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区域性森林大火的真正成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
森林大火真正起因于地球排气中易燃还原性气体在腐殖层的临界积聚(气体体积分数大约为5%~6%)。现场气体(H2,CO)系统测量结果证实了这一点。测量结果显示,该林区腐殖层中H2、CO质量分数分别为(10~170)×10-6(本底值为0·5×10-6)和(2~60)×10-6(本底值为0·5×10-6),二者均远高于大气本底值数十到数百倍,而且未燃区的测值显然高于1998年燃区。  相似文献   
基于ANSYS软件benchmark模型耗能减振控制分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文系统介绍了当前国际结构振动控制的公共平台———Benchm ark模型,首次给出使用通用有限元软件ANSYS对第3阶段20层非线性钢框架抗震结构的有限元建模,结果表明,模态、无控地震反应分析结果和ASCE给出的MATLAB结果相同。利用粘滞阻尼器对此模型的耗能减振数值仿真分析的结果表明:粘滞阻尼器是一种性能很好的阻尼器,使用本文给出ANSYS的Benchm ark有限元模型来进行耗能减振控制分析是方便的、可行的。  相似文献   
探测未爆炸弹的地球物理技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用综合地球物理勘查技术探测未爆炸弹(UXO)具有快速、定位准确和成本低廉的优势.综述了国内外广泛应用的地面高精度磁测法、电磁法以及地质雷达和微重力法在探测UXO中的特点和效果,介绍了国外航空磁测法及航空电磁法探测UXO的进展,并根据某些探测实例阐述了在具体实施过程中应注意的技术问题;提出了适合中国UXO探测的一些措施和建议.  相似文献   
The adsorption of pentachlorophenol (PCP) onto quartz, kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite and iron oxides has been investigated by batch equilibrium techniques. The pH-dependent isotherms are curves with peak values, the position of which is at about pH = 5-6 depending on the mineral species. Based on distribution of both speciation of surface hydroxyls on minerals and PCP in solution a surface reaction model involving surface complexation and surface electrostatic attraction is presented to fit the pH-dependent isotherms, and both reaction constants are calculated. The results show that on quartz and phyllosilicate minerals the predominant adsorption reaction is surface complexation, meanwhile both of surface electrostatic attraction and surface complexation are involved on the iron oxide minerals. The reaction constants of surface electrostatic adsorption are usually one to three orders in magnitude, larger than that of surface complexation. The concentration-dependent isotherms can be well fitted by Langmnir equation with the correlation coefficient R〉0.93 for kaolinite and iron oxides. The maximum adsorption is found in the order: hematite 〉 lepidocrocite 〉 goethite 〉 kaolinite 〉 quartz 〉 montmorillonite ≈ illite, which can be interpreted by consideration of both reaction mechanism and surface hydroxyl density. The significant adsorption of PCP onto mineral surfaces suggests that clay and iron oxide minerals will play an important role as HIOCs are adsorbed in laterite or latertoid soil, which is widespread in South China.  相似文献   
The absorption reactions of arsenite on Fe (hydro-)oxides are studied. The three absorbent types are Fe(OH)3 gel and two Fe (hydro-)oxides, in which the Fe(OH)3 gel was dried in a microwave oven under vacuum at 80℃. It is found that pH changes from 9.71 to 10.36 in 6 minutes after the Fe (OH)3 gel was mixed with NaAsO2 solution, as the arsenite replaces the OH- in goethite and Fe(OH)3. At the 40th minute after the start of the reaction, pH decreases, which is most probably because that the monodentate surface complex of absorbed arsenite has changed into mononuclear-bidentate complex and released proton. The decline in pH values indicates not the end of the absorption but a change in the reaction type. Temperature and dissolved gas has little effect on these two types of reactions. The total absorption of arsenite increases after the absorbent is irradiated with ultrasound, which also lead to difficulty in separating the solids from solution. The absorption capacity for arsenite of Fe(OH)3 gel dried in a microwave oven under vacuum is 53.18% and 17.22% respectively better than that of Fe (OH)3 gel and gel dried at 80℃. The possible reasons are that the water molecules in the gel vibrates with high frequency under the effect of microwave irradiation, thereby producing higher porosity and improved surface activity.  相似文献   
