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本文利用三维数值模型(ROMS-Co Si NE)分析了整个加利福尼亚流系水平流场的季节性演变过程,研究了美国加州中部海域流场垂直结构的季节性变化特征,并探讨了其动力学机制。研究发现:(1)数值模型能够较为准确的模拟流场的季节性变化,与浮标观测数据以及前人的研究结果符合良好;(2)从表层到200m,加利福尼亚潜流向高纬度扩张,近岸上升流急流则向高纬度撤退,加州南部海域的中尺度涡更显著;(3)在加州中部海域,近岸急流的最大值(约15cm/s)发生在夏季,位于近岸的表层海域;加利福尼亚潜流最大值(约4cm/s)发生于冬季,出现在离岸100km的125m处;加利福尼亚流在春季达到全年最大值(约5cm/s),流轴位于离岸(400—600km)的表层海水。加利福尼亚流系的流场具有显著的季节性变化,研究进一步表明这主要受地转关系调控。 相似文献
本文列举了晚前寒武纪特别是震旦纪动物化石的记录。阐述了地史早期动物演化的主要研究成果及存在的问题,预测在不久的将来该领域定会取得突破性进展。 相似文献
以混凝土铰接块+土工布+黏土护坡结构室内模型为研究对象, 分别讨论不同含水量及冻融循环次数下接触面间抗剪强度指标的变化规律. 分别测定常温下护坡结构含水量在15.7%~28%之间的黏聚力(C)和内摩擦角(φ)值, 含水量为18%以及饱和状态下经过10次冻融循环的C值和φ值, 采用多元回归法进行分析. 结果表明: 含水量对护坡结构的抗剪强度指标弱化十分明显, 斜面摩擦试验中黏聚力和内摩擦角均随含水量增加而降低; 含水量与内摩擦角呈线性相关关系, 与黏聚力呈乘幂关系. 冻融循环过程水分迁移导致砼护坡界面水分增大, 界面抗剪强度指标弱化. 随冻融循环次数的增加砼铰接块护坡界面的抗剪强度减小, 对于非饱和黏性土, 在5次冻融循环时减小幅度较大, 但10次冻融循环时减小幅度较小并基本趋于稳定; 而对于饱和黏性土, 其抗剪强度指标随冻融循环次数的增加减小幅度并不明显. 相似文献
青藏高原融冻过程中能量和水分循环的模拟研究 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
采用与先进陆面模式耦合的区域气候模式WRF V3.1,利用NCEP/DOE再分析资料作为驱动场,对青藏高原东北部1 998年5-7月进行模拟.首先,对模拟区降水、感热和潜热通量的空间分布进行了检验,结果表明WRF模式能够合理且较好的模拟出高原东北部降水、感热和潜热通量的空间分布状况.通过对融冻过程中土壤温、湿度及水文要... 相似文献
Jian-Cheng Lee Jacques Angelier Hao-Tsu Chu Jyr-Ching Hu Fu-Shu Jeng 《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2005,337(13):1200-1207
In 1998 we installed five creepmeters across the Chihshang Fault, the active plate suture in eastern Taiwan. Daily creepmeter data indicated decreasing creeping rate from 1999 to 2003, suggesting increasing seismic hazard. The fault was ruptured by the Chengkung earthquake () on 10 December 2003. Through extrapolation of our earlier creep data of 1986–1991 and 1992–1997, we evaluate the minimum deficit in aseismic creep shortening as 106 or 46 mm (respectively) before this earthquake. The near-surface co-seismic shortening was limited, but the total shortening resulting from the earthquake, including post-seismic creep, was about 97 mm. This suggests that near the surface most of the detectable deficit has been absorbed by this earthquake and subsequent creep. We thus point out that creepmeter installation and monitoring bring a powerful tool in seismic hazard mitigation. To cite this article: J.-C. Lee et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005). 相似文献
中华绒螯蟹卵巢发育周期的组织学细胞学观察 总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28
于1989-1990年,用组织切片技术,结合外观特征,在光镜水平对浙北地区的中华绒螯蟹卵巢发育周期进行组织学、细胞学观察,并对从卵原细胞增殖到卵母细胞生长、卵子成熟及卵巢退化、重新发生等进行系统观察研究。研究表明,中华绒螯蟹可以观察到第一次成熟分裂中期相为成熟卵的标志,并以此标志将卵子发生分成四期、卵巢发育分成VII期。结果还表明,中华绒螯蟹雌蟹的成熟时间因所处的地理纬度不同而有所差异,浙北地区雌蟹促产怀卵的最佳时间是3月份并延至4月上旬;卵子必须借助海水及交配活动刺激才能达到成熟;因故无法产卵或一直生活在淡水中的成熟雌蟹其整个卵巢即退化,退化卵巢亦能重新发生,新生卵子的形态、发育时序与首次等待青春期蜕壳的蟹一致;孵后母蟹不仅能继续蜕壳生长,其卵巢也能重新发生,新生卵子的形态、发育时序如前一致;但在卵巢结构上彼此又有明显的区别。 相似文献
The direct disposal of CO2 into the ocean interior represents a possible means to help mitigate rising levels of atmospheric CO2. Here, we use three different versions of an ocean general circulation model (OGCM) to simulate the direct injection of liquid CO2 near Tokyo. Our results confirm that direct injection can sequester large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere when disposal is made at sufficient depth (80–100% of the carbon injected at 3000 m remains in the ocean after 500 years) but show that the calculated efficiency is rather sensitive to the choice of physical model. Moreover, we show, for the first time in an OGCM and under a reasonable set of economic assumptions, that sequestration effectiveness is quite high for even shallow injections. However, the severe acidification that accompanies injection and the impossibility of effectively monitoring injected plumes argue against the large-scale viability of this technology. Our coarse-grid models show that injection at the rate of 0.1 Pg-C/yr lowers pH near the site of injection by as much as 0.7–1.0 pH-unit. Such pH anomalies would be much larger in more finely gridded models (and in reality) and have potential to severely harm deep-sea organisms. We also show that, after several hundred years, one would effectively need to survey the entire ocean in order to accurately verify the inventory of injected carbon. These results suggest that while retention may be sufficient to justify disposal costs, other practical problems will limit or at best delay widespread deployment of this technology. 相似文献
测井信息用于层序地层单元划分及对比研究综述 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
测井曲线是载有地层沉积旋回信息的信号,运用测井信息划分层序地层单元及地层对比研究自开始以来已取得了长足进步,从定性的分析、识别发展到现在可半定量、定量提取不同级别的沉积单元界面及进行层序地层对比,更进一步克服了地质学家手工划分层序中人为因素的影响,进而也推进了层序地层学研究的定量化发展。岩性突变、沉积韵律是影响其测井响应及曲线形态的两个重要因素,测井响应对沉积单元界面上下岩性的类型及粒度的不同而产生的声、放、电性质的变化,是利用测井信息划分沉积单元界面的基础。随着层序地层学研究的深入,沉积单元界面识别及层序地层对比的测井研究将向更深层次、更定量化的方向发展,短周期及超短周期沉积旋回的测井曲线形态内部特征提取及划分、层序地层智能动态匹配对比的方法研究将是今后开展研究的新方向。 相似文献