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高密度电法中的"异常扩展效应"及归位计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯兵  张兴安  李有青 《物探与化探》2004,28(4):349-351,376
对高密度电法勘探的异常扩展效应问题进行了较深人的分析;提出了利用相关分析进行归位计算的方法。通过对球体及板状体的Pole-Pole、Wanner-alpha装置的异常归位计算,表明该方法对复杂异常的解释具有效果。  相似文献   
选用平板荷载试验、轻便动力触探试验、十字板剪切试验等三种测试手段,对潭邵公路软土地基承载力进行了研究。通过对测试数据进行统计分析,建立了N10与Cu的回归方程,且其相关系数均在0.9以上,表明二者具有很强的相关性。以Cu-fk关系为桥梁,推导出N10-fk的关系表达式,该公式同时考虑了埋置深度对承载力的影响。该研究为湖南地区同类地基土承载力的确定提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   
The mainly continental deposits of northwest Sudan and south-west Egypt have been correlated with coeval shallow marine and marine deposits in northern Egypt along a north-south running cross-section, based on surface and subsurface data. The palaeodepth curve of northern Egypt illustrates the gradual seal-level rise, reaching its maximum during the Late Cretaceous with conspicuous advances during the Aptian and late Cenomanian. A general highstand is also recorded during the Campanian-Maastrichtian in north-west Sudan. A detailed facies correlation is given for the Aptian and late Cenomanian highstand in western Egypt. The correlation of the Cenomanian Bahariya and Maghrabi formations displays short-term relative sealevel fluctuations. The interpretation illustrates the extensiveness of related erosional processes in the hinterland, partly intensified by temporarily uplift of the Uweinat-Aswan High in the south. Regional uplift and constant erosion took place in south-west Egypt during Coniacian and Santonian times. The regional stratigraphic gaps and uncertain interpretation of the Bahariya Uplift are induced by the influence of the Trans-African Lineament, especially during the Late Cretaceous. Low-stand fluvial sheet sandstones characterized by non-cyclic sequence development and high facies stability occur, especially in the Neocomian and early Turonian. During the Barremian and Albian, fluvial architecture changes to more cyclic fluvial sequences and increasing soil formation, due to increasing subsidence, more humid climatic conditions and the generally rising sea level, culminating in the extensive shallow marine Abu Ballas and Maghrabi formations.  相似文献   
借助遥感、GIS技术,利用1975年MSS、2000年ETM和2007年CBERS数据、气温和降水数据,采用基于像元的灰色关联度方法,研究1975-2007年气候因素扰动下中国沙质荒漠化时空变化规律。研究结果表明,中国沙质荒漠化虽然在2000-2007年面积减少、程度减轻,但在1975-2007年面积依然呈小幅增加趋势(增加面积为6 179.8 km2,其中重度沙质荒漠化增加面积最大),程度加重。通过对内蒙古、新疆2个典型区的灰色关联度分析,进而研究全国范围可知,气温对沙质荒漠化变化的作用(沙质荒漠化减轻/加重与气温的相关系数分别为0.973,0.976)大于降水(沙质荒漠化减轻/加重与降水的相关系数分别为0.884,0.882)。气候因素扰动下,沙质荒漠化变化的总体趋势为,沙质荒漠化与气温变化呈正比,与降水呈反比。该趋势以甘肃、陕西为界,界线以西较为明显,而最显著区集中在新疆北部、东部,西藏北部。  相似文献   
杭东普查区煤层产状平缓,构造简单,但由于含煤地层为陆相沉积,煤层层数多、厚度、间距变化大,沉积岩相变化快、大范围内缺乏稳定的对比标志层,因此煤岩层对比是本区勘查需要重点解决的难题。通过对比杭东普查区与邻区200余孔的测井资料,分析煤岩层在各种测井曲线的异常特征与异常组合规律,确定了对煤岩层对比有重大意义的标志层,如延长组与上覆延安组的典型视电阻率异常分界;延安组在高视电阻率曲线上的“树杆”状凸起特征;安定组视电阻率曲线近直线的低值形态;4-1煤在视电阻率曲线上呈现出的“斜坡”状或“刀”状高异常,以及在自然伽玛曲线上的“凹坑”特征;侏罗系中统直罗组的高伽马异常,等等。这些典型特征保证了该区煤岩层对比可靠性,为提交优质地质勘查报告发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
