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Two sets of numerical experiments using the coupled National Center for Environmental Prediction General Circulation Model (NCEP/GCM T42L18) and the Simplified Simple Biosphere land surface scheme (SSiB) were carried out to investigate the climate impacts of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and leaf area index (LAI) on East Asia summer precipitation, especially in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). One set employed prescribed FVC and LAI which have no interannual variations based on the climatology of vegetation distribution; the other with FVC and LAI derived from satellite observations of the International Satellite Land Surface Climate Project (ISLSCP) for 1987 and 1988. The simulations of the two experiments were compared to study the influence of FVC, LAI on summer precipitation interannual variation in the YRB. Compared with observations and the NCEP reanalysis data, the experiment that included both the effects of satellite-derived vegetation indexes and sea surface temperature (SST) produced better seasonal and interannual precipitation variations than the experiment with SST but no interannual variations in FVC and LAI, indicating that better representations of the vegetation index and its interannual variation may be important for climate prediction. The difference between 1987 and 1988 indicated that with the increase of FVC and LAI, especially around the YRB, surface albedo decreased, net surface radiation increased, and consequently local evaporation and precipitation intensified. Further more, surface sensible heat flux, surface temperature and its diurnal variation decreased around the YRB in response to more vegetation. The decrease of surface-emitting longwave radiation due to the cooler surface outweighed the decrease of surface solar radiation income with more cloud coverage, thus maintaining the positive anomaly of net surface radiation. Further study indicated that moisture flux variations associated with changes in the general circulation also contributed to the precipitation interannual variation.  相似文献   
华南冬春降水的年际变化及其与水汽输送的联系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1960—2008 年华南47 个基准站降水资料和NCEP/NCAR 再分析资料,研究了华南冬春降水的年际变化特征及其与水汽输送的联系。结果表明,1960 年代—1970 年代和1990 年代末至今,华南冬、春降水明显偏少。华南冬春降水异常以“ 全区冬春同号型” 居多,且冬春连旱频率较高。影响华南冬春连续旱/涝的水汽输送存在季节性差异,冬季水汽输送变化主要来源于孟加拉湾和南海,春季水汽输送变化则来源于南海和我国北方。进一步探讨海温异常的影响发现,与华南冬春连续旱(涝)事件相关的Niño3.4 海温存在正、负异常型,海温异常中心分别偏向Niño4(Niño3)区和Niño3(Niño4)区。Niño3.4 区海温正异常时,孟加拉湾和南海水汽输送与华南冬春连续旱涝有密切联系;Niño3.4 区海温负异常时,冬季自西北太平洋经南海的水汽输送及春季自菲律宾海经南海的水汽输送和北方水汽输送对华南冬春连续旱涝有重要影响。以上水汽输送在两种海温异常情况下,连涝(旱)年均异常偏强(弱)。因此,Niño3.4 海温异常的变化及分布与华南冬春持续旱/涝事件存在联系,在此气候背景下,水汽输送异常是影响华南冬春降水异常的重要物理因子,其中南海是水汽输送异常显著相关区。   相似文献   
密云水库年及汛期径流量年际变化特征的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用定级分类,累积,谱分析等统计方法,分析了密云水库1919-1989年全年及汛期径流量年际变化的特征,发现密云水库全年及汛期径流量的年际变化具有持续性,周期性,多数年份偏枯等特性。  相似文献   
东亚夏季风强弱年大气环流和热源异常对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据黄刚等定义的东亚夏季风指数, 对强、弱东亚夏季风年大气环流、大气热源和外强迫源SST的差异进行分析, 结果表明:强 (弱) 东亚夏季风年前期冬季到夏季, 太平洋SSTA为La Ni?a (El Ni?o) 型分布, 西太平洋暖池SST暖 (冷), 使得暖池附近对流活动较强 (较弱)。与此同时, 南亚大陆从印度半岛、青藏高原南部、中南半岛至华南大气异常加热 (变冷), 并且海陆热力对比加强 (减弱), 有利于出现强 (弱) 的东亚夏季风。此外, 由于暖池附近对流活动强 (弱), 该地区上升气流较强 (弱), Walker环流增强 (减弱), 当强 (弱) 的东亚夏季风向北推进时, 副热带西风急流北撤位置偏北 (南), 副热带高压位置也偏北 (南), 7月至8月华北 (江淮流域) 位于副热带西风急流南侧, 降水偏多, 江淮流域 (华北) 降水偏少。并给出与东亚夏季风年际变异有关的大气环流和SST异常的物理图像。  相似文献   
The interannual variability of autumn precipitation over South China and its relationship with atmospheric circulation and SST anomalies are examined using the autumn precipitation data of 160 stations in China and the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis dataset from 1951 to 2004. Results indicate a strong interannual variability of autumn precipitation over South China and its positive correlation with the autumn western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH). In the flood years, the WPSH ridge line lies over the south of South China and the strengthened ridge over North Asia triggers cold air to move southward. Furthermore, there exists a significantly anomalous updraft and cyclone with the northward stream strengthened at 850 hPa and a positive anomaly center of meridional moisture transport strengthening the northward warm and humid water transport over South China. These display the reverse feature in drought years. The autumn precipitation interannual variability over South China correlates positively with SST in the western Pacific and North Pacific, whereas a negative correlation occurs in the South Indian Ocean in July. The time of the strongest lag-correlation coefficients between SST and autumn precipitation over South China is about two months, implying that the SST of the three ocean areas in July might be one of the predictors for autumn precipitation interannual variability over South China. Discussion about the linkage among July SSTs in the western Pacific, the autumn WPSH and autumn precipitation over South China suggests that SST anomalies might contribute to autumn precipitation through its close relation to the autumn WPSH.  相似文献   
