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利用NECP/NCAR提供的逐日再分析资料,对江苏省2011年6月24—25日暴雨从环流形势、云图实况对照水汽通量和水汽通道变化3个方面进行了分析,结果表明前期影响该次暴雨过程的天气系统是西风槽,后期是台风,中期是两者相互作用.通过诊断过程水汽通量散度、垂直速度、散度和垂直螺旋度,发现它们作为25日强降水的预报因子,具有预报先兆性,大约有9~12 h的提前预报量.同时,发现近海台风(米雷)中低层垂直螺旋度由负变正并增加时,未来12 h内易出现强降水,而当中低层垂直螺旋度开始明显减小时,未来12 h内降水会逐渐减小,若减小是由正变负,则降水减弱时间更快,提前量在2 h左右.对于24和25日降水性质的不同,运用K指数加以验证,表明24日主要为多对流性降水,25日对流性减弱,以系统性降水为主.  相似文献   
2009—2013年中国西南地区连续干旱的成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡学平  王式功  许平平  尚可政 《气象》2014,40(10):1216-1229
提2009年以来,中国西南地区连续4年秋、冬、春季出现严重干旱,持续时间长、影响范围大、干旱程度重,给旱区农林业生产和人民生活带来严重影响,造成巨大的经济损失。本文利用多种资料从大尺度大气环流、水汽输送、太平洋及印度洋海温、平流层极涡等方面分析了此次连续干旱的原因。结果表明:南支槽强度偏弱、孟加拉湾水汽输送偏少以及弱极涡背景下,异常波活动造成的 AO 负异常引起的冷空气路径偏东是这4年持续干旱的共同特点。热带海表温度的异常变化对西南地区干旱的影响也不容忽视,主要表现在对孟加拉湾和南海水汽输送的阻碍上。La Nina 事件中,热带印度洋冬、春季海表温度的异常变化对干旱影响更为突出。冬、春季平流层和对流层的动力耦合作用结果使得 AO 位相发生变化,其中异常负位相的强度及持续时间对这4年西南地区秋、冬、春连旱的影响显著。  相似文献   
Thermal model for the Zanskar Himalaya   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
ABSTRACT Crustal thickening along the northern margin of the Indian plate, following the 50 Ma collision along the Indus Suture Zone in Ladakh, caused widespread high-temperature, medium-pressure Barrovian facies series metamorphism and anatexis. In the Zanskar Himalaya metamorphic isograds are inverted and structurally telescoped along the Main Central Thrust (MCT) Zone at the base of the High Himalayan slab. Along the Zanskar valley at the top of the slab, isograds are the right way-up and are also telescoped along northeast-dipping normal faults of the Zanskar Shear Zone (ZSZ), which are related to culmination collapse behind the Miocene Himalayan thrust front. Between the MCT and the ZSZ a metamorphic-anatectic core within sillimanite grade rocks contains abundant leucogranite-granite crustal melts of probable Himalayan age. A thermal model based on a crustal-scale cross-section across the Zanskar Himalaya suggests that M1 isograds, developed during early Himalayan Barrovian metamorphism, were overprinted during high-grade MCT-related anatexis and folded around a large-scale recumbent fold developed in the hanging wall of the MCT.  相似文献   
中国早寒武世岩相古地理   总被引:13,自引:22,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
本文中的中国主要指我国的大陆、海南岛及台湾等地区的陆地部分。本文由中国早寒武世早期及晚期的岩相古地理图2幅及相应的文字论述组成。这两幅岩相古地理图的最大特征是“两槽和三台相间分布”。两槽即天山北山蒙辽吉槽地和昆仑秦岭槽地,三台即准噶尔蒙兴槽地、塔里木柴达木华北台地和西藏华南台地。两个槽地与三个台地之间的界限是根据大地构造、地层、岩石、岩相等资料综合判断而定的,绝大部分是比较确切的,有的地方是推断的。天山北山槽地可分出次级岩相古地理单元,其他槽地的次级岩相古地理单元尚难以划分。在三个台地中,华南、华北和西北地区的研究程度较高,它们的次级岩相古地理单元的划分均有确切的定量资料和图件为依据,是定量的,而且还能把早寒武世早期和晚期的岩相古地理区分开;其他地区的研究程度较低,难以再划分次级古地理单元,其古地理图都只能是定性的。这种研究程度有差异的、定量和定性兼有的、全国范围的岩相古地理图,既反映笔者等的研究成果,也反映我国当前地质工作的研究程度,优缺兼有,实虚共存。敬请读者指教。  相似文献   
侯增谦 《地球化学》1996,25(3):228-241
选择西南太平洋冲绳海槽现代海底烟囱硫化物矿床、日本小坂矿山上向黑矿(第三纪)和中国西南呷村黑矿型矿床(三叠纪)进行了矿石地球化学比较研究。黑矿型矿床矿石吨位-品位模式与其他火山成因块状硫化物(VMS)矿床类似,矿田(20-50km^2)矿石吨位与单个喷气-沉积型(Sedex)矿床相当,金属总量4-6Mt,为矿田范围内热液流体搬运的最大金属量。与洋脊环境VMS矿床相比,岛弧裂谷环境产出的黑矿型矿床相  相似文献   
Using MONTBLEX-90 mean velocity data, roughness lengths and drag coefficients are estimated at Jodhpur and Kharagpur. At Jodhpur, since the surface is not uniform the roughness length is estimated separately in three different subsectors within the range of prevailing wind directions and averages to 1.23 cm in the sector between 200° and 230° which is relatively flat with no obstacles on the ground. At Kharagpur, where the terrain is more nearly homogeneous, the average value (for all prevailing wind directions) is 1.94 cm. The drag coefficient CD at Jodhpur shows variation both with the roughness subsector and with wind speed, the average over all directions increasing rapidly as themean wind speed Ū10 at 10m height drops according to the power lawC D = 0.05 Ū 10 t-1.09 in trie range 0.5 < Ū10 < 7 m s−1. At Kharagpur, the drag coefficient is smaller than at Jodhpur by nearly 50% for the same range of wind speeds (> 3 ms−1).  相似文献   
