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香港全风化花岗岩饱和直剪试验中的剪胀问题   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
通过对全风化花岗岩的慢剪试验,指出了在直剪试验中出现的两种垂直位移变化形式,其对土体的剪胀剪缩性质的 反映与三轴试验是一致的。剪胀的发生与土体的密实程度密切相关;随垂直压力的增大,剪胀发生所需剪应力也增大;剪应 力达到峰值所需要剪位移总是比剪胀发生时所需的剪位移大。  相似文献   
矾山岩浆岩型磷(铁)矿床成矿地质背景分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在矾山磷(铁)矿床生成的海西─印支期,各方向深大断裂同时活动,为岩体和矿床源源不断地提供物源;张宣幔枝构造外围拆离滑脱带为其提供容岩空间;岩体在复盖层下的巨厚沉积盖层中分异、演化,同时伴随着印支期开阔宽缓的褶皱。它充分反映了矿床生成于准地台活化初期的大地构造背景环境。  相似文献   
褶皱是韧性剪切带内普遍发育的构造变形,是研究韧性剪切带乃至造山带构造作用的桥梁,但是对于剪切带中存在的这类褶皱国内尚无统一命名,本文根据剪切带内褶皱的最新研究成果,引进了“韧性剪切带相关褶皱”的概念。目前,国内外学者对韧性剪切带相关褶皱(尤其是鞘褶皱)的研究多集中在运动学和动力学上。本文介绍了韧性剪切带相关褶皱的类型及其研究方法,为客观理解韧性剪切带相关褶皱的形成机制提供了新思路和方法,进而为恢复陆内造山作用过程提供了客观的约束条件。  相似文献   
有机质热演化与极低级变质作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
岩石中有机质热演化特征可以灵敏于反映岩石的成岩作用到变质作用之间(即极低级变质作用)的温度、压力变化情况。笔者对有机质热变指标在极低级变质作用界线、变质带划分和变质作用温度、压力和时间演化等方面的应用进行了综述和探讨。  相似文献   
采用共振柱试验方法,研究了固结比对土最大动剪切模量的影响并给出了土最大动剪切模量的建议公式。通过对砂土、粉质黏土和粉土的系统试验,提出了不同固结比下土最大动剪切模量与固结比kc-1呈指数形式的增长模式,不同于Hard in公式最大动剪切模量与固结比kc呈直线形式的增长模式。同时给出了计算不同固结比下砂土、粉质黏土和粉土最大动剪切模量的建议公式,并与Hard in公式进行了对比,结果表明,固结比对土最大动剪切模量影响程度明显比Hard in公式要大,固结比对粉质黏土和粉土最大动剪切模量的影响程度要比对砂土的影响程度更大。  相似文献   
The response of low‐ductility reinforced concrete (RC) frames, designed typically for a non‐seismic region, subjected to two frequencies of base excitations is studied. Five half‐scaled, two‐bay, two‐storey, RC frames, each approximately 5 m wide by 3.3 m high, were subjected to both horizontal and/or vertical base excitations with a frequency of 40 Hz as well as a lower frequency of about 4 Hz (close to the fundamental frequency) using a shake table. The imposed acceleration amplitude ranged from 0.2 to 1.2g. The test results showed that the response characteristics of the structures differed under high‐ and low‐frequency excitations. The frames were able to sustain high‐frequency excitations without damage but were inadequate for low‐frequency excitations, even though the frames exhibited some ductility. Linear‐elastic time‐history analysis can predict reasonably well the structural response under high‐frequency excitations. As the frames were not designed for seismic loads, the reinforcement detailing may not have been adequate, based on the crack pattern observed. The effect of vertical excitation can cause significant additional forces in the columns and moment reversals in the beams. The ‘strong‐column, weak‐beam’ approach for lateral load RC frame design is supported by experimental observations. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
谭春亮  宋殿兰  卢猛  冉灵杰 《探矿工程》2012,39(5):42-44,48
介绍了TGQ-30型取样钻机的结构设计、主要技术参数和特点;详细探讨了与该钻机配套的钻具及取样器;总结了该设备在我国南方低山丘陵地区应用取得的经验成果,提出使用过程中的注意事项。为该地区工作的进一步开展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
针对无黏性颗粒材料,开展了柔性边界双轴压缩数值试验,分析了不同围压下力链的数量、方向概率等随轴向应变的变化。研究结果表明:不断加载使得游离的高应力颗粒有所减少,荷载更多的被力链承担;统计意义上,力链最大长度为9个颗粒。轴向±30o范围内力链概率随应变的发展与偏应力一致,而与其邻接的[40o,60o]和[120o,140o]两个方向上的力链概率随应变的发展与偏应力相反;双轴试样剪切破坏时有单剪切带和双剪切带两种模式,当[40o,60o]和[120o,140o]两个角度区间的力链概率有较大差异时,剪切带出现在力链较少的角度区间;当这两个角度区间力链概率接近时,试样中将出现两个剪切带。  相似文献   
Two procedures are developed and implemented in a hybrid simulation system (HSS) with the aim of enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the online, i.e. pseudo‐dynamic, test results. The first procedure aims at correcting the experimental systematic error in executing the displacement command signal. The error is calculated as the difference between command and feedback signals and correlated to the actuator velocity using the least‐squares method. A feed‐forward error compensation scheme is devised leading to a more accurate execution of the test. The second procedure employs mixed variables with mode switching between displacement and force controls. The newly derived force control algorithm is evaluated using a parametric study to assess its stability and accuracy. The implementation of the mixed variables procedure is designed to adopt force control for high stiffness states of the structural response and displacement control otherwise, where the resolution of the involved instruments may favour this type of mixed control. A simple pseudo‐dynamic experiment of steel cantilever members is used to validate the HSS. Moreover, two experiments as application examples for the two developed procedures are presented. The two experiments focus on the seismic response of (a) timber shear walls and (b) reinforced concrete frames with and without unreinforced masonry infill wall. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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