基于物元分析方法的水源地水质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了物元分析的基本原理及计算步骤,并在此基础上,对沈阳浑河附近郎家水源地地下水质进行水质等级的评价。在评价结果中可以看出,此种评价方法,引入了关联函数和权重系数等因素,使得评价结果与实际情况更加吻合。能够更好的反映出当地地下水的水质情况。  相似文献   
Over the past decade researchers working on the rocks of the Beaufort Group in the main Karoo Basin of South Africa have vastly increased our understanding of this important Permo-Triassic sequence. Many new fossil forms have been discovered, allowing for breakthroughs into the biodiversity, biogeography and biostratigraphy of the group. Taxonomic and phylogenetic advances are many and varied, and cover most of the vertebrate taxa, but with emphasis placed on the temnospondyl amphibians, archosauriforms and non-mammalian synapsids, in particular the anomodontia. Biostratigraphic breakthroughs have centered on the Middle Permian Eodicynodon and Tapinocephalus assemblage zones, the Late Permian Dicynodon Assemblage Zone, and the Triassic Lystrosaurus and Cynognathus assemblage zones. Correlation of these biozones with better dated sequences in Europe, Russia and China has allowed for many chronostratigraphic refinements, which are in turn vital for sequence stratigraphical analysis of the basin fill. Based on fossil data, both the lower (Ecca–Beaufort) and upper (Beaufort–Molteno) contacts of the group have been proved to be highly diachronous. The refined chronostratigraphic framework has also allowed for a better analysis of the basin evolution through time, particularly in terms of the correlation of external stimuli that affect basin sedimentation patterns.  相似文献   
城市环境磁性研究表明,道路尘埃中的粗颗粒磁性载体(频率磁化率系数χ′FD<5%)多为人为源,磁性矿物以单畴和多畴状态的磁铁矿为主,同时含有少量的赤铁矿和其他磁性矿物;细颗粒磁性载体(χ′FD为7%~11%)多为自然源,磁化率较低(小于100×10-8 m3/kg).磁性物质在迁移时往往与粗一级粒径的尘埃颗粒相伴生,磁性参数(如磁化率)和重金属元素(如铅、锌)质量分数之间呈相关关系,它们之间的关系可以用回归分析方法确定.利用电镜分析、因子分析和聚类分析方法可以识别道路尘埃物质的污染源.因此,道路尘埃的磁性特征研究在城市环境评价中具有潜在的重要意义.  相似文献   
为揭示喀斯特石漠化治理示范区植被覆盖变化以及气候因子对植被覆盖变化的影响,利用2006—2015年Landsat 30 m/16 d分辨率影像数据,采用最大合成法、NDVI差值指数和相关、偏相关分析法,系统分析示范区归一化植被指数的时空变化特征及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明:(1)2006—2015年最大NDVI平均值为0.39,NDVI较高覆盖区域在示范区南北边界,而较低覆区域以花江南岸为主;(2)2006年以来示范区极低(-1.210)、低(-0.669)和中等(-0.729)植被覆盖度呈减少趋势,高(1.359)和极高(1.247)植被覆盖度增加,整体上呈显著增加趋势;(3)本月NDVI与本月、上月、上上月降雨量和气温的相关性均通过显著水平0.05检验,且本月NDVI与本月降雨量相关性高于本月气温(RNDVI降雨 =0.782),本月NDVI与上月气温相关性高于上月降雨量(RNDVI气温 =0.771);(4)在月尺度上,示范区植被生长对降雨量无滞后期,而对气温存在1个月的滞后期。   相似文献   
为研究开鲁盆地陆东凹陷交力格地区九佛堂组层序格架下沉积特征和有利砂体的分布, 采用灰色关联分析法求取综合评价因子RQI对有利储集相带进行预测, 明确了九佛堂组沉积演化过程中不同沉积体系的动态变化及沉积相展布. 通过层序界面、体系域界面识别将地层划分为低位域、湖浸域、高位域. 在体系域内近岸堆积-半深湖和扇三角洲-滨浅湖两套沉积体系交替发育. 低位域末期-湖浸域时期扇三角洲主要发育前缘相带. 通过岩相特征、地震相特征、单井精细刻画等手段共识别8种不同沉积微相. 对沉积相展布特征进行了详细刻画, 并将储层划分为3类, 其中扇三角洲前缘内牵引流成因砂体形成的储层最好, 近岸堆积及前缘根部泥石流、洪流成因砂体形成的储层最差. 此结果可为研究区进一步勘探开发提供依据.  相似文献   
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