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李琳  熊雪梅 《地理研究》2012,31(11):2017-2030
目前国际学术界对地理邻近与创新论题的研究囿于静态分析视角。本文从产业集群生命周期视角出发分析地理邻近对集群演化不同阶段创新的动态影响机制,并据此提出理论假说;以我国六大汽车产业集群为研究对象,通过曲线拟合,对集群的动态演化过程进行实证分析,结果表明,目前我国六大汽车产业集群均处在快速成长期,均未到达成熟期;采用动态聚类分析法分别对六大汽车产业集群演化阶段进行划分,不同集群的划分界限不一;在此基础上,建立地理邻近与不同演化阶段集群创新绩效之间的计量模型并进行实证分析,得出以下重要结论:(1)地理邻近对集群演化初期和成长期创新的影响显着为正,成长期的影响效应大于初期;(2)同一演化阶段的不同集群地理邻近影响效应存在显着差异;进而提出针对性政策建议。  相似文献   
张建忠  孙根年 《地理研究》2012,31(11):2104-2414
旅游地的成长是一个由发现引入、加速成长、走向成熟到最终衰退的生命过程。旅游地生命周期理论是关于旅游地成长的管理理论,在实践中必须采用动态的管理措施来实现旅游产品创新和旅游地系统提升。运用旅游地生命周期理论,以1986~2010年乔家大院旅游人次、游客增长率以及指数模拟曲线等指标系统分析了大院旅游地生命周期。研究表明:乔家大院旅游地经历了4个阶段,即:探索阶段(1986年以前)、参与阶段(1987~1995年)、发展与巩固阶段(1996~2008年)、衰退阶段(2009年~至今).乔家大院已经进入“衰退期”,不仅要对资源整合营销,而且要改善旅游环境,营造良好运营氛围的战略;同时适应市场需求,深挖文化因子;实行产品差异化策略,打造特色大院旅游产品和提升大院旅游地体验性,打造大院体验旅游创新产品。  相似文献   
地理空间与创新:理论发展脉络与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭文柱 《世界地理研究》2012,(3):94-100,151
为回应"地理已死""、地理不再重要"的质疑,经济地理学者通过创新与空间关系的研究,重新发现了地理空间的意义。创新互动研究表明,单纯的地理邻近并不能促进区域创新,除了地理邻近之外,创新主体之间需要建立组织邻近和认知邻近。创新研究中的地理空间已经不再是简单的地理距离的邻近,而是由地理邻近与组织邻近及认知邻近构成的多维空间。虽然地理邻近既非促进创新的充分条件,也非必要条件,但地理邻近能够促进创新主体间认知邻近和组织邻近关系的建立,因此,促进企业之间的地理集聚仍然具有重要的现实意义。实证研究虽然发现地理邻近与创新绩效存在联系,但尚不清楚各种邻近各自对创新绩效的效果如何,各种邻近与创新的关系目前还停留在理论建构阶段,亟待开展相关的实证研究。  相似文献   
对拓展安徽地矿水工环地质工作服务领域的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈小军 《安徽地质》2009,19(3):172-175
在社会主义市场经济条件下,水工环(水文地质、工程地质、环境地质)地质工作服务对象由原来单一主体向多元主体转化,水工环地质工作服务领域的拓展也面临许多新的挑战,水工环地质工作应找准需求、寻求支撑、整合资源、创新机制,推动地质工作又好又快发展。  相似文献   
从市场现状、市场主体、业务区域、业务形态、竞争要素等多个角度分析我国工程勘察行业的现状,并依据行业发展和市场运行等外在因素,指出致力技术创新,拓展高端市场是大型勘察单位可持续发展的必然选择。提出了“培养企业创新氛围,坚持发挥科研先导作用;大力增加技术创新的投入;全力推进‘人才强院战略’,打造人才技术宝库”等打造品牌核心竞争力,实现技术创新和拓展高端市场的有效对接的方式方法。  相似文献   
采取《中国创新指数研究报告No.1》所提供的创新指数评估方法和评估数据,并通过与先进省份对比,分析了河南省制造业综合创新能力及构成,探讨了河南省制造业创新能力分企业类型状态,研究了河南省制造业创新能力与区域综合创新能力的关系,发现河南制造业创新能力虽然位居中部前列,但具有显著的结构二元性,在管理创新、规模经济和合作创新等方面积累了良好的优势,而体现自主创新的基础创新能力则严重不足,这种不足与全省综合创新能力整体上和结构上的落后密切相关。  相似文献   
The main assumptions and findings are presented on a comparative analysis of three GHG long-term emissions scenarios for Brazil. Since 1990, land-use change has been the most important source of GHG emissions in the country. The voluntary goals to limit Brazilian GHG emissions pledged a reduction in between 36.1% and 38.9% of GHG emissions projected to 2020, to be 6–10% lower than in 2005. Brazil is in a good position to meet the voluntary mitigation goals pledged to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) up to 2020: recent efforts to reduce deforestation have been successful and avoided deforestation will form the bulk of the emissions reduction commitment. In 2020, if governmental mitigation goals are met, then GHG emissions from the energy system would become the largest in the country. After 2020, if no additional mitigation actions are implemented, GHG emissions will increase again in the period 2020–2030, due to population and economic growth driving energy demand, supply and GHG emissions. However, Brazil is in a strong position to take a lead in low-carbon economic and social development due to its huge endowment of renewable energy resources allowing for additional mitigation actions to be adopted after 2020.

