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对南海南部ODP1143站氧同位素11-5e期大约2ka分辨率的粉红色Globigerinoides ruber进行分析,发现其冰期/间冰期旋回与代表全球冰量的底栖有孔虫氧同位素(δ^18O)的变化相反,即在间冰期时含量低,而冰期时高,与其他海区的记录相反。海水表层温度和温跃层深度转换函数结果以及碎壳率的变化显示,在一定的温度背景下,温跃层深度的变化可能是控制粉红色G.ruber冰期旋回的主要因素,而这段时期南海南部溶解作用的影响则不明显。  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionTheappraisalofagooddesignforaverylargefloatingstructure(VLFS)thatwillserveinaspeci fiedoceanarearequiresthatthestructuralsystembeeconomicallydesigned ,therequirementsforitsfunctionbesatisfiedandthestructurekeepsstableinitswholeserviceperio…  相似文献   
ZHU  Jin-song 《中国海洋工程》2003,17(4):617-630
The effects of different lateral confinement stress on the fatigue behavior of and cumulative damage to plain concrete are investigated experimentally. Eighty 100 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm specimens of ordinary strength concrete are tested under constant- or variable-amplitude fatigue loading and lateral confinement pressure in two orthogonal directions. A fatigue equation is developed by modifying the classical Aas-Jakobsen S-N equation for taking into account the effect of the confined stress on fatigue strength of plain concrete. The results of variable-amplitude fatigue tests indicate that the linear damage theory proposed by Palmgren and Miner is unreasonable in the biaxial stress state. A nonlinear cumulative damage model that could model the effects of the magnitude and sequence of variable-amplitude fatigue loading and lateral confinement pressure is proposed on the basis of the evolution laws of the residual strains in the longitudinal direction during fatigue tests. The residual fatigue life predic  相似文献   
To evaluate the contribution of biogeochemical processes to the oceanic carbon cycle and to calculate the ratio of calcium carbonate to organic carbon downward export, we have incorporated biological and alkalinity pumps in the yoked high-latitude exchange/interior diffusion-advection (YOLDA) model. The biogeochemical processes are represented by four parameters. The values of the parameters are tuned so that the model can reproduce the observed phosphate and alkalinity distributions in each oceanic region. The sensitivity of the model to the biogeochemical parameters shows that biological production rates in the euphotic zone and decomposition depths of particulate matters significantly influence horizontal and vertical distributions of biogeochemical substances. The modeled vertical fluxes of particulate organic phosphorus and calcium carbonate are converted to vertical carbon fluxes by the biological pump and the alkalinity pump, respectively. The downward carbon flux from the surface layer to the deep layer in the entire region is estimated to be 3.36 PgC/yr, which consists of 2.93 PgC/yr from the biological pump and 0.43 PgC/yr from the alkalinity pump, which is consistent with previous studies. The modeled rain ratio is higher with depth and higher in the Pacific and Indian Oceans than in the Atlantic Ocean. The global rain ratio at the surface layer is calculated to be 0.14 to 0.15. This value lies between the lower and higher ends of the previous estimates, which range widely from 0.05 to 0.25. This study indicates that the rain ratio is unlikely to be higher than 0.15, at least in the surface waters.  相似文献   
Intense studies of upper and deep ocean processes were carried out in the Northwestern Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea) within the framework of JGOFS and related projects in order to improve our understanding of the marine carbon cycle and the ocean’s role as a reservoir for atmospheric CO2. The results show a pronounced monsoon-driven seasonality with enhanced organic carbon fluxes into the deep-sea during the SW Monsoon and during the early and late NE Monsoon north of 10°N. The productivity is mainly regulated by inputs of nutrients from subsurface waters into the euphotic zone via upwelling and mixed layer-deepening. Deep mixing introduces light limitation by carrying photoautotrophic organisms below the euphotic zone during the peak of the NE Monsoon. Nevertheless, deep mixing and strong upwelling during the SW Monsoon provide an ecological advantage for diatoms over other photoautotrophic organisms by increasing the silica concentrations in the euphotic zone. When silica concentrations fall below 2 μmol l−1, diatoms lose their dominance in the plankton community. During diatom-dominated blooms, the biological pathway of uptake of CO2 (the biological pump) appears to be more efficient than during blooms of other organisms, as indicated by organic carbon to carbonate carbon (rain) ratios. Due to the seasonal alternation of diatom and non-diatom dominated exports, spatial variations of the annual mean rain ratios are hardly discernible along the main JGOFS transect.Data-based estimates of the annual mean impact of the biological