Metapelites from the inverted Barrovian sequence in the Sikkim Himalaya (northeast India) are shown to be largely continuous with respect to their bulk rock compositions, microstructures and pressure–temperature–time–deformation (PTtD) histories. However, the upper garnet–lower staurolite zone demarcates a region of microstructurally anomalous post-kinematic garnet populations contained within strongly segregated matrices. The different microstructures within samples from this region cannot be attributed to differences in their thermobarometric histories or bulk compositions, but are instead interpreted to represent an otherwise unexposed level of the Daling Group that is now exposed along a post-metamorphic thrust splay. These heterogeneous samples contain several discrete garnet populations that progressively crystallized with increasing PT. Garnet populations that experienced the most protracted growth now form complex polycrystals that exhibit crystallographically controlled and morphologically irregular interfaces adjacent to micaceous and quartzofeldspathic domains respectively. Electron backscatter diffraction indicates that these polycrystalline garnet structures contain numerous coalesced porphyroblasts that are structurally uncorrelated across their grain boundaries. However, a crystallographically preferred orientation at the polycrystal scale is interpreted to derive from epitaxial crystallization of early-formed garnet porphyroblasts on precursor mica. Later-nucleated porphyroblasts within polycrystals preferentially concentrated towards quartzofeldspathic domains, with the overall nucleation distribution likely controlled by a complex interplay between chemical heterogeneities, strain partitioning and epitaxial crystallization. The subsequent growth of these polycrystals was equally spatially heterogeneous; it was moderated by differences in the efficiency of grain boundary transfer between quartzofeldspathic and micaceous domains that precluded thin section-scale chemical equilibration. In contrast to samples from Sikkim containing more typical porphyroblastic populations in continuous and disseminated matrices, heterogeneous availability of garnet-forming components within this strongly layered matrix is shown to have resulted in grain-scale variations in growth rates and the spatial juxtapositioning of interface-controlled microstructures and locally equilibrated chemical compositions with those that were transport controlled.  相似文献   
对于朝鲜平南盆地沉积盖层内发育的倒转褶皱,过去一般认为是直立褶皱的次级从属褶皱。通过对平南盆地内倒转褶皱发育区详细的地质调查,结合煤炭开发过程中获得的地质及钻探资料,提出平南盆地内叠加褶皱的主要识别标志为:地质平面图上呈现不同类型的两组褶皱脊线的交叉;倒转褶皱的轴面被直立褶皱改造弯曲;直立褶皱的两翼发育的倒转褶皱表现为两组牵引褶皱。查明了平南盆地存在3个阶段的褶皱构造:第一阶段为东西向的倒转褶皱,形成于印支期;第二阶段褶皱为东西向的直立褶皱,形成于早燕山期;第三阶段褶皱为北北东向的直立褶皱,形成于晚燕山期。  相似文献   
Peck公式在我国隧道施工地面变形预测中的适用性分析   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
韩煊  李宁 《岩土力学》2007,28(1):23-28
在目前众多的预测地铁隧道开挖引起的地表位移的经验方法中,Peck于1969年提出的高斯方程最简便,也是目前应用最为广泛的方法。由于这一公式是基于有限地区的实测资料提出的,因此,在某个地区应用前首先应该进行基于当地实测资料的验证工作。国内地铁建设工作起步相对较晚,在土中开挖的浅埋隧道工程引起的地层变形实测资料比较缺乏,因此,目前对Peck公式在国内各地区的适用性还没有定论。近年来,随着地铁建设热潮的兴起,各地逐渐积累了一些实测资料,但仍比较零散,也没有形成比较统一的结论。通过对搜集到的国内8个地区30多组观测数据的分析,评价这一方法在不同地区的适用性,并对相关计算参数提出初步建议值。  相似文献   
地铁隧道施工引起地层位移规律的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
韩煊  李宁 《岩土力学》2007,28(3):609-613
目前对城市隧道开挖所引起的地表以下地层的位移规律的认识还很不充分,长期以来只有定性地认识。英国学者Mair等人(1993年)根据在黏土中的有限实测资料,基于预测地表位移的Peck公式,考虑了沉降槽宽度随深度变化,从而提出了地表以下的位移计算公式。他们的研究成果被广泛引用,但是由于其仅适用于黏性土,且假定地表处沉降槽宽度参数为0.5,因此在应用上受到很大的限制。在Mair公式的基础上,着重讨论了沉降槽宽度参数随地层深度的变化趋势,并提出了修正计算公式,不仅可以考虑地表沉降槽宽度参数与0.5相差较大的情况,还适用于砂类土地层,因此比Mair公式具有更广泛的适用性。  相似文献   
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