Policy relevance

The period beyond 2020 is now relevant in climate policy due to the Durban Platform agreeing a ‘protocol, legal instrument or agreed outcome with legal force’ that will have effect from 2020. After 2020, Brazil will be in a situation more similar to other industrialized countries, faced with a new challenge of economic development with low GHG energy-related emissions, requiring the adoption of mitigation policies and measures targeted at the energy system. Unlike the mitigation actions in the land-use change sector, where most of the funding will come from the national budgets due to sovereignty concerns, the huge financial resources needed to develop low-carbon transport and energy infrastructure could benefit from soft loans channelled to the country through nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs).  相似文献   
Little progress has been made in climate negotiations on technology since 1992. Yet the diffusion of climate change mitigation technologies to developing countries (non-Annex I) has increased dramatically over the last twenty years. The shift has mostly concerned emerging economies, which are now reasonably well connected to international technology flows. This is good news, as the bulk of emissions increases are expected to take place in these countries in the near future. In contrast, the least developed countries still appear to be excluded from international technology flows, mostly because of their negligible participation in the recent economic globalization. This article focuses on the policy implications of the contribution of climate negotiations to international technology diffusion.

Policy relevance

The discrepancy between the small amount of progress made in climate negotiations on technology since 1992 and the steady increase in the international diffusion of climate mitigation technologies leads to the perhaps controversial view that the diffusion of climate mitigation technologies does not need strong international coordination over technology issues under the UNFCCC. However, climate negotiations can play a key role in stimulating the demand for low-carbon technologies by setting ambitious emission reductions targets and policies.  相似文献   
The influence of business schools on business practitioners is considerable. An important proportion of corporate leaders hold a degree in business administration or an MBA, if not both. In the context of climate change, this influence matters: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from a selection of global 500 companies approximate that of the USA and the EU15 combined. Not only do corporations have a significant climate footprint, but the impact of climate change on the business landscape is already noticeable. Yet, meeting the managerial challenges that climate change brings requires knowledge only moderately addressed in business education and scholarship today. Climate change tends to be discussed in electives - hence reaching only a fraction of students - and tends to be treated alongside a myriad of other corporate social responsibility issues. Moreover, from 1992 to 2008, only seven articles with titles containing climate change or global warming were published in the top-30 peer-reviewed management journals (this paper, see also Goodall, 2008). In this paper, by mapping the diffusion of climate change within press media and academic peer-reviewed publications, I argue that understanding the existing lag in business scholarship engagement requires a fundamental understanding of processes that either hinder or lead to the diffusion of new ideas. To do so, I present a simple yet novel approach for the quantification of climate change or global warming (CCorGW) coverage relative to population size. My results on the diffusion of the climate change idea over time show: (a) an overall increase in proportional coverage in all databases (b) tipping points around the late 1980s and circa 2005 and (c) delays in adoption between press categories. I explicate the occurrence of these tipping points as well as the existence of delays by theoretically unifying my analyses with results from previous studies under the umbrella of the diffusion of innovation paradigm. I suggest that the following key factors have contributed in slowing the diffusion within business scholarship: (a) corporate values, beliefs and operational modes (b) social structures and incentives prevailing within academia and finally (b) academia's valued research communication channels. I conclude by elaborating key recommendations to facilitate the diffusion of this idea to business scholars and other influential audiences.  相似文献   
创新是我省矿业经济跨越式发展的动力源泉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜建军  邓海 《吉林地质》2001,20(4):37-40
本文着重阐述了创新在我省矿业经济跨越式发展中的重要作用,并结合我省矿业经济发展现状提出了提高认识、增加投入、培养创新体系和建立竞争激励机制等对策和建议。  相似文献   
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