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以遥感技术为手段、ETM影像为基础数据,解译了西昆仑塔什库尔干地区主要线、环构造,划分出北西、近南北和近东西向3组主要线性断裂.利用比值和主成分分析等方法,通过异常下限值圈定的数学模型定量提取了铁化、泥化和硅化蚀变信息.综合分析地质、矿产、地球化学及物、化探异常等资料,结合遥感构造解译和蚀变信息,优选了2个Ⅰ类找矿靶区...  相似文献   
以移动通讯数据传输技术、网络技术和时态数据库技术为基础,构建了导航地理信息的变化发现、分析甄别、采集、加工、处理、存储和发布服务一体化的增量式更新服务模式、技术、软件、质检和标准体系,论述了多源数据融合、时空模型及空间关系的动态实时维护、多尺度增量式导航电子地图综合处理、路径规划和质检方法等关键性技术,实现了导航电子地图近实时更新服务。  相似文献   
A numerical scheme for solving the class of extended Boussinesq equations is presented. Unlike previous schemes, where the governing equations are integrated through time using a fourth-order method, a second-order Godunov-type scheme is used thus saving storage and computational resources. The spatial derivatives are discretised using a combination of finite-volume and finite-difference methods. A fourth-order MUSCL reconstruction technique is used to compute the values at the cell interfaces for use in the local Riemann problems, whilst the bed source and dispersion terms are discretised using centred finite-differences of up to fourth-order accuracy. Numerical results show that the class of extended Boussinesq equations can be accurately solved without the need for a fourth-order time discretisation, thus improving the computational speed of Boussinesq-type numerical models. The numerical scheme has been applied to model a number of standard test cases for the extended Boussinesq equations and comparisons made to physical wave flume experiments.  相似文献   
本文运用面向对象分类与DEM数据相结合的方法,对资源卫星一号02C卫星遥感影像进行湿地提取。探索了基于对象与DEM信息的提取技术,在02C影像湿地的提取应用,对研究我国国产卫星在湿地监测和保护方面有重要的意义。研究结果表明:(1)面向对象的遥感影像信息提取方法,可同时兼顾影像光谱信息及空间信息,适用于02C影像的湿地提取,精度得到明显提高;(2)基于对象与DEM信息的提取方法,使沼泽地与草地相混淆的现象明显减轻,湿地分类精度进一步提高,该方法适用于高分辨率遥感影像的湿地提取研究;(3)基于对象与DEM信息提取的水田、水体、沼泽地及河滩的精度,分别为88.46%、97.44%、86.96%和83.33%,满足资源卫星一号02C遥感影像对湿地进行监测和保护的需要。  相似文献   
Seabed sediment textural parameters such as mud, sand and gravel content can be useful surrogates for predicting patterns of benthic biodiversity. Multibeam sonar mapping can provide near-complete spatial coverage of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data that are useful in predicting sediment parameters. Multibeam acoustic data collected across a ~1000 km2 area of the Carnarvon Shelf, Western Australia, were used in a predictive modelling approach to map eight seabed sediment parameters. Four machine learning models were used for the predictive modelling: boosted decision tree, random forest decision tree, support vector machine and generalised regression neural network. The results indicate overall satisfactory statistical performance, especially for %Mud, %Sand, Sorting, Skewness and Mean Grain Size. The study also demonstrates that predictive modelling using the combination of machine learning models has provided the ability to generate prediction uncertainty maps. However, the single models were shown to have overall better prediction performance than the combined models. Another important finding was that choosing an appropriate set of explanatory variables, through a manual feature selection process, was a critical step for optimising model performance. In addition, machine learning models were able to identify important explanatory variables, which are useful in identifying underlying environmental processes and checking predictions against the existing knowledge of the study area. The sediment prediction maps obtained in this study provide reliable coverage of key physical variables that will be incorporated into the analysis of covariance of physical and biological data for this area.  相似文献   