基于GM(1,1)模型的塔里木盆地南缘孤立绿洲降水灾变预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们选取了具有一定代表性的塔里木盆地南缘的孤立绿洲民丰县作为研究区,在对数据有效性的验证之后,利用研究区1980~1999年的降水资料,运用灰色系统理论的季节灾变预测方法,对该地区未来年份的降水量进行预测,并建立灰色季节灾变GM(1,1)预测模型,预测未来旱季到来的年份,为预测未来降水趋势提供了信息。结果表明:该研究区下一个旱灾灾变年大致指向2006年至2007年左右。这对合理利用本地气候资源具有实际意义,并且能够为研究干旱区气候变化提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   
相对差分GPS精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,全球定位系统(GPS)以其精度高、速度快、经济方便等优点,在布设各种形式的控制网、变形监测及精密工程测量等诸多方面都得到迅速广泛的应用。但由于美国的SA和AS政策,使其精度下降,因此各国都在研究如何提高其精度,本文就此问题给出一些观点。  相似文献   
对我国著名地质学家陈国达院士的科学哲学思想作了探讨,其主要内容有:历史动力法是复杂性哲学思想与地质科学思想相结合的产物;递进思想是辩证否定观在大地构造理论发展中的胜利;地洼学说的理论结构与发展纲领是与拉卡托斯科学哲学思想不谋而合的。研究陈国达科学哲学思想对指导科学研究无疑具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
黑潮是北太平洋副热带环流系统的一支重要的西边界流。前人对不同流段黑潮的季节和年际变化进行了诸多研究,然而基于不同数据所得结论仍存在差异,尤其是不同模式计算所得流量差别很大,而且以往研究往往着眼于某一流段,对不同流段黑潮变化之间的异同及其原因涉及较少。本文基于卫星高度计数据,评估了OFES(Ocean generalcir culation model For the Earth Simulator)和HYCOM(Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model)两个模式对吕宋岛和台湾岛以东黑潮季节与年际变化的模拟能力,进而对两个海域黑潮变化的异同及其物理机制进行了分析。结果表明:HYCOM模式对黑潮季节变化的模拟较好,而OFES模式对黑潮年际变化的模拟较好。吕宋岛以东黑潮和台湾岛以东黑潮在季节与年际尺度上的变化规律均不相同,且受不同动力过程控制。吕宋岛以东黑潮呈现冬春季强而秋季弱的变化规律,主要受北赤道流分叉南北移动的影响;而台湾岛以东黑潮呈现夏季强冬季弱的变化特点,主要受该海区反气旋涡与气旋涡相对数目的季节变化影响。在年际尺度上,吕宋岛以东黑潮与北赤道流分叉及风应力旋度呈负相关,当风应力旋度超前于流量4个月时相关系数达到了-0.56;而台湾岛以东黑潮的流量变化则受制于副热带逆流区涡动能的变化,且滞后于涡动能9个月时达到最大正相关,相关系数为0.44。本研究对于深入理解不同流段黑潮的多尺度变异规律及其对邻近海区环流与气候的影响具有重要意义,同时对于黑潮研究的数值模式选取具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
A coupled ocean-ice-wave model is used to study ice-edge jet and eddy genesis during surface gravity wave dissipation in a frazil-pancake ice zone. With observational data from the Beaufort Sea, possible wave dissipation processes are evaluated using sensitivity experiments. As wave energy dissipated, energy was transferred into ice floe through radiation stress. Later, energy was in turn transferred into current through ocean-ice interfacial stress. Since most of the wave energy is dissipated at the ice edge, ice-edge jets, which contained strong horizontal shear, appeared both in the ice zone and the ocean. Meanwhile, the wave propagation direction determines the velocity partition in the along-ice-edge and cross-ice-edge directions, which in turn determines the strength of the along-ice-edge jet and cross-ice-edge velocity. The momentum applied in the along-ice-edge(cross-ice-edge)direction increased(decreased) with larger incident angle, which is favorable condition for producing stronger mesoscale eddies, vice versa. The dissipation rate increases(decreases) with larger(smaller) wavenumber, which enhances(reduces) the jet strength and the strength of the mesoscale eddy. The strong along-ice-edge jet may extend to a deep layer(> 200 m). If the water depth is too shallow(e.g., 80 m), the jet may be largely dampened by bottom drag, and no visible mesoscale eddies are found. The results suggest that the bathymetry and incident wavenumber(magnitude and propagation direction) are important for wave-driven current and mesoscale eddy genesis.  相似文献   
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