development of the nearshore convection system. The simulation results, which are very similar to the observations, show that the surface border generated and maintained the convergence zone. The roughness change enhanced the convergence, and the interaction between the deepening cold pool and downward flow maintained the convergence zone. The surface mechanical discontinuity affected by the roughness change between sea and land formed the convergence (gradient of wind stress),which induced momentum transfer to the upper layer. The cold pool created a steep gradient of potential temperature and provided the reason for the propagated convergence zone with the downward flow. The maximum value of the surface change factor, which comprises the influencing factors for the long-lasting convective system, reflects the enhancement of the system at the coast.  相似文献   
杜梅  李国平  李山山 《大气科学》2020,44(2):269-281
基于大气运动方程组及散度方程,对高原横切变线上扰动稳定性问题以及切变线诱发高原低涡的动力学机制进行了理论分析并用欧洲中心(ECMWF)ERA-interim再分析资料对其进行验证。得出高原横切变线是高原低涡产生的重要背景场,切变线以南的水汽输送与辐合对于低涡的诱发作用是大气处于不平衡状态而引起散度场调整的结果,辐合增强区有利于高原低涡生成,低涡中心对应非平衡正值中心,低涡外围为非平衡项负值区。非平衡项负值大值与水汽辐合带的重叠区对降水落区有较好的指示意义。当高原南部的西南风带向东或东北方向移动或当低涡下游出现非平衡项负值中心时,低涡亦同向移动。若高原出现气旋式环流并且环流中心与非平衡项正值中心对应时,有利于低涡生成;进一步,当低涡中心与非平衡项正值中心对应且正值中心数值不断增大时,低涡趋于发展加强。  相似文献   
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