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The theoretical basis for a type of reaction of sulfur-acceptor carbon molecules with donor catenated forms of sulfur is presented. The reactions between conjugated ene carbonyls as sulfur-acceptors and polysulfide as a sulfur donor are described. The scope of this reaction is broadened by demonstrating that the room-temperature action of polysulfide on dienones produces thiophenes. Evidence is given for the structure of 2-benzoyl-5-phenylthiophene, resulting from 1,5-diphenyl-2,4-pentadien-1-one, and 2-acetyl-5-phenylthiophene, resulting from 6-phenyl-3,5-hexadien-2-one. Evidence is also presented for the structure of 2,4-dibenzoyl-3,5-diphenylthiolane, the product resulting from the action of polysulfide on the mixture of benzaldehyde and acetophenone. The same thiolane is shown to result as the minor thiolane component when chalcone reacts with polysulfide in 80% water/20% ethanol. The major component is a known rearranged thiolane identified by its physical properties. The reactiol of chalcone and polysulfide in ethanol at 0 or 25°C results in thiolane formation as evidenced by the isolation of 2,4-dibenzoyl-3,5-diphenylthiolane. However, the reaction of the same two compounds in boiling methanol (65°C) results in a competitive hydrogenation of chalcone giving dihydrochalcone in addition to the formation of thiolane. The demonstration of the low-temperature reaction of polysulfide with conjugated ene carbonyls in the present work adds an additional pathway for possible formation of S-heterocycles in the geosphere.  相似文献   
The PT gradient in a Late Eocene low-T high-P metamorphicbelt in northern New Caledonia increases from SW to NE. Metapelitesin the pumpellyite–prehnite and blueschist zones containlawsonite, Mg-carpholite, Fe-stilpnomelane and Fe-glaucophane.Thermodynamic calculations indicate a progression of metamorphicconditions from less than 0·3 GPa and 250°C in akaolinite-bearing rock in the SW, up to 1·5 GPa and 410°Cin a lawsonite–glaucophane-bearing sample in the NE ofthe Diahot terrane. Through a multi-method investigation ofphyllosilicates, organic matter and fluid inclusions, we demonstratethat the evolution of organic matter and illite crystallinitydepends strongly on the evolution of the PT path withtime. In addition, we show that the illite–muscovite bcell dimension provides a robust estimate of maximum pressurereached in low-temperature domains with polyphase metamorphichistories, despite subsequent high-temperature–low-pressureevents. Fluid inclusion study reveals an isothermal decompressionin the Diahot terrane. KEY WORDS: low-temperature/high-pressure metapelites; illite crystallinity; coal rank; illite–muscovite b cell dimension; New Caledonia  相似文献   
裂变径迹是一种重要的低温热年代学测年方法,目前被广泛应用于岩体冷却年龄测试及各种构造演化热历史等的研究.该方法主要包括传统的外探测器法和近年来新开发的激光-电感耦合等离子质谱法(LA-ICP-MS/FT).由于传统的外探测器法一直受限于国内反应堆中子热化不充分、辐照周期长以及辐照带来的环境安全等问题,无法有效、快速地获得数据.相反, LA-ICP-MS/FT法的建立和应用不仅避免了因中子热化不充分、热中子分布不均带入的误差而提高了测年精度,而且还极大地提高了测试效率,缩短了解决科学问题的时间.通过对近年来新建立的裂变径迹LA-ICP-MS/FT法的测年基本原理和方法、实验步骤、常用年龄值和裂变径迹退火等的详细介绍,综述了该方法在相关应用方面的研究进展,并与传统的外探测器法进行了详细的对比.最后综述了LA-ICP-MS/FT法在造山带冷却隆升历史、沉积盆地分析、盆-山耦合系统分析、断裂活动、成矿时代和矿体保存等多方面的应用.  相似文献   
We provide the first comprehensive picture of the thermochronometric evolution of the Cimmerian Strandja metamorphic massif of SE Bulgaria and NW Turkey, concluding that the bulk of the massif has escaped significant Alpine-age deformation. Following Late Jurassic heating, the central part of the massif underwent a Kimmeridgian-Berriasian phase of relatively rapid cooling followed by very slow cooling in Cretaceous-to-Early Eocene times. These results are consistent with a Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Neocimmerian (palaeo-Alpine) phase of north-verging thrust imbrication and regional metamorphism, followed by slow cooling/exhumation driven by erosion. From a thermochronometric viewpoint, the bulk of the Cimmerian Strandja orogen was largely unaffected by the compressional stress related to the closure of the Vardar–?zmir–Ankara oceanic domain(s) to the south, contrary to the adjacent Rhodopes. Evidence of Alpine-age deformation is recorded only in the northern sector of the Strandja massif, where both basement and sedimentary rocks underwent cooling/exhumation associated with an important phase of shortening of the East Balkan fold-and-thrust belt starting in the Middle–Late Eocene. Such shortening focused in the former Srednogorie rift zone because this area had been rheologically weakened by Late Cretaceous extension.  相似文献   
