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海陀山作为北京冬(残)奥会的主要室外赛场之一,其复杂的地形对风场的精细化预报提出了严峻的挑战,亟需开展加密的风场观测提高对复杂地形下局地环流特征及其影响机理的认识,并为提升赛区精细化预报与服务提供数据支撑.基于2019年度海陀山观测试验,利用加密自动气象站、激光测风雷达、涡动相关仪、云高仪等多源数据,对海陀山风场的水平...  相似文献   
In the present study, an attempt is made to assess the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) depth over an urban area, as derived from different ABL schemes employed by the mesoscale model MM5. Furthermore, the relationship of the mixing height, as depicted by the measurements, to the calculated ABL depth or other features of the ABL structure, is also examined. In particular, the diurnal evolution of ABL depth is examined over the greater Athens area, employing four different ABL schemes plus a modified version, whereby urban features are considered. Measurements for two selected days, when convective conditions prevailed and a strong sea-breeze cell developed, were used for comparison. It was found that the calculated eddy viscosity profile seems to better indicate the mixing height in both cases, where either a deep convective boundary layer develops, or a more confined internal boundary layer is formed. For the urban scheme, the incorporation of both anthropogenic and storage heat release provides promising results for urban applications.  相似文献   
盛春岩 《海洋科学》2011,35(1):88-97
为了分析不同天气尺度系统风下的海风发生发展过程,以及天气尺度系统风向对海风的影响,利用ARPS中尺度数值模式,对2006年青岛国际帆船赛期间的3次较强的海风过程进行了数值模拟研究,结果发现,无论在何种天气系统背景场下,当沿海海陆温差达1~2℃时,海风就可以发生.当近地层天气尺度系统风为离岸风时,海风向内陆地区推进距离较...  相似文献   
云贵高原洱海湖泊效应的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用耦合湖泊模型的WRF_CLM模式模拟山谷盆地中洱海的湖泊效应,并利用陆面(农田)和湖面的站点观测资料对模式进行了验证和校验。基于数值模式的模拟结果,分析了季风和非季风期间,洱海存在与否对山谷盆地局地环流及大气边界层结构的影响。发现非季风期湖泊对局地环流及大气边界层影响显著。相对于陆地,湖泊白天湍流通量输送少,湍流发展弱,大气边界层高度低。如果湖泊不存在,白天苍山山谷风只能上升至约200 m的高度,没有明显的山谷风环流形成;夜间则山风较强,两侧山风共同作用在山谷,环流高度约600 m。季风期,受降水天气影响,局地环流发展不充分。白天湖面辐散以及夜间湖泊南部的气旋式环流弱,湖泊作用没有非季风期明显。云的形成导致边界层高度较低。夜间,湖泊增强释放潜热、感热作用明显;此时湍流发展,夜间边界层反而比白天高。  相似文献   
Sea breeze, the onshore wind over a coastal belt during daytime, is a welcoming weather phenomenon as it modulates the weather condition by moderating the scorching temperature and acts as a favourable mechanism to trigger convection and induce precipitation over coastal and interior locations. Sea breeze aids dispersal of pollutants as well. Observational studies about its onset, depth of circulation and induced precipitation have been carried out in this paper for the period April to September, 2004–2005 using a S-band Doppler Weather Radar functioning at Cyclone Detection Radar Station, India Meteorological Department, Chennai, India. The onset of sea breeze has been observed to be between 0900 and 1000 UTC with the earliest onset at 0508 UTC and late onset at 1138 UTC. The frequency is greater during the southwest monsoon season, viz., June – September and the frequency of initial onset is greater in north Chennai. The modal length of sea breeze is between 20 and 50 km with extreme length as high as 100 km also having been observed. Though the inland penetration is on average 10 to 20 km, penetration reaching 100 km was also observed on a number of cases. The induced convection could be seen in the range 50–100 km in more than 53% of the cases. The mean depth of sea breeze circulation is 300–600 m but may go well beyond 1000 m on conducive atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   
湛江东海岛二月海陆风环流特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐峰  王晶  张羽  张书文  黄克鑫 《气象科学》2012,32(4):423-429