The concept of in-plane and anti-plane shaking is introduced with a rigid block on a plane surface with Coulomb friction. Using a hypoplastic constitutive relation to model the mechanical behaviour of the soil, numerical solutions for a rigid block on a thin dry or saturated soil layer are obtained. The coupled nature of dynamic problems involving granular materials is shown, i.e. the motion of the block changes the soil state—skeleton stresses and density—which in turn affects the block motion. Motions of the block as well as soil response can be more realistically calculated by the new model. The same constitutive equation is applied to the numerical simulation of the propagation of plane waves in homogeneous and layered level soil deposits induced by a wave coming from below. Experiments with a novel laminar shake box as well as real seismic records from well-documented sites during strong earthquakes are used to verify the adequacy of the hypoplasticity-based numerical model for the prediction of soil response during strong earthquakes. The response of a homogeneous earth dam subjected to in-plane and anti-plane shaking is investigated numerically. In-plane and anti-plane shaking is shown to cause nearly the same spreading of a sand dam under drained conditions, whereas under undrained conditions anti-plane shaking causes stronger spreading of the dam. The dynamic behaviour of a breakwater founded on rockfill and soft clay during the 1995 Kobe earthquake is back-calculated to show the good performance of the proposed numerical model also with a structure. Section 9 deals with buildings on mattresses of densified cohesionless soils or fine-grained soils with granular columns, slopes with ‘hidden’ dams and structures on piles traversing clayey slopes to show the suitability of hypoplasticity-based models for the earthquake-resistant design and safety assessment of geotechnical systems.  相似文献   
用1958-2003年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,利用涡度源方程、Eliassen-Palm通量(EP通量)和非绝热效应的波能方程,分析了夏季沿西亚急流Rossby波活动(WAJRA)异常的波源、能量传播和转换特征,从大气动力学内部机制上进一步认识WAJRA异常的成因,提高对中高纬大气环流异常机理的理解.研究表明,对流层高层位于地中海和北大西洋-斯堪的纳维亚半岛的负涡度源区和EP通量强辐散区为夏季WAJRA异常的波源区.当波源区位置和强度出现异常时,波源所激发东传的Rossby波活动也出现异常,从而导致WAJRA强弱变化.WAJRA强(弱)年冰岛-斯堪的那维亚半岛(斯堪的那维亚半岛以东)EP通量强辐散区激发Rossby波并沿2条路径向东传播,一支向东传播在乌拉尔山附近转向东南并在里海、咸海-新疆上空进入亚洲副热带西风急流传播增强(减弱),另一支直接向东南方向传播在地中海东部-黑海附近进入亚洲西风急流增强(减弱),此外,地中海上空EP通量辐散也增强(减弱),它们共同作用使得WAJRA增强(减弱).沿西亚地区副热带西风急流(简称西亚急流,指亚洲副热带西风急流的15°-60°E部分)非绝热加热产生扰动有效位能远大于基本气流动能向扰动动能的转换和基本气流有效位能向扰动有效位能的转换.西亚急流Rossby波活动强年(弱年)伊朗高原及其北侧的西亚地区非绝热加热产生的有效位能增强(减弱)显著,是WAJRA增强(减弱)的能量源.  相似文献   
中国太阳能热发电站选址模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太阳能热发电技术在我国新世纪能源战略中具有重要地位,太阳能热发电电站位置的合理选择对发电成本有直接影响,涉及到太阳能热发电技术本身、高时空分辨率的太阳能法直辐射分布、土地利用分布、水资源分布、社会经济分布,以及政策税收等众多因素。本文提出了一个太阳能热发电站选址的决策支持系统框架,就其中的太阳能直法辐射调查进行了初步试验。本文依据供需时空平衡原则进一步讨论了多种绿色能源互补的大能源系统运筹问题。  相似文献   
分析了基础地理信息数据库建设中对存储备份系统的需求和当前存储系统的组成及特点 ,提出了存储局域网在基础地理信息数据库系统建设中的应用方案 ,并介绍了其在陕西省基础地理信息数据库系统建设中的实现情况  相似文献   
基于ArcEngine的数字高程模型更新方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用COM技术,以ARCENGINE所提供的类库和凸包算法,实现了数字高程模型(DEM)数据更新的边界检测和利用矢量地形数据采集更新数字高程模型数据的方法。保证了数字高程模型数据的精度,可以满足数字高程模型的现势性需求。  相似文献   
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