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Impact stiffness is an important parameter of the contact‐element models for the analysis and prediction of the pounding responses of highway bridges subjected to seismic excitations. This paper presents a pounding experiment to investigate the inconsistencies between the theoretical and experimental values of the impact stiffness both for the linear impact model and Kelvin impact model presented in literature. The analysis of the impact acceleration and acoustic emission signals indicates that accelerometer performance and the non‐uniform pounding are two important factors that affect the pounding responses. Based on this observation, a phenomenological contact‐element model is proposed based on the actual contact state of highway bridges during the impact. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed impact model, a numerical simulation is subsequently conducted. A comparison of the results indicates that the proposed impact model can effectively predict the pounding responses of highway bridges. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
瞬态瑞雷波反演横波的SVD算法及其应用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
利用奇异值分解算法对瑞雷波频散曲线进行反演,提高横波速度的反演精度,引入权重矩阵提高数据分辨率,采用自适应修改阻尼因子提高迭代效果并协调分辨率与解的关系.某高速公路软土路基实测资料试算结果表明,用该算法对瞬态瑞雷波频散曲线进行反演,不但具有稳定性好、精度高、分辨能力强的特点,而且能自动分层和反演地层参数,在高速公路软土路基探测等领域中具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   
刘志强  辛建  喻文兵 《冰川冻土》2013,35(6):1499-1504
寒区高等级公路宽幅路面比普通路面吸热面积更大,增加了保证路基稳定性的难度.在对其进行路基温度场的稳定性分析时,传统的有限元方法都是进行确定性分析,没有考虑到边界条件等因素的随机性、变异性,因此不能得知以上随机因素引起温度场的变幅.采用随机有限元法,由温度场的变分原理,通过摄动法建立随机温度场,从而得到随机温度场的有限元格式,理论公式可广泛适用于其他工程随机温度场问题. 将宽幅路基气温边界条件参数设为随机变量,考虑升温效应,对寒区宽幅路基温度场进行计算,分析了温度场均值和方差的分布规律.结果表明:宽幅路基中部聚热效应明显,路基下部出现厚度不均匀的融化盘,可能造成路基不均匀沉降;边界条件的随机性造成温度场方差分布呈明显的边界效应,即越靠近路基上边界温度场方差越大,在一定深度以下趋于零.此外,不论是路基下出现的融化盘,还是温度场方差分布下边界都将随时间增长而扩大.  相似文献   
新疆公路沿线近50多年来湿润指数区域特征及变化趋势   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
利用新疆公路沿线103个气象站近50年(1951-2007年)的各月平均气温、月日照百分率、月太阳辐射总量、月降水量总量、月平均风速、月平均水气压与地理参数数据,结合天山以北和天山以南公路沿线3个5层梯度风近10年来(2000-2008年)自动气象站风速资料,应用改进的Penman公式计算了最大潜在蒸发EPT,进而得到地表湿润指数D=R/EPT,以反映新疆公路沿线的水热平衡状况,衡量新疆公路沿线地表干旱、湿润状况。采用等概率原则、气候倾向率、累积距平、曲线平滑的低通滤波等气候统计方法,研究了新疆公路沿线近50年年湿润指数的区域特征及变化趋势,结果表明:新疆天山以北和天山以南公路沿线地表湿润指数呈现增加趋势,其中天山以北公路沿线比天山以南增湿更为明显,天山以北公路沿线增湿率为0.023/10 a~0.030/10 a;天山以南公路沿线为0.003~0:006/10 a。特别是90年代以来,天山以北公路吐乌大、乌奎高等级公路和国道216路段干旱区增湿率达到0.078 20/10 a。主要原因是由于降水量增加,最大潜在蒸散显著减小,使得湿润指数显著增加,它是导致天山以北高速公路高路基出现纵向裂纹和路基下沉病害的主要...  相似文献   
泥石流堵塞主河条件   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了泥石流堵河的主要影响因素,包括泥石流与主河流量比,泥石流与主河交汇角,主河宽度,泥石流体的抗冲强度和主河底床坡度.通过对这些主要因素的分析和对比,将这5个主要因素简化为4个无量纲量.针对这些无量纲参数进行了一系列的泥石流堵塞主河试验.对比本次研究和其他文献关于泥石流堵河试验的变量和结果,可以得出无量纲化的泥石流堵塞主河的临界条件.实验结果表明,泥石流堵河的临界值C≥0.87,而且当流量比小于1时难以形成堵河现象.用该堵塞主河的条件能正确判断许多原型泥石流堵塞主河事件.  相似文献   
In order to systemically summarize and integrate technology of highway construction in permafrost regions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,we studied disciplines and mechanisms of formation and development of problems and challenges in highway engineer-ing in high-altitude permafrost regions based on construction experiences for 50 years and on 30 years of research regarding the Qinghai-Tibet and Xikang highways.Embankments,pavements,bridges,and countermeasures for ecosystem protection in per-mafrost regions were the main study objects.We combined extensive analysis of key problems of engineering stability with inter-action between permafrost and highways,theoretical models,indoor tests,and field tests to reveal the interaction between em-bankments,pavements,bridge piles,and permafrost.In this paper,we propose a series of engineering measures for highway sta-bility,design parameters,key indexes for pavement durability in low temperature,relationships between re-freezing time of bridge-pile foundation and strength development as well as ecosystem recovery in high-latitude cold regions;these eventually form a construction technology package for permafrost regions.  相似文献   