利用2011年2月湛江东海岛风廓线雷达资料,系统分析了湛江东海岛2月平均风场特征及海陆风特征,结果表明:2月湛江东海岛150 m高度处以东偏北出现频率最大,在E、ENE和NE三个方位的风向出现频率之和为66.6%,偏西七个方位的风向出现频率之和仅为1%。以SSW方位为界,偏东风与偏西风的出现频率差异明显。各整点的月平均风速1:00—15:00变化较小,均在1 m/s左右波动;15:00—20:00风速及风速波动都较大,最大值出现在16:00时,为2.1 m/s。2011年2月中只有2日与14日两日符合海陆风日条件,两日共同海风时段为13:00—20:00,持续7 h;陆风时段为2:00—7:00,持续5 h。海风平均风速为2.1 m/s,陆风平均风速为0.8 m/s,海风平均风速明显大于陆风风速。海风与陆风环流垂直高度相差甚小,约1.2 km,风速随高度变化趋势均为先增后减;海风最大风速出现在750 m高度处,陆风出现在500 m高度处,500~750 m高度区间海风环流强度明显强于陆风环流。2 km之上为均匀一致的系统性西风环流。  相似文献   
大连金州地区海陆风特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据2005年大连金州气象站的常规风向风速资料对金州地区的海陆风特征进行了分析,并应用MM5v3模式模拟了海陆风发生时的风场变化,计算了海风和陆风延伸到内陆和海面的距离。结果表明:大连金州地区海陆风的发生主要受太阳辐射强度和海陆温差的影响,在春夏季晴朗天气条件下海陆风发生的频率较高、平均风速较大,而海陆风的延伸距离主要受风速影响。  相似文献   
污染天气下成都城市热岛环流结构的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

本文利用中尺度模式WRF V3.9对2016年7月16日成都一次污染天气下的城市热岛环流个例进行了数值模拟,分析了城市热岛环流的三维结构及演变特征.并通过设计减少气溶胶光学厚度的敏感性试验,研究了污染对城市热岛环流的可能影响.结果表明:当地时间17:00城市热岛环流开始形成.随着热岛强度增强,环流增强,城乡边界处的城市风锋不断向城市中心推进.19:00热岛环流结构最显著.21:00环流结构被破坏,仅低层存在微弱的乡村风.在热岛环流结构最显著时刻,近地面风场由郊区向城市辐合,地面以上2.0 km处风场由城市向乡村辐散,辐散中心与辐合中心位置大致对应.此时城市风锋在城市处合并,环流的水平尺度约为城市尺度的2~2.5倍.当气溶胶光学厚度减小后,城市热岛环流尺度和强度以减小为主.特别是在热岛环流最显著时刻,低层乡村风风速减小,城市风锋最大上升速度降低,环流的水平尺度在西、南、北三个方向均减小,且高空回流高度降低.可能的影响机制是,气溶胶光学厚度减小后,净辐射通量增大,城乡地表能量通量差异增大,城市边界层高度升高.但城市边界层高度升高对城市热岛的抑制作用超过了城乡地表能量通量差异增加对城市热岛的增强作用,最终造成城市热岛减弱,环流减弱.

The Florida peninsula in the USA has a frequent occurrence of sea breeze(SB)thunderstorms.In this study,the numerical simulation of a Florida SB and its associated convective initiation(CI)is simulated using the mesoscale community Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model in one-way nested domains at different horizontal resolutions.Results are compared with observations to examine the accuracy of model-simulated SB convection and factors that influence SB CI within the simulation.It is found that the WRF model can realistically reproduce the observed SB CI.Differences are found in the timing,location,and intensity of the convective cells at different domains with various spatial resolutions.With increasing spatial resolution,the simulation improvements are manifested mainly in the timing of CI and the orientation of the convection after the sea breeze front(SBF)merger into the squall line over the peninsula.Diagnoses indicate that accurate representation of geophysical variables(e.g.,coastline and bay shape,small lakes measuring 10-30 km2),better resolved by the high resolution,play a significant role in improving the simulations.The geophysical variables,together with the high resolution,impact the location and timing of SB CI due to changes in low-level atmospheric convergence and surface sensible heating.More importantly,they enable Florida lakes(30 km2 and larger)to produce noticeable lake breezes(LBs)that collide with the SBFs to produce CI.Furthermore,they also help the model reproduce a stronger convective squall line caused by merging SBs,leading to more accurate locations of postfrontal convective systems.  相似文献   
采用WRF中尺度天气预报模式,针对海南岛多云天气条件下的一次典型海风个例,对局地海风环流结构进行数值模拟,分析海风环流的演变特征,并通过设计改变海南岛地形的敏感性试验,探究地形对海南岛局地海风环流结构以及云水分布的影响。结果表明:海岛西部陡峭的山区造成海风强迫抬升,偏南背景风使得海岛北部高空回流明显,海岛西部、北部的海风结构较为完整;地形高度越高,海岛南部山区的阻挡作用越强,西部地区的海风高空回流特征越显著,西部、西北部云水混合比的位置也越深入内陆;受南海季风的影响,与晴空天气相比,多云天气下海风强盛期全岛的最大风速稍大,海风在垂直方向上达到的高度更高;移平地形后,多云天气下全岛风速平均仅减少2~3 m·s^-1,而晴空天气下全岛风速则大大减弱,即多云天气下海风环流水平结构受地形的影响比晴空天气下弱。  相似文献   
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