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采用Chelex-100树脂法制备了26个物种(分别属于腔肠动物门、海绵动物门和软体动物门)的共生藻以及一株纯培养共生藻的DNA样品。通过PCR扩增叶绿体23S rRNA基因片段获得了26个有效序列,测序比对结果显示获得的序列与扩增目的基因相符。该方法不仅样品消耗量小、操作时间短、设备需求低廉,而且可以避免使用有害化学试剂。这是一种高效、环保的DNA提取方法,可为共生藻分子研究提供技术参考。  相似文献   
Extreme wet and dry years (± 1 standard deviation, respectively), as well as the top 95 percentile (P95) of daily precipitation events, derived from tropical cyclone (TC) and nontropical cyclone (NTC) rainfall, were analyzed in coastal river basins in Southern Oaxaca, Mexico (Río Verde, Río Tehuantepec, and the Southern Coast). The study is based on daily precipitation records from 47 quality-controlled stations for the 1961 to 1990 period and TC data for the Eastern Tropical Pacific (EPAC). The aim of this study was to evaluate extreme (dry and wet) trends in the annual contribution of daily P95 precipitation events and to determine the relationship of summer precipitation with El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacifical Decadal Oscillation (PDO). A regionalization based on a rotated principal component analysis (PCA) was used to produce four precipitation regions in the coastal river basins. A significant negative correlation (significance at the 95% level) was only found with ONI in rainfall Region 3, nearest to the Gulf of Tehuantepec. Wet years, mainly linked to TC-derived P95 precipitation events, were associated with SST anomalies (≥?0.6°C) similar to weak La Niña and Neutral cool conditions, while dry years were associated with SST positive anomalies similar to Neutral warm conditions (≤?0.5°C). The largest contribution of extreme P95 precipitation derived from TCs to the annual precipitation was observed in Region 3. A significant upward trend in the contribution of TC-derived precipitation to the annual precipitation was found only in Region 1, low Río Verde.  相似文献   
破坏性地震发生后,山区易发生滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害。精细化人口空间分布数据能够有效提升灾情评判精度,为应急救援决策提供参考依据。本文以陕西省麟游县为例,利用"天地图"高分辨率遥感影像解译大比例尺居民地数据,结合人口、行政区划等数据,利用GIS(地理信息系统)技术制作100 m×100 m格网人口分布数据。通过与陕西省地震局现有人口空间数据进行对比,发现百米格网人口分布数据可明显提升山区次生灾害影响人口计算结果的可靠性。  相似文献   
The magnetic susceptibility has been used as a quantitative or semi‐quantitative proxy for reconstructing the summer monsoon intensity in the Chinese Loess Plateau based on extensive studies on climatic or/and environmental mechanisms producing the magnetic susceptibility signatures. However, the precise nature of the link between past climates and the susceptibility signatures has remained uncertain primarily due to lack of our understanding in the ?nalizing and preserving processes of the signatures. This paper attempts to examine the reliability or acceptability of this summer monsoon proxy from non‐magnetic perspectives of soil‐forming processes. We chose nine sections along two transects: one across the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau and another across the eastern part. Several conclusions can be drawn from our analytical data. First, clay translocation within the S1 palaeosol pro?les, as indicated by ?eld‐observed clay coatings on ped faces in Bt and Bk horizons and demonstrated by laboratory‐analysed clay contents, must have moved some of the magnetic minerals downward so that the susceptibility re?ects only the post‐translocation distribution of the magnetic‐susceptibility‐producing minerals. Second, the best‐developed palaeosol S1S3 at most of the sections studied is not expressed by the magnetic susceptibility because this palaeosol developed in underlying coarse loess (L2) and coarse textures tend to lower the susceptibility. Third, carbonate concentration is normally negatively correlated with the magnetic susceptibility or simply suppresses the magnetic susceptibility peak when the susceptibility enhancement exceeds the carbonate dilution effect. To conclude, extreme caution must be observed when using magnetic susceptibility signatures to retrieve high‐resolution records of the last interglacial palaeoclimate in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A high‐resolution sedimentological and geochemical study of a high‐altitude proglacial lake (Lake Blanc, Aiguilles Rouges, 2352 m a.s.l.) revealed 195 turbidites, 190 of which are related to flood events over the last 1400 years. We used the coarsest sediment fraction of each turbidite as a proxy for the intensity of each flood event. Because most flood events at this locality are triggered by localized summer convective precipitation events, the reconstructed sedimentary record reveals changes in the frequency and intensity of such events over the last millennium. Comparisons with other temperature, palaeohydrological and glacier reconstructions in the region suggest that the most intense events occurred during the warmest periods, i.e. during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (AD 800–1300) and the current period of global warming. On a multi‐decadal time scale, almost all the flood frequency peaks seem to correspond to warmer periods, whereas multi‐centennial variations in flood frequency appear to follow the regional precipitation pattern. Consequently, this new Alpine flood record provides further evidence of a link between climate warming and an increase in the frequency and intensity of flooding on a multi‐decadal time scale, whereas the centennial variability in flood frequencies is related to regional precipitation patterns. