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青海滩间山金矿床成矿模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滩间山金矿床位于柴达木地块北缘,产于中元古界蓟县系万洞沟群碳质糜棱片岩和华力西晚期侵入岩中。矿床形成与柴北缘区域地壳多阶段演化和多次成矿作用有关,属多因复成矿床。矿床是在热水沉积、区域变质、热变质等预富集的基础上,与区域绿片岩相韧性剪切带的退化演化同步,经历了脆韧性、韧脆性和脆性剪切变形成矿阶段的演化并遭受华力西晚期侵入岩浆活动的叠加改造形成的。成矿物质来自容矿黑色岩系和华力西晚期侵入岩。  相似文献   
To identify the effect of non-plastic silt on the cyclic behavior of sand–silt mixtures, total sixty undrained cyclic triaxial stress-control tests were carried out on sand–silt mixtures. These tests were conducted on specimens of size 71 mm diameter and 142 mm height with a frequency of 1 Hz. Specimens were prepared at a constant relative density and constant density approach. The effect of relative density, confining pressure as well as magnitude of cyclic loading was also studied. For a constant relative density (Dr=60%) the effect of limiting silt content, pore pressure response and cyclic strength was observed. The rate of generation of excess pore water pressure with respect to cycles of loading was found to initially increase with increase in silt content till the limiting silt content and thereafter it reverses its trend when the specimens were tested at a constant relative density. The cyclic resistance behavior was observed to be just opposite to the pore pressure response. Permeability, CRR and secant shear modulus decreased till limiting silt content; after that they became constant with increasing silt content.  相似文献   
BEDSHEARINEVOLVINGSCOURATACYLINDER:ATHEORETICALAPPROACHSubhasishDEY1andSrijibK.KAR2Abstract:Thetemporalvariationofshearstress...  相似文献   
昆明城市气候水平空间分布特征   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9  
以昆明城市为研究对象,对城市西南-东北剖线的实测资料比较研究,从气温、水汽压、相对湿度、风速、风向等方面分析了昆明城市气候特征、变化规律及城市热岛效应。研究表明:在昆明存在热岛效应,以夜间最为明显,其最强度效应可达5.0℃,出现时刻(3时)与国内外多数研究结果(傍晚)有所不同;昆明城市昼间呈现明显的干岛效应。所得结论可为探讨昆明城市气候特片和形成机制,城市环境污染防治及建筑规划、设计等提供依据。  相似文献   
Summary Results of resonant column tests were used to determine values of low amplitude shear modulus (G 0) of a remoulded kaolinite clay for different durations of ageing and for different values of consolidation stress (0) and overconsolidation ratio (OCR). It was found that after completion of primary consolidation the values of G 0 increased linearly with the logarithm of time and after a week of confinement the value of normalized rate of secondary increase of shear modulus (N G ) could be reliably estimated. Values of N G were found to derease linearly with the logarithm of OCR and with the logarithm of ageing duration. This similarity of behaviour provided a basis for establishing an equivalency between age and equivalent overconsolidation ratio (OCR)eq. The effects of 0 and OCR on the value of G 0 were also established in a functional form that indicated a stronger influence compared to that predicted by the Hardin Equation.  相似文献   
辽西中侏罗世高Sr低Y型火山岩的成因及其地质意义   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
通过对辽西阜新地区中侏罗世蓝旗组火山岩的岩石地球化学研究,燕山地区存在着中侏罗世高Sr低Y型火山岩。这些高Sr低Y型火山岩为高铝高钠低镁(Al2O3>15%,Na2O≥3.37%,MgO≤1.33%,Mg#≤0.35)的安山岩-英安岩,高Sr(≥541μg/g)低Y、Yb(Y≤19μg/g,Yb≤1.35μg/g)含量及高Sr/Y(≥40)比值,强烈的稀土元素分馏((La/Yb)N>17,(No/Yb)N>1.2)),Eu异常不明显(0.82~0.96),高场强元素(如Nb、Ta)相对亏损。这些特征与太古代英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩-花岗闪长岩(TTG)岩套相似。我们认为这些火山岩起源于古老的下地壳玄武质岩石的部分熔融,其形成可能与玄武质岩浆的底侵作用有关。辽西中侏罗世蓝旗组高Sr低Y型火山岩对探讨燕山造山带岩浆起源及地球动力学具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The raindrop impact and overland flow are two major factors causing soil detachment and particle transportation. In this study, the turbulent characteristics of the shallow rain‐impacted water flow were investigated using a 2‐D fibre‐optic laser Doppler velocimetry (FLDV) and an artificial rainfall simulator. The fluctuating turbulent shear stress was computed using digital data processing techniques. The experimental data showed that the Reynolds shear stress follows a probability distribution with heavy tails. The tail probability increases with an increase of rainfall intensity or raindrop diameter, and it decreases with an increase of Reynolds number. A modified empirical equation was derived using both the raindrop diameter and rainfall intensity as independent variables to provide a better prediction of the Darcy‐Weisbach friction coefficient f under rainfall conditions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
关于气候系统与地球系统的若干思考   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
分析了地球系统的基本特征和地球系统的能源和运转方式,指出地热涡和地冷涡是地面气候系统的重要成员. 利用全球地磁场资料,研究了地球内部焦耳热的分布和演变规律,结果表明:全球地磁场的变化与全球气温的变化有密切联系,而且焦耳热场的分布与地热带、火山分布、全球最大降水量带有很好的对应. 因此,要对气候变化有一个全面的认识,必须研究整个地球系统.  相似文献   
为研究超长灌注桩桩侧与土体接触界面的剪切力学行为,采用大型界面剪切仪,开展混凝土与粉质黏土、粉细砂土接触界面剪切试验。针对钻孔灌注桩泥浆护壁施工特点及后注浆工艺的应用,在混凝土与粉细砂土界面设置膨润土泥皮或膨润土泥皮与水泥浆,以研究泥皮及存在泥皮时注浆对界面剪切性状的影响。试验结果表明:界面剪切应力随剪切位移增加逐步达到极限值,之后,剪切应力保持基本不变或出现软化现象;土体类型及法向应力大小对界面剪切力学行为具有较大的影响;粉细砂土-混凝土界面摩擦角与土体有效内摩擦角相近,存在泥皮时,界面摩擦角降低达40%,泥皮的润滑作用较大地削弱了界面的剪切性能;存在泥皮情况下,注浆后界面摩擦角较泥皮界面提高近1倍,水泥浆的注入不仅消除了泥皮产生的不利影响,也有利于进一步改善界面剪切性能,提高其抗剪强度;泥皮及注浆对界面剪切应力与剪切位移关系亦有较大的影响;界面剪切作用对土体具有一定的影响范围,并在接触界面附近土体中逐渐形成剪切破坏带,剪切过程中界面呈现出由剪切位移阶段逐步过渡至剪切滑移阶段;此外,在剪切过程中,不同界面类型的土体变形存在较大差异。  相似文献   
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