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This paper proposes an index of land-sea thermal difference(ILSTD)that describes its zonal and meridional strength responsible for East Asian monsoon circulation to study its relation to the East Asian monsoon circulation and the summer rainfall over China on an interannual basis.Results are as follows:(1)ILSTD can be used to measure the strength of East Asian summer monsoon in such a way that the strong(weak)ILSTD years are associated with strong(weak)summer monsoon circulation.(2)The index also reflects well summer rainfall anomaly over the eastern part of China.In the strong index years,rain belt is mainly located over the northern China,and serious drought emerges in the Jianghuai valleys and mid-lower reaches of the Changjiang River,along with increase of rainfall in North and South China,but in the weak years it is contrary.(3)Besides,the index has obvious QBO and quasi 4-year oscillations,but the periods and amplitudes have significant changes on an interdecadal basis.  相似文献   
This paper comments and discusses the article ‘Evaluating the influence of candidate terrestrial protected areas on coral reef condition in Fiji׳ by Klein et al. in Marine Policy 44 2014. Klein et al. integrate land-sea planning by optimising the design of Fiji׳s expanded protected area network to benefit coral reefs, while maintaining a terrestrial network that is representative of Fiji׳s various terrestrial ecosystems. They discuss the benefits of various spatial conservation models compared to a candidate protected area network proposed by Fiji׳s Protected Area Committee (FPAC), which is based on expert knowledge and a scoring system. This paper argues that their analyses are best interpreted as the FPAC network outperforming the models proposed by Klein et al. in protecting terrestrial biodiversity. The FPAC network performs better because it includes data that was not available for spatial modelling, especially the percentage of endemic species per ecosystem and the practicalities of protecting an area earmarked for conservation. This suggests that expert knowledge can be an important resource for conservation planning, especially in developing countries, and that spatial conservation planning should harness this knowledge.  相似文献   
Using NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 reanalyses,we studied the seasonal cycle of redistribution of air mass between continents and oceans over the Northern Hemisphere.Our results demonstrate that air mass in the Northern Hemisphere shifts clearly between continents and oceans when the season cycles.In July,the air mass reaches its lowest over Eurasia and its highest over the Pacific,and the opposite occurs in January.However,a different scenario is observed over the north Atlantic;the accumulated air mass reaches its maximum there in May.The maintenance of the accumulation or loss of air mass in a region is found to be related to the areal mean air mass flux divergence and the difference between precipitation and evaporation in an air column.The zonal-vertical circulations change with season,with the air ascent and decent reversed between land and sea.Besides,there also exists a noticeable difference of water vapor content of the air between continents and oceans,and this difference is season-dependent.Physically,the vapor content is able to significantly affect the atmosphere in absorbing solar short-and earth’s long-wave radiations,hence influencing atmospheric thermal conditions.The land-sea thermal contrasts inclusive of the diabatic heating rate changes their signs with season going on,resulting in the reversal of orientations of the temperature gradient.These thermal forcings not only facilitate the formation of the monsoons but also indirectly induce the seasonal cycle of the air mass exchanging over regions between continents and oceans.  相似文献   
The 2003–2006 observations were utilized to analyze the surface characteristics of summer land-sea breezes along the coastland of Guangxi and the Weather Research and Forecast model was applied to simulate the breeze structure on August 1–2,2006.Results show that 1) the intensity and distributions of the breezes reproduced from improved urban underlying surface were close to observations.In the daytime the coastwise urban band was a convergent belt of sea breeze,corresponding to the centers of torrential rains;in the nighttime hours the surface of the Gulf of Tonkin (the Vietnamese name) or the Northern Bay (the Chinese name) acted as a convergent zone of land breezes,likely to produce convective cloud cluster;2) the experiment on urbanization showed the heat island effect enhancing (weakening) the sea (land) breeze development.Furthermore,the heat island effect mitigated the atmospheric cooling via radiation over the cities in the night,weakening sinking motion correspondingly,thereby suppressing the dominant factor responsible for the steady development of temperature inversion.As a result,the inversion vigor was reduced greatly,but nevertheless no strong effect of the decreased subsidence was found upon the inversion height.  相似文献   