汶川大地震公路桥梁震害初步调查   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
2008年5月12日我国四川省汶川县发生8级大地震,造成大量公路桥梁破坏。本文详细介绍了百花大桥、小鱼洞大桥、庙子坪大桥、龙尾大桥等9座典型公路桥梁的震害情况及原因。这个地区的桥梁主要为桥面连续简支梁桥,支座多为直接搁置的板式橡胶支座,地震中稳定性较差,主梁与桥墩连接较为薄弱,更多地发生横、纵向移位,乃至最终落梁。这种薄弱连接一定程度上降低了桥墩的地震荷载,总体上看桥墩震害较轻,但从破坏的桥墩、拱肋、盖梁来看,直接剪切或形成弯曲塑性铰后的剪切破坏较为多见。提出了公路桥梁抗震设计若干建议,涉及桥台抗震稳定性及强度校核、曲线梁桥和高墩桥梁设计、支座及防落梁措施设计、桥墩及构件延性设计、场地液化等多个方面。强调了抗震构造措施能够维持公路桥梁大震后应急通行功能的"最强设计原则"。  相似文献   
雪峰山公路隧道的超前预测预报研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
马亢  徐进  张志龙  王兰生  李朝政 《岩土力学》2009,30(5):1381-1386
雪峰山隧道为上海-瑞丽国道主干线湖南省邵阳-怀化高速公路上最大的控制性工程,全长约7 km,最大埋深约850 m,为典型的越岭长大公路隧道。采用不同方法,对该隧道的断层破碎带、塌方、岩爆及大变形等地质灾害和围岩稳定性问题进行了超前预测预报研究。研究以地质分析为基础,运用了TSP、地质雷达、赤平投影和关键块体检索法、断层错动机制解、室内岩石力学试验、数值模拟以及隧道内地质观测分析等方法对前方各类地质信息开展超前预报,取得了较好的效果,并成功地预测预报了断层F2的出现及无强烈岩爆灾害的可能性,对安全施工提供了保证,可为今后类似工程借鉴。  相似文献   
严寒地区路堑边坡破坏机理及稳定计算分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯守中  闫澍旺  崔琳 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z1):155-159
内蒙古省际通道新林北至扎兰屯段一级公路修建过程中,一些局部路堑边坡出现了较严重的边坡滑塌现象。目前公路行业的路基设计施工规范中尚没有涉及高寒地区路堑边坡的设计施工方法,也缺乏此类地区路堑边坡的稳定性设计评价标准。为此在进行了大量调研工作的基础上,对路堑边坡的破坏机理进行了分析,提出了确保公路路堑边坡稳定的有效措施及相应的计算方法,成果可为其他类似工程借鉴参考。  相似文献   
Interaction of bridge structures with the adjacent embankment fills and pile foundations is generally responsible for response modification of the system to strong ground excitations, to a degree that depends on soil compliance, support conditions, and soil mass mobilized in dynamic response. This paper presents a general modeling and assessment procedure specifically targeted for simulation of the dynamic response of short bridges such as highway overcrossings, where the embankment soil–structure interaction is the most prevalent. From previous studies it has been shown that in this type of interaction, seismic displacement demands are magnified in the critical bridge components such as the central piers. This issue is of particular relevance not only in new design but also in the assessment of the existing infrastructure. Among a wide range of issues relevant to soil–structure interaction, typical highway overcrossings that have flexible abutments supported on earth embankments were investigated extensively in the paper. Simulation procedures are proposed for consideration of bridge‐embankment interaction effects in practical analysis of these structures for estimation of their seismic performance. Results are extrapolated after extensive parametric studies and are used to extract ready‐to‐use, general, and parameterized capacity curves for a wide range of possible material properties and geometric characteristics of the bridge‐embankment assembly. Using two instrumented highway overpasses as benchmark examples, the capacity curves estimated using the proposed practical procedures are correlated successfully with the results of explicit incremental dynamic analysis, verifying the applicability of the simple tools developed herein, in seismic assessment of existing short bridges. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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