近40年东亚季风变化特征及其与海陆温差关系   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 计算了乔云亭等定义的1957—2000年东亚季风指数, 研究了各指数之间相互关系和年际变化的主要特征, 在此基础上又利用全国194站1957—2000年地面资料分析东亚季风指数的年际变化与各气象要素场的年际变化之间的关系以及我国近40年气候变化特点。结果表明:西南季风、东南季风和偏北季风的年变化有所差异; 夏季, 东部地区降水量与相对应各个海区海陆温差负相关显著, 并且江淮区对应的海陆温差与东北区和华北区夏季降水有较好的正相关关系, 当江淮区对应的海陆温差降低时, 江淮区夏季降水量增加, 华北区和东北区夏季降水量减少; 经过前后两段时期 (1957—1978年和1979—2000年) 对比发现海陆温差变化对我国季风区夏季降水的影响在增强。同时, 发现850 hPa气温变化在前后两段时期也发生了显著变化, 1979年之前我国东部升温最快的区域位于华北西南部和江淮东部, 1979年之后升温最快的区域转移到江淮西部和我国东南部的海面上。  相似文献   
2000-2008年期间南海海面温度的年际与空间变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对2000-2008年更高空间分辨率的南海海面温度(SST)的卫星遥感数据进行经验正交函数(EOF)分析,着重研究21世纪以来整个南海海域SST年际变化的时空变异,并探讨了其与南海海面风场和海面高度的关系,以及期间南海发生的两次负异常事件的特点和成因.SST年际变化的第一模态表现为全海盆同相变化,年际振荡主要发生在...  相似文献   
广东省和广西壮族自治区(两广地区)夏季降水时空分布很不均匀,存在显著的年际变化。利用站点观测降水资料、海洋及大气再分析资料,研究了近40 a两广地区夏季降水年际异常与澳大利亚东侧海温异常的联系及机理。在年际时间尺度上,两广夏季降水异常与澳大利亚东侧的海温异常存在显著的负相关关系。当澳大利亚东侧海温异常偏高时,一方面,部分水汽由热带中太平洋向澳大利亚东侧海区辐合,部分沿西太平洋副热带高压边缘向东亚地区输送,两广地区为水汽辐散区域,另一方面,澳大利亚东侧海区的对流活动增强,该地区上空的上升运动异常增强,通过"大气桥"遥相关使得海洋性大陆地区的异常上升运动增强,从而加强了东亚地区的局地Hadley环流,使得两广地区下沉运动增强,二者共同作用致使两广地区夏季干旱少雨;反之亦然。  相似文献   
The intensity of summer precipitation interannual variability is strongest over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Valley(MLYRV). The variability is larger than 1.5 mm d–1 and up to 35%–40% of the climatological mean summer precipitation. The relationship between the interdecadal change in the intensity of summer precipitation and its interannual variability over this area is investigated, by analyzing five gauged and re-constructed precipitation datasets. The relationship is found to be very weak over the MLYRV, with a correlation coefficient of only approximately 0.10. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation influences the western North Pacific subtropical high, which is responsible for the interdecadal change in summer precipitation over the MLYRV. However, the precipitation interannual variability is closely related to the ENSO events in the preceding winter due to its impact on the meridional displacement of the East Asian westerly jet. Different physical mechanisms cause different interdecadal variation in the intensity of summer precipitation and its interannual variability, and thus result in a poor relationship.  相似文献   
Interdecadal variation of the relationships between ENSO and the summer interannual climate variability in China is investigated by using techniques of sliding correlation analysis with the tropical Pacific SSTA and the observed surface air temperature and precipitation from stations in China. The results indicate that there are stable and robust relations that the Northern China is relatively dry during the developing phase of ENSO while the Yangtze River valley is relatively wet during the decaying phase of ENSO. On the other hand, interdecadal variations of the relations are also found in other regions. Over the time both prior to the Pacific decadal climate shift (before the late 1970s) and after it (after the late 1970s), during the developing phases of ENSO the summer precipitation anomaly in South China changed from below to above normal, whereas that in Northeast China changed from above to below normal; the summer surface air temperature anomaly in North and Northeast China changed from cooling to warming, whereas that in South China changed to cooling; during the decaying phases of ENSO the North China changed from wetter to dryer while the Huai River valley changed from dryer to normal; North China, Yangtze River valley and South China tend to be warmer. Based on the composite analysis of the NCAR/NCEP reanalyze datasets, significant differences existing in ENSO-related atmospheric circulation anomaly in East Asia during pre- and post-shift periods may be responsible for the interdecadal variation of relationships between ENSO and surface air temperature and precipitation in China.  相似文献   
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