pump on the fCO2 in the surface water suggest that the biological pump reduces the increase of fCO2 in the surface water caused by intrusion of CO2-enriched subsurface water by 50–70%. The remaining 30 to 50% are attributed to CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Rain ratios up to 60% higher in river-influenced areas off Pakistan and in the Bay of Bengal than in the open Arabian Sea imply that riverine silica inputs can further enhance the impact of the biological pump on the fCO2 in the surface water by supporting diatom blooms. Consequently, it is assumed that reduced river discharges caused by the damming of major rivers increase CO2 emission by lowering silica inputs to the Arabian Sea; this mechanism probably operates in other regions of the world ocean also.  相似文献   
Historical data of total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT), together with nitrate and phosphate, have been used to model the evolution of these constituents over the year in the Atlantic water of the Norwegian Sea. Changes in nutrient concentration in the upper layer of the ocean are largely related to biological activity, but vertical mixing with the underlying water will also have an impact. A mixing factor is estimated and used to compute the entrainment of these constituents into the surface water from below. After taking the mixing contribution into account, the resulting nutrient concentration changes are attributed to biological production or decay. The results of the model show that the change in CT by vertical mixing and by biological activity based on nutrient equivalents needs another sink to balance the carbon budget. It cannot be the atmosphere as the surface water is undersaturated with respect to carbon dioxide and is, thus, a source of CT in this region. Inasmuch as the peak deficit of carbon is more than a month later than for the nutrients, the most plausible explanation is that other nitrogen and phosphate sources than the inorganic salts are used together with dissolved inorganic carbon during this period. As nitrate and phosphate show a similar trend, it is unlikely that the explanation is the use of ammonia or nitrogen fixation but rather dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphate, while dissolved organic carbon is accumulating in the water.  相似文献   
范庆超  徐兆凯 《海洋科学》2020,44(2):138-145
系统总结了白垩纪OAEs的研究进展,重点讨论了OAE1a、OAE1b和OAE2时期的有机碳(TOC)含量、碳同位素、古温度和锶同位素特征及其古环境指示意义,综合分析了白垩纪OAEs的成因机制。结果表明白垩纪OAEs的发生可能与该时期海底大规模的火山活动以及由其引起的气温升高、碳水化合物大量分解、水文循环加快和海洋生物生产力提高等一系列变化有关。对于白垩纪OAEs演化特征和成因机制的深入研究具有重要借鉴意义。通过对白垩纪OAEs的综合分析发现,当前的研究区域主要集中在大西洋/特提斯盆地及其周边陆地,而对南半球高纬度地区的研究报道迄今未见,从而无法对白垩纪OAEs进行全球性对比和系统性研究。今后我们将重点围绕南半球高纬度地区白垩纪OAEs的演化特征、成因机制及其古气候环境效应等进行深入研究。  相似文献   
病毒是非常微小的简单生物, 不能独立生存, 必须借助宿主细胞完成自身的繁衍。病毒侵染进入细胞后, 通常借助于微管通过黏稠的细胞质运动到特定的复制位点。然而, 有关病毒依赖微管运动行为的精细动态研究还比较少。石斑鱼虹彩病毒(Singapore grouper iridovirus, SGIV)为虹彩病毒科蛙病毒属的一个新种, 是海水养殖鱼类的重要病毒性病原, 对海水养殖业造成重大经济损失。利用单粒子示踪技术实时追踪了SGIV病毒粒子沿微管运动的行为, 观察到SGIV在细胞边缘至微管中心之间的双向运动, 最高瞬时速度约0.2μm·s-1, 均表现为主动运输。病毒粒子运动至微管交叉位置会减速迂回, 而后或受限于此, 平均运动速率约0.008μm·s-1, 或通过交叉处继续快速运动, 最高瞬时速度为0.2μm·s-1。同时, SGIV感染会影响微管的形态结构, 随着SGIV感染, 微管逐渐围绕细胞核和病毒加工厂形成环状结构。研究结果初步揭示了SGIV病毒和细胞微管之间相互作用的复杂过程, 丰富了我们对虹彩病毒胞内生命活动的认识, 有助于深入地理解海水鱼类虹彩病毒感染致病机理。  相似文献   
黑潮通过吕宋海峡入侵南海呈现明显的瞬态特征。以往的研究通常将黑潮在吕宋海峡附近的流态分为几种不同类型。本文基于表层地转流计算得到的有限时间李雅普诺夫指数场(FTLE),展示了拉格朗日视角下的吕宋海峡上层水交换特征。从FTLE场提取的拉格朗日拟序结构(LCSs)很好地识别了吕宋海峡附近的典型流态和旋涡活动。此外,这些LCSs还揭示了吕宋海峡周围复杂的输运路径和流体域,这些特征得到了卫星跟踪浮标轨迹的验证,且从流速场中是无法直接识别的。FTLE场显示,吕宋海峡附近表层水体的输运形态主要可分为四类。其中,黑潮直接向北流动的“跨越”形态和顺时针旋转的“流套”形态的发生频次明显高于直接进入南海的黑潮分支“渗入”形态和南海水流出至太平洋的“外流”形态。本文还进一步分析了黑潮在吕宋海峡处的涡旋脱落事件,突出强调了LCSs在评估涡旋输运方面的重要性。反气旋涡旋的脱落个例表明,这些涡旋主要源自黑潮“流套”,涡旋脱落之前可有效地俘获黑潮水。LCS所指示的输运通道信息有助于预测最终被反气旋涡所挟卷水体在上游的位置。而在气旋涡的形成过程中,LCS的分布特征表明,大部分气旋涡并未与黑潮水的输运路径相连通。因此,气旋涡对从太平洋到南海的上层水交换的贡献较小。  相似文献   
Abstract. .The reproductive cycle of the brittlestar Ophioderma brevispinum is described using histological and organ index data for a population in Massachusetts, U.S.A. The cycle consists of a one month mid-summer spawning phase followed by gametogenesis and gradual gonadal growth during the winter, and greatly accelerated gonadal growth from May to June. At the end of the spawning season, oogonia proliferate near the base of the ovary, and a continuous layer of spermatogonia lines the testis. As oocytes grow to a maximum diameter of 350 um, yolk granules accumulate and the cytoplasm becomes less basophilic. Prior to spawning, the testis becomes branched and sulcate, and a whorl of spermatozoa produced by columns of spermatids accumulates in the lumen. Comparisons between the reproductive cycles of different populations of O. brevispinum and its congeners support the hypothesis that temperature may be a critical exogenous factor, but definitely not the only factor, in the initiation and duration of the growth and spawning phases of the ophiuroid reproductive cycle.  相似文献   
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