台湾海峡海陆风数值模式与数值模拟试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
研制了一个包括水平及垂直扩散、牛顿冷却的二维46层非弹性运动方程组的台湾海峡海陆风数值模式,并用此模式来模拟及研究台湾海峡两岸海陆风的生成与变化特征.模式中考虑了太阳辐射、长波辐射及其日变化、地表向大气的感热与潜热输送以及向土壤层的热传导等.数值计算中采用了分解算法及隐式时间差分方案.用此模式得出的模拟结果与闽东南及台湾海陆风的观测事实比较吻合,表明了此模式能够较好地描述海峡两岸的海陆风变化规律.  相似文献   
Investigating the temporal and spatial distributions of the atmospheric heat sources(AHS) over the Tibetan Plateau-Tropical Indian Ocean(TP-TIO) region is of great importance for the understanding of the evolution and development of the South Asian summer monsoon(SASM). This study used the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis(JRA-55) data from 1979 to 2016 and adopted statistical methods to study the characteristics of the AHS between the TP and TIO, and theirs link to the SASM on an interannual scale. The results indicated that the monthly variations of the AHS in the two regions were basically anti-phase, and that the summer AHS in the TP was obviously stronger than that in the TIO. There were strong AHS and atmospheric moisture sink(AMS) centers in both the eastern and western TP in summer. The AHS center in the east was stronger than that in the west, and the AMS centers showed the opposite pattern. In the TIO, a strong AHS center in the northwest-southeast direction was located near 10°S, 90°E.Trend analysis showed that summer AHS in the TIO was increasing significantly, especially before 1998, whereas there was a weakening trend in the TP. The difference of the summer AHS between the TP and TIO(hereafter IQ)was used to measure the thermal contrast between the TP and the TIO. The IQ showed an obvious decreasing trend.After 1998, there was a weak thermal contrast between the TP and the TIO, which mainly resulted from the enhanced AHS in the TIO. The land-sea thermal contrast, the TIO Hadley circulation in the southern hemisphere and the SASM circulation all weakened, resulting in abnormal circulation and abnormal precipitation in the Bay of Bengal(BOB).  相似文献   
利用1957-2010年中国东部(105°E以东)355个站点的温度、降水观测资料和Hadley中心的HadISST海温再分析资料以及EOF等分析方法,分析了中国东部地表气温和邻近海域海表温度的时空变化特征,构建了一个用于表征夏季中国东部与邻近海域纬向海陆热力差异的温差序列,探讨了该序列的变化特征及其与中国东部夏季降水的关系.结果表明:(1)夏季海陆表面温度变化的强信号区分别位于中国黄海、东海北部及邻近海域和长江中下游地区;(2)夏季强信号区的海陆温差序列有明显的年际和年代际变化特征,约为4-6、8和15a的变化周期.此外,在2000年前后7月海陆温差发生明显转折,在1957-2000年期间,海陆温差幅度有下降的趋势,2000年之后则有上升的特点,并且与中国东部降水相关关系也不同;(3)6月份的海陆温差与中国东北大部分地区的降水有明显的正相关关系,7月份则与中国长江中下游及南部地区的降水有显著的负相关关系.这表明夏季中国东部纬向海陆热力差异的变化可能对中国东部的降水有重要的影响.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种新型高精度、无缝陆海一体化地形测绘系统。该系统以后处理差分组合导航技术为基础,以定制化的八轮车和稻田车为测绘平台,集成了红外激光扫描技术、拖曳测量技术、单波束测深技术等测绘手段,保证了测绘结果的精度和覆盖度。应用结果表明:该系统具有集成度高、获取数据精度高、数据采集效率快、设备操作简易等特点,可为浅海、粉砂淤泥质岸滩、基岩岸滩、砂质岸滩等在内的大片陆海过渡带的测绘工作提供参考。  相似文献   
利用海陆热力差指数(ILSTD)、500 hPa位势高度场、向外长波辐射(OLR)资料及NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析数据集,分析东亚夏季风与西北太平洋地区(包括中国南海)热带气旋频数的关系,结果表明,在强夏季风年西北太平洋地区热带气旋频数偏多,而弱夏季风年同期热带气旋频数异常偏少而后期趋于正常,正常夏季风年热带气旋频数基本正常.并结合热带气旋形成的大尺度环流条件,对其动力机制作了初步探讨.  相似文献   
This paper proposes an index of land-sea thermal difference(ILSTD)that describes its zonal andmeridional strength responsible for East Asian monsoon circulation to study its relation to the EastAsian monsoon circulation and the summer rainfall over China on an interannual basis.Results are asfollows:(1)ILSTD can be used to measure the strength of East Asian summer monsoon in such away that the strong(weak)ILSTD years are associated with strong(weak)summer monsooncirculation.(2)The index also reflects well summer rainfall anomaly over the eastern part of China.In the strong index years,rain belt is mainly located over the northern China,and serious droughtemerges in the Jianghuai valleys and mid-lower reaches of the Changjiang River,along with increaseof rainfall in North and South China,but in the weak years it is contrary.(3)Besides,the index hasobvious QBO and quasi 4-year oscillations,but the periods and amplitudes have significant changes onan interdecadal basis.  相似文献   
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