The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (SSM) is a subduction-zone-related complex that contains diverse blocks of igneous and sedimentary origin, overprinted by various metamorphic conditions. The SSM is located at the southern border of the Chortís block and marks the boundary between continental and oceanic crusts in the western margin of the Caribbean Plate. The serpentinite matrix mainly consists of lizardite/chrysotile, Cr-rich spinel, and relict orthopyroxene that suggest a harzburgitic protolith and an upper mantle supra-subduction zone origin. Blocks within the southern and central regions range from Jurassic pelagic sediments to mafic/intermediate igneous rocks that are metamorphosed to various degrees, ranging from prehnite-pumpellyite/greenschist to likely blueschist facies (e.g. riebeckite-bearing metashale) conditions. In contrast, the northern section encloses almost exclusively epidote-amphibolite facies metabasite blocks, and minor mica- and chlorite-rich rocks of metasomatic origin, respectively. Some of the epidote-amphibolite blocks contain relic garnet-rich zones embedded in an amphibole-rich matrix. The garnets appear to record two generations of growth and contain mineral inclusions such as amphibole, apatite, titanite, aegirine-augite, and quartz. Thermobarometric estimates for the garnet-rich zones and epidote-amphibolite-rich matrix suggest a prograde blueschist facies at ~1.2 GPa and 400–450°C, an eclogite facies metamorphic peak at 1.5–1.7 GPa and 565–614°C, and a post-peak epidote-amphibolite facies metamorphism. These pressure and temperature estimates indicate a classical clockwise PT path that has been observed in many palaeo-subduction zone environments worldwide. Phengite Ar–Ar dating of mica-rich rock yields 140 Ma and suggests an Early Cretaceous exhumation along the southern edge of the continental Chortís block.  相似文献   
孟凡超  郭军  李明财  张雷  张瑞雪 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1753-1762
基于自动气象站实测资料,通过模拟天津市办公建筑逐时供暖负荷,重点分析了极端低温过程中城市热岛对建筑小时供暖负荷的影响,以期为精细化供暖调控和节能设计提供参考。结果表明:2009—2017年城市和乡村办公建筑供暖负荷均呈减少趋势,城市供暖负荷较乡村平均每年减少7.46%。城市热岛强度(Urban heat island intensity, UHII)每上升1℃,城市办公建筑年供暖负荷较乡村减少2.19 kWh/m2,即热岛强度的增加使城市办公建筑供暖需求有所减少,有利于城市建筑的供暖节能。以2016年1月21~25日典型极端低温过程为例,研究发现,低温过程中城乡小时供暖负荷明显增加,较低温前和低温后增加约10%~20%。受大尺度天气过程影响,低温过程中城乡气温差异变小,UHII减弱。低温前和低温后城市供暖负荷较乡村减少约6%~8%,而低温过程中城市较乡村仅减少约3%;另外,在低温过程中,北京时间07:00~19:00的高负荷时段城乡供暖负荷差异不明显,这些结果表明低温过程中城市热岛对办公建筑供暖负荷的影响不大。  相似文献   
活动海岭俯冲对岛弧地质过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了海岭-岛弧体系的地质演化和海岭俯冲过程,通过有限元法对海岭俯冲的全过程进行了热模拟,分析了海岭俯冲过程中岛弧岩浆活动、变质作用及周围地区地表地形的变化。热模拟的计算结果表明:在海岭俯冲之前和俯冲完成之后,摩擦剪切生热使岛弧下100km深度形成温度反转,俯冲海洋板片内角闪岩相矿物在850-1000℃的相对高温下脱水,释放的水进入其上覆板块内热的地幔楔状体降低地幔岩石的熔点造成部分熔融,形成岛弧火山活动;而当热的活动海岭俯冲期间,近海岭处的年轻海洋地壳在较浅深度达到较高温度而提前脱水,原来的地幔楔状体内部分熔融区因缺水而使熔融停止,岛弧火山活动中断。但此时,活动海岭俯冲产生的热将会使前弧一定区域出现低温变质作用。在整个俯冲过程中,随海岭逼近海沟,温度升高,岛弧将因此逐渐抬升,因热作用而致的抬升高度可达440m左右.   相似文献   

2018年1月24日夜间至2月5日贵州出现低温雨雪天气。通过分析其特点,将该过程分为三个阶段,即中东部冻雨主导期、中西部弱雨雪期和中西部降雪发展期。本文利用常规观测资料和美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)FNL 1°×1°再分析资料,对这一阶段的低温雨雪天气成因开展了分析,并基于观测要素统计结果构建上述三个阶段的探空模型。结果表明:(1)在三个阶段,亚洲中高纬度表现出不同的环流形势,分别出现了乌山阻塞形势、横槽转竖、两槽一脊形势;(2)4次强冷空气影响及静止锋西推是贵州自东向西出现低温雨雪天气的重要原因;(3)前期暖层与高湿区、后期冷区与高湿区的温湿特征造成不同相态降水,29日前有效降水促进了结冰较快增长;(4)三个阶段探空模型显示,不同相态降水均是静止锋后冷气团一侧锋面降水造成的结果,温度层结、湿层高度、逆温梯度、云顶温度、逆温底温度与地面温度对不同降水相态的形成具有重要影响。

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