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A sedimentological and geochemical study of the Lago Enol sequence (Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain), together with detailed geomorphological mapping, provides a first record of glacier evolution and climate change over the last 40 ka in the Picos de Europa National Park. The Enol glacier retreated from its maximum extent prior to 40 ka BP as demonstrated by the onset of proglacial lacustrine sedimentation in two glaciated depressions: the Comella hollow to the north (before 40 ka BP) and the Lago Enol (before 38 ka BP). These results support previous evidence that the maximum extent of southern European glaciers occurred earlier than in northern Europe. Alternation of homogeneous and laminated proglacial sediments during the glacier retreat illustrate a dynamic glacial evolution during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 (40–26 ka BP). A slight warming is detected at 26 ka ago with the change from proglacial sediments (in a lake located in contact to the glacier) to glaciolacustrine sedimentation (in a non‐contact or distal lake). Finally, the onset of organic‐rich sediments took place at 18 ka ago. This last transition occurred in two phases, similarly to the North Atlantic Last Termination, suggesting a link between North Atlantic Deep Water formation oscillations and palaeohydrological variability in the Cantabrian Mountains. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Examined in this paper is the tentative history of the depositional flux of230Thxs (the unsupported fraction of230Th scavenged from the overlying water column), for the Late Quaternary period from a sediment core of the Central Indian Basin (CIB). The measured depositional flux of230Thxs is found substantially higher than that of the possible theoretical flux from the overlying water column. Historical records, reconstructed from the230Thxs chronology suggests that the depositional flux has varied considerably with time, reflecting an enhanced scavenging during the Holocene and the preceding interglacial periods whereas, comparatively lower flux than the predicted one occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) period. The average ratio of the measured depositional flux to that of the predicted flux from the overlying water column, indicates that the core site acts as a sink for230Thxs and based on the existence of bottom current activity; the230Thxs could be the result of focusing of younger sediments. The depositional index (Di) has also been calculated to quantify the extent of lateral supply throughout the core with time. The estimated (Di) suggests that bottom focusing and feeble deposition and/or winnowing processes had occurred and that the former was most prevalent during the Holocene and the preceding interglacials, whereas the latter was observed at the LGM period.  相似文献   
The high-resolution quantitative analysis of the planktonic foraminifera and the δ18O records of the section between 96.49– 137.6 mcd at ODP Site 1144 on the continental slope of northern South China Sea reveals an abrupt cooling event of sea surface temperature (SST) during the last interglacial (MIS 5.5, i.e. 5e). The dropping range of the winter SST may come to 7.5°C corresponding to 1.2‰ of the δ18O value of sea surface water. This event is comparable with those discovered in the west Europe and the northern Atlantic Ocean, but expressed in a more intensive way. It is inferred that this event may have been induced by middle- to low-latitude processes rather than by polar ice sheet change. Since the Kuroshio-index speciesPulleniatina obliquiloculata displayed the most distinct change at the event, it may also be related to the paleoceanographic change of the low-latitude area in the western Pacific Ocean. This event can be considered as one of “Younger Dryas-style coolings” and is indicative of climate variability of the last interglacial stage.  相似文献   
本文对文献[1]、[2]的某些结论和结果作了认真的分析和讨论,提出了不同的观点。应用极值理论和b值方法对华北地震区未来50年的地震危险性和活动水平进行了分析,给出了各震级档次地震发生的概率预测。  相似文献   
From a new mosaic image in the Hα line of the complete disc of the spiral galaxy M100, a catalogue is composed listing 1948 individual H II regions. I give details of the data collection and reduction procedure, and of the production of the H II region catalogue. For each H II region, the catalogue gives its position relative to the centre of the galaxy, its deprojected distance to the centre, its radius and its calibrated luminosity. An indication is included as to whether the H II region is located in the arms, between them, or in the circumnuclear star-forming region. I present the results of a statistical study of properties of the H II regions. The luminosity function of the complete ensemble of H II regions shows a characteristic shape well fitted by a power-law slope in the higher luminosity range, and complying with literature values for galaxies like M100. Luminosity function slopes for arm and interarm H II region populations separately are found to be equal within the errors of the fits, indicating that whereas the density wave accumulates material into the arm regions, and may trigger star formation there, it does not in fact change the mass distribution of the star-forming clouds, nor the statistical properties of the H II region population. Diameter distributions and the radial number density distribution are discussed. The latter indicates those areas where most star formation occurs: the circumnuclear region and the spiral arms. The huge number of H II regions allowed the construction of a number of independent luminosity functions at different distances to the nucleus. The slope of the luminosity function shows a marginal decrease with increasing distance from the centre, which could indicate a gradual change towards shallower IMF slopes with increasing galactocentric distance, or an evolutionary effect.  相似文献   
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